At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.
I pointed out that you lied about me. How is that "tempering my point", asshole?

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

We're rounding out your point is what we are doing. Thank you for your cooperation.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.
I pointed out that you lied about me. How is that "tempering my point", asshole?

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

We're rounding out your point is what we are doing. Thank you for your cooperation.
You are rounding out your asshole as you pop your head in and out of it. I don't need to lie to make my point, you do.

I said we wouldn't be a country if not for guns then you tried to twist it into Nazis or N. Korea. If you really are that stupid you should just shut the fuck up.
I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.
I pointed out that you lied about me. How is that "tempering my point", asshole?

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

We're rounding out your point is what we are doing. Thank you for your cooperation.
You are rounding out your asshole as you pop your head in and out of it. I don't need to lie to make my point, you do.

I said we wouldn't be a country if not for guns then you tried to twist it into Nazis or N. Korea. If you really are that stupid you should just shut the fuck up.

I didn't say you lied, I said your point was one sided and it was. You've now clarified.
The most notorious school shooting in history wasn't Columbine where two doped up (by the system) teens shot up the school, it was Va. Tech Blacksburg only a couple of years ago. Everyone in the freaking school was afraid of the Korean born maniac and professors wouldn't even be alone with him in a room. When a coed made a complaint that he was stalking her, the local Police refrained from arresting him because liberal doctrine dictates that an arrest record might ruin a student's future. The maniac was ordered to attend psychiatric counseling but liberals had the system rigged. Persons undergoing psychiatric counseling should have been prevented from obtaining a weapon but it didn't show up on the instant name check. The guy ended up "legally" buying a bunch of guns and murdering about 30 people because liberals thought a crazy persons "right to privacy" trumped the right of citizens to be secure from crazy people
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.
I pointed out that you lied about me. How is that "tempering my point", asshole?

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

We're rounding out your point is what we are doing. Thank you for your cooperation.
You are rounding out your asshole as you pop your head in and out of it. I don't need to lie to make my point, you do.

I said we wouldn't be a country if not for guns then you tried to twist it into Nazis or N. Korea. If you really are that stupid you should just shut the fuck up.

I didn't say you lied, I said your point was one sided and it was. You've now clarified.
Wrong. I said we wouldn't be a nation without guns. How was I implying guns can't be used for wrong? You're a goddamn retard, that's what you clarified!
I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?

Strawman. I didn't say they are cool, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool." Those are not the same thing.

And you and I usually agree freewill, but pull the stick out of your ass on this one. I didn't say anything about anyone else who watches them, I said I don't. I don't care for it when people imitate shows like the supranos and think saying things like "whack him" is funny. The mob is a real organization who kill real people. I think they should be portrayed as the sick bastards they are. I'm entitled to that opinion

See the problem is you are posting as if you know what others think. I have never heard someone say that the murders in the Godfather were cool. I have never seen a person watch "The Longest Day," and then attack a beachhead.

I said "mob movies," you brought up "The Godfather." I made a reference to the Sopranos. You said I think murders on mob movies are "cool." I didn't say that, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool."

I'm not the one assuming what others think.

And if you don't think the mob is glorified in a lot of those movies, you need to pay more attention

i like mob movies all of them

The only answer to these killings us to discover why they happen. Why is there so much violence? Do we place so little value on human life? Is there too much violence in our entertainment? Is it parenting? Entitlement? Mental illness? Drugs? A desire for fame even if it is infamy?

Until we discover the reason for these killings, they will continue to happen and taking guns out of the hands of innocent people won't fix anything.

All the above will suffice for reasons people go off and start killing.

However what gun nutters and gun haters alike just cant get a handle on is that these types of shootings and even worse ARE THE FUCKING PRICE TO BE PAID FOR VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED ACCESS TO GUNS.

We have virtually unlimited rights in our COtUS to have guns. Of course there will be mass shootings. And individual shootings. And suicide. And infantcide. And all the other ways people are dying by gun.

Accept the inevitable and move on. And understand that numbers work in your favor.

With 300 million plus Americans the chance that you will be randomly shot is very slim.

On the kids shooting, domestic violence with guns and suicide, the gun owner has a choice to make as to how easy or hard access to their guns will be.

Simply bull shit. Guns aren't the only way to kill someone or even massive amounts of people.
Are you seriously asking that question? Let's start with The Godfather and the Sopranos. Then let's move on to Darth Vader and Rylo Ken or whatever he's called.

I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?
I said murderers are considered cool. The extra "er" matters. Do you deny that people imitate what they see?

If you watched someone get brutally beaten does that mean you are going to want to brutally beat someone? If you answer yes, seek help. If you blow away a pixel created image then want to blow away people then I suggest you seek help. Maybe FPS games relieve aggression, could be?

