Atheists on this board answer this question....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

It is the action of the believers that non believers must contend with. Not so much in America anymore. It is the religionist, the zealots, those willing to carry out acts of violence in the name of their supernatural beliefs.
While not an atheist and not really able to speak for them, why are you even concerned with someone not believing in god?

You have made a slew of flaws with regards to what atheists believe - It's almost kind of funny!
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

We have to fear the potential use of law to enforce us to live by another's religious beliefs.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?
This thread is not in any way suitable for the forum it currently resides in.

I'm thinking Badlands?
Are you afraid of something? The premise of this thread is atheists are projecting their disbelief structure in politics...
See this: In Lake Worth Florida An Atheist 8217 s Invocation Offered Thanks to Allah Zeus Satan Buddha Krishna and Thor
So again.. why is this NOT a political forum thread if atheists are projecting their belief structure into political arena?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?

live and let live I always say.....

First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

When an American president (George H.W. Bush) says publically that he doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, that is something that Atheists should feel outraged about, but also raises the stress level. If a president doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, what's next? Deportation for all atheists? Or worse?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

Your challenge reflects an overly simplistic and intellectually void (that means "nothing") understanding of the subject.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?

I don't usually read the posts of those who can't even use 4th grade level punctuation and its very possible I have misunderstood what you've written but ...

EXACTLY who is forcing you to believe what you imagine atheists believe?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.

He knows that. But he is trying to control the field of possible solutions by artificially restricting the context of the subject matter.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

When an American president (George H.W. Bush) says publically that he doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, that is something that Atheists should feel outraged about, but also raises the stress level. If a president doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, what's next? Deportation for all atheists? Or worse?

Well, he wasn't all that committed to the Constitution but ALL Americans should be outraged at that.
This thread is not in any way suitable for the forum it currently resides in.

I'm thinking Badlands?
Are you afraid of something? The premise of this thread is atheists are projecting their disbelief structure in politics...
See this: In Lake Worth Florida An Atheist 8217 s Invocation Offered Thanks to Allah Zeus Satan Buddha Krishna and Thor
So again.. why is this NOT a political forum thread if atheists are projecting their belief structure into political arena?

Wow. You missed the point completely.

Read that article again and ask yourself why the politicians walked out.

If you want to get all upset and junk, why are you not upset at that?

Why do so many "christians" hate our Constitution?
This thread is not in any way suitable for the forum it currently resides in.

I'm thinking Badlands?
Are you afraid of something? The premise of this thread is atheists are projecting their disbelief structure in politics...
See this: In Lake Worth Florida An Atheist 8217 s Invocation Offered Thanks to Allah Zeus Satan Buddha Krishna and Thor
So again.. why is this NOT a political forum thread if atheists are projecting their belief structure into political arena?

Your own link proves just the opposite.

It shows "christians" forcing their beliefs on others.
The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?
There is nothing more dangerous than a maniac who believes he is doing God's will. Such a person is rightfully to be feared.

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death,
Ah. A slander against atheists and Muslims in the same post. And you wonder why atheists think people like you are assholes?
This thread is not in any way suitable for the forum it currently resides in.

I'm thinking Badlands?
Are you afraid of something? The premise of this thread is atheists are projecting their disbelief structure in politics...
See this: In Lake Worth Florida An Atheist 8217 s Invocation Offered Thanks to Allah Zeus Satan Buddha Krishna and Thor
So again.. why is this NOT a political forum thread if atheists are projecting their belief structure into political arena?

The problem, myths, is that you true believers want to project your beliefs into the public arena and laws of this country. One only need consider the topics of abortion and evolution to get the idea.

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