At least 6 dead in random shooting in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, suspect under arrest

you have a CCW, you can carry a gun as long as it's not concealed so the shooter knows that you're armed

Guy, If you have a CCW (carry a concealed weapon) why would it have to be open carried?

Acronym games, thanks for taking the discussion to a higher level.

OK, a carry permit, not a concealed carry permit. Are you happy now? Does that make you feel smart?

out here it is both open carry which requires nothing to do

and a concealed carry which requires a shall issue permit

does having an exposed arm make you more secure or less secure

i used to think so on the other hand it could make you the initial target

Yep, like the security guard in the Washington Navy Yard.

I'd say whether it makes you more or less secure is mixed. As you say, it could go either way.

why do you keep making my points

the armed guard with his exposed firearm was the >>initial<<((meaning first))) target
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As much as folks don't want to admit it, a society without religion is a society in decay, the results we see everyday proves it to me.

What if this shooter heard voices in his head and thought God was speaking to him to go out and shoot these people.

Lets face reality. When you have 300+ millions of people, you are going to have s bunch of crazies. Its just math.

And when you have millions of guns with easy gun availability, then sooner or later, the crazy person will get a gun and start shooting people.

thats just the way we are.

It would be a lot easier if we all just accepted this sick little fact and got on with protecting ourselves in the best way we know how.

Some will want to carry guns, Some will not. But the fact is, when the crazy person surprises you by shooting first, your chance of surviving are the same; gun or no gun.

maybe unconfirmed but he perhaps is a meth head

at least two mug shots of him can be located
yes even military personal are routinely unarmed they pretty much are in a gun free zone

Yea, but the problem you have is not having the intellect to figure out WHY the military does not want soldiers to have unrestricted access to guns.

there must be a reason. What could it be?
yes even military personal are routinely unarmed they pretty much are in a gun free zone

Yea, but the problem you have is not having the intellect to figure out WHY the military does not want soldiers to have unrestricted access to guns.

there must be a reason. What could it be?

what the fuck are they doing in the military if you can not trust them with weapons
You defend them, like with retarded statements that guns aren't a political issue
I didn't make that statement. You should try reading what's there, instead of what you want to be there. Go fuck yourself, hack

Here you go, stupid fuck. It wasn't a political issue until we politicized it.

What was the liberal's beef? Anybody know?
It took a little longer than usual for one of you scumbag loser hacks to pop in and politicize it. What was the delay - did you see a gay couple and hide under your bed until the coast was clear?
Here you go, dumbass:

You defend them, like with retarded statements that guns aren't a political issue

Your words. Which is not what I said. I criticized asshole hacks like you for politicizing the deaths of innocents. Fuck off.

wow, you must be livid every time Obama runs straight to a microphone every time there's a shooting. Liar.

And you didn't see guns in the Kalamazoo story until I pointed out? You're so stupid it's funny
I didn't make that statement. You should try reading what's there, instead of what you want to be there. Go fuck yourself, hack

Here you go, stupid fuck. It wasn't a political issue until we politicized it.

It took a little longer than usual for one of you scumbag loser hacks to pop in and politicize it. What was the delay - did you see a gay couple and hide under your bed until the coast was clear?
Here you go, dumbass:

You defend them, like with retarded statements that guns aren't a political issue

Your words. Which is not what I said. I criticized asshole hacks like you for politicizing the deaths of innocents. Fuck off.
Fuck you shitstain. I don't need your permission to state the obvious. Guns aren't political, it's the left that makes them political, they are just tools. My point was that liberals turn society to shit then stand back and blame guns. Go suck a salmonella salami.
Hungry? Why don't you go wet that appetite instead of just salivating over the thought
I'd rather laugh at you pounding your tonsils on a diseased salami. It will do about the same amount of good, big guy.
You'd rather watch a man suck another man's dick? That doesn't seem any less gay, but OK, whatever floats your boat :suck:
Here you go, stupid fuck. It wasn't a political issue until we politicized it.
Here you go, dumbass:

You defend them, like with retarded statements that guns aren't a political issue

Your words. Which is not what I said. I criticized asshole hacks like you for politicizing the deaths of innocents. Fuck off.
Fuck you shitstain. I don't need your permission to state the obvious. Guns aren't political, it's the left that makes them political, they are just tools. My point was that liberals turn society to shit then stand back and blame guns. Go suck a salmonella salami.
Hungry? Why don't you go wet that appetite instead of just salivating over the thought
I'd rather laugh at you pounding your tonsils on a diseased salami. It will do about the same amount of good, big guy.
You'd rather watch a man suck another man's dick? That doesn't seem any less gay, but OK, whatever floats your boat :suck:
I didn't say I'd watch you. You need to learn to read.
TV shows and movies glorify violence and revenge. Murderers are considered "cool". News and fiction about violent crime are among the most numerous things on TV. It has nothing to do with allowing gays to marry.