The problem with this shooting, and most others, is that it wasn't a mob hit or anything like a mob hit. Videos didn't cause the man to do what he did. The gun didn't cause him to do what he did. Something triggered this response and I am thinking it is a lifetime of failure, limited opportunity and a society that has been moving to secular relatism for the last 25 years. As much as folks don't want to admit it, a society without religion is a society in decay, the results we see everyday proves it to me.

The evidence exists. People who see lots of violence are more likely to imitate it than people who don't. Deny it all you want.

Ask yourself this ... is it more likely helpful or harmful for people who "need help" as you say to be able to see graphic violence in the media and entertainment industry day after day after day?

the guy in Kalamazoo killed six people because of Criminal Minds. Got it. Thank you for that deep insight into the situation
Here we go again.

Prayers for the victims, and for their families.

We need to find a way to reduce these shootings, that works. Not just one that sounds like it'll work to people who aren't paying much attention.


Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested | Fox News

Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested

Published February 21, 2016

At least six people were killed and two others were injured in a series of what seem to be random shootings Saturday night, Michigan authorities said.

Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Paul Matyas told Fox 17 Online that a man was detained in downtown Kalamazoo. He said the man didn’t resist when law enforcement officers approached him. The man hasn’t been identified. “The threat to the public is over. We now have our suspect,” Matyas added.

Michigan State Police Lt. Dale Hinz told WMMT-TV the man is a 45-year-old white male and said the shootings at three locations were “incomprehensible.”

Matyas told Fox 17 Online that people were killed at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texas Township, while two others were killed at Seelye Kia. All of the shootings were in parking lots. “These are random murders,” he said.

The two injured victims are in critical condition. Hinz said that one of the victims was a 9-year-old girl. She was shot in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. Police believe the shootings are related to an earlier drive-by shooting at Meadows Townhomes, which left one woman injured.

the liberals are high fiving this one. A guy goes around shooting people and nails six with no one shooting back.

Congrats, libs, the body count is growing. Now Obama can cry on TV again to take more guns away from law abiding citizens. Maybe next time you can get the carnage up to eight or even ten.

Kalamazoo being my home town (hence "kaz"), I just wanted to say fuck you all who helped this guy have a safe landscape to shoot my fellow home towners

Now there is some mature, rational adult discussion for you. Well done.

Doesn't meet your standards? That's terribly disappointing
America is a very sick angry nation these days. It may be the wealthiest nation, but it's also one of the most angry violent nations on earth. I think it's the drugs, and i mean the prescribed ones. I think it's the greed. Americans are taught at a very young age that they must consume. They must purchase and accumulate more & more at all cost. They become 'I MUST BUY' consumer zombies. The greed consumes them. They become disillusioned when they realize they're never gonna have enough and their flat-broke. And that drives them mad. Many become bitter, angry, and violent. They lash out.

I think it's the violent greedy oppressive Government they're subservient to. The violence and greed trickles down to the People. The slaves are merely emulating their master's behavior. For such a wealthy nation, the People seem so incredibly angry and unhappy. Much of the rest of the world doesn't understand it. I truly believe it begins in childhood for Americans. They're indoctrinated on greed and violence right from the start. It's that unending quest for the almighty dollar that drives many completely mad.

This is just how i feel anyway. But hey, i could be completely off the mark. What do i know? Stay safe and have a good one. :)
I'd boil it down to a decaying culture, and I'd argue that most of the significant problems we face are attributable to it.
TV shows and movies glorify violence and revenge. Murderers are considered "cool". News and fiction about violent crime are among the most numerous things on TV. It has nothing to do with allowing gays to marry.

No one who's insane enough to go around shooting people did it because they saw murders on TV. Grow up

Of course not. They did it because they came upon a gun free zone. Right?

Will you grasp the level of your hypocrisy?

Maybe you could think a coherent thought before you speak
Meaning we were a colony of the crown. Arms made it possible to form a independent sovereign country. I don't think that's what happened in Korea.

North Korea didn't use guns to create their own country? Guns play a role in conflict for multiple sides. Germany wouldn't have taken over much of Europe without guns. To see only the positives and ignore everything else is ridiculous, which is what your point was.
Or you can't grasp my point because the words guns makes your mind go blank. We were a colony that broke away. It isn't a large point, slow down and think about it.

I understand your point, it's just overly simplified. Guns do good and let's ignore all the bad things that happen.
I didn't make that my point. You made it for me to misrepresent what I believe. Guns are tools that can do positive or negative things. Invading Poland was a negative. breaking away from the Royal Crown was a positive.

Defending your families life is a positive and killing people for shits and giggles is negative. The gun isn't the problem.

