Attagirl, Ann!!

How far back can YOU trace your family tree, asshole?
What does that have to do with my question? This will come as a major shock to you but there is not one race or nationality in this world that has not been used,abused or mistreated by another at one point in time and we all have descendants who have either been on the giving or receiving end of. My family is English on one side Irish on the other the English abused the Irish for year's and the Irish were treated like crap in America for a long time I don't use that past as a reason to say I have never been proud of my Country you accept it learn from it and move on asshole.

It matters because Conservatives love to say that black people should just "get over it." And by "it" they mean the whole "we shit on you for a couple hundred years and denied you your basic human equality for another hundred years and we still are JUST racist enough to give credibility to a conspiracy theory that rests on a half-black man being born in Kenya."
What a load of bullshit did the fact that in the 2008 election over 50% of white people voted for Obama just fly right past you? And yes there is a point when you do have to get over it you want to see what hanging to every sin and injustice of the past gets you take a look at the middle east how has hanging on to all that baggage for a thousand plus years worked out for them.
Wishing harm on a person, even one as much of a hack as chris matthews, rachel maddow, rush limbaugh, or sean hannity just exposes you as a petty individual.

That sounded more like life advice to me.

Instead of attacking and complaining about people whom are successful in life why don't you take that energy and use it to improve your personal self and maybe try to acheive the same success you are currently chiding.

You're just so much better than all of us failed mortals, PP.

You should maybe come down from your pedestal and put all your noble sentiments into a nice book. Put a dove on the cover. Sell it for $5.95 in the Christian Book Store.
Michelle is 100 times superior to you, dont mention her name, bigot

Her neck is certainly thicker.


jealous much :lol::lol::lol:
That's a beautiful shot!
Yes as is Queen Michelle Obama, they are both successful...just look at their great children for both queens.
Well, we actually know nothing about the Mormon Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that.

Secrecy? How about affording those children the same respect that you afford the obama girls? Children: off limits. Period. Can the libtards honor at least one tenet of decency?
They are not children.
Yes as is Queen Michelle Obama, they are both successful...just look at their great children for both queens.
Well, we actually know nothing about the Mormon Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that.

Good to see that your religious bigotry is on proud display...
I'm bigoted against cults and other mind-control 'entities'.

Not too crazy about the Moonies, either - do you support them, also?

Was Michele Obama a slave? Was she kidnapped and brought here on a slave ship? Was she ever forced to work on a Southern Plantation? Unless the answer to any of these questions is yes then it has no bearing on her this is the first time I have been proud of my Country comment.

How far back can YOU trace your family tree, asshole?
At least to here:

Well, we actually know nothing about the Mormon Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that.

Whoa when did we start talking about robots?

Anyway, romney's kids? yeah we know they are successful Mitt Romney


Mitt and Ann have five children, all boys, from their marriage.

Taggart Romney (1970)

Managing Partner at Solamere Capital , CMO at L.A. Dodgers, Vice President of OnField Marketing at Reebok, Director of Strategic Planning at Elan Corp.; B.Sc Economics, BYU and MBA from Harvard

Matthew Romney (1971)

VP of Property Management at Excel Legacy Corp, Product Manager for Microsoft Corp.; Bachelor of Arts from BYU and MBA from Harvard

Joshua Romney (1975)

Owner of Romney Ventures (a real estate developer), Acquisition Analyst at Intercontinental Real Estate; Bachelor of Arts from BYU and MBA from Harvard.
Among the five, Josh appears the most likely to follow in his father and grandfather’s footsteps, having served in a number of political positions in the past several years, most notably as an advisor to his father’s presidential campaign and Utah Governor’s Gary Herbert gubernatorial campaign.

Dr. Benjamin Romney (1978)

Practices Internal Medicine in Boston; Degree in Management from BYU and a medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine. The only blond among the five.

Craig Romney (1981)

Advertising Music Producer at McGarry Bowen; Bachelor Degree in Communication, Brigham Young University (BYU)

I love how he named his first kid Taggart....just sounds so Atlas Shrugged to me :)

That reads like a pretty impressive resume for any mother, doesn't it? Five highly successful children, all out on their own and not burdening the taxpayers?

You were inspired by the Romney sons' struggles to overcome the odds against them?
Was you people a reference to the media or average Americans? There is a big difference.

You don't actually expect some of our resident libs to understand things to that degree, do you? Reading comprehension isn't a required talent to spout talking points or bash the right.
So you ARE a bigot - no better than anti-semites.


What in the holy fuck are you TALKING ABOUT?
Um, bigotry.


In the case of bigotry against Jews, just change the words of his post: " Well, we actually know nothing about the Jew Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that."

That sort of bigotry is called anti-semtism.

Change one word again: "Well, we actually know nothing about the Black Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that."

That sort of bigotry is called racism

Any other questions, idiot?

But I wasn't talking about Jews or Blacks. I was talking about Mormons.

Let's follow your logic:

Me: "The Nazis were evil".

You: "Just change the word 'Nazis' with 'Girl Scouts' and look at what a bigot you are against Girl Scouts!!!!"

Aw, the ole anti-Semitism boogeyman again...

More: The Myth of Anti-Semitism « The Ugly Truth
It's exactly what you are. A fucking bigot.

And, a fucking racist.

Maybe next time you want to post about a Blck Republican, try to hide your inherent racism.

Or, just go back to where you came from - Stormfront.

Aw, are you still upset about little Hermie...?

Why doesn't it bother Republican women that Herman Cain was a predator against women in subordinate employment positions?
Aw, the ole anti-Semitism boogeyman again...

“Anti-Semitism” is a term that was coined in Europe during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Prominent Jewish scholars used it to characterize the emerging theories that “Semitic” races were inferior to “Aryan” races. Despite the fact that Arabs are Semitic, the term is now exclusively understood to mean “prejudiced against or hostile toward Jews,” according to all major dictionaries.

Refusal to recognize or support Israel has nothing to do with being “prejudiced against or hostile toward Jews” and everything to do with rejecting occupation, oppression and the myriad war crimes carried out by the Zionist state.
More: The Myth of Anti-Semitism « The Ugly Truth

You are one piece of sh*t...........and I don't even like to cuss. Bigot!!!!

Sez the garbage that just referred to the First Lady as "Moo-chelle"

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