At long last, I have given up on attempting to live at peace with the Democrats

The Democrat Party has been contrarian since the 1820s. It's always been opposed to America's first principles.
Just remember the First Democrat. Andy Jackson. He slaughtered the Indians. Jefferson Davis was a Democrat

This kind of scene is the genesis of the Democrat Party (actually, the Constitution is, but that may be another discussion).

In his 1807 engraving, "Infant Liberty nursed by Mother Mob," Elkanah Tisdale depicted a baby being corrupted for a calamitous future. The infant Liberty is nursing on a diet of whiskey and rum by the slow-witted and down-at-heel figure of Mother Mob, a prostitute whose latest customer appears to be dozing in the bed behind her. Two imps in the guise of children stand next to her burning statutes and copies of the federal Constitution. In the background, a mob is tearing down a state building representing constitutional government, "the Pinnacle of Liberty."
Why would you protest? You wanted this system. Now it’s coming back to bite you in the ass.

What "system" do you speak of, laws and justice, civilized protocol?
Many components of our current society serve to reinforce systemic prejudice against minorities.

You do know more whites get shot by cops than black, don't you?

We have a system of justice in this country. When an officer is involved in a shooting or death, it's investigated throughly. The evidence is presented to a grand jury or prosecutor, and if found something was amiss, charges get filed.

That doesn't take place in uncivilized communities. You don't wait for anybody to look into anything. You simply put to death a person who's actions you don't like.

The bottom line is we have uncivilized people living in a civilized country. That's why it's a problem.
You do know more whites get shot by cops than black, don't you?
Oh...well, that solves the issue then.

What a fucking dope.
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
Wonder how that happened..........after we burned down the cities.......went to DNC rallies and burned police cars and started riots........looted and burned........paid protesters to start shit with...........

HEY WAIT A MINUTE.............WE DIDN'T DO THIS. SHIT...........your TRIBE DID MAC.........Now I'm pissed off.........thanks for straightening out how we are the problem as your TRIBE burns the country to the ground.

Maybe we should just say.............WHEN IN ROME do as the ROMANS WOULD DO.......then we can have WWF on the news without the pay per view..........

hmmm..........Mr. TRIBAL MAN

Why would you protest? You wanted this system. Now it’s coming back to bite you in the ass.

So go ahead and live in your bunker clutching your rifle and eating MREs. See if I care. The rest of us will be trying to help.
Help? by burning cities? Blocking streets? Bashing Regular Americans with bats? If you went to a multi-raciel High school ,you would know what I mean. Blacks are cowards. Their only way of fighting is "Swarming" and the "Sucka Punch". A couple of months ago I saw a video of about 13 Blacks stomp a lone White guy. Did the WHITES Riot?
Man, it wasn’t that long ago that we heard racism didn’t really exist anymore. Thanks for correcting the record.
Yep. That stomping happened. Guess where? Minneapolis.
By stomping, are you referring to the death of Floyd?
Ya know what? I was shocked when I first saw that killing. Ya know what else? after the last 2 weeks ,I don't give a shit.
You think it was a lib that killed Floyd? Why don’t you care about his death?
I DID care. After two weeks of filthy animals looting our cities ,I no longer give a shit.
I DID care. After two weeks of filthy animals looting our cities ,I no longer give a shit.
That comes from a lack of fortitude. America doesn't need fair weather friends right now. It needs understanding and commitment. You should read some lincoln biography for insight on staying the course.
The Dems created their own damned mess.......let them clean it up themselves............These are Blue controlled cities........

Deal with it...........keep it there............We didn't open Pandora did.

Simply retarded.
I bet you and Chauvin would be fast friends.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.

are you actually admitting that you are STOCKPILING weapons in order to KILL LIBERALS?

Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.

I feel so bad for you....

for YEARS you have been trying to PEACEFULLY and RATIONALLY discuss issues with liberals and democrats, trying to live in peace and harmony with them.

You, peacefully and rationally, and ever so politely, called them TRAITORS who are HUMAN SCUM and who should be LYNCHED or DEPORTED.

You kindly and reasonably called them EVIL, SATAN WORSHIPPERS, COMMIES, NAZIS, FAGGTS who you HATED with ALL of your heart.....

and still, after all of your rational and polite discourse, those HUMAN SCUM NAZI LIBERALS continued to disagree with you!

and now you are DONE being the NICE guy.....

so you are stockpiling weapons to kill them with......

Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
Wonder how that happened..........after we burned down the cities.......went to DNC rallies and burned police cars and started riots........looted and burned........paid protesters to start shit with...........

HEY WAIT A MINUTE.............WE DIDN'T DO THIS. SHIT...........your TRIBE DID MAC.........Now I'm pissed off.........thanks for straightening out how we are the problem as your TRIBE burns the country to the ground.

Maybe we should just say.............WHEN IN ROME do as the ROMANS WOULD DO.......then we can have WWF on the news without the pay per view..........

hmmm..........Mr. TRIBAL MAN

Why would you protest? You wanted this system. Now it’s coming back to bite you in the ass.