Cool, you've now tempered your original point. And yes, guns can be a problem, just ask anyone who has been shot. And sometimes guns can be helpful and the difference can be how the law is applied as to who is legally allowed to pull the trigger.

i.e. close loop holes and a real working background check system.

And you have obviously not studied either of those two things....because if you had you would know they do not stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting guns...but they do make it harder for normal people, especially the poor to get the guns they could use to save their own lives.

Which loophole needs to be closed....and how would a background check system stop gun murder?
Are you seriously asking that question? Let's start with The Godfather and the Sopranos. Then let's move on to Darth Vader and Rylo Ken or whatever he's called.

I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?
I said murderers are considered cool. The extra "er" matters. Do you deny that people imitate what they see?

If you watched someone get brutally beaten does that mean you are going to want to brutally beat someone? If you answer yes, seek help. If you blow away a pixel created image then want to blow away people then I suggest you seek help. Maybe FPS games relieve aggression, could be?

The problem with this shooting, and most others, is that it wasn't a mob hit or anything like a mob hit. Videos didn't cause the man to do what he did. The gun didn't cause him to do what he did. Something triggered this response and I am thinking it is a lifetime of failure, limited opportunity and a society that has been moving to secular relatism for the last 25 years. As much as folks don't want to admit it, a society without religion is a society in decay, the results we see everyday proves it to me.

The evidence exists. People who see lots of violence are more likely to imitate it than people who don't. Deny it all you want.

Ask yourself this ... is it more likely helpful or harmful for people who "need help" as you say to be able to see graphic violence in the media and entertainment industry day after day after day?

I've only gone out and killed people a few times after watching crime shows. Just doesn't happen very often. Even then I think it was more just a mood I was in rather than the show
The only answer to these killings us to discover why they happen. Why is there so much violence? Do we place so little value on human life? Is there too much violence in our entertainment? Is it parenting? Entitlement? Mental illness? Drugs? A desire for fame even if it is infamy?

Until we discover the reason for these killings, they will continue to happen and taking guns out of the hands of innocent people won't fix anything.

All the above will suffice for reasons people go off and start killing.

However what gun nutters and gun haters alike just cant get a handle on is that these types of shootings and even worse ARE THE FUCKING PRICE TO BE PAID FOR VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED ACCESS TO GUNS.

We have virtually unlimited rights in our COtUS to have guns. Of course there will be mass shootings. And individual shootings. And suicide. And infantcide. And all the other ways people are dying by gun.

Accept the inevitable and move on. And understand that numbers work in your favor.

With 300 million plus Americans the chance that you will be randomly shot is very slim.

On the kids shooting, domestic violence with guns and suicide, the gun owner has a choice to make as to how easy or hard access to their guns will be.

Simply bull shit. Guns aren't the only way to kill someone or even massive amounts of people.
Which is easier to obtain today, Sunday February 21, 2016 in the United States of America--a semi automatic rifle and several magazines of bullets, or a WMD or IED? Is it really sensible to think a nut job will learn how to build a bomb from a pressure cooker RATHER than just go to Cabelas and buy a gun? Or steal Anthrax or another biological weapon to loose upon the public. Think about it!
If we make it easier to access assault weapons, this will never happen. Am I right?

There are over 3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands......and about 2-3 are used in crimes each we already have access to AR-15s and it doesn't cause a problem......your dumb point is duly noted.
The only answer to these killings us to discover why they happen. Why is there so much violence? Do we place so little value on human life? Is there too much violence in our entertainment? Is it parenting? Entitlement? Mental illness? Drugs? A desire for fame even if it is infamy?

Until we discover the reason for these killings, they will continue to happen and taking guns out of the hands of innocent people won't fix anything.

All the above will suffice for reasons people go off and start killing.

However what gun nutters and gun haters alike just cant get a handle on is that these types of shootings and even worse ARE THE FUCKING PRICE TO BE PAID FOR VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED ACCESS TO GUNS.

We have virtually unlimited rights in our COtUS to have guns. Of course there will be mass shootings. And individual shootings. And suicide. And infantcide. And all the other ways people are dying by gun.

Accept the inevitable and move on. And understand that numbers work in your favor.

With 300 million plus Americans the chance that you will be randomly shot is very slim.

On the kids shooting, domestic violence with guns and suicide, the gun owner has a choice to make as to how easy or hard access to their guns will be.

Simply bull shit. Guns aren't the only way to kill someone or even massive amounts of people.
Which is easier to obtain today, Sunday February 21, 2016 in the United States of America--a semi automatic rifle and several magazines of bullets, or a WMD or IED? Is it really sensible to think a nut job will learn how to build a bomb from a pressure cooker RATHER than just go to Cabelas and buy a gun? Or steal Anthrax or another biological weapon to loose upon the public. Think about it!

