At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

They were good for the 1.5 million actual crimes they did stop.....

Fuck you and that happy horseshit.

All them crimes stopped and no one ever fires their gun. But let a real shooter on the streets and all of a sudden NO ONE has a gun. Fuck you.

Of course you are proven wrong, the truth, the reality and the facts show you to be wrong and show that you are talking about something you know nothing about except to react with once someone shows you the truth, the facts and attack and call names.....

Completely expected from an anti gun whack job.........talking out of your ass wasn't funny when Jim Carry did is even less funny when you do it...
America is a very sick angry nation these days. It may be the wealthiest nation, but it's also one of the most angry violent nations on earth. I think it's the drugs, and i mean the prescribed ones. I think it's the greed. Americans are taught at a very young age that they must consume. They must purchase and accumulate more & more at all cost. They become 'I MUST BUY' consumer zombies. The greed consumes them. They become disillusioned when they realize they're never gonna have enough and their flat-broke. And that drives them mad. Many become bitter, angry, and violent. They lash out.

I think it's the violent greedy oppressive Government they're subservient to. The violence and greed trickles down to the People. The slaves are merely emulating their master's behavior. For such a wealthy nation, the People seem so incredibly angry and unhappy. Much of the rest of the world doesn't understand it. I truly believe it begins in childhood for Americans. They're indoctrinated on greed and violence right from the start. It's that unending quest for the almighty dollar that drives many completely mad.

This is just how i feel anyway. But hey, i could be completely off the mark. What do i know? Stay safe and have a good one. :)
I'd boil it down to a decaying culture, and I'd argue that most of the significant problems we face are attributable to it.
TV shows and movies glorify violence and revenge. Murderers are considered "cool". News and fiction about violent crime are among the most numerous things on TV. It has nothing to do with allowing gays to marry.

No one who's insane enough to go around shooting people did it because they saw murders on TV. Grow up

Of course not. They did it because they came upon a gun free zone. Right?

Will you grasp the level of your hypocrisy?
Buy more guns and ammo

Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
But, still they live in mass. Dumbass
America is a very sick angry nation these days. It may be the wealthiest nation, but it's also one of the most angry violent nations on earth. I think it's the drugs, and i mean the prescribed ones. I think it's the greed. Americans are taught at a very young age that they must consume. They must purchase and accumulate more & more at all cost. They become 'I MUST BUY' consumer zombies. The greed consumes them. They become disillusioned when they realize they're never gonna have enough and their flat-broke. And that drives them mad. Many become bitter, angry, and violent. They lash out.

I think it's the violent greedy oppressive Government they're subservient to. The violence and greed trickles down to the People. The slaves are merely emulating their master's behavior. For such a wealthy nation, the People seem so incredibly angry and unhappy. Much of the rest of the world doesn't understand it. I truly believe it begins in childhood for Americans. They're indoctrinated on greed and violence right from the start. It's that unending quest for the almighty dollar that drives many completely mad.

This is just how i feel anyway. But hey, i could be completely off the mark. What do i know? Stay safe and have a good one. :)
I'd boil it down to a decaying culture, and I'd argue that most of the significant problems we face are attributable to it.

I don't agree. I don't think people going loco is because of decaying culture, they are sick. It's society's reaction to that that's wrong
People become violent for reasons. The culture feeds them many reasons to become violent, many, many sources of inspiration in the entertainment industry.

What a society chooses to entertain itself with is a reflection of its culture.

Bull. You should spend a little time investigating the Japanese entertainment industry. Then try again.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.
No different than Rustic claiming it was a socialist. But we all know the odds are, it was a right winger.
Silly boy, most of these shooting are whacked progressives, a product of socialism...
All of the gun nuts do the shootings. They're all right wing morons.

You have to know you are lying..right? most of the shooters are lefties.....
I don't think it's exactly news that kids become desensitized to violence by playing violent video games.

It's not news that we've gone from Lucy & Ricky sleeping in separate beds to people literally shitting on television for our entertainment.

It's not news that we now entertain ourselves with music & movies that condone violence & death & destruction & hatred.

It's not news that we make excuses for people who commit crimes.

It's not news that those who work hard, sacrifice and become successful are now looked at with suspicion and doubt and worse.

Our society is okay with the above. THAT is how culture is playing into this.

Anyone who doesn't see a decay in this culture and how it is manifesting simply isn't paying attention. Or perhaps they're enjoying it.

Wrong on a lost every count. You are nothing if not consistent.
The only answer to these killings us to discover why they happen. Why is there so much violence? Do we place so little value on human life? Is there too much violence in our entertainment? Is it parenting? Entitlement? Mental illness? Drugs? A desire for fame even if it is infamy?

Until we discover the reason for these killings, they will continue to happen and taking guns out of the hands of innocent people won't fix anything.

All the above will suffice for reasons people go off and start killing.

However what gun nutters and gun haters alike just cant get a handle on is that these types of shootings and even worse ARE THE FUCKING PRICE TO BE PAID FOR VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED ACCESS TO GUNS.

We have virtually unlimited rights in our COtUS to have guns. Of course there will be mass shootings. And individual shootings. And suicide. And infantcide. And all the other ways people are dying by gun.

Accept the inevitable and move on. And understand that numbers work in your favor.

With 300 million plus Americans the chance that you will be randomly shot is very slim.

