Atheist 10 Commandments

Atheists write better commandments than God

God wasted half of his on.....You better worship me or else!

Perhaps. But commandments not followed are just words on paper.

It's all just words on paper.

The evolutionary point is to commit thoughts, hopes and dreams to media so that they can be transmitted down the Timeline. The evolutionary advantage is for your descendants to learn from your experiences and make a better world for themselves by learning from your mistakes as well as the successes.

Fortunately, Monkeys getting so stuck in the same set of books for close to 2,000 years seems to have enhanced our technological evolution even as it warped our emotional evolution. If we don't kill ourselves first, we'll probably make it to the stars a few generations ahead of schedule.

Monkeys will be the 'whipper-snappers' of the Sentient Universe. :thup:

I don't think so. If people actually do learn from their mistakes then it is more than just words on paper, it is action. Ultimately, action is what matters. My own impression is the real purpose of the list in the OP is to demonstrate how much better Atheists are than Theists, and that impression has been supported by the various posts. I don't think that is true, but I also don't think they are any worse. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between an Atheist and a Theist. This too has been supported by the various posts in this thread.

BTW.... we're not monkeys. We're apes. No tails. You shouldn't insult the monkeys like that.

So atheists are soooo much better than theists? Really?

Try checking statistics on those who given their time and money to the poor. I'll give you two guesses on where atheists wind up on the list.

Those of faith give far more of the personal time and money to the poor as where atheists usually support government in forcing them to pay more money to the government so that they can take care of the poor for them.

Try investigating divorce rates as well. On the surface, it seems as if those of faith are no different than those who are not. However, if you check to see how devoted they are to their faith, whether they attend church regularly, you will see that those of faith fare far better than others.

Still not convinced? Those of faith tend to live longer and are happier, that is, those who attend church regularly.

So no, there are big differences.

Well hell, Bunky. It's hard to imagine how religion is not some panacea for life on the planet.

It is important for believers to accept that the history of their beliefs have caused the damage the world has seen, and not the other way around. Medicine, science, philosophy have all suffered because of the actions of men who were believers. It's too simplistic and irresponsible to shrug and say, "That's not god's fault, that's man's fault for being corrupt". By your own words, god created man, and gave man the abilities he has -- ultimately, man didn't create Satan, god did. Man didn't create sin, god did (unless you claim that man is so powerful as to have been able to create Satan-- but of course, Satan was "evil" before man was created-- did you ever read the Adam and Eve fable?)
Behold atheists new Ten Commandments -

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

4. Every person has the right to control of their body.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

9. There is no one right way to live.

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.

Only 10 commandments?

The secular federal US government writes about 40,000 new regulations and laws every year. The US also has the most jails in the world and the most prisoners.

It seems atheists are losing their war on immorality.

Sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense

Atheists are a very small minority in this country. You must be referring to the Christians in this country who are filling our jails with petty drug offenders and keep us as one of the few civilized nations that still use the death penalty

You atheists are a trip. When discussing whether the US is based upon the Christian faith you shreek in horror yelling separation of church and state, but when it comes to the dysfunctional state of the union then all of a sudden we are a Christian nation again.

You kids are at least entertaining.

I see no indication that the U.S. is based upon the Christian faith.

Western civilization is derived largely as a result of the distillation of centuries of Judeo-Christian principles and convictions, ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, the Magna Carta, the work of Locke, Hume, Rousseau, Paine, et al.. into a codified framework of law that guarantees rights and liberties to all people.
Thinking on the Margin Religion Romance Divorce Rates vs. Church Attendance

Here is what I'm talking about in terms of how church attendance lowers divorce rates.

So instead of haggling over who is a "true Christian", we can at least look at those who are actively pursing their faith.

Now you are comparing Christians who do attend church against Christians who do not. However, if you compare the percentage of those who do attend church against the percentage of those who claim no religion in the poll I provided, you will see that no religion group still has a better divorce rate.

Now, back to the other question. When does my right to life give me a right to your body?
This is from the article I provided about giving to charity.

