At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

not at all, but you and GG pretend to be fence sitters when in reality you are on the left side of the fence on just about every issue. Why is it so hard to admit who and what you are?

why do you keep lying about me claiming to be a fence sitter? are you so pathetic that all you have is lies?

please give just a single example of the "left" side of an issue that have taken...just one
You are a fence sitter. You're a phoney.

You are so stupid. Name one single issue that I am "on the fence" about?

Your jealousy of me is getting the better of you
Oh, calm down. Geez, just poking you back. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

I am always calm, little boy.
Lol, oh yeah.
I want to know why they didn't bring their own?
Well, then you are a moron.

We have a group of retarded persons arguing against giving kids in our custody soap and toothpaste.

Somehow…I fail to see where being cruel to a child is “making america great” in any way shape or form.

But since they are talking about this being an invasion…I wonder what the Geneva convention would say about depriving enemy soldiers you have in your custody of soap and toothpaste?

Here is a primer….

View attachment 276469

Even by their own bizarre standards….they are violating their own creed.
If my neighbor's kid comes over and tells me he is hungry, I tell him to go home and tell HIS parents. Why we put up with these useless slugs and then babysit whatever they drag with them is beyond me. Nothing for any of them-apply for asylum in the FIRST country like you are supposed to.

5 y/o can’t apply for asylum usually fuck face
The 5 y/o didn’t have a choice shit brains
Well, then you are a moron.

We have a group of retarded persons arguing against giving kids in our custody soap and toothpaste.

Somehow…I fail to see where being cruel to a child is “making america great” in any way shape or form.

But since they are talking about this being an invasion…I wonder what the Geneva convention would say about depriving enemy soldiers you have in your custody of soap and toothpaste?

Here is a primer….

View attachment 276469

Even by their own bizarre standards….they are violating their own creed.
If my neighbor's kid comes over and tells me he is hungry, I tell him to go home and tell HIS parents. Why we put up with these useless slugs and then babysit whatever they drag with them is beyond me. Nothing for any of them-apply for asylum in the FIRST country like you are supposed to.

5 y/o can’t apply for asylum usually fuck face
The 5 y/o didn’t have a choice shit brains
The human baby in the womb that was murdered didn't have a choice either, but you vermin don't cry over that child. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

Not one word of anything above has anything at all to do with Mr. Trump.
And I'm not even a "Trump Supporter"

So basically, as usual, your post is just another confirmation of your frustration that America is rejecting sordid leftist policies.

Got it ;)

By all means, please continue......the degree of pain you're expressing is entertaining for many I'm sure.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:
Not one word of anything above has anything at all to do with Mr. Trump.
Holy crap.

This really is remarkable.

Amazing to watch.
It's amazing how personal and defensive people can get when you don't join them in their sycophantic tree forts. :lol:
The human baby in the womb that was murdered didn't have a choice either, but you vermin don't cry over that child.
But you are just pointing out what a fucking idiot you are, caring about a fetus, but not a 5yr old child.

Open mouth, insert foot.
The human baby in the womb that was murdered didn't have a choice either, but you vermin don't cry over that child.
But you are just pointing out what a fucking idiot you are, caring about a fetus, but not a 5yr old child.

Open mouth, insert foot.
Wrong. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of you and your pals. Nice try, but your hypocrisy is glaring. The 5 year old will live, the aborted child is DEAD. That 5 year old is nothing but a pawn for you.
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of you and your pals.
Nope, you're pointing out your own, which is much worse. Oops!
You're sick. You don't even believe a fetus is a human being. Children are nothing but useful pawns for you twits.
And you are the nauseating religious nutball who values fetuses more than 5 yr olds. And the truly sick thing about it is that you only force yourself to do it for selfish reasons, because you believe in magical, iron aged myths about the afterlife. Really, uou dont value either fetuses or 5 yr olds, but rather only value yourself. You would stomp either of them out to get through the pearly gates.

That's truly gross, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Lol, nice straw man kiddo, did you build it all by yourself?

no straw, just economic facts. higher corporate taxes = higher prices, higher prices = less consumer spending, less spending = lower markets.

its not complicated.

and a tariff is nothing more than a tax, so it works the same way.

the difference is that a tariff is a tax on the importing country. They have a choice, either pass the tariff along to the consumers and lose business because domestic products are now price competitive, or absorb the tariff, which is what China is doing, and reduce their profit margin.

It works, its working now, China's economy has been crashing and they are now asking for trade talks to resume and saying they want to make a deal.[/QUOTE]
Shame there aren't any domestic products. They just move to a different country to product products. Chinas economy crashing means nothing, ours is stalling too.
Worthless thread debunked and going off the deep end.
It's amazing how personal and defensive people can get when you don't join them in their sycophantic tree forts. :lol:

There's the downside to their IDENTIFICATION with the Dear Leader, which adds to their self and sense of self-importance and self-worth: Any and all criticism of said Dear Leader is tantamount to a frontal attack on the sycophants' sense of self-worth. That's no laughing matter. Well, not for them...
Trump staying home??
Marcæriel Bustos shared a post.
4 hrs

I was asking myself why trump cancel all the trips to Europe this week and why trump is so nervous about Florida ? but don’t give two shit about Puerto Rico or the rest of the country? Well now I know why ! Lol
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of you and your pals.
Nope, you're pointing out your own, which is much worse. Oops!
You're sick. You don't even believe a fetus is a human being. Children are nothing but useful pawns for you twits.
And you are the nauseating religious nutball who values fetuses more than 5 yr olds. And the truly sick thing about it is that you only force yourself to do it for selfish reasons, because you believe in magical, iron aged myths about the afterlife. Really, uou dont value either fetuses or 5 yr olds, but rather only value yourself. You would stomp either of them out to get through the pearly gates.

That's truly gross, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Nothing religious about basic biology. A fetus is human. Idiot.

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