At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.
Its politically correct for some to think such things, it's a symptom of socialism
The only answer to these killings us to discover why they happen. Why is there so much violence? Do we place so little value on human life? Is there too much violence in our entertainment? Is it parenting? Entitlement? Mental illness? Drugs? A desire for fame even if it is infamy?

Until we discover the reason for these killings, they will continue to happen and taking guns out of the hands of innocent people won't fix anything.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?
Right wing? Sober up dude. Most of them are leftists throwing the ultimate temper tantrum.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.

chances are he is a leftard
I don't think it's exactly news that kids become desensitized to violence by playing violent video games.

It's not news that we've gone from Lucy & Ricky sleeping in separate beds to people literally shitting on television for our entertainment.

It's not news that we now entertain ourselves with music & movies that condone violence & death & destruction & hatred.

It's not news that we make excuses for people who commit crimes.

It's not news that those who work hard, sacrifice and become successful are now looked at with suspicion and doubt and worse.

Our society is okay with the above. THAT is how culture is playing into this.

Anyone who doesn't see a decay in this culture and how it is manifesting simply isn't paying attention. Or perhaps they're enjoying it.

How ironic it is that we go through life trying to make as much money as possible, by doing actually nothing but investing, and decry the social degradation that is causing? The system feeds off society, first by trying to maximize profit by moving jobs off shore and then by trying to sell the goods to the same people just put out of work. It is crazy. Myself, I enjoy the lower cost goods coming in because I don't need to worry about a job. It helps me but I see it is dragging the country down. Just like I have said since WJC, he was the worst president ever because he started the whole process of the sucking sound of jobs.

But you can be a ease as long as your portfolio increases.
I think it began before Clinton. I think what happened in the 80's is the genesis of the economic attitudes that are causing damage today. General statements, meant to start a conversation, were taken as gospel.

Obvious examples would be "greed is good" and "government is not the answer to our problems, government IS the problem". These bumper-sticker phrases were absorbed and turned into absolutist philosophies that remain to this day.

When I first opened this thread I wondered two things. How long it would be before the shooting was blamed on a video, wasn't long. Second was, when would Reagan get the blame, wasn't long.

You do understand that Gordon Gekko was a fictitious person in a movie? Besides, that actually does agree with what I was saying, and I think it is the slogan of most investment strategists. Which is what the movie was all about.

Stating that government is the problem has lead to what? What? We are moving to bigger government not smaller government. If anything the quote is more applicable today then it was when Reagan said it. In my opinion the best leaders are the ones you hardly know they are there. The best government is the one that hardly interacts with people. We have moved very far from both those ideas.
Look at what I actually wrote.

I'm not blaming Reagan at all. His line was a standard-issue political slogan, a pretty good one. As I said, it was MEANT to stimulate conversation, but it was essentially turned into a specific political philosophy by many conservatives. Two different things entirely.

No, Wall Street was not just a movie about a slogan of investment strategists. It was specifically an indictment of aggressive capitalism by director Oliver Stone. It was anti-Wall Street. Yet so many took that "greed is good" thing and ran with it, not even realizing that they were proving Stone's point for him in real life. Obviously those people didn't understand it was just a movie. No doubt he's grateful for that.

And finally, stating that government is the problem has led to part of the GOP breaking off into a zealous, absolutist wing that simplistically calls every and any government program "socialist" or "Marist" or "communist", which has actually helped the Democrats across the board.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.

chances are he is a leftard

Chances are, he is just a sick little man.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.

chances are he is a leftard

Chances are, he is just a sick little man.

that also
And finally, stating that government is the problem has led to part of the GOP breaking off into a zealous, absolutist wing that simplistically calls every and any government program "socialist" or "Marist" or "communist", which has actually helped the Democrats across the board.
That's a lie. You consistently misrepresent the right and try to prend you are above partisanship. NO, conservatives do not call all government programs socialist. And Reagan said long ago "Government isn't the solution for the problem, government IS the problem". Those of us that understood the context understood that the private sector can address many, maybe most things government tries to micromanage. Government is big, bloated and inefficient but there are things only government can do.

