Zone1 atheists don't have proof of God... because they refuse to look at the proof

Religious education is not "indoctrination" any more than teaching math is indoctrination. How many who are taught math go on to careers in math, or go on to use it any appreciable way? Not many. The same is true of religious education. Not many of those who are taught religion go on to use it in any appreciable way. To claim that those who do were successfully "indoctrinated" is fallacious.

Not having any religious education/training results in ignorance not a failure to be "indoctrinated". For example, my lack of knowledge of Hinduism or Taoism makes me ignorant, it doesn't mean I escaped being indoctrinated or brainwashed.
Reading, righting, and rithmatic AREN'T faith, they are necessary things you need in life, religion is NOT.
Reading, righting, and rithmatic AREN'T faith, they are necessary things you need in life, religion is NOT.
Religion teaches both discipline and a way of life that that brings fulfillment and joy. There is less depression and more happiness. Considering the numbers rising of depressed and unhappy people (especially in younger age groups), I am thinking quite likely it is necessary.
Religion teaches both discipline and a way of life that that brings fulfillment and joy. There is less depression and more happiness. Considering the numbers rising of depressed and unhappy people (especially in younger age groups), I am thinking quite likely it is necessary.

- surly not the desert trinity ...


at least the - "brings fullfillment and joy" - for anyone but themselves.
They are liberals in that sense

and of course most liberals are politically liberal

I've heard of a few who are pro life, so that's a good thing :)

But as someone once said, it takes more faith to believe in atheism than to believe in Christ...

Before I take part in this, which god do atheist have proof of existing? Is it a popular god or one of the ancient ones? What characteristics does this proven god have?
In this day and age, talking about, let alone arguing about, whether or not there is “proof” of the existence of God … just seems silly to me. Why waste time rehashing all that nonsense. Believe what you will — just don’t force your beliefs on others.

Most people deep down can admit their religious beliefs are a matter of “faith.” Proof is too high a criterion, is it not? Proof to me is not just something you feel deeply or “believe” or have a revelation about.

The definitions of “God” are also so varied that I’m not sure what believers think they are trying to prove. A Biblical Jewish or Christian God? A pagan God? A “God of Nature”?

I’m more an ignostic than an atheist. I can believe in forces of nature, or natural “gods,” but an all powerful theistic God just doesn’t move me or hold my interest. I can certainly appreciate the magnificence of Churches and the cultural legacies, good and bad, of religious traditions, but I’m unable to embrace them fully.

I know that humanity has a deep need to create gods to guide it and give it hope. It’s like the need for hero worship, or just for moral clarity in a confusing and dangerous world. In general I trust in reason as the best guide for humanity — I think of it as a useful, almost divine gift helping us understand ourselves and the universe — but it is a “weak god” since humans are far more (and less) than rational creatures.

For emotional support there are plenty of sources of comfort, products of culture, material comforts brought to us by science, and then of course there is LOVE brought to us by relationships or mysteries like “grace.”

Even listening to great music or watching a silly broadway TV show can bring one a sense of peace. Here is a “serious” song that when I was young gave me a strange spiritual / intellectual comfort — though I rarely find it helpful anymore:


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