At Last, Trump Tariffs Attacking US Globalist Lunacy

The European Union is considering applying 25% tariffs on around $3.5 billion of imports from the U.S. in retaliation if Trump carries out his plan to apply global duties to steel and aluminum, EU sources tell Reuters.
The Europeans (and Asians) can threaten but they can't fight a trade war with the US (when we are actually fighting them -which hasn't happened with the last 4 pitiful presidents). That's because of (as I stated in the OP - is anybody reading it ?) > "Our enormous MARKET.

Does China need us ? Of course they do. A huge % of their exports come here. Just walk through Walmart, pick up 100 items, and look at where they came from. China, China, China, China, etc. We have a massive population of people with money to buy things. And what does China have for us ? A huge population of people with pennies in their pockets (even those with full-time jobs)."

We have (by far) the largest and most lucrative MARKET in the world. We don't need Europe or Asia to obtain consumers for our products. We can sell to ourselves. This is what the Europeans and Asians can't do. They need our big, rich MARKET. We don't need them

Trade war ? As Pat Buchanan has said >> "We'd eat their lunch."
You're an economic imbecile. This is going to hurt American workers and consumers.
The European Union is considering applying 25% tariffs on around $3.5 billion of imports from the U.S. in retaliation if Trump carries out his plan to apply global duties to steel and aluminum, EU sources tell Reuters.

They already do apply tariffs, taxes, and restrictions on US goods.
A new Corvette in Europe costs over $98,000. In the US it costs $65,000 for the same model (with taxes).

There is a reason when you come to Germany 90% of the cars on the road are German: they protect their industries by tariffs.
After repeated 2016 campaign promises to hit China, Mexico and other economic enemies of the US, with tariffs on their exports to America, President Trump is finally delivering. He has announced 25% tariffs to go on imported steel + 10% on aluminum.

What took so long ? Maybe it was all the work of undoing all the damages of 8 years of the Obama administration + the distractions of the Russian collusion scam. In any case, the decades of economic deterioration brought upon us by 4 presidents >> Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama, is finally ending.

The serious damages to our economy that globalist policy has caused us, can now be reversed. How disturbing it is to hear economic airheads talking like this is a bad thing. Nothing could illustrate their economic ignorance more than this. Just shows you can't assume people know what they're talking about.

First, it should be noted that all the damage we've suffered economically over the past 28 years, has been completely unecessary. Why/how it occured is mysterious. There is no mystery though, that all along we in America have been holding all the cards on the world economic stage. That's because of one primary thing. Our enormous MARKET.

Does China need us ? Of course they do. A huge % of their exports come here. Just walk through Walmart, pick up 100 items, and look at where they came from. China, China, China, China, etc. We have a massive population of people with money to buy things. And what does China have for us ? A huge population of people with pennies in their pockets (even those with full-time jobs).

How absurd for the loud, know-nothings to blabber about a trade war. EARTH TO THEM: There has BEEN a trade war going on for 28 years, but all the warring has been done against the US, with the US doing nothing to strike back. Until now. And we hold the higher ground. The Europeans, Chinese, Mexicans, Japanese, South Koreans, Malaysians, who need our market, will not get it scott free, any more.

US companies who were forced out of America, by globalist policies of tariff-free imports, from countries with a much lower corporate tax, lower labor costs, no wage & hour laws, and health safety, and environmental regualtions, no unions, will no longer be undercut, and unable to exist in the US. Many, if not all, will return to the US.

The benefits to America by us finally ending the role of being the doormat for the rest of the world, go beyond manufacturing companies. The insane globalism of the past 4 presidents (and it would have been 5 with Hillary Clinton) has also harmed our national security. Did you think imported oil was our only sticking point ? Former South Carolina Senator Fritz Hollings (called by Pat Buchanan >> "the economic patriot of the Senate for 4 decades") wrote : >>

"The defense indusry has been off-shored. We had to wait months to get flat panels from Japan before we launched Desert Storm. Boeing can't build a fighter plane except for the parts from India. Sikorsky can't build a helicopter except for the tail motor from Turkey. Today, we cant go to war except for the favor of a foreign country."

And the economic patriot of Cable TV News for 2 decades, Lou Dobbs, has said: "Over 2/3 of "our" ports aren't ours. They're foreign owned." But the days of almost 3 decades of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama, enacting and supporting NAFTA, WTO, abolishing tariffs, and granting China unrestricted access to the US market, are coming to an abrupt end. America is being made great again.

