Attagirl, Ann!!

No I did not...........its Mooch elle............way different. At least we know Ann Romney won't have to mooch off the taxpayer, she has her own money, oh and I think she'll wear shoes before any photo to be distributed. ;)

Hasn't Ann Rmoney been mooching off of her husband's good fortune? Or rather, since Mitt couldn't do it all on his own, off of his parent's good fortune?

Just saying Ann Romney is an out of touch stepford wife with an Olympic horse who got a bigger tax deduction than I made all year last year. Just saying "Fuck Ann Romney and the horse she paid someone six figures to ride in on."

No, she has not been mooching off of mitt. They are married. As in partners. As in, she has played a part in every dime mitt has made since they got married. Lefties ar all buttfucks and quite honestly it would serve society better if you all were chewing sand.

Ann had/has a LOT more money than Mittens and yes, I can't imagine anyone more out of touch with the real world. Interesting that rw's seem to know so little of substance about these two robber barons.

Isn't it funny how the rw's have embraced the Romney lies and sneaky secrecy. They're turning themselves into pretzels just so they don't have to admit just how reprehensible he is.
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Hasn't Ann Rmoney been mooching off of her husband's good fortune? Or rather, since Mitt couldn't do it all on his own, off of his parent's good fortune?

Just saying Ann Romney is an out of touch stepford wife with an Olympic horse who got a bigger tax deduction than I made all year last year. Just saying "Fuck Ann Romney and the horse she paid someone six figures to ride in on."

No, she has not been mooching off of mitt. They are married. As in partners. As in, she has played a part in every dime mitt has made since they got married. Lefties ar all buttfucks and quite honestly it would serve society better if you all were chewing sand.

Ann had/has a LOT more money than Mittens and yes, I can't imagine anyone more out of touch with the real world. Interesting that rw's seem to know so little of substance about these two robber barons.

Isn't it funny how the rw's have embraced the Romney lies and sneaky secrecy. They're turning themselves into pretzels just so they don't have to admit just how reprehensible he is.

ROTFLMBO, that's hysterical since you embraced Obama and we knew almost nothing about him!! Oh wait, there are still many unanswered questions, like how did he get to Harvard?? Heck how did he get to college at all??

And yet you still embrace him, transparency and everything like that. :D
No, she has not been mooching off of mitt. They are married. As in partners. As in, she has played a part in every dime mitt has made since they got married. Lefties ar all buttfucks and quite honestly it would serve society better if you all were chewing sand.

Ann had/has a LOT more money than Mittens and yes, I can't imagine anyone more out of touch with the real world. Interesting that rw's seem to know so little of substance about these two robber barons.

Isn't it funny how the rw's have embraced the Romney lies and sneaky secrecy. They're turning themselves into pretzels just so they don't have to admit just how reprehensible he is.

ROTFLMBO, that's hysterical since you embraced Obama and we knew almost nothing about him!! Oh wait, there are still many unanswered questions, like how did he get to Harvard?? Heck how did he get to college at all??

And yet you still embrace him, transparency and everything like that. :D
He got into Harvard? I see no evidence of that.
Hasn't Ann Rmoney been mooching off of her husband's good fortune? Or rather, since Mitt couldn't do it all on his own, off of his parent's good fortune?

Just saying Ann Romney is an out of touch stepford wife with an Olympic horse who got a bigger tax deduction than I made all year last year. Just saying "Fuck Ann Romney and the horse she paid someone six figures to ride in on."

More of the divisive liberal talk, this is why I won't vote for Obama, you guys are not uniters, you want and need division to be successful.

Bullshit. Was it not 'division' when we fought to be a country, separate from England? What about the war between the States? What's the Tea Party message, 'stand together to make this world a better place?'

Nobody is buying your rhetoric, nor why you won't vote for Obama.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

Is any right winger making an issue of Obama's tax returns?

There's no there there...what nonsense are you talking about?

There's no there there in the case of Romney's tax returns either. When has that ever been an obstacle for Democrats?
Then why doesn't the bastard just release them?!??

So it's really not Mooo-chelle ya know, it's Mooch-elle. She's been mooching off the tax payer too long. Time for her to go.

who is moochelle?
Mrs, Barkman

Or even close to this!! This is our (cough, cough) first lady!!

Michelle looks rather sexy in that pic, laid back with the fam...I love it! :eusa_clap:

What in the holy fuck are you TALKING ABOUT?
Um, bigotry.


In the case of bigotry against Jews, just change the words of his post: " Well, we actually know nothing about the Jew Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that."

That sort of bigotry is called anti-semtism.

Change one word again: "Well, we actually know nothing about the Black Robot's offspring.

You know...secrecy, and all that."

That sort of bigotry is called racism

Any other questions, idiot?

