Atheism's big LIE

Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

Sore, like a LYING Christian would ever tell the truth about Atheism.

However, you believe all atheists tell the truth about Christians all the time?

They are infinitely more honest than Christians.

Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, died an Opium addict and a very despondent individual. Perhaps atheists just like to hear themselves talk more than actually being honest.
In general, Atheistic leaders have killed far more CHRISTIANS, then Christians have ever killed anyone in general. This includes all the Crusades, and centuries of the Inquisition, and witch executions. I believe what was done in the name of Christianity was very terrible and sad. However, atheists don't care what they have done to Christians in the past, present or future ---- nor anyone who disagrees with them. Atheists like Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Harris and Nicolas Humphreys have said very bias and discriminatory remarks against religious people and specifically Christians --- whom they outright say they hate, and want them silenced.
Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

Go ahead an summarize in your own words ina couple of sentences. I am not watching a video you never watched.

In general, Atheistic leaders have killed far more CHRISTIANS, then Christians have ever killed anyone in general. This includes all the Crusades, and centuries of the Inquisition, and witch executions. I believe what was done in the name of Christianity was very terrible and sad. However, atheists don't care what they have done to Christians in the past, present or future ---- nor anyone who disagrees with them. Atheists like Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Harris and Nicolas Humphreys have said very bias and discriminatory remarks against religious people and specifically Christians --- whom they outright say they hate, and want them silenced.

I don't believe they ever said they hate Christians. They hate religion for all the same reasons. Its bullshit.

Go through the posts and count the number of atheists OPs started by atheists ridiculing Christians.

This thread is a classic example. Christians cannot accept atheists have a right to believe nothing. It's some type if guilt thing they don't have mental freedom and not be shackled to some ghost.
Atheists like...
This is unfair. No one, be they atheist or Christian, wants to be lumped together with those who do or say things they would never do. Neither Christianity nor atheism is about killing others. Covid19 was not about killing others. People of faith, people of no faith, make bad decisions, or sometimes it is a matter of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.

The issue between believers and those who do not believe is that some of us believers have a tendency towards thinking that since we connected with God, so can everyone else. Some atheists have a tendency towards thinking that since they cannot connect with God, everyone else is just pretending.

Would a Christian tell a blind person they could see if they just tried a little harder? Or would they just do what they could to help them understand the world of sight? The greatest percentage of atheists are very good people. While they may not be able to connect with God, they can, they have, and they do connect with love and goodness.

People of faith want atheists to see the best in them; atheists want people of faith to see the best in them. This is not that hard for either position to accomplish.
Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

Go ahead an summarize in your own words ina couple of sentences. I am not watching a video you never watched.

In general, Atheistic leaders have killed far more CHRISTIANS, then Christians have ever killed anyone in general. This includes all the Crusades, and centuries of the Inquisition, and witch executions. I believe what was done in the name of Christianity was very terrible and sad. However, atheists don't care what they have done to Christians in the past, present or future ---- nor anyone who disagrees with them. Atheists like Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Harris and Nicolas Humphreys have said very bias and discriminatory remarks against religious people and specifically Christians --- whom they outright say they hate, and want them silenced.

You are right.
Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

Sore, like a LYING Christian would ever tell the truth about Atheism.

However, you believe all atheists tell the truth about Christians all the time?

What the hell do you think atheists are lying about exactly?

Atheists secretly believe in God and are lying about it
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

Go ahead an summarize in your own words ina couple of sentences. I am not watching a video you never watched.

In general, Atheistic leaders have killed far more CHRISTIANS, then Christians have ever killed anyone in general. This includes all the Crusades, and centuries of the Inquisition, and witch executions. I believe what was done in the name of Christianity was very terrible and sad. However, atheists don't care what they have done to Christians in the past, present or future ---- nor anyone who disagrees with them. Atheists like Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Harris and Nicolas Humphreys have said very bias and discriminatory remarks against religious people and specifically Christians --- whom they outright say they hate, and want them silenced.

I don't believe they ever said they hate Christians. They hate religion for all the same reasons. Its bullshit.

Go through the posts and count the number of atheists OPs started by atheists ridiculing Christians.

This thread is a classic example. Christians cannot accept atheists have a right to believe nothing. It's some type if guilt thing they don't have mental freedom and not be shackled to some ghost.

People are all free to believe whatever they wish, it just appears that atheists are afforded more platforms to express their opinions from an educational standpoint.
Here presented and refuted are 3 BIG lies that Atheists spread about Christianity.

Go ahead an summarize in your own words ina couple of sentences. I am not watching a video you never watched.

In general, Atheistic leaders have killed far more CHRISTIANS, then Christians have ever killed anyone in general. This includes all the Crusades, and centuries of the Inquisition, and witch executions. I believe what was done in the name of Christianity was very terrible and sad. However, atheists don't care what they have done to Christians in the past, present or future ---- nor anyone who disagrees with them. Atheists like Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Christopher Harris and Nicolas Humphreys have said very bias and discriminatory remarks against religious people and specifically Christians --- whom they outright say they hate, and want them silenced.

I don't believe they ever said they hate Christians. They hate religion for all the same reasons. Its bullshit.

Go through the posts and count the number of atheists OPs started by atheists ridiculing Christians.

This thread is a classic example. Christians cannot accept atheists have a right to believe nothing. It's some type if guilt thing they don't have mental freedom and not be shackled to some ghost.

People are all free to believe whatever they wish, it just appears that atheists are afforded more platforms to express their opinions from an educational standpoint.

It "appears" like that. I would to a godbotherer who hates atheists.
Not one thread is on here attacking Christians by atheists.
Read the OP. That's not provocative????
Grow up.
You obviously don't seem to read much. And I firmly believe any person worth calling a CHRISTIAN, tries to follow CHRIST and believes everything HE reveals about HIMSELF and the FATHER throughout the BIBLE --- and not just the convenient portions.
So you have nothing to do with mixed fibres and shellfish?
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.

I say BS that Christians are open to discussions about the existence of God or virgin birth or resurrection
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
Correct. And after childhood one does not need parents or even a best friend to live a life that makes sense. Gods, parents, children, friends...they do add blessings and joys to that life that makes sense. The same is true of camping, skiing, photography, gardening, etc. Would you scorn people who take part in these activities? Then why the scorn for those who worship? Serious question.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

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