Zone1 atheists don't have proof of God... because they refuse to look at the proof

Are you saying we should all hate Catholics?
Nope. There are true Christians within the RCC.

Someone hates Catholics.
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Angus (Woodnutz): Catholics suck!
Scotty (Woodnutz): But some Catholics are good Christians!
Angus (Woodnutz): No true Christian is a Catholic!
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The point is, why read the often outlandish tales and fables of the Bible, largely written by unknown authors, when we have attributed works of Greek philosophers and mathematicians. It was the Greek polymath Eratosthenes who described a spherical earth as opposed to the Biblical flat earth.

For centuries, it was the position of the Catholic Church that dissent from their orthodoxy was blasphemy and that could result in your head being removed from your torso.

Yes, there are different perspectives and fortunately, the inertia of history caused the perspective of the Church, one requiring complete subordination, to wane as western civilization pushed forward with exploration of the physical sciences.
  • Many early cultures (including early Greeks) wrote of a flat earth.
  • During the centuries Church and State were united, there were periods of zero tolerance on crime. If we do not give the Church a pass on this, then we should not give the State(s) a pass either. Both.
  • It is known that the Catholic Church pretty much 'invented' or started hospitals and steadily built them beginning in the days of Constantine throughout the Middle Ages. The Church was as concerned about caring for the poor, the sick, and the widowed as it was concerned about crime.
  • There were early scientists who were Catholic priests.
Just as there is no need to erase the evil, there is even less need to erase the good.
  • Many early cultures (including early Greeks) wrote of a flat earth.
  • During the centuries Church and State were united, there were periods of zero tolerance on crime. If we do not give the Church a pass on this, then we should not give the State(s) a pass either. Both.
  • It is known that the Catholic Church pretty much 'invented' or started hospitals and steadily built them beginning in the days of Constantine throughout the Middle Ages. The Church was as concerned about caring for the poor, the sick, and the widowed as it was concerned about crime.
  • There were early scientists who were Catholic priests.
Just as there is no need to erase the evil, there is even less need to erase the good.
  • "flat earth" is "evil" -- who knew?
  • Two wrongs are "Both" wrong -- :sigh2:
  • Woodnutz's bad church arguably did some good -- :sigh2:
  • Not all Catholic priests abused children all the time -- :sigh2:
Yes, there are different perspectives and fortunately, the inertia of history caused the perspective of the Church, one requiring complete subordination, to wane as western civilization pushed forward with exploration of the physical sciences.
Eastern civilization as well. Evolutionary inertia drives scientific exploration.

Internet Atheists love them some No True Scotsman "fallacy" and it's never NOT funny to me.

Sure, the sugar in tea.

However, No True Scotsman could be born in Puerto Rico, to parents who are both also Puerto Rican and whose ancestors and have been born and died in Puerto Rico for generations. And who never stepped foot in Scotland.

--Not a fallacy, the above.
Internet Atheists love them some No True Scotsman "fallacy" and it's never NOT funny to me.

Sure, the sugar in tea.

However, No True Scotsman could be born in Puerto Rico, to parents who are both also Puerto Rican and whose ancestors and have been born and died in Puerto Rico for generations. And who never stepped foot in Scotland.

--Not a fallacy, the above.

"No True Scotsman" does apply to the church, as no true spirit-led Christian would do the evil things that many churches and clerics, notably the RCC and their priests, have done over the centuries. No True Christian engages in pedophilia, or an Inquisition.
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"No True Scotsman" does apply to the church, as no true spirit-led Christian would do the evil things that many churches and clerics, notably the RCC and their priests, have done over the centuries. No True Christian engages in pedophilia, or an Inquisition.

I will agree with your examples of pedophilia and the Inquisition, and other ongoing sins that result in deep harm to others.

But atheists often employ it in other much more nebulous ways.
the Biblesays and experience confirms

that one can, even when one is not in a particular church, a member thereof

look around him/her and see nature and realize

there is an Intelligence behind that. Romans 1 and/or 2

which concludes: Therefore, man is without excuse

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