We assume the rich give more than the middle class, the middle class more than the poor. I've heard liberals care more about the less fortunate, so we assume they give more than conservatives do. Are these assumptions truth, or myth?
To test what types of people give more, "20/20" went to two very different parts of the country, with contrasting populations: Sioux Falls, S.D. and San Francisco, Calif. The Salvation Army set up buckets at the busiest locations in each city -- Macy's in San Francisco and Wal-Mart in Sioux Falls. Which bucket collected more money?
Sioux Falls is rural and religious; half of the population goes to church every week. People in San Francisco make much more money, are predominantly liberal, and just 14 percent of people in San Francisco attend church every week. Liberals are said to care more about helping the poor; so did people in San Francisco give more?
It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

So the myth is that those who purport to are about the poor by seeking government to give more tax money to the poor, give far less than those who don't.

So what is a more efficient method for giving to the poor? Is it giving the money to amoral bureaucrats in Congress who only have an approval rating of 10%, or actually getting off your arse, opening your wallet without a gun to your head and doing it yourself?
This is from the article I provided about giving to charity.

We assume the rich give more than the middle class, the middle class more than the poor. I've heard liberals care more about the less fortunate, so we assume they give more than conservatives do. Are these assumptions truth, or myth?
To test what types of people give more, "20/20" went to two very different parts of the country, with contrasting populations: Sioux Falls, S.D. and San Francisco, Calif. The Salvation Army set up buckets at the busiest locations in each city -- Macy's in San Francisco and Wal-Mart in Sioux Falls. Which bucket collected more money?
Sioux Falls is rural and religious; half of the population goes to church every week. People in San Francisco make much more money, are predominantly liberal, and just 14 percent of people in San Francisco attend church every week. Liberals are said to care more about helping the poor; so did people in San Francisco give more?
It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

So what? You referenced laws based upon God. I pointed out how God wants you to give. So how is a law which requires you to give not in keeping with what God wants?
Thinking on the Margin Religion Romance Divorce Rates vs. Church Attendance

Here is what I'm talking about in terms of how church attendance lowers divorce rates.

So instead of haggling over who is a "true Christian", we can at least look at those who are actively pursing their faith.

Now you are comparing Christians who do attend church against Christians who do not. However, if you compare the percentage of those who do attend church against the percentage of those who claim no religion in the poll I provided, you will see that no religion group still has a better divorce rate.

Now, back to the other question. When does my right to life give me a right to your body?

Why are you ignoring the fact that those who attend church regularly have lower divorce rates?

So what tells us more about a person, what they say or what they do?

As far as a "right to life", we have had numerous interpretations over the years. The definition seems to hinge on what we consider to be human.

For example, in Nazi Germany Jews were compared to vermin. They were viewed to be "subhuman". Another example is how slaves were viewed in the deep south in the 1800's. They were viewed to be glorified apes, thus not equal to other humans. Today we have Muslims doing the same to "infidels" and abortionists doing it by saying he unborn are a "fetus".

In short, the only way to justify destroying human life is to devalue that life as inferior. I simply reject your method, especially when you are unable to articulate why a child becomes human once they pass from the birth canal.
Thinking on the Margin Religion Romance Divorce Rates vs. Church Attendance

Here is what I'm talking about in terms of how church attendance lowers divorce rates.

So instead of haggling over who is a "true Christian", we can at least look at those who are actively pursing their faith.

Now you are comparing Christians who do attend church against Christians who do not. However, if you compare the percentage of those who do attend church against the percentage of those who claim no religion in the poll I provided, you will see that no religion group still has a better divorce rate.

Now, back to the other question. When does my right to life give me a right to your body?

Why are you ignoring the fact that those who attend church regularly have lower divorce rates?

So what tells us more about a person, what they say or what they do?

As far as a "right to life", we have had numerous interpretations over the years. The definition seems to hinge on what we consider to be human.

For example, in Nazi Germany Jews were compared to vermin. They were viewed to be "subhuman". Another example is how slaves were viewed in the deep south in the 1800's. They were viewed to be glorified apes, thus not equal to other humans. Today we have Muslims doing the same to "infidels" and abortionists doing it by saying he unborn are a "fetus".

In short, the only way to justify destroying human life is to devalue that life as inferior. I simply reject your method, especially when you are unable to articulate why a child becomes human once they pass from the birth canal.

