At This Point, Fair Or Unfair Election Really Doesn't Matter

Now, before you start quoting on me that, what I mean by that is of course I believe that it was an unfair election,.. but even if it was fair, that wouldn't really be a point to keep both Biden and Harris in office at this point. (Or Pelosi for that matter.)
Pelosi? You got a hardon for Pelosi?

Give it a rest. The election bs from Trump was never about Pelosi
Ironical ain't it?

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’​

September 26, 2019 at 5:03 p.m. EDT

Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.
The former secretary of state, who lost the presidency to Trump, offered a scathing assessment of the president, his 2016 win and the latest allegations that he tried to obtain incriminating information from a foreign government about Joe Biden, a possible 2020 opponent, according to excerpts released by CBS from a wide-ranging pretaped interview for its “Sunday Morning” show,

:CryingCow: :CryingCow: :CryingCow:

Ooooooh, She's So Mean!
He was called a name? Poor guy
They call him Trigger for a reason.


Poor Trigger.
Ironical ain't it?

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’​

September 26, 2019 at 5:03 p.m. EDT

Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.
The former secretary of state, who lost the presidency to Trump, offered a scathing assessment of the president, his 2016 win and the latest allegations that he tried to obtain incriminating information from a foreign government about Joe Biden, a possible 2020 opponent, according to excerpts released by CBS from a wide-ranging pretaped interview for its “Sunday Morning” show,

And why do we think she wouldn't lie about it now in this puff piece?
Ok for what? Is it a crime to leak something to a reporter during a campaign? If that's the case then I think we need to start rounding all politicians, now. Which would be awesome.......
LOL. So, now you are saying it is ok to lie to courts to take down a political opponent?
One person was indited on one count of lying to the FBI which they haven't proven in testimony. The object is to sully the Democrats in anyway possible and Durham as proven to be a Neo-GOP lackey and needs to be investigated.......(lol). And one guilty plea to a minor infraction resulting in probation.
It's not over yet. The lie was to courts in order to take down a political opponent. AKA an attack on our democracy, a political coup or insurrection. Guess you guys think that is ok.
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And our democracy dies an ugly death.

"I don't like the result. It didn't count".

Like a grade school playground.
It is not the voter that cast a ballot that decides the winner of an election. It is the one that counts the ballots that decides the winner.

The Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrat scum in Democrat controlled swing districts.

There was no Democracy. Just a stolen election. That is how most Leftest regimes get in power.

As far as Liberals not supporting our Democracy just wait until you see the destruction by the Moon Bats when the official Supreme Court ruling on abortion comes out.

That is on top of the six months of destruction we saw from the Moon Bat assholes supporting the BLM insurrection.
Bullshit, only one side has this widespread problem.
Lol .. perhaps you're not remembering 2016-2020. "Not my President", "Russia, Russia, Russia!", Etc.

Dems spent four years in denial. Arguably, they're still there.
It is not the voter that cast a ballot that decides the winner of an election. It is the one that counts the ballots that decides the winner.
"If I can't win. I'll flip the table because everyone was cheating!"

My son used to do that. When he was five. He grew out of it
Uh-huh, and people still believe Trumpybears' crack investigators in Hawaii came up with some unbelievable evidence that Obama isn't a citizen too!

There is a trial going on right now that you may want to pay attention to.
"If I can't win. I'll flip the table because everyone was cheating!"

My son used to do that. When he was five. He grew out of it
What powers to us does your son have? Can he attempt to force us to get a jab we don't believe in? And then say well we aren't forcing you to take it as they get your fired? Does he have that power?

Does he have the power to take part of your paycheck to pay for stuff you don't believe in?
Does he have the power to ask his permission to build a home?
Does he have the power to put you in jail?
Does he have the power to force you to put solar panels on your home?

No he doesn't.............Politicians do have that power with laws. So when they CHEAT..........You are damned right I'm angry over it. They clearly cheated in the last election. I don't care how you spin that.

In regards to Hillary...........she got to use the Federal Gov't to attack here opponent........and got debate questions before the that FAIR AND BALANCED? Yes that pisses me off.

Now........the OSHA thing...........Had Trump not won Biden would have gotten OSHA to allow you forced vaccinations or lose your job.............that was a direct attack against me and my way of life because I don't believe in the mRNA vaccines...............

We are approaching War in this country if this country DBlack............We are divided............and a spark will eventually lead to flames. I hope that we could somehow restore the republic without War..........but it's looking more like that is not possible.
Bullshit, only one side has this widespread problem.

That would be the Democrats who can’t acccept defeat. Russia, Russia, Russia followed by changing election rules when they realized they were going to lose yet again.

BTW, what moron would be satisfied with the job performance of the current administration?
B,b,but... "They started it!".

He used to do that as well.
Yawn.............comparing laws........not obeying them and trying to force you how to live like you are MY PARENT..........GFY.

The gov't is not my parent.........They have no right to tell me how to live.............Unless I'm violating laws like Murder.......

Saying take your vaccine or I'll make sure you are fired and lose everything.........then this republic is dead.

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