They can use gasoline and a match....or drive their car through a crowd.......most mass killings in Australia have been done with gasoline.....and that was before they banned guns...

How much does gasoline cost....and is there a background check on it.....

How about driving through a crowd.....any background checks on that?
This has become too commonplace. What is the root of it? Mental illness, acting out violent video games? Why?

Define "commonplace." In 2014 there were 4 mass public shootings.......2 of which were muslim terrorists......

There were 8,124 gun murders, the majority of which are criminals using illegally acquired guns, without background checks to murder other criminals.....

These are not common place other than in the minds of anti gunners in the media....
By God, we just need more guns out there on the street, Yessirreeeeeee Bob.

And the 1.5 million Americans who used guns to save their own lives and the lives of their families from violent criminal attack...according to bill clinton would agree to this point.....1.5 million Americans needed guns to stop a violent criminal attack....

Then throw in the number of attacks in legally created gun free zones.....and you see how dumb your post is.

Bullshit numbers.

Nope. 2A Guy's. And....the best part is.....I think he knows it. He just prefers to lie.

Not lyiing and you are still a racist who uses a Cuban American Senator in clown face....

Here are the actual studies...not mine....that show the actual research into defensive gun use....the research pushed by clinton and obama are highlighted.......

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Here we go again.

Prayers for the victims, and for their families.

We need to find a way to reduce these shootings, that works. Not just one that sounds like it'll work to people who aren't paying much attention.


Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested | Fox News

Michigan police say 6 dead in random shootings, suspect arrested

Published February 21, 2016

At least six people were killed and two others were injured in a series of what seem to be random shootings Saturday night, Michigan authorities said.

Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Paul Matyas told Fox 17 Online that a man was detained in downtown Kalamazoo. He said the man didn’t resist when law enforcement officers approached him. The man hasn’t been identified. “The threat to the public is over. We now have our suspect,” Matyas added.

Michigan State Police Lt. Dale Hinz told WMMT-TV the man is a 45-year-old white male and said the shootings at three locations were “incomprehensible.”

Matyas told Fox 17 Online that people were killed at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texas Township, while two others were killed at Seelye Kia. All of the shootings were in parking lots. “These are random murders,” he said.

The two injured victims are in critical condition. Hinz said that one of the victims was a 9-year-old girl. She was shot in the Cracker Barrel parking lot. Police believe the shootings are related to an earlier drive-by shooting at Meadows Townhomes, which left one woman injured.

the liberals are high fiving this one. A guy goes around shooting people and nails six with no one shooting back.

Congrats, libs, the body count is growing. Now Obama can cry on TV again to take more guns away from law abiding citizens. Maybe next time you can get the carnage up to eight or even ten.

Kalamazoo being my home town (hence "kaz"), I just wanted to say fuck you all who helped this guy have a safe landscape to shoot my fellow home towners

Can you find a link for the city of Kalamazoo not allowing ccw? It appears to me that by the Kalamazoo county it's perfectly legal to hold a ccw permit, here is a link on how to get one in case you needed to know:

General FAQ, Kalamazoo County Clerk/Register Office

OK, I'm going to have to agree with you. the law says:

"In Michigan, it is legal for a person to carry a firearm in public as long as the person is carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the firearm is not concealed. "

However, that applies unless you get a conceal carry permit. That still leaves the odds of running into someone with a legal concealed weapon low, but what I said was factually innacurate
What made this possible was the car. If he had had to walk everywhere he would not have been able to get away...right? So what we need is this....

Every car in the United States needs to be retrofitted with police over ride controls....just like on that show where they bait car thieves with cars, and then hit a switch which shuts the car down and locks the doors...

So every car in the United States gets a kill switch the police can use. The car stops. The doors and windows lock. Since cars are not a Right but a priveledge this can be done without any problem....every, single, car......right?
Kalamazoo being my home town (hence "kaz"), I just wanted to say fuck you all who helped this guy have a safe landscape to shoot my fellow home towners

Now that doesnt make sense. Does Kalamozoo have a city ordinace where no one is allowed a gun?

Are there no CCW laws in MI?

Just who do you think you are blaming for this tradgic shooting?

Hate to tell you this, but if someone walks up to you with a gun ready to shoot, I dont care how many guns you have on your person, If the shooter is ready and you are not, you still be dead. Guns or no guns.
Especially when the shooter is in a moving vehicle. No one had a chance with this one.

So if a gun can't protect you 100% of the time in every situation it's useless. Got it. That's your standard.

Oops, gun laws don't protect you 100% of the time in every situation! By your standard, now we throw them out!!!!!

Moron. Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are

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