I am not ignoring the fact. I acknowledged the fact. Why are you ignoring the fact that people who claim to be non-religious have a lower divorce rate than those who attend church regularly?

A fetus is human at conception and continues to be human until he/she dies. I have a bit of trouble continuing that status beyond death and that might become an issue. If you have another definition, I'd be happy to hear it.
Behold atheists new Ten Commandments -

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

4. Every person has the right to control of their body.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

9. There is no one right way to live.

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.

Only 10 commandments?

The secular federal US government writes about 40,000 new regulations and laws every year. The US also has the most jails in the world and the most prisoners.

It seems atheists are losing their war on immorality.

Sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense

Atheists are a very small minority in this country. You must be referring to the Christians in this country who are filling our jails with petty drug offenders and keep us as one of the few civilized nations that still use the death penalty

You atheists are a trip. When discussing whether the US is based upon the Christian faith you shreek in horror yelling separation of church and state, but when it comes to the dysfunctional state of the union then all of a sudden we are a Christian nation again.

You kids are at least entertaining.

We are not a Christian nation.....we are a nation run by Christians

Big difference

I don't agree. I'm sure most claim to be Christian, but that does not make them a Christian.

It is akin to Constantine subverting the faith. He adopted the new religion as his own, even though he did not convert. Then statists like himself used the religion for their own evil devices, such as inquisitions, world conquest, and the rest.

But for the sake of argument, let's say you are right. The morally bankrupt individuals in government are Christians. Do you prefer regimes like that of Stalin or Mao?

You assume that the excesses of Stalin and Mao are due to their lack of religion. In both their cases as well as Hitler (a Christian) it was an abuse of power more than lack of a belief in God
Only 10 commandments?

The secular federal US government writes about 40,000 new regulations and laws every year. The US also has the most jails in the world and the most prisoners.

It seems atheists are losing their war on immorality.

Sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense

Atheists are a very small minority in this country. You must be referring to the Christians in this country who are filling our jails with petty drug offenders and keep us as one of the few civilized nations that still use the death penalty

You atheists are a trip. When discussing whether the US is based upon the Christian faith you shreek in horror yelling separation of church and state, but when it comes to the dysfunctional state of the union then all of a sudden we are a Christian nation again.

You kids are at least entertaining.

We are not a Christian nation.....we are a nation run by Christians

Big difference

I don't agree. I'm sure most claim to be Christian, but that does not make them a Christian.

It is akin to Constantine subverting the faith. He adopted the new religion as his own, even though he did not convert. Then statists like himself used the religion for their own evil devices, such as inquisitions, world conquest, and the rest.

But for the sake of argument, let's say you are right. The morally bankrupt individuals in government are Christians. Do you prefer regimes like that of Stalin or Mao?

You assume that the excesses of Stalin and Mao are due to their lack of religion. In both their cases as well as Hitler (a Christian) it was an abuse of power more than lack of a belief in God

The entire religion/non-religion is the big problem is a bogus argument. People kill people because we are a killing species. Violence is our first reaction, not our last. All the rest are just excuses we use to justify it.
Atheists write better commandments than God

God wasted half of his on.....You better worship me or else!

Perhaps. But commandments not followed are just words on paper.

It's all just words on paper.

The evolutionary point is to commit thoughts, hopes and dreams to media so that they can be transmitted down the Timeline. The evolutionary advantage is for your descendants to learn from your experiences and make a better world for themselves by learning from your mistakes as well as the successes.

Fortunately, Monkeys getting so stuck in the same set of books for close to 2,000 years seems to have enhanced our technological evolution even as it warped our emotional evolution. If we don't kill ourselves first, we'll probably make it to the stars a few generations ahead of schedule.

Monkeys will be the 'whipper-snappers' of the Sentient Universe. :thup:

I don't think so. If people actually do learn from their mistakes then it is more than just words on paper, it is action. Ultimately, action is what matters. My own impression is the real purpose of the list in the OP is to demonstrate how much better Atheists are than Theists, and that impression has been supported by the various posts. I don't think that is true, but I also don't think they are any worse. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between an Atheist and a Theist. This too has been supported by the various posts in this thread.

BTW.... we're not monkeys. We're apes. No tails. You shouldn't insult the monkeys like that.

So atheists are soooo much better than theists? Really?

