Zone1 atheists don't have proof of God... because they refuse to look at the proof

Think about that Judge's statement.

"I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it."

Apply that.
Interesting that you use pornography to justify your odd position . But inadvertently you chose well .
We recognise mental Pornography when we examine Cults like the one the poor Essene Monk is used for when made to act as the cult poster boy .
"Seek and you will find" is one of the best answers the Bible provides. I believe it is a Jewish tenant that love of God's Law (the ten commandments) leads to love of God. Christians seem to take the opposite path of Love of God leads to the love of God's law.

Perhaps you have your own experience of this: Does atheism spring from a lack of interest in doing the work--i.e., seeking God; living the Commandments, the Beatitudes or Proverbs?
For me, my atheism comes from a lack of childhood indoctrination to an effective level. Then when I became a teen it was too late.

Fear and tragedies in an adult's life can bring non- believing adults into the flock later in life. Those people very often conspicuous as being easily led and easily convinced, in my opinion.
A book of stories/ anecdotes IS NOT PROOF.
The Bible contains a variety of books: Stories, anecdotes, poetry, song, law...and instruction. Some of the instructions tell how to get the most out of life. If the instructions work...that is about the only "proof" that those who seek "proof" are likely to grasp. My advice to those who seek "proof" is to seek God instead. Other than that, I agree with you that a book is not proof. A book contains information, not proof.
The Bible contains a variety of books: Stories, anecdotes, poetry, song, law...and instruction. Some of the instructions tell how to get the most out of life. If the instructions work...that is about the only "proof" that those who seek "proof" are likely to grasp. My advice to those who seek "proof" is to seek God instead. Other than that, I agree with you that a book is not proof. A book contains information, not proof.
This is not about atheists 'seeking' proof. It's about Christians attempting to put up something that is far less to proof.

The Christian is instructed to go out and convince non-believers to become a part of the flock.

You've already found that there's no receptive audience on this forum.
And fwiw, Ding got bashed around so cruelly that he had to give it up for greener pastures.l

It's surprising you're back for another round! It's not going to be anymore productive.
For me, my atheism comes from a lack of childhood indoctrination to an effective level. Then when I became a teen it was too late.
Religious education is not "indoctrination" any more than teaching math is indoctrination. How many who are taught math go on to careers in math, or go on to use it any appreciable way? Not many. The same is true of religious education. Not many of those who are taught religion go on to use it in any appreciable way. To claim that those who do were successfully "indoctrinated" is fallacious.

Not having any religious education/training results in ignorance not a failure to be "indoctrinated". For example, my lack of knowledge of Hinduism or Taoism makes me ignorant, it doesn't mean I escaped being indoctrinated or brainwashed.
Fear and tragedies in an adult's life can bring non- believing adults into the flock later in life. Those people very often conspicuous as being easily led and easily convinced, in my opinion.
Or, in my grandparent's case, it was a matter that neither had any time to study the matter until they were adults. Being orphaned and having to go to work validly puts off many things.
God's existence cannot be proved.

Evidence for His existence, though, can be inferred from biblical forecasting of a kingdom of peers, i.e., no oppression or authority within that body (ideally), just a growing community of like-minded believers who crowded out the moral relativism of paganism and forged the more cruciform shape of the earth's landscape.

As foretold.
This is not about atheists 'seeking' proof. It's about Christians attempting to put up something that is far less to proof.
Forget.about.proof. There is none. That is just an excuse atheists use to not do the work.
The Christian is instructed to go out and convince non-believers to become a part of the flock.
Not true of most faiths and/or denominations. Sure, every person of faith should be able to explain his/her faith and what s/he gains from it. It is only a small minority who go around knocking on doors.
Religious education is not "indoctrination" any more than teaching math is indoctrination.
You don't get an argument on my choice of the word. Children are convince at an early age that all of the Christian fairy tale nonsense is possible. Grownups understand that physiology makes a pair of wings impossible.
How many who are taught math go on to careers in math, or go on to use it any appreciable way? Not many. The same is true of religious education. Not many of those who are taught religion go on to use it in any appreciable way. To claim that those who do were successfully "indoctrinated" is fallacious.
Comparing religious indoctrination to math is dishonest and you're old enough to know it!
Not having any religious education/training results in ignorance not a failure to be "indoctrinated". For example, my lack of knowledge of Hinduism or Taoism makes me ignorant, it doesn't mean I escaped being indoctrinated or brainwashed.
If you feel a need to save me from some imagined ignorance, then go right ahead I just made the point that it's your imagined mission.

And don't try to teach me the meaning of the word, ignorance!
You've already found that there's no receptive audience on this forum.
And fwiw, Ding got bashed around so cruelly that he had to give it up for greener pastures.l

It's surprising you're back for another round! It's not going to be anymore productive.
That's an odd way to look at any forum. I have never left, and I enjoy being a contributor, and even more, I enjoy the contributions of others. I know how I think. It is nice to be invited in to explore how others think.
Forget.about.proof. There is none. That is just an excuse atheists use to not do the work.
There is no proof!

There is brainwashing, indoctrination, and blind faith. Blind in the sense that the faith contradicts modern science.

And now the Catholic church needs to throw superstitious beliefs on 'creation' out the window, and then try to sneak it back in the back door to sit alongside of Darwinian evolution.

You're doing more harm than good here, by providing atheists an audience.
Comparing religious indoctrination to math is dishonest and you're old enough to know it!
If you truly studied religion/Bible/Koran, you would know that I am not only honest, but correct. Of course that study includes the history, anthropology, and languages of those times. The biggest mistake people make about the Bible is looking at it through the lens of modern English and Western culture.
If you truly studied religion/Bible/Koran, you would know that I am not only honest, but correct. Of course that study includes the history, anthropology, and languages of those times. The biggest mistake people make about the Bible is looking at it through the lens of modern English and Western culture.
Yeah, we still have that problem with living 3 days in the big fish's belly!
That's an odd way to look at any forum. I have never left, and I enjoy being a contributor, and even more, I enjoy the contributions of others. I know how I think. It is nice to be invited in to explore how others think.
You must be trying to manufacture something to take the place of the proof we know doesn't exist.

If I believe first, can you promise the proof will follow?
If you feel a need to save me from some imagined ignorance, then go right ahead I just made the point that it's your imagined mission.
Relax. I don't feel any need to save you--or anyone--from anything. Merely opening a door to yet another perception is not even forcing you through the door, it is merely opening that door. Just because someone opens all the doors to a large art museum this does not mean one must look at every picture in every room/nook. Even if one chooses to look, there is still no obligation to appreciate what is being presented. I just happen to know a lot about the Bible/religion. Shrug. Even that is still a minute part of everything there is--just like an art museum only contains a bit of all the art there is.
They are liberals in that sense

and of course most liberals are politically liberal

I've heard of a few who are pro life, so that's a good thing :)

But as someone once said, it takes more faith to believe in atheism than to believe in Christ...
Respectfully, proof rubrics are different for theists and atheists.

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