That is not new to anyone not in a comma for the last 40 years.
I don't think it's exactly news that kids become desensitized to violence by playing violent video games.

It's not news that we've gone from Lucy & Ricky sleeping in separate beds to people literally shitting on television for our entertainment.

It's not news that we now entertain ourselves with music & movies that condone violence & death & destruction & hatred.

It's not news that we make excuses for people who commit crimes.

It's not news that those who work hard, sacrifice and become successful are now looked at with suspicion and doubt and worse.

Our society is okay with the above. THAT is how culture is playing into this.

Anyone who doesn't see a decay in this culture and how it is manifesting simply isn't paying attention. Or perhaps they're enjoying it.

How ironic it is that we go through life trying to make as much money as possible, by doing actually nothing but investing, and decry the social degradation that is causing? The system feeds off society, first by trying to maximize profit by moving jobs off shore and then by trying to sell the goods to the same people just put out of work. It is crazy. Myself, I enjoy the lower cost goods coming in because I don't need to worry about a job. It helps me but I see it is dragging the country down. Just like I have said since WJC, he was the worst president ever because he started the whole process of the sucking sound of jobs.

But you can be a ease as long as your portfolio increases.
I think it began before Clinton. I think what happened in the 80's is the genesis of the economic attitudes that are causing damage today. General statements, meant to start a conversation, were taken as gospel.

Obvious examples would be "greed is good" and "government is not the answer to our problems, government IS the problem". These bumper-sticker phrases were absorbed and turned into absolutist philosophies that remain to this day.

When I first opened this thread I wondered two things. How long it would be before the shooting was blamed on a video, wasn't long. Second was, when would Reagan get the blame, wasn't long.

You do understand that Gordon Gekko was a fictitious person in a movie? Besides, that actually does agree with what I was saying, and I think it is the slogan of most investment strategists. Which is what the movie was all about.

Stating that government is the problem has lead to what? What? We are moving to bigger government not smaller government. If anything the quote is more applicable today then it was when Reagan said it. In my opinion the best leaders are the ones you hardly know they are there. The best government is the one that hardly interacts with people. We have moved very far from both those ideas.
Look at what I actually wrote.

I'm not blaming Reagan at all. His line was a standard-issue political slogan, a pretty good one. As I said, it was MEANT to stimulate conversation, but it was essentially turned into a specific political philosophy by many conservatives. Two different things entirely.

No, Wall Street was not just a movie about a slogan of investment strategists. It was specifically an indictment of aggressive capitalism by director Oliver Stone. It was anti-Wall Street. Yet so many took that "greed is good" thing and ran with it, not even realizing that they were proving Stone's point for him in real life. Obviously those people didn't understand it was just a movie. No doubt he's grateful for that.

And finally, stating that government is the problem has led to part of the GOP breaking off into a zealous, absolutist wing that simplistically calls every and any government program "socialist" or "Marist" or "communist", which has actually helped the Democrats across the board.

Sigh, so a movie made to demonize Wallstreet with a quote used to demonize wall street meant that folks would do just the opposite? Really? Could more then likely be Investments advisers that promised the world? Or all the shows on how to flip houses? Maybe it was that type of greed that made the quote?

"Buy gold and silver today or else you won't be able to cash in on the world wide economic crash."
I don't think it's exactly news that kids become desensitized to violence by playing violent video games.

It's not news that we've gone from Lucy & Ricky sleeping in separate beds to people literally shitting on television for our entertainment.

It's not news that we now entertain ourselves with music & movies that condone violence & death & destruction & hatred.

It's not news that we make excuses for people who commit crimes.

It's not news that those who work hard, sacrifice and become successful are now looked at with suspicion and doubt and worse.

Our society is okay with the above. THAT is how culture is playing into this.

Anyone who doesn't see a decay in this culture and how it is manifesting simply isn't paying attention. Or perhaps they're enjoying it.