Try checking statistics on those who given their time and money to the poor. I'll give you two guesses on where atheists wind up on the list.

Those of faith give far more of the personal time and money to the poor as where atheists usually support government in forcing them to pay more money to the government so that they can take care of the poor for them.

Try investigating divorce rates as well. On the surface, it seems as if those of faith are no different than those who are not. However, if you check to see how devoted they are to their faith, whether they attend church regularly, you will see that those of faith fare far better than others.

Still not convinced? Those of faith tend to live longer and are happier, that is, those who attend church regularly.

So no, there are big differences.

No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.
Perhaps. But commandments not followed are just words on paper.

It's all just words on paper.

The evolutionary point is to commit thoughts, hopes and dreams to media so that they can be transmitted down the Timeline. The evolutionary advantage is for your descendants to learn from your experiences and make a better world for themselves by learning from your mistakes as well as the successes.

Fortunately, Monkeys getting so stuck in the same set of books for close to 2,000 years seems to have enhanced our technological evolution even as it warped our emotional evolution. If we don't kill ourselves first, we'll probably make it to the stars a few generations ahead of schedule.

Monkeys will be the 'whipper-snappers' of the Sentient Universe. :thup:

I don't think so. If people actually do learn from their mistakes then it is more than just words on paper, it is action. Ultimately, action is what matters. My own impression is the real purpose of the list in the OP is to demonstrate how much better Atheists are than Theists, and that impression has been supported by the various posts. I don't think that is true, but I also don't think they are any worse. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between an Atheist and a Theist. This too has been supported by the various posts in this thread.

BTW.... we're not monkeys. We're apes. No tails. You shouldn't insult the monkeys like that.

So atheists are soooo much better than theists? Really?

Try checking statistics on those who given their time and money to the poor. I'll give you two guesses on where atheists wind up on the list.

Those of faith give far more of the personal time and money to the poor as where atheists usually support government in forcing them to pay more money to the government so that they can take care of the poor for them.

Try investigating divorce rates as well. On the surface, it seems as if those of faith are no different than those who are not. However, if you check to see how devoted they are to their faith, whether they attend church regularly, you will see that those of faith fare far better than others.

Still not convinced? Those of faith tend to live longer and are happier, that is, those who attend church regularly.

So no, there are big differences.

No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.
It's all just words on paper.

The evolutionary point is to commit thoughts, hopes and dreams to media so that they can be transmitted down the Timeline. The evolutionary advantage is for your descendants to learn from your experiences and make a better world for themselves by learning from your mistakes as well as the successes.

Fortunately, Monkeys getting so stuck in the same set of books for close to 2,000 years seems to have enhanced our technological evolution even as it warped our emotional evolution. If we don't kill ourselves first, we'll probably make it to the stars a few generations ahead of schedule.

Monkeys will be the 'whipper-snappers' of the Sentient Universe. :thup:

I don't think so. If people actually do learn from their mistakes then it is more than just words on paper, it is action. Ultimately, action is what matters. My own impression is the real purpose of the list in the OP is to demonstrate how much better Atheists are than Theists, and that impression has been supported by the various posts. I don't think that is true, but I also don't think they are any worse. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between an Atheist and a Theist. This too has been supported by the various posts in this thread.

BTW.... we're not monkeys. We're apes. No tails. You shouldn't insult the monkeys like that.

So atheists are soooo much better than theists? Really?

Try checking statistics on those who given their time and money to the poor. I'll give you two guesses on where atheists wind up on the list.

Those of faith give far more of the personal time and money to the poor as where atheists usually support government in forcing them to pay more money to the government so that they can take care of the poor for them.

Try investigating divorce rates as well. On the surface, it seems as if those of faith are no different than those who are not. However, if you check to see how devoted they are to their faith, whether they attend church regularly, you will see that those of faith fare far better than others.

Still not convinced? Those of faith tend to live longer and are happier, that is, those who attend church regularly.

So no, there are big differences.

No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition
I don't think so. If people actually do learn from their mistakes then it is more than just words on paper, it is action. Ultimately, action is what matters. My own impression is the real purpose of the list in the OP is to demonstrate how much better Atheists are than Theists, and that impression has been supported by the various posts. I don't think that is true, but I also don't think they are any worse. As far as I can tell, there is no difference between an Atheist and a Theist. This too has been supported by the various posts in this thread.

