Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

Why in hell should you care if people stopped believing in God?
Stop shoving your narcissistic delusions upon others.
I don't care if people believe in a god or not....just don't use our government or our laws or our tax dollars to promote your dogma. Real simple.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.
No they aren't...except for things like those silly Blue laws that are finally going away anyways.
Don't give us that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. Humans are no more important than a flea. We are just polar bears in a land of seals and fish.[/QUOTE]
Interesting that you seem to think that. Does your "Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo" teach that?
When people stop assuming everyone else automatically assumes god is real.

When religious people stop thinking they are good and we are bad.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One
Why in hell should you care if people stopped believing in God?
Stop shoving your narcissistic delusions upon others.
I don't care if people believe in a god or not....just don't use our government or our laws or our tax dollars to promote your dogma. Real simple.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
So you don't think people knew it was wrong to murder before Moses came running down from the mountain like a mad man?

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

And do you think being a "christian" nation has done us any good? Or that without it we'd fall into chaos?

People need to believe in god / Without god people will do bad things.
Argument from adverse consequences [2].

Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists are generally more peaceful [2][3] than otherwise is evidence this perception is incorrect.

See also: Atheism, Secularity, and Well-Being (a must read).

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
More of the naive. You should try learning about what you mock.
Murder was defined as evil thousands of years before Moses.
I know!

I find it strange when Christian Conservatives post anti-Islamic stuff on their timelines and pages because they follow pretty much the same religion. Christianity and Islam are?historically linked to each other. Rather, most of the Sharia Law is derived from Christian scriptures itself. Both are ‘people of the book’ with a slight difference.

Similarities Between Christianity Right And Sharia Islam[/QUOTE]
You Leftards are terrified to even hold a Koran, let alone put one in a bowl of piss and call it art.
And when are atheists going to stop shoving their pathetic beliefs upon everyone else?
When people stop assuming everyone else automatically assumes god is real.

When religious people stop thinking they are good and we are bad.

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One
Why in hell should you care if people stopped believing in God?
Stop shoving your narcissistic delusions upon others.
I don't care if people believe in a god or not....just don't use our government or our laws or our tax dollars to promote your dogma. Real simple.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.[/QUOTE]

So non Christian countries don't have prohibitions on murder, rape and theft?
I don't care if people believe in a god or not....just don't use our government or our laws or our tax dollars to promote your dogma. Real simple.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.
No they aren't...except for things like those silly Blue laws that are finally going away anyways.
Don't give us that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. Humans are no more important than a flea. We are just polar bears in a land of seals and fish.
Interesting that you seem to think that. Does your "Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo" teach that?[/QUOTE]
Who the hell are you to think humans are above all other life? Denying Darwin simply proves you atheists are full of crap.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.
No they aren't...except for things like those silly Blue laws that are finally going away anyways.
Don't give us that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. Humans are no more important than a flea. We are just polar bears in a land of seals and fish.
Interesting that you seem to think that. Does your "Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo" teach that?
Who the hell are you to think humans are above all other life? Denying Darwin simply proves you atheists are full of crap.[/QUOTE]
Judeo Christian?

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”

You are some dumb goy, stan
Why in hell should you care if people stopped believing in God?
Stop shoving your narcissistic delusions upon others.
I don't care if people believe in a god or not....just don't use our government or our laws or our tax dollars to promote your dogma. Real simple.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
So you don't think people knew it was wrong to murder before Moses came running down from the mountain like a mad man?

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

And do you think being a "christian" nation has done us any good? Or that without it we'd fall into chaos?

People need to believe in god / Without god people will do bad things.
Argument from adverse consequences [2].

Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists are generally more peaceful [2][3] than otherwise is evidence this perception is incorrect.

See also: Atheism, Secularity, and Well-Being (a must read).

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
More of the naive. You should try learning about what you mock.
Murder was defined as evil thousands of years before Moses.
I know!

I find it strange when Christian Conservatives post anti-Islamic stuff on their timelines and pages because they follow pretty much the same religion. Christianity and Islam are?historically linked to each other. Rather, most of the Sharia Law is derived from Christian scriptures itself. Both are ‘people of the book’ with a slight difference.