On the kids shooting, domestic violence with guns and suicide, the gun owner has a choice to make as to how easy or hard access to their guns will be.

And even more innocent people will use guns to keep from dying at the hands of violent criminals, and to stop rape and robberies and any other manner of the research shows.....

guns in private hands....357,000,000

self defense use of guns...1,500,000

gun accidental death, in 2013... 505

Accidental deaths of children with guns.... 2013... 69

Gun murders 2014... 8,124

Hmmmm....which number is bigger?
Which is bigger....356,991,876 million guns not used to commit murder

All them fucking guns and not a one to stop this mass killing. So again, what fucking good where they?

And so you dont like having to acknowledge the death and carnage that unrestricted access to guns bring about. Why would that be?

You dont want to own up to what happens with the objects you worship?
Pussy. Own up to it. It wont change any-thing by being honest enough to admit what happens is what happens.
Constitutionally guarranteed.
You're like bandaid on a broken arm, you like to look like you're doing something but, in reality your so called ideas make things much worst...
Socialism = all hat no cattle
As much as folks don't want to admit it, a society without religion is a society in decay, the results we see everyday proves it to me.

What if this shooter heard voices in his head and thought God was speaking to him to go out and shoot these people.

Lets face reality. When you have 300+ millions of people, you are going to have s bunch of crazies. Its just math.

And when you have millions of guns with easy gun availability, then sooner or later, the crazy person will get a gun and start shooting people.

thats just the way we are.

It would be a lot easier if we all just accepted this sick little fact and got on with protecting ourselves in the best way we know how.

Some will want to carry guns, Some will not. But the fact is, when the crazy person surprises you by shooting first, your chance of surviving are the same; gun or no gun.

Maybe you are right, it is just part of society that must be accepted. Unfortunately it is not a part of society shared by every developed countries.

I am not sure I am willing to just accept senseless violence. But then again I am not sure what to do about it either. I can't make people get religion.

They have socieities with more peaceful cultures...our inner cities are where most of the shootings happen and those places have the worst cultures in the world......teen mothers raising generations of boys who are not taught to be men.......

Those societies have criminals and their criminals easily get guns...they just don't use them to commit murder as often....analyze why that is.....
By God, we just need more guns out there on the street, Yessirreeeeeee Bob.

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.
Murders, shootings mostly in "blue" areas and in "gun free" zones...

That being the epicenter of the disease that is socialism...
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By God, we just need more guns out there on the street, Yessirreeeeeee Bob.

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.
By God, we just need more guns out there on the street, Yessirreeeeeee Bob.

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.

Nope. 2A Guy's. And....the best part is.....I think he knows it. He just prefers to lie.
Here we go again.

Prayers for the victims, and for their families.

We need to find a way to reduce these shootings, that works. Not just one that sounds like it'll work to people who aren't paying much attention.


Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested | Fox News

Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested

Published February 21, 2016

At least six people were killed and two others were injured in a series of what seem to be random shootings Saturday night, Michigan authorities said.

Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Paul Matyas told Fox 17 Online that a man was detained in downtown Kalamazoo. He said the man didn’t resist when law enforcement officers approached him. The man hasn’t been identified. “The threat to the public is over. We now have our suspect,” Matyas added.

Michigan State Police Lt. Dale Hinz told WMMT-TV the man is a 45-year-old white male and said the shootings at three locations were “incomprehensible.”

Matyas told Fox 17 Online that people were killed at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texas Township, while two others were killed at Seelye Kia. All of the shootings were in parking lots. “These are random murders,” he said.

The two injured victims are in critical condition. Hinz said that one of the victims was a 9-year-old girl. She was shot in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. Police believe the shootings are related to an earlier drive-by shooting at Meadows Townhomes, which left one woman injured.

the liberals are high fiving this one. A guy goes around shooting people and nails six with no one shooting back.

Congrats, libs, the body count is growing. Now Obama can cry on TV again to take more guns away from law abiding citizens. Maybe next time you can get the carnage up to eight or even ten.

Kalamazoo being my home town (hence "kaz"), I just wanted to say fuck you all who helped this guy have a safe landscape to shoot my fellow home towners

Can you find a link for the city of Kalamazoo not allowing ccw? It appears to me that by the Kalamazoo county it's perfectly legal to hold a ccw permit, here is a link on how to get one in case you needed to know:

General FAQ, Kalamazoo County Clerk/Register Office
  • Thanks
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By God, we just need more guns out there on the street, Yessirreeeeeee Bob.

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.

Nope. Yours. And....the best part is.....I think you know it. You just prefer to lie.

Is that so?
I take it you think no one is saved by their own firearm??

Let's see your bullshit numbers??
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By God, we just need more guns out there on the street, Yessirreeeeeee Bob.

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.

Nope. Yours. And....the best part is.....I think you know it. You just prefer to lie.

Is that so?
I take it you think no one is saved by the own firearm??

Let's see your bullshit numbers??

I think you should know that I don't have enough respect for you to go through the effort. I wasn't talking to you.....and I thought 2A Guy was responding.....not you. You should just fuck off. You are too stupid.
Buy more guns and ammo

Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.
Buy more guns and ammo

Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
If each of those guns were used on an American, the U.S. wouldn't be a country anymore.
Without guns we would not be a country.

Why not? The other side had guns too. You might as well say North Korea wouldn't exist without guns either.

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