BTW.... we're not monkeys. We're apes. No tails. You shouldn't insult the monkeys like that.

So atheists are soooo much better than theists? Really?

Try checking statistics on those who given their time and money to the poor. I'll give you two guesses on where atheists wind up on the list.

Those of faith give far more of the personal time and money to the poor as where atheists usually support government in forcing them to pay more money to the government so that they can take care of the poor for them.

Try investigating divorce rates as well. On the surface, it seems as if those of faith are no different than those who are not. However, if you check to see how devoted they are to their faith, whether they attend church regularly, you will see that those of faith fare far better than others.

Still not convinced? Those of faith tend to live longer and are happier, that is, those who attend church regularly.

So no, there are big differences.

No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition

You are comparing Christians to Christians and Jews to Jews. When you compare either, whether active or not, to Atheists/Agnostics the numbers show their divorce rate is higher.
So atheists are soooo much better than theists? Really?

Try checking statistics on those who given their time and money to the poor. I'll give you two guesses on where atheists wind up on the list.

Those of faith give far more of the personal time and money to the poor as where atheists usually support government in forcing them to pay more money to the government so that they can take care of the poor for them.

Try investigating divorce rates as well. On the surface, it seems as if those of faith are no different than those who are not. However, if you check to see how devoted they are to their faith, whether they attend church regularly, you will see that those of faith fare far better than others.

Still not convinced? Those of faith tend to live longer and are happier, that is, those who attend church regularly.

So no, there are big differences.

No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition

You are comparing Christians to Christians and Jews to Jews. When you compare either, whether active or not, to Atheists/Agnostics the numbers show their divorce rate is higher.

No you have misunderstood the statistics- read the gospel coalitions Editors note. The comparison is with atheists and agnostics ( those with no religious affiliation). All active Conservative Protestants and active Catholics are more than 30% less likely to divorce than atheists / agnostics. Also that is before factors like how many of those who initiated the Christian divorce were only in church on Sunday to please a partner they later fell out with. In my experience real Christians rarely ever divorce though new Christians often do and nominal will rationalise whatever they do to make themselves look good.
No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition

You are comparing Christians to Christians and Jews to Jews. When you compare either, whether active or not, to Atheists/Agnostics the numbers show their divorce rate is higher.

No you have misunderstood the statistics- read the gospel coalitions Editors note. The comparison is with atheists and agnostics ( those with no religious affiliation). All active Conservative Protestants and active Catholics are more than 30% less likely to divorce than atheists / agnostics. Also that is before factors like how many of those who initiated the Christian divorce were only in church on Sunday to please a partner they later fell out with. In my experience real Christians rarely ever divorce though new Christians often do and nominal will rationalise whatever they do to make themselves look good.

Ah, the "real Christians" meme.

Since we have no objective means to differentiate "real Christians" from the "not really real Christians" and the outright "not real at all, Christians", we can presume that your goofy categories of Christians is meaningless.
Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition

You are comparing Christians to Christians and Jews to Jews. When you compare either, whether active or not, to Atheists/Agnostics the numbers show their divorce rate is higher.

No you have misunderstood the statistics- read the gospel coalitions Editors note. The comparison is with atheists and agnostics ( those with no religious affiliation). All active Conservative Protestants and active Catholics are more than 30% less likely to divorce than atheists / agnostics. Also that is before factors like how many of those who initiated the Christian divorce were only in church on Sunday to please a partner they later fell out with. In my experience real Christians rarely ever divorce though new Christians often do and nominal will rationalise whatever they do to make themselves look good.

Ah, the "real Christians" meme.

Since we have no objective means to differentiate "real Christians" from the "not really real Christians" and the outright "not real at all, Christians", we can presume that your goofy categories of Christians is meaningless.

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition

You are comparing Christians to Christians and Jews to Jews. When you compare either, whether active or not, to Atheists/Agnostics the numbers show their divorce rate is higher.