On what show are murderers considered cool?
Are you seriously asking that question? Let's start with The Godfather and the Sopranos. Then let's move on to Darth Vader and Rylo Ken or whatever he's called.

I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?
I said murderers are considered cool. The extra "er" matters. Do you deny that people imitate what they see?

In many senses, yes, but people don't shoot people because they see it on TV, they shoot people because they have a specific motive or they are psychopaths
I don't agree. I don't think people going loco is because of decaying culture, they are sick. It's society's reaction to that that's wrong
People become violent for reasons. The culture feeds them many reasons to become violent, many, many sources of inspiration in the entertainment industry.

TV doesn't turn people into psychopaths
Perhaps not. But it very certainly can make sick people become sicker. You don't think seeing violence on a screen has any effect on the human mind, especially young, developing, impressionable minds? If so, you are in denial of reality.

If you're a psychopath, you don't get "sicker" because of TV. We aren't talking about the flu, Holmes
Mental sickness can be made worse by environmental factors. Seeing something enough times can be inspiration for action. There are shows called Revenge and How To Get Away With Murder. Sounds like a problem to me.

Again, being a psychopath isn't like having the flu
TV shows and movies glorify violence and revenge. Murderers are considered "cool". News and fiction about violent crime are among the most numerous things on TV. It has nothing to do with allowing gays to marry.

On what show are murderers considered cool?
Are you seriously asking that question? Let's start with The Godfather and the Sopranos. Then let's move on to Darth Vader and Rylo Ken or whatever he's called.

I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?

Strawman. I didn't say they are cool, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool." Those are not the same thing.

And you and I usually agree freewill, but pull the stick out of your ass on this one. I didn't say anything about anyone else who watches them, I said I don't. I don't care for it when people imitate shows like the supranos and think saying things like "whack him" is funny. The mob is a real organization who kill real people. I think they should be portrayed as the sick bastards they are. I'm entitled to that opinion

See the problem is you are posting as if you know what others think. I have never heard someone say that the murders in the Godfather were cool. I have never seen a person watch "The Longest Day," and then attack a beachhead.
As much as folks don't want to admit it, a society without religion is a society in decay, the results we see everyday proves it to me.

What if this shooter heard voices in his head and thought God was speaking to him to go out and shoot these people.

Lets face reality. When you have 300+ millions of people, you are going to have s bunch of crazies. Its just math.

And when you have millions of guns with easy gun availability, then sooner or later, the crazy person will get a gun and start shooting people.

thats just the way we are.

It would be a lot easier if we all just accepted this sick little fact and got on with protecting ourselves in the best way we know how.

Some will want to carry guns, Some will not. But the fact is, when the crazy person surprises you by shooting first, your chance of surviving are the same; gun or no gun.

Maybe you are right, it is just part of society that must be accepted. Unfortunately it is not a part of society shared by every developed countries.

I am not sure I am willing to just accept senseless violence. But then again I am not sure what to do about it either. I can't make people get religion.
Here you go, dumbass:

Your words. Which is not what I said. I criticized asshole hacks like you for politicizing the deaths of innocents. Fuck off.
Fuck you shitstain. I don't need your permission to state the obvious. Guns aren't political, it's the left that makes them political, they are just tools. My point was that liberals turn society to shit then stand back and blame guns. Go suck a salmonella salami.
Hungry? Why don't you go wet that appetite instead of just salivating over the thought
I'd rather laugh at you pounding your tonsils on a diseased salami. It will do about the same amount of good, big guy.
You'd rather watch a man suck another man's dick? That doesn't seem any less gay, but OK, whatever floats your boat :suck:
I didn't say I'd watch you. You need to learn to read.
Oh, OK. You're just going to imagine it. Cool story, bro :rofl:
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
On what show are murderers considered cool?
Are you seriously asking that question? Let's start with The Godfather and the Sopranos. Then let's move on to Darth Vader and Rylo Ken or whatever he's called.

I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?

Strawman. I didn't say they are cool, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool." Those are not the same thing.

And you and I usually agree freewill, but pull the stick out of your ass on this one. I didn't say anything about anyone else who watches them, I said I don't. I don't care for it when people imitate shows like the supranos and think saying things like "whack him" is funny. The mob is a real organization who kill real people. I think they should be portrayed as the sick bastards they are. I'm entitled to that opinion

See the problem is you are posting as if you know what others think. I have never heard someone say that the murders in the Godfather were cool. I have never seen a person watch "The Longest Day," and then attack a beachhead.

I said "mob movies," you brought up "The Godfather." I made a reference to the Sopranos. You said I think murders on mob movies are "cool." I didn't say that, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool."

I'm not the one assuming what others think.

And if you don't think the mob is glorified in a lot of those movies, you need to pay more attention
I don't think it's exactly news that kids become desensitized to violence by playing violent video games.