You are so much bullshit. Ignorant Trump supporter. The fact is that a number of companies have started to come back to the US even when Obama was President. Jobs have been lost to automation and increased productivity. You are the know-nothing. The Japanese and Germans are making cars in the US.
Hollywood movies generally make more than half their revenue from overseas venues including China. Trump supporters tell us the economy is strong. Why risk it.

You dare to quote a idiot like Hollings. A Senator who as Governor enforced segregation. Pat Buchanan is a lunatic as well as a anti-semite.

The fact is that this will drive prices up for users of steel which employ 144 million people. You want to throw them under the bus. his will drive up prices for consumers. Trump restricted Canadian lumber from coming into the country. This has resulted in a shortage of timber and skyrocketing prices for the lumber used in building new homes. This could increase the cost of a new home by $8,000.

The fact is that China only supplies 4% of the steel used in the US. This does not do a thing to hurt them. You are hitting everyone except China.
A new Corvette in Europe costs over $98,000. In the US it costs $65,000 for the same model (with taxes).

There is a reason when you come to Germany 90% of the cars on the road are German: they protect their industries by tariffs.

Also gas is very high in Germany. A Corvette is not exactly fuel efficient. Also BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen make cars in the US. Maybe you would like them to leave.
A new Corvette in Europe costs over $98,000. In the US it costs $65,000 for the same model (with taxes).

There is a reason when you come to Germany 90% of the cars on the road are German: they protect their industries by tariffs.

Also gas is very high in Germany. A Corvette is not exactly fuel efficient. Also BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen make cars in the US. Maybe you would like them to leave.

No, I’m saying we should put tariffs on them as long as Germany puts tariffs on US cars.
You make imported steel 25% more expensive, manufacturers have to start buying far expensive imported and domestic steel, domestic steel raises price due to higher demand, prices shoot up across the board. The extra expense affects the middle and lower classes far more relative to the impact felt by the upper class. Eventually the artificial controls (tariffs) run their course and everything goes back to the way it was, except for the period of hardship and stalled growth caused by liberal tariff policy.
Refuted in Post # 6 (and every college Microeconomics classroom around the world)

I suggest you need to study some economics. You need to add the break even point to the Bell Curve. If a company's position falls below the break-even point then they will no longer produce the product. There are 2 ways for a company to recoup its added costs. Either raise prices or cut costs to lower the break-even point. That is a synonym for laying people off.

A trade dispute between Canada and the US has led to a shortage of lumber and skyrocketing prices. Sellers are passing on at least some of the increase to consumers. That can't happen according to you. You are using Bernie Sanders economics. Not real world economics.
As far as the tariffs I am going to hold judgment until I see the results. I can see BOTH sides of the argument as well as two possible outcomes depending on how American companies respond.

1. Massive growth in the industry leading to good job growth.

2. Greed & price hikes

Greed is always there. Price hikes can't happen.

You live on Fantasy Island. Come down to the real world. Price hikes do happen even at Walmart.
A new Corvette in Europe costs over $98,000. In the US it costs $65,000 for the same model (with taxes).

There is a reason when you come to Germany 90% of the cars on the road are German: they protect their industries by tariffs.

Also gas is very high in Germany. A Corvette is not exactly fuel efficient. Also BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen make cars in the US. Maybe you would like them to leave.

No, I’m saying we should put tariffs on them as long as Germany puts tariffs on US cars.

You are a dope. You are going to put a tariff on cars made in the US?
After repeated 2016 campaign promises to hit China, Mexico and other economic enemies of the US, with tariffs on their exports to America, President Trump is finally delivering. He has announced 25% tariffs to go on imported steel + 10% on aluminum.

What took so long ? Maybe it was all the work of undoing all the damages of 8 years of the Obama administration + the distractions of the Russian collusion scam. In any case, the decades of economic deterioration brought upon us by 4 presidents >> Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama, is finally ending.

The serious damages to our economy that globalist policy has caused us, can now be reversed. How disturbing it is to hear economic airheads talking like this is a bad thing. Nothing could illustrate their economic ignorance more than this. Just shows you can't assume people know what they're talking about.

First, it should be noted that all the damage we've suffered economically over the past 28 years, has been completely unecessary. Why/how it occured is mysterious. There is no mystery though, that all along we in America have been holding all the cards on the world economic stage. That's because of one primary thing. Our enormous MARKET.

Does China need us ? Of course they do. A huge % of their exports come here. Just walk through Walmart, pick up 100 items, and look at where they came from. China, China, China, China, etc. We have a massive population of people with money to buy things. And what does China have for us ? A huge population of people with pennies in their pockets (even those with full-time jobs).