Similarities Between Christianity Right And Sharia Islam
You Leftards are terrified to even hold a Koran, let alone put one in a bowl of piss and call it art.[/QUOTE]
You don't like Islam because it's a competing religion. I don't like Islam because it's a religion.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.
No they aren't...except for things like those silly Blue laws that are finally going away anyways.
Don't give us that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. Humans are no more important than a flea. We are just polar bears in a land of seals and fish.
Interesting that you seem to think that. Does your "Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo" teach that?
Who the hell are you to think humans are above all other life? Denying Darwin simply proves you atheists are full of crap.
Judeo Christian?

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

“There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values”

You are some dumb goy stan[/QUOTE]
The enemy of my enemy is my friend is an ancient proverb which suggests that two opposing parties can or should work together against a common enemy.

The earliest known expression of this concept is found in a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft dating to around the 4th century BC

Basically this saying came from religions. Way before Christianity was invented.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.

Is that what all the many Muslims you know personally have told you?
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.

No we are not....just like we are not at war with christianity...or at war with christmas. That's just ridiculous. Don't sound like a western version of the Taliban or ISIS.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Is there anything all Christians want? Does the Pope speak for all Christians? Does anyone? Then how can all Muslims want the same thing?
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.

Is that what all the many Muslims you know personally have told you?
Yes, every single one. Bar none. Try it yourself sometime, you'll see.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.

Is that what all the many Muslims you know personally have told you?
Yes, every single one. Bar none. Try it yourself sometime, you'll see.
I just asked 4 and they all said you are full of shit. Now you will claim they are lying. Right?

Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.

Is that what all the many Muslims you know personally have told you?
Yes, every single one. Bar none......

Bullshit, liar. You've never spoken to a Muslim in your cowardly life.
Why in hell should you care if people stopped believing in God?
Stop shoving your narcissistic delusions upon others.
I don't care if people believe in a god or not....just don't use our government or our laws or our tax dollars to promote your dogma. Real simple.
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
So you don't think people knew it was wrong to murder before Moses came running down from the mountain like a mad man?

Note: ‘Survival of the Fittest‘ does not simply mean fastest, strongest, or most violent. It is a measure of an individual’s adaptation to the local environment, which can often mean demonstrating cooperation, intelligence and compassion. Humans are outmatched in many ways by animals, but are successful because of their social skills and tool use.

And do you think being a "christian" nation has done us any good? Or that without it we'd fall into chaos?

People need to believe in god / Without god people will do bad things.
Argument from adverse consequences [2].

Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists are generally more peaceful [2][3] than otherwise is evidence this perception is incorrect.

See also: Atheism, Secularity, and Well-Being (a must read).

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg
More of the naive. You should try learning about what you mock.
Murder was defined as evil thousands of years before Moses.
I know!

I find it strange when Christian Conservatives post anti-Islamic stuff on their timelines and pages because they follow pretty much the same religion. Christianity and Islam are?historically linked to each other. Rather, most of the Sharia Law is derived from Christian scriptures itself. Both are ‘people of the book’ with a slight difference.

Similarities Between Christianity Right And Sharia Islam
You Leftards are terrified to even hold a Koran, let alone put one in a bowl of piss and call it art.[/QUOTE]
I've held a koran...I have a Penguin paperback version. It's as boring as the bible or the book of mormon (I have those too).
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.
No they aren't...except for things like those silly Blue laws that are finally going away anyways.
Don't give us that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. Humans are no more important than a flea. We are just polar bears in a land of seals and fish.
Interesting that you seem to think that. Does your "Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo" teach that?
Who the hell are you to think humans are above all other life? Denying Darwin simply proves you atheists are full of crap.[/QUOTE]
Who said I was an atheist? Oh, that would be you. Can't handle complexities?
OK, let's use pure atheist beliefs for laws.
Do anything and everything you can, it's all evolution of the strongest dominating.

Anything else involves that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo.
I believe we did. Working out quite well when the religious people aren't mucking it up.
More of the naive. All current laws are based upon Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. We should be able to do what atheists want - murder, rape, steal from the weak.
No they aren't...except for things like those silly Blue laws that are finally going away anyways.
Don't give us that Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo. Humans are no more important than a flea. We are just polar bears in a land of seals and fish.
Interesting that you seem to think that. Does your "Judeo Christian mumbo jumbo" teach that?
Who the hell are you to think humans are above all other life? Denying Darwin simply proves you atheists are full of crap.[/QUOTE]
Just because we believe Darwin regarding evolution does not mean we want our country run under the survival of the fittest rule. That would be Libertarians.

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