At This Point, Fair Or Unfair Election Really Doesn't Matter

"It's different when we do it!"

Everybody sing!
Drama Queen award nominee...............

How many of those powers does your son have? NONE.

When one side pushes too far.............the other side WILL PUSH BACK........They need to stop pushing.
The two idiots currently "running" the country SUCK COMPLETE ASS. I wouldn't give a damn if they got 90% of the entire country to vote for them.

THEY SUCK and should be removed. The results speak for themselves.

And our democracy dies an ugly death.

"I don't like the result. It didn't count".

Like a grade school playground.

The founders were right. The constitution doesn't work when corrupt people don't abide. We've run our cycle and now the globalist club is bringing their dream of a one world order to fruition. Happening fast.
The founders were right. The constitution doesn't work when corrupt people don't abide. We've run our cycle and now the globalist club is bringing their dream of a one world order to fruition. Happening fast.
Lol .. it's not the "globalist club". We're doing this to ourselves.
"If I can't win. I'll flip the table because everyone was cheating!"

My son used to do that. When he was five. He grew out of it
So you taught your son to be dishonest to get what he wants?

The Leftest have always used dishonesty to turn a country into a Socialist shithole and the Democrats are no different than other filthy Leftest.

Shame on you!
Lol .. it's not the "globalist club". We're doing this to ourselves.
They hold the keys to the car...............and have locked themselves in.........they control the media and have tons of people who are their zombies........

Gonna have to break into the car to stop this............The Tea Party started the RINO hunt then it got taken over................That was a proper approached...only bagged a few though.
That would be the Democrats who can’t acccept defeat. Russia, Russia, Russia followed by changing election rules when they realized they were going to lose yet again.

BTW, what moron would be satisfied with the job performance of the current administration?
The Democrats realized that their attempted coup against Trump didn't work so the shitheads decided to go Old School like all Leftest and steal an election.
So you taught your son to be dishonest to get what he wants?

The Leftest have always used dishonesty to turn a country into a Socialist shithole and the Democrats are no different than other filthy Leftest.

Shame on you!
When I grew up my dad smacked the living shit out of me if I screwed up. Deserved it. Hell the neighbors could whoop us and then send us to dad.............The times have changed.

Reminds me also of the vice principle who had people sign his paddle after whooping us at school. Had holes in it............then OH YOU ARE IN SPORTS...........Coach.............

Time to be the sucker that is stuck as the Bull in the ring at practice til you drop............lmao
You've never heard of klaus schaub, the great reset, wef, new world order? Does anyone know what's happening? Is everyone this clueless?
You won't understand this, but not everyone exists in this paranoid, misguided reality that has been constructed and maintained for you people.

You REALLY won't understand THIS, but the mere fact that a person is not an obedient orange cultist says nothing -- zero -- about their actual positions on the wide variety of issues.

I know. This makes no sense to you, so you'll just call it a lie or fake news or commie or something. I just thought I would toss it out there. What the hell, why not.
Of course it matters. Integrity always does. It doesn't matters to the Cult who says if they lose it must have been rigged, and then whines to a sympathetic Press about unproven allegations that go beyond any reasonable doubts.
Gore was pretty fucking annoying.
You won't understand this, but not everyone exists in this paranoid, misguided reality that has been constructed and maintained for you people.

You REALLY won't understand THIS, but the mere fact that a person is not an obedient orange cultist says nothing -- zero -- about their actual positions on the wide variety of issues.

I know. This makes no sense to you, so you'll just call it a lie or fake news or commie or something. I just thought I would toss it out there. What the hell, why not.
LIAR. How much do they pay you to do this crap everyday...........You suck at it.
You won't understand this, but not everyone exists in this paranoid, misguided reality that has been constructed and maintained for you people.

You REALLY won't understand THIS, but the mere fact that a person is not an obedient orange cultist says nothing -- zero -- about their actual positions on the wide variety of issues.

I know. This makes no sense to you, so you'll just call it a lie or fake news or commie or something. I just thought I would toss it out there. What the hell, why no
Lol, Mac. It's happening right before your eyes. If you or anyone else aren't subservient and bow, they won't be participating in this new system. Ignorance must be bliss. Just trying to help you. That's all.
Precisely as I predicted. Immediately.

I just toss the softballs up in the air, and they jump in to whack 'em over the fence for me.
I love softball.........such easy to hit ......perhaps one day you will learn how to pitch with a baseball..........

Doubt it.

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