How ironic it is that we go through life trying to make as much money as possible, by doing actually nothing but investing, and decry the social degradation that is causing? The system feeds off society, first by trying to maximize profit by moving jobs off shore and then by trying to sell the goods to the same people just put out of work. It is crazy. Myself, I enjoy the lower cost goods coming in because I don't need to worry about a job. It helps me but I see it is dragging the country down. Just like I have said since WJC, he was the worst president ever because he started the whole process of the sucking sound of jobs.

But you can be a ease as long as your portfolio increases.
I think it began before Clinton. I think what happened in the 80's is the genesis of the economic attitudes that are causing damage today. General statements, meant to start a conversation, were taken as gospel.

Obvious examples would be "greed is good" and "government is not the answer to our problems, government IS the problem". These bumper-sticker phrases were absorbed and turned into absolutist philosophies that remain to this day.

When I first opened this thread I wondered two things. How long it would be before the shooting was blamed on a video, wasn't long. Second was, when would Reagan get the blame, wasn't long.

You do understand that Gordon Gekko was a fictitious person in a movie? Besides, that actually does agree with what I was saying, and I think it is the slogan of most investment strategists. Which is what the movie was all about.

Stating that government is the problem has lead to what? What? We are moving to bigger government not smaller government. If anything the quote is more applicable today then it was when Reagan said it. In my opinion the best leaders are the ones you hardly know they are there. The best government is the one that hardly interacts with people. We have moved very far from both those ideas.
Look at what I actually wrote.

I'm not blaming Reagan at all. His line was a standard-issue political slogan, a pretty good one. As I said, it was MEANT to stimulate conversation, but it was essentially turned into a specific political philosophy by many conservatives. Two different things entirely.

No, Wall Street was not just a movie about a slogan of investment strategists. It was specifically an indictment of aggressive capitalism by director Oliver Stone. It was anti-Wall Street. Yet so many took that "greed is good" thing and ran with it, not even realizing that they were proving Stone's point for him in real life. Obviously those people didn't understand it was just a movie. No doubt he's grateful for that.

And finally, stating that government is the problem has led to part of the GOP breaking off into a zealous, absolutist wing that simplistically calls every and any government program "socialist" or "Marist" or "communist", which has actually helped the Democrats across the board.

Sigh, so a movie made to demonize Wallstreet with a quote used to demonize wall street meant that folks would do just the opposite? Really? Could more then likely be Investments advisers that promised the world? Or all the shows on how to flip houses? Maybe it was that type of greed that made the quote?

"Buy gold and silver today or else you won't be able to cash in on the world wide economic crash."
I'm not really sure what this means.

My original point: There are many people who took slogans and made them into philosophy and then a political movement.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.
No different than Rustic claiming it was a socialist. But we all know the odds are, it was a right winger.
And finally, stating that government is the problem has led to part of the GOP breaking off into a zealous, absolutist wing that simplistically calls every and any government program "socialist" or "Marist" or "communist", which has actually helped the Democrats across the board.
That's a lie. You consistently misrepresent the right and try to prend you are above partisanship. NO, conservatives do not call all government programs socialist. And Reagan said long ago "Government isn't the solution for the problem, government IS the problem". Those of us that understood the context understood that the private sector can address many, maybe most things government tries to micromanage. Government is big, bloated and inefficient but there are things only government can do.

That is not new to anyone not in a comma for the last 40 years.
A majority of Americans are "above partisanship". Nothing special about me.

And it may be that, somehow, you're not hearing and reading the screams of "socialism", "Marxism", "communism". I don't know how, but it may be.
The only answer to these killings us to discover why they happen. Why is there so much violence? Do we place so little value on human life? Is there too much violence in our entertainment? Is it parenting? Entitlement? Mental illness? Drugs? A desire for fame even if it is infamy?

Until we discover the reason for these killings, they will continue to happen and taking guns out of the hands of innocent people won't fix anything.

All the above will suffice for reasons people go off and start killing.

However what gun nutters and gun haters alike just cant get a handle on is that these types of shootings and even worse ARE THE FUCKING PRICE TO BE PAID FOR VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED ACCESS TO GUNS.

