At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.

Nope. Yours. And....the best part is.....I think you know it. You just prefer to lie.

Is that so?
I take it you think no one is saved by the own firearm??

Let's see your bullshit numbers??

I think you should know that I don't have enough respect for you to go through the effort. I wasn't talking to you.....and I thought 2A Guy was responding.....not you. You should just fuck off. You are too stupid.
Cant prove your argument... Deflect
Buy more guns and ammo

Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
The government has all the guns in North Korea, the Citizens have none... How is that working out for them??
But what people hear most about is shootings like this where there was no effecive defense to be used against a surprise attack.
The main need for people to own and carry guns, is not to defend against surprise attacks.

If slime like this shooter knew that there would probably be some armed people among those he wants to shoot, he'll be a little less likely to start shooting, knowing he won't get the high body counts he wants before someone stops him. That won't stop all such shooters, some of them being crazier than others, but it will stop some. And so lives will be saved (in those cases) without any law-abiding citizens firing a shot.

Deterrence is the most important reason why all law-abiding adults should be allowed to own and carry guns, usually concealed. Most of them still won't bother, but a few will. And potential shooters know it. So some of those shooters (at least) will decide not to start shooting in the first place.
Buy more guns and ammo

Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.
This has become too commonplace. What is the root of it? Mental illness, acting out violent video games? Why?
If we make it easier to access assault weapons, this will never happen. Am I right?
Do you even know what a so called "assault weapon" is??
Please do explain it to us??
Most progressives haven't a clue...
In the freest Country in the world there is no way other than martial law to prevent "incomprehensible" shootings. Since most liberals would rather have schizophrenics and substance abusers wandering the streets and pissing in the parks than receiving treatment for mental illness, there is little hope of controlling the people who may commit incomprehensible acts. Whining about the 2nd Amendment seems to be the only solution available to low information lefties.
Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
This has become too commonplace.
No, it hasn't. It has always been commonplace (a couple times a year). It's just being reported and publicized more when it happens.

Ironically, the increase in reporting is a reason certain nutcases might want to do it more. A self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
In the freest Country in the world there is no way other than martial law to prevent "incomprehensible" shootings. Since most liberals would rather have schizophrenics and substance abusers wandering the streets and pissing in the parks than receiving treatment for mental illness, there is little hope of controlling the people who may commit incomprehensible acts. Whining about the 2nd Amendment seems to be the only solution available to low information lefties.

There you go again, misrepresenting liberals.

I don't know of any liberal who wouldn't want to treat people with mental illness, you're simply just lying.
Kalamazoo being my home town (hence "kaz"), I just wanted to say fuck you all who helped this guy have a safe landscape to shoot my fellow home towners

Now that doesnt make sense. Does Kalamozoo have a city ordinace where no one is allowed a gun?

Are there no CCW laws in MI?

Just who do you think you are blaming for this tradgic shooting?

Hate to tell you this, but if someone walks up to you with a gun ready to shoot, I dont care how many guns you have on your person, If the shooter is ready and you are not, you still be dead. Guns or no guns.
Especially when the shooter is in a moving vehicle. No one had a chance with this one.
Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
America is a very sick angry nation these days. It may be the wealthiest nation, but it's also one of the most angry violent nations on earth. I think it's the drugs, and i mean the prescribed ones. I think it's the greed. Americans are taught at a very young age that they must consume. They must purchase and accumulate more & more at all cost. They become 'I MUST BUY' consumer zombies. The greed consumes them. They become disillusioned when they realize they're never gonna have enough and their flat-broke. And that drives them mad. Many become bitter, angry, and violent. They lash out.

I think it's the violent greedy oppressive Government they're subservient to. The violence and greed trickles down to the People. The slaves are merely emulating their master's behavior. For such a wealthy nation, the People seem so incredibly angry and unhappy. Much of the rest of the world doesn't understand it. I truly believe it begins in childhood for Americans. They're indoctrinated on greed and violence right from the start. It's that unending quest for the almighty dollar that drives many completely mad.

This is just how i feel anyway. But hey, i could be completely off the mark. What do i know? Stay safe and have a good one. :)
I'd boil it down to a decaying culture, and I'd argue that most of the significant problems we face are attributable to it.
TV shows and movies glorify violence and revenge. Murderers are considered "cool". News and fiction about violent crime are among the most numerous things on TV. It has nothing to do with allowing gays to marry.

No one who's insane enough to go around shooting people did it because they saw murders on TV. Grow up
You are oversimplifying his statement; I disagree. Humans killing humans is all over our children's culture, from video games to the movies and tv shows their parents allow them to watch 24/7 on the electronic babysitter, TV. It doesn't convince anyone to kill, but it desensitizes children to taking human life and for some children, that is a very bad lesson to learn.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.
Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.
Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.
I pointed out that you lied about me. How is that "tempering my point", you smarmy asshole?

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