At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.
David Duke and the Nazis and White Supremacists have thanked Trump for speaking up for them and being on their side. wink wink
Link or Stink.
Former KKK leader David Duke praises Trump for his 'courage'

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

Neo-Nazis and white supremacists celebrate Trump's SOTU

White supremacists praise Trump for his 'Americans are Dreamers, too' remark

So what ?

But Obama and Rev Wright, and anyone else he ever knew. Trump's father was arrested with the Nazis/Klan

So what ?
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
I just read that Hannity sez Obama and Maxine Waters inspired the incident. This incident is NOT funny, but his response sure is. All I can think of is Sean as Wile E Coyote adding a drop of water to a mote and up springs this huge headline blaming the two he named. Sure glad they got this shooter alive. At least we can learn a time.

Exactly bullwinkle, this is not funny no more.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.

Your first sentence suggests you know everyone who supports Trump's crisis at the border do so because they are committing a crime, and none of them because they are mostly people of color.

That's clearly wrong, and your explanation is on its face bullshit. Read some of the posts calling everyone crossing the border "beaners" or "wet backs" and other more vile terms.
And Trump has told folks to beat up protesters.
No he hasn’t. Give me a break. He made ONE off the cuff remark at a rally before he was even president. And that was because the left was doing what they always do - trying to disrupt the rally to prevent our 1st Amendment right.
Yeah, Maxine is the blame.....Not Trump, not another fuckin white bitch, but Maxine....listen, white people are a enemy to this nation...OWN IT, BITCHES!!

It's kinda hard to disagree with this assessment given what I see posted here. Watters never called for attacks on the media. Trump has. At least Watters has the guts to stand up to this punk motherfucker instead of bowing to his ass scared of a tweet.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.

We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone. But we see that "Americans" like George Will, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough have left you. So have many others. These border crossings are at an all time low and that they are not the number 1 problem as it pertains to illegal immigration. Visa overstays are but Trump is doing nothing about that. Immigration is about race.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.

We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone. But we see that "Americans" like George Will, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough have left you. So have many others. These border crossings are at an all time low and that they are not the number 1 problem as it pertains to illegal immigration. Visa overstays are but Trump is doing nothing about that. Immigration is about race.
Ebonics. Pathetic. Mental slave.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal
Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so.

We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone. But we see that "Americans" like George Will, Steve Schmidt, Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough have left you. So have many others. These border crossings are at an all time low and that they are not the number 1 problem as it pertains to illegal immigration. Visa overstays are but Trump is doing nothing about that. Immigration is about race.
Ebonics. Pathetic. Mental slave.

You are posting ebonics? You are a mental slave? For you are pathetic.

There is nothing worse than trying to debate stupid ass white people.
Okay, so now we know who the shooter was.

Suspect in Maryland newspaper shooting had sued for defamation

Court records show that Jarrod W. Ramos, who on Friday was charged with five counts of first-degree murder after a shooting at the Annapolis, Maryland, Capital Gazette, appears to have had a longstanding grudge against the newspaper over a 2011 column that reported his guilty plea to criminal harassment.

Wow, so Criminal Record, was still able to buy a gun.

Court records show that Ramos pleaded guilty in July 2011 to criminal harassment in Anne Arundel County, where the Capital Gazette is based. A 90-day jail sentence was suspended, and Ramos was placed on 18 months' supervised probation.

Five days later, the Capital Gazette published a column headlined "Jarrod wants to be your friend," profiling the woman who said she was the victim of Ramos' harassment. The article is no longer on the newspaper's website, but it was reprinted in full in the court documents.

A few hours before the shooting Thursday, a profane tweet was posted to a Twitter account under Ramos' name, specifically calling out the author of the appeals court opinion. Scores of similar tweets target the Capital Gazette and Anne Arundel County political, legal and community leaders going back several years. An analysis by NBC News reveals that the account named the Capital Gazette in 149 of 876 tweets.

A particularly chilling tweet was posted on Aug. 26, 2015 — the same day a disgruntled employee of WDBJ-TV in Roanoke, Virginia, fatally shot and killed two reporters live on television.

The tweet featured an illustration depicting Vester Lee Flanagan II, the gunman in the Roanoke shooting, pointing his gun at a picture of Hartley, the author of the Capital Gazette column, along with a previous address for Hartley.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
A non Hispanic named Ramos... Sounds Legit...
Oh no........ he has a hispanic last name....gosh darn it....... why couldn't he have a WASP last name? And he used a shotgun, not an AR-15......gosh darn it.....this guy isn't giving the anti-gunners anything to work with at all..... doesn't he realize that that anti-gunners need Trump supporting shooters with AR-15s to attack Trump and the NRA......

Just a terrible day........ for anti-gunners all the way around....

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Non Hispanic White Male Jarod Ramos, Threatened that Newspaper during Trump's fake lawsuit and battle with Univision

I guess he finally followed through with threats defending Donald Trump
A non Hispanic named Ramos... Sounds Legit... we have the rarely seen "White" hispanic?
The factual background to the defamation action is that on July 26, 2011, the appellant entered a guilty plea on a charge of criminal harassment in the District Court of Maryland sitting in Anne Arundel County. Judge Jonas D. Legum initially imposed a 90-day jail sentence but then suspended the sentence and placed the appellant on supervised probation for a period of 18 months with the additional requirement that the appellant continue with his ongoing therapy and that he refrain from any further contact with the harassment victim or her family....

He was having some problems, so she wrote back and tried to help, suggesting a counseling center.
"'I just thought I was being friendly,' she said.
"That sparked months of emails in which Ramos alternately asked for help, called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself. He emailed her company and tried to get her fired.
"She stopped writing back and told him to stop, but he continued. When she blocked him from seeing her Facebook page, he found things she wrote on other people's pages and taunted her with it, attaching screenshots of the postings to some of his emails.
"She called police, and for months he stopped. But then he started again, nastier than ever.
"All this without having seen her in person since high school. They never met until they came to court a couple of months ago.
"Last week, Ramos, a 31-year-old federal employee, pleaded guilty in District Court to a misdemeanor harassment charge.
"Judge Jonas Legum, who called his behavior 'rather bizarre,' suspended a 90- day jail sentence and placed him on probation, ordering him to continue in therapy and not contact the victim or her family in any way.
"The case is extreme. But it provides a frightening look at the false intimacy the Internet can offer and the venom that can hide behind a computer screen.

From his court case. This shows he was mentally unstable way back, dating to at least 2011.

So.....he has a record and was adjudicated mentally did he get the gun? I guess the government failed again...
Never watched the entire movie, any of them, seen bits and pieces, they bore me because I know too many morons that think they are real actually

Yes I agree, like morons that believe in the DEEP STATE!:5_1_12024::twirl::WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

Yawn, and only morons see the need to refute something that they isn't real



Tell me can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?

Are you wearing your meat helmet or tinfoil hat.right now?

Neither but I am saluting the greatest American hero of modern times, Edward Snowden

PS you forgot to answer, if they can they interrupt your TV signal if they choose?
You sound like an idiot. You do realize TV signals are transmitted right?

TV transmissions are subject to government intercept at any time. You do realize this right?

Yawn, go ahead, the masses might not know yet.

We do

Now prove your ignorance by saying that the government can not replace any TV signal at any time......

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