We have virtually unlimited rights in our COtUS to have guns. Of course there will be mass shootings. And individual shootings. And suicide. And infantcide. And all the other ways people are dying by gun.

Accept the inevitable and move on. And understand that numbers work in your favor.

With 300 million plus Americans the chance that you will be randomly shot is very slim.

On the kids shooting, domestic violence with guns and suicide, the gun owner has a choice to make as to how easy or hard access to their guns will be.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.
No different than Rustic claiming it was a socialist. But we all know the odds are, it was a right winger.
Silly boy, most of these shooting are done by whacked progressives, a product of socialism...
Last edited:
Buy more guns and ammo

Police say the suspect was arrested at about 12:40 a.m. at Ransom and Porter streets in Kalamazoo. According to Michigan State Police, the suspect is a 45-year-old white man from Kalamazoo. Police said weapons were found in his vehicle.

Just another "heavily armed white man shooting"

Yes....and the other 356,999,999 million guns in private hands were not used in this shooting....
I don't think it's exactly news that kids become desensitized to violence by playing violent video games.

It's not news that we've gone from Lucy & Ricky sleeping in separate beds to people literally shitting on television for our entertainment.

It's not news that we now entertain ourselves with music & movies that condone violence & death & destruction & hatred.

It's not news that we make excuses for people who commit crimes.

It's not news that those who work hard, sacrifice and become successful are now looked at with suspicion and doubt and worse.

Our society is okay with the above. THAT is how culture is playing into this.

Anyone who doesn't see a decay in this culture and how it is manifesting simply isn't paying attention. Or perhaps they're enjoying it.

How ironic it is that we go through life trying to make as much money as possible, by doing actually nothing but investing, and decry the social degradation that is causing? The system feeds off society, first by trying to maximize profit by moving jobs off shore and then by trying to sell the goods to the same people just put out of work. It is crazy. Myself, I enjoy the lower cost goods coming in because I don't need to worry about a job. It helps me but I see it is dragging the country down. Just like I have said since WJC, he was the worst president ever because he started the whole process of the sucking sound of jobs.

But you can be a ease as long as your portfolio increases.
I think it began before Clinton. I think what happened in the 80's is the genesis of the economic attitudes that are causing damage today. General statements, meant to start a conversation, were taken as gospel.

Obvious examples would be "greed is good" and "government is not the answer to our problems, government IS the problem". These bumper-sticker phrases were absorbed and turned into absolutist philosophies that remain to this day.

When I first opened this thread I wondered two things. How long it would be before the shooting was blamed on a video, wasn't long. Second was, when would Reagan get the blame, wasn't long.

You do understand that Gordon Gekko was a fictitious person in a movie? Besides, that actually does agree with what I was saying, and I think it is the slogan of most investment strategists. Which is what the movie was all about.

Stating that government is the problem has lead to what? What? We are moving to bigger government not smaller government. If anything the quote is more applicable today then it was when Reagan said it. In my opinion the best leaders are the ones you hardly know they are there. The best government is the one that hardly interacts with people. We have moved very far from both those ideas.
Look at what I actually wrote.

I'm not blaming Reagan at all. His line was a standard-issue political slogan, a pretty good one. As I said, it was MEANT to stimulate conversation, but it was essentially turned into a specific political philosophy by many conservatives. Two different things entirely.

No, Wall Street was not just a movie about a slogan of investment strategists. It was specifically an indictment of aggressive capitalism by director Oliver Stone. It was anti-Wall Street. Yet so many took that "greed is good" thing and ran with it, not even realizing that they were proving Stone's point for him in real life. Obviously those people didn't understand it was just a movie. No doubt he's grateful for that.

And finally, stating that government is the problem has led to part of the GOP breaking off into a zealous, absolutist wing that simplistically calls every and any government program "socialist" or "Marist" or "communist", which has actually helped the Democrats across the board.

"Buy gold and silver today or else you won't be able to cash in on the world wide economic crash."
That's what Blen Geck said, and now a bunch of cons have gold worth half as much.

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