At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Of course they do... and by golly that's enough to convince you...

Couldn't be a domestic issue... couldn't be a local pissed off about a story about his business... nope, has to be motivated by Trump...

Trump is a lousy human being in general (though I imagine if you're family he treats you right), but why not wait until the police provide the motive after they interview the POS? Why embrace the rumor and innuendo? Oh, that's right... because it fits your shitty political narrative.
You mean motivated by Maxine Waters ordering people to kill Trump supporters
Does it really matter if he is a Republican or Democrat? He is a piece of Shit, and lives are devastated. Just shut up. Holy cow the extent you liberals will go.

Really? I just read another thread that called the shooter a cuts both ways.
I still don't know their political views. Does it matter?

The only politically related tweet on the shooter's feed is this one. Do with that information what you will.

Can’t get the link to work.
You don't get out much do you?
It’s easy to post snarky comments. Clearly much harder when you have something concrete to back it up. Let me know when you’re ready to give me an exact name with an exact incident. I won’t hold my breath.

Look up mass shootings.
Clearly you can’t! :laugh:

Game over.

There is no game when you are delusional enough to think all mass shootings are by leftists. Las Vegas, Charleston Church shooting - hardly leftists.

No one knows anything about the Vegas shooting..... you could ask Steve Scalisce, the Republican shot by the bernie sanders supporting, left wing democrat....
Yes they do know something about the Vegas shooter. And the Charleston shooter. But hey you guys are going to keep repeating your retarded meme.
The factual background to the defamation action is that on July 26, 2011, the appellant entered a guilty plea on a charge of criminal harassment in the District Court of Maryland sitting in Anne Arundel County. Judge Jonas D. Legum initially imposed a 90-day jail sentence but then suspended the sentence and placed the appellant on supervised probation for a period of 18 months with the additional requirement that the appellant continue with his ongoing therapy and that he refrain from any further contact with the harassment victim or her family....

He was having some problems, so she wrote back and tried to help, suggesting a counseling center.
"'I just thought I was being friendly,' she said.
"That sparked months of emails in which Ramos alternately asked for help, called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself. He emailed her company and tried to get her fired.
"She stopped writing back and told him to stop, but he continued. When she blocked him from seeing her Facebook page, he found things she wrote on other people's pages and taunted her with it, attaching screenshots of the postings to some of his emails.
"She called police, and for months he stopped. But then he started again, nastier than ever.
"All this without having seen her in person since high school. They never met until they came to court a couple of months ago.
"Last week, Ramos, a 31-year-old federal employee, pleaded guilty in District Court to a misdemeanor harassment charge.
"Judge Jonas Legum, who called his behavior 'rather bizarre,' suspended a 90- day jail sentence and placed him on probation, ordering him to continue in therapy and not contact the victim or her family in any way.
"The case is extreme. But it provides a frightening look at the false intimacy the Internet can offer and the venom that can hide behind a computer screen.

From his court case. This shows he was mentally unstable way back, dating to at least 2011.
You mean motivated by Maxine Waters ordering people to kill Trump supporters
Does it really matter if he is a Republican or Democrat? He is a piece of Shit, and lives are devastated. Just shut up. Holy cow the extent you liberals will go.

Really? I just read another thread that called the shooter a cuts both ways.
I still don't know their political views. Does it matter?

The only politically related tweet on the shooter's feed is this one. Do with that information what you will.

Can’t get the link to work.

Weird. Works for me. Here's the full feed (you'll need to scroll a bit to read it). It's about Orange Virus suing Univision.
Lets start killing the media like Trump tells us.

Trump has never said to kill the media.

Can we get some facts before this stupid blame game occurs?
He may be conflating the President with Milo Y, who literally just said that he can't wait for people to start killing journalists, a day or two ago.

The President is the one who has a long and storied history of calling the press the "enemy of the people."
Milo ???? ROTFLMBO... Who gives one thought or care about what that cat says ?? No one.
I don't, but apparently a lot of news outlets and their readers do.
They're using him is all they're doing, but he loves the attention probably. People don't realize upon what kind of pawns that they have become in the now deadly game of chess being played. Some people live and thrive on it, when others just want it to simmer back down and go away so they can get on with their lives in a normal way.
Yup I watched the 3rd Godfather movie as well. You realize it was fiction right?

Never watched the entire movie, any of them, seen bits and pieces, they bore me because I know too many morons that think they are real actually

Yes I agree, like morons that believe in the DEEP STATE!:5_1_12024::twirl::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Yawn, and only morons see the need to refute something that they isn't real



Tell me can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?

Are you wearing your meat helmet or tinfoil hat.right now?

Neither but I am saluting the greatest American hero of modern times, Edward Snowden

PS you forgot to answer, if they can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?
Does it really matter if he is a Republican or Democrat? He is a piece of Shit, and lives are devastated. Just shut up. Holy cow the extent you liberals will go.

Really? I just read another thread that called the shooter a cuts both ways.
I still don't know their political views. Does it matter?

The only politically related tweet on the shooter's feed is this one. Do with that information what you will.

Can’t get the link to work.

Weird. Works for me. Here's the full feed (you'll need to scroll a bit to read it). It's about Orange Virus suing Univision.

Anyone who’s all obsessed with sueing all of gov is instantly on the cray cray list.
Really? I just read another thread that called the shooter a cuts both ways.
I still don't know their political views. Does it matter?

The only politically related tweet on the shooter's feed is this one. Do with that information what you will.

Can’t get the link to work.

Weird. Works for me. Here's the full feed (you'll need to scroll a bit to read it). It's about Orange Virus suing Univision.

Anyone who’s all obsessed with sueing all of gov is instantly on the cray cray list.

I concur. He's seems to have some mental issues.
We're in the Motive Speculation Along Tribal Lines phase right now. I'll be interested to see what comes out later, once the police crack him and figure out the whys and hows.
The whole thing reeks of some brain dead con.

No need to speculate. Wait and see. They are searching his residence now.
Yeah we can't wait to see, and if it is a con, then it will be interesting to see just what the motivating factors behind it all were. Becareful what you wish for Maxine, because this guy's actions might have turned deadly because of it all. Hope not....

He could be a lib also, then what ??
Lets start killing the media like Trump tells us.

Maxine waters

View attachment 201668

Maxine Watters has not attacked the media.

Low IQ maxie pad has said to harass Trump's people....

You on the left are the Nazis and you should be treated as such.
And Trump has told folks to beat up protesters. How should you on the right be treated?

At least try to keep consistent standards.




Actually the guy threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fight with Univision. He finally followed through with threats defending his Leader


Jarrod Ramos: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
I don't care whether he sits on the right or the left. The single unifying characteristic of mass shooters is that practically all of them have a history of violence against women. This one is no exception.

Also, he was a life-threatening stalker ordered to continue therapy. He should not have been able to possess a firearm.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.

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