It's not news that we've gone from Lucy & Ricky sleeping in separate beds to people literally shitting on television for our entertainment.

It's not news that we now entertain ourselves with music & movies that condone violence & death & destruction & hatred.

It's not news that we make excuses for people who commit crimes.

It's not news that those who work hard, sacrifice and become successful are now looked at with suspicion and doubt and worse.

Our society is okay with the above. THAT is how culture is playing into this.

Anyone who doesn't see a decay in this culture and how it is manifesting simply isn't paying attention. Or perhaps they're enjoying it.

How ironic it is that we go through life trying to make as much money as possible, by doing actually nothing but investing, and decry the social degradation that is causing? The system feeds off society, first by trying to maximize profit by moving jobs off shore and then by trying to sell the goods to the same people just put out of work. It is crazy. Myself, I enjoy the lower cost goods coming in because I don't need to worry about a job. It helps me but I see it is dragging the country down. Just like I have said since WJC, he was the worst president ever because he started the whole process of the sucking sound of jobs.

But you can be a ease as long as your portfolio increases.
I think it began before Clinton. I think what happened in the 80's is the genesis of the economic attitudes that are causing damage today. General statements, meant to start a conversation, were taken as gospel.

Obvious examples would be "greed is good" and "government is not the answer to our problems, government IS the problem". These bumper-sticker phrases were absorbed and turned into absolutist philosophies that remain to this day.

When I first opened this thread I wondered two things. How long it would be before the shooting was blamed on a video, wasn't long. Second was, when would Reagan get the blame, wasn't long.

You do understand that Gordon Gekko was a fictitious person in a movie? Besides, that actually does agree with what I was saying, and I think it is the slogan of most investment strategists. Which is what the movie was all about.

Stating that government is the problem has lead to what? What? We are moving to bigger government not smaller government. If anything the quote is more applicable today then it was when Reagan said it. In my opinion the best leaders are the ones you hardly know they are there. The best government is the one that hardly interacts with people. We have moved very far from both those ideas.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?
As much as folks don't want to admit it, a society without religion is a society in decay, the results we see everyday proves it to me.

What if this shooter heard voices in his head and thought God was speaking to him to go out and shoot these people.

Lets face reality. When you have 300+ millions of people, you are going to have s bunch of crazies. Its just math.

And when you have millions of guns with easy gun availability, then sooner or later, the crazy person will get a gun and start shooting people.

thats just the way we are.

It would be a lot easier if we all just accepted this sick little fact and got on with protecting ourselves in the best way we know how.

Some will want to carry guns, Some will not. But the fact is, when the crazy person surprises you by shooting first, your chance of surviving are the same; gun or no gun.
More laws will do nothing but affect the Law abiding in a negative way.
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?
Most of these shooting are from whacked progressives, wanting a free ride in life... The disease is socialism.
Are you seriously asking that question? Let's start with The Godfather and the Sopranos. Then let's move on to Darth Vader and Rylo Ken or whatever he's called.

I agree with that, it's exactly why I never watch mob movies. I hate them because the mob is real and they glorify them.

Mob movies still don't make you into a psychopath though

Cool? Have you watched the Godfather? What was ever cool about those murders depicted? Really?

But maybe you make your own point. Since you seem to think them "cool" that is a self fulfilling statement.

What I think is that these types of people are anti-social and are action on impulse. Something set them off and it was not a video of the Godfather.

I was wondering when someone would come on here and blame the shootings on a video. Where have we heard that before?

Strawman. I didn't say they are cool, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool." Those are not the same thing.

And you and I usually agree freewill, but pull the stick out of your ass on this one. I didn't say anything about anyone else who watches them, I said I don't. I don't care for it when people imitate shows like the supranos and think saying things like "whack him" is funny. The mob is a real organization who kill real people. I think they should be portrayed as the sick bastards they are. I'm entitled to that opinion

See the problem is you are posting as if you know what others think. I have never heard someone say that the murders in the Godfather were cool. I have never seen a person watch "The Longest Day," and then attack a beachhead.

I said "mob movies," you brought up "The Godfather." I made a reference to the Sopranos. You said I think murders on mob movies are "cool." I didn't say that, I agreed with the statement they are "considered cool."

I'm not the one assuming what others think.

And if you don't think the mob is glorified in a lot of those movies, you need to pay more attention

i like mob movies all of them
I am a conservative gun owner who believes in the second amendment, but something needs to give. These random shootings are becoming too common.

The conservative meme of we need good guns with a gun is great in theory, but in reality even in a CC state like MI those good guys are rarely around.
Socialism is mental disease, the more socialist the country gets the more likely these things are...
So your excuse for all these right wing nut jobs killing people, is because they hate Socialism?

Is that the reason this thread is in the political section? These were political shootings?

Where did you read he was a right wing nut job? You didn't, you just spew whatever thought or talking point enters your mind.

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