At Last, Trump Tariffs Attacking US Globalist Lunacy

I suggest you need to study some economics. You need to add the break even point to the Bell Curve. If a company's position falls below the break-even point then they will no longer produce the product. There are 2 ways for a company to recoup its added costs. Either raise prices or cut costs to lower the break-even point. That is a synonym for laying people off.

A trade dispute between Canada and the US has led to a shortage of lumber and skyrocketing prices. Sellers are passing on at least some of the increase to consumers. That can't happen according to you. You are using Bernie Sanders economics. Not real world economics.
Another example of your lack of knowledge. Besides being unable to raise prices (due to the sure SALES REDUCTIONS), firms also cannot lay people off. My wife owned a clothes boutique in a mall. She had 10 employees. The minimum wage went up. So ? You think she could lay people off ? You think that wouldn't reduce her sales ?

Why do you think she had 10 employees ? (instead of 8 ? or 9 ?) Because she's a philanthropist, and wants to give people jobs ? She calculates them based on SALES. Too few employees and sales go down. Get it ?

As for businesses who break these basic rules of the economic road, and raise prices and lay people off, they're the ones who go out of business, for the # 1 reason (mismanagement) And THAT's the mismanagement.

Sure, some businesses will always do what is stupid. That's because, just like you, they are clueless about microeconomics It doesn't require a college degree or any knowledge to open a business. It just takes money.
But if you're stupid, you'll fail. Solution : don't be stupid.
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funny how uneducated bigots think they should send us into a depression.

and china isn't going to pay the tariff. we will....

Uneducated ? I have 2 bachelors degrees (geography & economics) a masters also. And taught microeconomics in 4 colleges of the City University of New York

And you ?

Maybe you have no economics education at all. Well, see post # 6, 54, and 57. For now, that can be your education.

As for the bigot remark, show one thing I've ever said, that justifies that. I'll wait a while.
"Officials in Brussels have already begun drafting possible retaliatory measures aimed at politically sensitive US products like Kentucky bourbon and Wisconsin dairy products."… via @financialtimes
Free Traders Are Traitors

The only alternative to trade war is trade surrender.
Your anti-Semitism is noted. And not surprising.
I wouldn't even dignify something like this with a response. Your idiocy is noted.

Hmmm, the race card. How surprising.

It’s about time. Enough is enough with these ridiculous trade policies we have. Every other country does it to protect their industries, yet if America does it, it suddenly is bad.

The globalists are freaking out over it of course, and their MSM puppets are pushing the narrative that President Trump is being reckless. Poor MSM puppets, they must obey their globalist masters.

These tarrifs are going to affect us regular consumers.

Companies like Apple are affected because the phones are made out of aluminum and steel. So their are going to increase. And a whole bunch of other every products will increase in price.

Nothing to do with globalist.
When was the last time Iphones were manufactured in the US ?

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