So go ahead and live in your bunker clutching your rifle and eating MREs. See if I care. The rest of us will be trying to help.
Help? by burning cities? Blocking streets? Bashing Regular Americans with bats? If you went to a multi-raciel High school ,you would know what I mean. Blacks are cowards. Their only way of fighting is "Swarming" and the "Sucka Punch". A couple of months ago I saw a video of about 13 Blacks stomp a lone White guy. Did the WHITES Riot?
Man, it wasn’t that long ago that we heard racism didn’t really exist anymore. Thanks for correcting the record.
Yep. That stomping happened. Guess where? Minneapolis.
By stomping, are you referring to the death of Floyd?
Ya know what? I was shocked when I first saw that killing. Ya know what else? after the last 2 weeks ,I don't give a shit.
You think it was a lib that killed Floyd? Why don’t you care about his death?
I DID care. After two weeks of filthy animals looting our cities ,I no longer give a shit.
I DID care. After two weeks of filthy animals looting our cities ,I no longer give a shit.
That comes from a lack of fortitude. America doesn't need fair weather friends right now. It needs understanding and commitment. You should read some lincoln biography for insight on staying the course.
The Dems created their own damned mess.......let them clean it up themselves............These are Blue controlled cities........

Deal with it...........keep it there............We didn't open Pandora did.

Simply retarded.
I bet you and Chauvin would be fast friends.

False equivalence............As I wouldn't put my knee on the neck of a man detained.....

I also wouldn't burn down my own country as DUMB ASSES.....fitting symbol of the DNC ........are doing right now.

Burn your little DNC shitholes down ............I NO LONGER CARE.
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
Our Republic had a good run, but it is over. We cannot live at peace with a political party that no longer believes in the principles set forth in the United States Constitution, and that resorts to murder and property destruction when it loses a Presidential election.

I will begin preparations for what it to come. I will purchase weapons and train in their use. I will stock up on food and supplies. I will arrange security for my home. I will make plans for the war that is to come.

I will urge like-minded people to organize a militia to protect our homes, as is our right under the Second Amendment. When they come to my neighborhood to cause me or my home harm, I will shoot them in self defense.

If you think what I say is extreme, wait a few years. You will come to realize that I am right. The Democrats have more plans to create more chaos and destruction. They will not relent until there is an actual shooting war and we will all have to take sides.

K. Best of luck.
I really would like to see Democrats defund and disband all the police in blue cities and states.

Wonder how it will work out for them...
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
It’s complicated, but society treats black people differently. All lives do matter but we say black lives matter because we need to focus on the lives that aren’t being treated as such.
Hitler taught us you can't appease socialists. They won't stop until they have the world, then the chimps will start eating themselves.

Thank you for expressing your admiration for hitler and revealing that you are TRULY a fascist nazi at heart
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
It’s complicated, but society treats black people differently. All lives do matter but we say black lives matter because we need to focus on the lives that aren’t being treated as such.
By who?

Who treats black people differently and why?
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
It’s complicated, but society treats black people differently. All lives do matter but we say black lives matter because we need to focus on the lives that aren’t being treated as such.
By who?

Who treats black people differently and why?
Lots of people. Start with the judicial system. Black men are seen as threats. Their crimes are prosecuted more aggressively, their sentences are more extensive. They’re not given the same benefit of the doubt as others.
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
It’s complicated, but society treats black people differently. All lives do matter but we say black lives matter because we need to focus on the lives that aren’t being treated as such.
By who?

Who treats black people differently and why?
Lots of people. Start with the judicial system. Black men are seen as threats. Their crimes are prosecuted more aggressively, their sentences are more extensive. They’re not given the same benefit of the doubt as others.
So everyone in the judicial system is racist?

All other races are treated differently?
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
It’s complicated, but society treats black people differently. All lives do matter but we say black lives matter because we need to focus on the lives that aren’t being treated as such.
And after seeing your store burn down and a couple of black savages kill your 70 year old father?
Good lord, some of you guys have really jumped the shark.
Listen to talk radio for a while. Read the winger websites.

These people have allowed themselves to be worked up into a froth of anger and frustration and pure paranoia. This is what it looks like.
That’s rich coming from a BLM defender. Their whole movement is based on lies and paranoia.
It’s a lie that Black lives matter?
All lives matter.

Saying black lives matter is race baiting. It implies they don't. It is meant to appeal to racist people.
How does saying black lives matter imply they don’t?
Why would need to say black lives matter?

All lives matter. All colors etc. So saying black lives matter implies they don't.
Because society is not treating black people as though their lives matter.
But all lives matter. Who is treating black people differently? The white people?

black lives matter is a slogan meant to appeal to racist people. If it appeals to you, you should look into that
It’s complicated, but society treats black people differently. All lives do matter but we say black lives matter because we need to focus on the lives that aren’t being treated as such.
By who?

Who treats black people differently and why?
Lots of people. Start with the judicial system. Black men are seen as threats. Their crimes are prosecuted more aggressively, their sentences are more extensive. They’re not given the same benefit of the doubt as others.
Violence...........LOOTING.......and you come in here and whine about the Judicial System.


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