How absurd for the loud, know-nothings to blabber about a trade war. EARTH TO THEM: There has BEEN a trade war going on for 28 years, but all the warring has been done against the US, with the US doing nothing to strike back. Until now. And we hold the higher ground. The Europeans, Chinese, Mexicans, Japanese, South Koreans, Malaysians, who need our market, will not get it scott free, any more.

US companies who were forced out of America, by globalist policies of tariff-free imports, from countries with a much lower corporate tax, lower labor costs, no wage & hour laws, and health safety, and environmental regualtions, no unions, will no longer be undercut, and unable to exist in the US. Many, if not all, will return to the US.

The benefits to America by us finally ending the role of being the doormat for the rest of the world, go beyond manufacturing companies. The insane globalism of the past 4 presidents (and it would have been 5 with Hillary Clinton) has also harmed our national security. Did you think imported oil was our only sticking point ? Former South Carolina Senator Fritz Hollings (called by Pat Buchanan >> "the economic patriot of the Senate for 4 decades") wrote : >>

"The defense indusry has been off-shored. We had to wait months to get flat panels from Japan before we launched Desert Storm. Boeing can't build a fighter plane except for the parts from India. Sikorsky can't build a helicopter except for the tail motor from Turkey. Today, we cant go to war except for the favor of a foreign country."

And the economic patriot of Cable TV News for 2 decades, Lou Dobbs, has said: "Over 2/3 of "our" ports aren't ours. They're foreign owned." But the days of almost 3 decades of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama, enacting and supporting NAFTA, WTO, abolishing tariffs, and granting China unrestricted access to the US market, are coming to an abrupt end. America is being made great again.

It's funny, because you people have no idea how the US got rich in the first place. You're destroying the source of your wealth, and you think you'll benefit by it.
The bell curve shows a relationship between variables. When you change one variable, it affects the others. Artificially increasing a price leads to a lower demand and supply. You are saying things will be okay because a new bell curve will coalesce around the shittier supply and demand, even though the result is less production.
NO, that's NOT what I said. You didn't take Microeconomics in college I take it,. I said (like You) a higher price will leads to a lower demand, and thus less SALES, and thus LOSS of income. That's why there can't be that higher price. Get it ?

A company also loses money from higher costs as well. They are not going to eat those costs. They will pass the costs on or lay people off.
A new Corvette in Europe costs over $98,000. In the US it costs $65,000 for the same model (with taxes).

There is a reason when you come to Germany 90% of the cars on the road are German: they protect their industries by tariffs.

Also gas is very high in Germany. A Corvette is not exactly fuel efficient. Also BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen make cars in the US. Maybe you would like them to leave.

No, I’m saying we should put tariffs on them as long as Germany puts tariffs on US cars.

You are a dope. You are going to put a tariff on cars made in the US?

Wow are you really this dumb? They already are putting tariffs and taxes on our cars, moron.
It’s about time. Enough is enough with these ridiculous trade policies we have. Every other country does it to protect their industries, yet if America does it, it suddenly is bad.

The globalists are freaking out over it of course, and their MSM puppets are pushing the narrative that President Trump is being reckless. Poor MSM puppets, they must obey their globalist masters.

These tarrifs are going to affect us regular consumers.

Companies like Apple are affected because the phones are made out of aluminum and steel. So their are going to increase. And a whole bunch of other every products will increase in price.

Nothing to do with globalist.

Sorry, no. There will be a rumple in the market temporarily as it raises material costs, but ultimately Trump sees the big picture clearly, and with the cost incentive gone from buying foreign import metals, American companies will now be able to compete and this will give rise to a huge growth of American production and demand. Score BIG WIN for America and The Donald.
A company also loses money from higher costs as well. They are not going to eat those costs. They will pass the costs on or lay people off.
They can do neither of those. Both of those would result in reduced sales to the extent of business LOSSES$$ ( a no-no in business) You don't know basic microeconomics.
They already do apply tariffs, taxes, and restrictions on US goods.
Yes, and much higher than we tariff them. For example, EU has 10% tariff on cars we export to them. We have only a 2.5% tariff on their cars coming here.

WE are the ones who are retaliating, and its about time.
You are so much bullshit. Ignorant Trump supporter. The fact is that a number of companies have started to come back to the US even when Obama was President. Jobs have been lost to automation and increased productivity. You are the know-nothing. The Japanese and Germans are making cars in the US.
Hollywood movies generally make more than half their revenue from overseas venues including China. Trump supporters tell us the economy is strong. Why risk it.

