Attagirl, Ann!!

Michelle is 100 times superior to you, dont mention her name, bigot

Get off your parents computer before you get in trouble.


tip your hat you piece of shit trash bigot when you are in the presence of greatness

Start your sentences with capital letters or get into Summer school little boy.
Queen Ann is successful?

Please list her professional resume.

Yes as is Queen Michelle Obama, they are both successful...just look at their great children for both queens.
Well, we actually know nothing about the Mormon Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that.

Secrecy? How about affording those children the same respect that you afford the obama girls? Children: off limits. Period. Can the libtards honor at least one tenet of decency?
Yes as is Queen Michelle Obama, they are both successful...just look at their great children for both queens.
Well, we actually know nothing about the Mormon Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that.

Whoa when did we start talking about robots?

Anyway, romney's kids? yeah we know they are successful Mitt Romney


Mitt and Ann have five children, all boys, from their marriage.

Taggart Romney (1970)

Managing Partner at Solamere Capital , CMO at L.A. Dodgers, Vice President of OnField Marketing at Reebok, Director of Strategic Planning at Elan Corp.; B.Sc Economics, BYU and MBA from Harvard

Matthew Romney (1971)

VP of Property Management at Excel Legacy Corp, Product Manager for Microsoft Corp.; Bachelor of Arts from BYU and MBA from Harvard

Joshua Romney (1975)

Owner of Romney Ventures (a real estate developer), Acquisition Analyst at Intercontinental Real Estate; Bachelor of Arts from BYU and MBA from Harvard.
Among the five, Josh appears the most likely to follow in his father and grandfather’s footsteps, having served in a number of political positions in the past several years, most notably as an advisor to his father’s presidential campaign and Utah Governor’s Gary Herbert gubernatorial campaign.

Dr. Benjamin Romney (1978)

Practices Internal Medicine in Boston; Degree in Management from BYU and a medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine. The only blond among the five.

Craig Romney (1981)

Advertising Music Producer at McGarry Bowen; Bachelor Degree in Communication, Brigham Young University (BYU)

I love how he named his first kid Taggart....just sounds so Atlas Shrugged to me :)

That reads like a pretty impressive resume for any mother, doesn't it? Five highly successful children, all out on their own and not burdening the taxpayers?
You people need to get over your envy and hatred of rich people. :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
You're right. Us people need to do that. After all, the rich have been so good to us. And, even though there have been tough times, lay offs, foreclosures and bankruptcies, the rich have been smart enough to retain their million dollar bonuses all while convincing a bunch of shallow thinkers that it's all good.

Exactly. I am so grateful for the rich helping us through the past many years with the economy being ... what? Oh, right! They didn't do shit, except for the bit where they hoovered all the money out of the economy.

My bad. >.>

You know, if you spent as much time and effort helping you own damned selves as you spend bitching about how the "rich" aren't helping you enough, you'd all be billionaires.
What is she laughing about? The TEA party isn't providing her husband with an income.

no, her income comes from people like you, lost businesses, lost jobs, destroyed pensions

How do "lost businesses, lost jobs, destroyed pensions" provide income for anyone?

[please tell me you are not supporting that disgusting person?

and who in the fuck is moochelle?

fucking racist bigot scumbags...stick to the internets

Moochelle is the First Lady, and I would vote for a dead carp before I would vote for Obama.

You could at least have confidence that the dead carp would have more leadership ability... It'd be better-looking and probably not a marxist carp.
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

hey Rocks i would comment but seem to just post and i wont....Marc? i get a thanks for that?.....
Get off your parents computer before you get in trouble.


tip your hat you piece of shit trash bigot when you are in the presence of greatness

Talk about photoshop!


“For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I’m Really Proud of My Country”

Put that in context of being a descendant of slaves.


In First Lady's Roots, a Complex Path From Slavery -

DNA Gives New Insights Into Michelle Obama's Roots -

Doesn't even look a little bit like this..............yea great touch up by the photographer ^^up there.

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