At least 100 WH staff with interim security clearance

I truly thought Sandy Hook, when babies were shot in their classroom, would change the minds of the Repubs in Congress. It did not. They still allow the NRA to call the shots and, underhandedly, limit the budget for the CDC to study gun violence. The same used to be true of tobacco use until science turned the tide. I am afraid thousands more will die, before the CDC is allowed to study gun violence. There is a solution. The gun industry does not want anyone to find it. We can only pray that none of those victims are members of our family.

there is a reason that 92% of the country wanted certain changes and were totally ignored by congress.... and it's not ideology... it's NRA money.

The NRA is NOT merely a good ol boy association for gun nuts, it is the MOST powerful lobby, funded by gun manufacturers that has virtually ALL GOPers in congress under its thumb with bribes and its extortion tactics.
Typical partsan hack absolutely clueless response......... Way to go there idiot.
I'm not defending anyone, what you missed is I'm only inserting reality (fact) into Jim's (and obviously yours) politically driven freak out.

Come just a bit serious......Do you want to simply do away with ANY background checks? Pompeo became head of the CIA with what kind of background check.......

For argument sake, lets assume that Kushner is more crooked than Al Capone....Could he have done some "harm" in the 13 months that he's been hanging around the oval office as Sec. of EVERYTHING?
Okay, I'll be serious. Just finished watching Band of Brothers again, kinda has a way of putting what's important back in perspective. Besides, as a historian, sociologist with a psychology minor and cultural anthropologist I already know that ultimately none of this spin doctor/political bull shit means nothing as no matter who wins from one year to the next life goes on and we as humans alway manage to screw up a good thing no matter how well intentioned we are.
You question appears to be based on bias perspective in interaction which is the norm with the vast majority on this board regardless of socio-political persuasion, i.e. since I "questioned" your motivations I must obviously be one of the opposition fallacy. It's a stupid question especially in my case where I personally know the need for security and proper vetting.
Yes, even those of use who dislike Trump can also not be right or left wing partisan hacks, we're rare but we do exist.
Do you even have the slightest idea how the clearance process works? It can take a couple of years to finalize a clearance especially if that clearance is an SCI level (above Top Secret).
Now the President has the authority to issue individual wavers which is how Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, spent all eight years in the West Wing after the FBI denied him even an interim security clearance.

Ben Rhodes was a "deputy" national security adviser.
Do you even have the slightest idea how the clearance process works? It can take a couple of years to finalize a clearance especially if that clearance is an SCI level (above Top Secret).
Now the President has the authority to issue individual wavers which is how Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, spent all eight years in the West Wing after the FBI denied him even an interim security clearance.

Ben Rhodes was a "deputy" national security adviser.
No shit Sherlock, missed it in my post eh? Reading comprehension problems?
Do you even have the slightest idea how the clearance process works? It can take a couple of years to finalize a clearance especially if that clearance is an SCI level (above Top Secret).
Now the President has the authority to issue individual wavers which is how Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, spent all eight years in the West Wing after the FBI denied him even an interim security clearance.

Ben Rhodes was a "deputy" national security adviser.
No shit Sherlock, missed it in my post eh? Reading comprehension problems?

My point was that many work in the White House without the need for security clearances.
Do you even have the slightest idea how the clearance process works? It can take a couple of years to finalize a clearance especially if that clearance is an SCI level (above Top Secret).
Now the President has the authority to issue individual wavers which is how Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, spent all eight years in the West Wing after the FBI denied him even an interim security clearance.

Ben Rhodes was a "deputy" national security adviser.
No shit Sherlock, missed it in my post eh? Reading comprehension problems?

My point was that many work in the White House without the need for security clearances.
Figured that out all on your own or did and adult help you? I was simply using it as a point of fact as to how the system works, nothing more, nothing less.
Do you even have the slightest idea how the clearance process works? It can take a couple of years to finalize a clearance especially if that clearance is an SCI level (above Top Secret).
Now the President has the authority to issue individual wavers which is how Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, spent all eight years in the West Wing after the FBI denied him even an interim security clearance.

Ben Rhodes was a "deputy" national security adviser.
No shit Sherlock, missed it in my post eh? Reading comprehension problems?

My point was that many work in the White House without the need for security clearances.
Figured that out all on your own or did and adult help you? I was simply using it as a point of fact as to how the system works, nothing more, nothing less.

Okay, Sparrow.
100 WH staff with interim security clearance

Trumpdrones love it , gives them another excuse to lick Trumps ass.
At this point, even penning the article is semi-retarded. Hillary took millions from Russia. Ran a rouge server with Top Secret and above on it, and her emails ended up on a convicted pedophile's computer. Then we spent billions of tax payer money funding the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world, but now the cracked out liberals care. Kiss my ass.

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