You dare to quote a idiot like Hollings. A Senator who as Governor enforced segregation. Pat Buchanan is a lunatic as well as a anti-semite.

The fact is that this will drive prices up for users of steel which employ 144 million people. You want to throw them under the bus. his will drive up prices for consumers. Trump restricted Canadian lumber from coming into the country. This has resulted in a shortage of timber and skyrocketing prices for the lumber used in building new homes. This could increase the cost of a new home by $8,000.

The fact is that China only supplies 4% of the steel used in the US. This does not do a thing to hurt them. You are hitting everyone except China.
You call me ignorant, while you don't even know as much as millions of 18 year old microeconomics students, all over the world They know that the firm can't raise prices above its MARKET PRICE, because that triggers SALES REDUCTIONS, and thereby LOSSES$$. That's WHY the price is what it is. That's what establishes it.

Where did you thing a price comes from ? Somebody's lucky number ? :rolleyes-41:

Maybe you could take up knitting. This forum is way over your ignorant head. I taught microeconomics in college for 3 years. You just flunked it.

PS - next to Pat Buchanan, you're just being born.
After repeated 2016 campaign promises to hit China, Mexico and other economic enemies of the US, with tariffs on their exports to America, President Trump is finally delivering. He has announced 25% tariffs to go on imported steel + 10% on aluminum.

What took so long ? Maybe it was all the work of undoing all the damages of 8 years of the Obama administration + the distractions of the Russian collusion scam. In any case, the decades of economic deterioration brought upon us by 4 presidents >> Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama, is finally ending.

The serious damages to our economy that globalist policy has caused us, can now be reversed. How disturbing it is to hear economic airheads talking like this is a bad thing. Nothing could illustrate their economic ignorance more than this. Just shows you can't assume people know what they're talking about.

First, it should be noted that all the damage we've suffered economically over the past 28 years, has been completely unecessary. Why/how it occured is mysterious. There is no mystery though, that all along we in America have been holding all the cards on the world economic stage. That's because of one primary thing. Our enormous MARKET.

Does China need us ? Of course they do. A huge % of their exports come here. Just walk through Walmart, pick up 100 items, and look at where they came from. China, China, China, China, etc. We have a massive population of people with money to buy things. And what does China have for us ? A huge population of people with pennies in their pockets (even those with full-time jobs).

How absurd for the loud, know-nothings to blabber about a trade war. EARTH TO THEM: There has BEEN a trade war going on for 28 years, but all the warring has been done against the US, with the US doing nothing to strike back. Until now. And we hold the higher ground. The Europeans, Chinese, Mexicans, Japanese, South Koreans, Malaysians, who need our market, will not get it scott free, any more.

US companies who were forced out of America, by globalist policies of tariff-free imports, from countries with a much lower corporate tax, lower labor costs, no wage & hour laws, and health safety, and environmental regualtions, no unions, will no longer be undercut, and unable to exist in the US. Many, if not all, will return to the US.

The benefits to America by us finally ending the role of being the doormat for the rest of the world, go beyond manufacturing companies. The insane globalism of the past 4 presidents (and it would have been 5 with Hillary Clinton) has also harmed our national security. Did you think imported oil was our only sticking point ? Former South Carolina Senator Fritz Hollings (called by Pat Buchanan >> "the economic patriot of the Senate for 4 decades") wrote : >>

"The defense indusry has been off-shored. We had to wait months to get flat panels from Japan before we launched Desert Storm. Boeing can't build a fighter plane except for the parts from India. Sikorsky can't build a helicopter except for the tail motor from Turkey. Today, we cant go to war except for the favor of a foreign country."

And the economic patriot of Cable TV News for 2 decades, Lou Dobbs, has said: "Over 2/3 of "our" ports aren't ours. They're foreign owned." But the days of almost 3 decades of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama, enacting and supporting NAFTA, WTO, abolishing tariffs, and granting China unrestricted access to the US market, are coming to an abrupt end. America is being made great again.

funny how uneducated bigots think they should send us into a depression.

and china isn't going to pay the tariff. we will....

After repeated 2016 campaign promises to hit China, Mexico and other economic enemies of the US, with tariffs on their exports to America, President Trump is finally delivering.

funny how uneducated bigots think they should send us into a depression. and china isn't going to pay the tariff. we will....moron.

Funny how you can't get through even ONE post without the point of your comment being just to call other people names, while declaring THEM uneducated, stupid or whatever.

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