No you have misunderstood the statistics- read the gospel coalitions Editors note. The comparison is with atheists and agnostics ( those with no religious affiliation). All active Conservative Protestants and active Catholics are more than 30% less likely to divorce than atheists / agnostics. Also that is before factors like how many of those who initiated the Christian divorce were only in church on Sunday to please a partner they later fell out with. In my experience real Christians rarely ever divorce though new Christians often do and nominal will rationalise whatever they do to make themselves look good.

Ah, the "real Christians" meme.

Since we have no objective means to differentiate "real Christians" from the "not really real Christians" and the outright "not real at all, Christians", we can presume that your goofy categories of Christians is meaningless.

And you should know - being an atheist?
Behold atheists new Ten Commandments -

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

4. Every person has the right to control of their body.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

9. There is no one right way to live.

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.

Only 10 commandments?

The secular federal US government writes about 40,000 new regulations and laws every year. The US also has the most jails in the world and the most prisoners.

It seems atheists are losing their war on immorality.

Sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense

Atheists are a very small minority in this country. You must be referring to the Christians in this country who are filling our jails with petty drug offenders and keep us as one of the few civilized nations that still use the death penalty

You atheists are a trip. When discussing whether the US is based upon the Christian faith you shreek in horror yelling separation of church and state, but when it comes to the dysfunctional state of the union then all of a sudden we are a Christian nation again.

You kids are at least entertaining.

Odd that you would think pointing out your hypocrisy is advocating a Christian run nation.
Behold atheists new Ten Commandments -

1. Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.

2. Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.

3. The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.

4. Every person has the right to control of their body.

5. God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.

6. Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.

7. Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.

8. We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.

9. There is no one right way to live.

10. Leave the world a better place than you found it.

So you are not an atheist, I thought you were.
No, I said there was no difference, not that they were better. Now, since there are far more Theists than Atheists, saying that Theists give more really doesn't tell the story. Can you support your claim on a per capita basis?

As to divorce rates, a quick google produced this:

Variation in divorce rates by religion:
Religion % have been divorced
Jews 30%
Born-again Christians 27%
Other Christians 24%
Atheists, Agnostics 21%
Life expectancy, the NIH study shows those who reported no religion to be on a par with evangelical Christians. If we are going to go by this, then Jews seem to indeed have the right take.

PubMed Central Figure 1 J Sci Study Relig. Dec 2010 49 4 740 753. doi 10.1111 j.1468-5906.2010.01543.x

Another atheist nonsence post.

There is a massive difference between nominal Christians and Jews and active ones. Active Christians and practising Jews have a very much lower divorce rate.

I don't know why numbers are so hard. Active Christians may well have better numbers than inactive, but this clearly shows that Atheists/Agnostics have better numbers than either. That's just the numbers, don't blame me if it doesn't support your position.

I'm not an Atheist, btw.

No actually the stats show that the Active Conservative Protestants and Catholics have more than a 30% lower divorce rate than the religiously non committed and Active Jews a 97% lower rate. However nominal Christians and Jews have a much higher rate. So basically the atheists on this thread are comparing themselves to hypocrites and liberals. Anecdotally I know of only one truly devout and mature Christian who has initiated a divorce out of hundreds that
I know ( I am not including frauds in that and I have known a few of those - because these guys never really were Christians). The Christians that did this did not do it until 5 years after she stopped speaking to him and he has not remarried.

FactChecker Divorce Rate Among Christians TGC The Gospel Coalition

You are comparing Christians to Christians and Jews to Jews. When you compare either, whether active or not, to Atheists/Agnostics the numbers show their divorce rate is higher.

No you have misunderstood the statistics- read the gospel coalitions Editors note. The comparison is with atheists and agnostics ( those with no religious affiliation). All active Conservative Protestants and active Catholics are more than 30% less likely to divorce than atheists / agnostics. Also that is before factors like how many of those who initiated the Christian divorce were only in church on Sunday to please a partner they later fell out with. In my experience real Christians rarely ever divorce though new Christians often do and nominal will rationalise whatever they do to make themselves look good.

I haven't misunderstood them at all. I read the article you refered to. Perhaps you should as well. Atheists and Agnostics aren't even mentioned. Now, if you actually compare the numbers you will see that Atheists and Agnostics have a lower divorce rate. Those are the numbers. I know they aren't the numbers you want, but those are the numbers nonetheless.

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