But I wasn't talking about Jews or Blacks. I was talking about Mormons.

Let's follow your logic:

Me: "The Nazis were evil".

You: "Just change the word 'Nazis' with 'Girl Scouts' and look at what a bigot you are against Girl Scouts!!!!"

Republican stupidity knows no bounds.

It's exactly what you are. A fucking bigot.

And, a fucking racist.

Maybe next time you want to post about a Blck Republican, try to hide your inherent racism.

Or, just go back to where you came from - Stormfront.

Aw, are you still upset about little Hermie...?

Why doesn't it bother Republican women that Herman Cain was a predator against women in subordinate employment positions?
Because Hypocrites'R'us is their flagship store.
That sounded more like life advice to me.

Instead of attacking and complaining about people whom are successful in life why don't you take that energy and use it to improve your personal self and maybe try to acheive the same success you are currently chiding.

I'm not chiding success. That's the deflection presented by those who are willing to defend the actions of the rich no matter what.

I'm criticizing the maleficence of the rich and their complicity in the current economic meltdown. That, coupled with the patrician attitude displayed by Mrs,. Romney, my attitude toward the rich is contempt, not envy.

I know that calling attitudes like mine "envy" is easy because that's the buzz word Right Wing pundits use. They're wrong too.

Actually you were chiding success whether you realize it or not. "the rich have been so good to us (yes i know that was sarcasm in your post)........"

I did't call you envious either, please don't project other's comments onto me.
True I was using sarcasm. But it wasn't out of envy. It is out of contempt. Envy is the easy deflection. Contempt requires some deeper consideration. Considerations many ill informed Conservatives have failed to make.

Is this failure because of blind partisanship or ignorance of the crimes committed? Personally, I hope it's due to ignorance. Fox News and Glenn Beck's website aren't the most through and reliable news outlets. As shills, they won't be honest about the malfeasance of the 1% to take the cream off the top of the bottle and keep it for themselves. As shills, the Conservative punditry will keep convincing those unwilling to fully understand the lengths and depths the rich went to to manipulate the casino that is Wall Street to their advantage while casting the rest of us adrift.

I hope it is ignorance because blind partisanship is too dangerous to consider. That means reason has left the building and the complicity in those crimes now shifts from the class to the political arena.

And that way lies real danger for the Republic. A willingness to forgive crime to satisfy political aspirations is too Nixonian to struggle through twice in a lifetime.
I'm not chiding success. That's the deflection presented by those who are willing to defend the actions of the rich no matter what.

I'm criticizing the maleficence of the rich and their complicity in the current economic meltdown. That, coupled with the patrician attitude displayed by Mrs,. Romney, my attitude toward the rich is contempt, not envy.

I know that calling attitudes like mine "envy" is easy because that's the buzz word Right Wing pundits use. They're wrong too.

Actually you were chiding success whether you realize it or not. "the rich have been so good to us (yes i know that was sarcasm in your post)........"

I did't call you envious either, please don't project other's comments onto me.
True I was using sarcasm. But it wasn't out of envy. It is out of contempt. Envy is the easy deflection. Contempt requires some deeper consideration. Considerations many ill informed Conservatives have failed to make.

Is this failure because of blind partisanship or ignorance of the crimes committed? Personally, I hope it's due to ignorance. Fox News and Glenn Beck's website aren't the most through and reliable news outlets. As shills, they won't be honest about the malfeasance of the 1% to take the cream off the top of the bottle and keep it for themselves. As shills, the Conservative punditry will keep convincing those unwilling to fully understand the lengths and depths the rich went to to manipulate the casino that is Wall Street to their advantage while casting the rest of us adrift.

I hope it is ignorance because blind partisanship is too dangerous to consider. That means reason has left the building and the complicity in those crimes now shifts from the class to the political arena.

And that way lies real danger for the Republic. A willingness to forgive crime to satisfy political aspirations is too Nixonian to struggle through twice in a lifetime.
Please describe the crimes of which you speak, and if possible, the Code that prohibits those actions.

Actually you were chiding success whether you realize it or not. "the rich have been so good to us (yes i know that was sarcasm in your post)........"

I did't call you envious either, please don't project other's comments onto me.
True I was using sarcasm. But it wasn't out of envy. It is out of contempt. Envy is the easy deflection. Contempt requires some deeper consideration. Considerations many ill informed Conservatives have failed to make.

Is this failure because of blind partisanship or ignorance of the crimes committed? Personally, I hope it's due to ignorance. Fox News and Glenn Beck's website aren't the most through and reliable news outlets. As shills, they won't be honest about the malfeasance of the 1% to take the cream off the top of the bottle and keep it for themselves. As shills, the Conservative punditry will keep convincing those unwilling to fully understand the lengths and depths the rich went to to manipulate the casino that is Wall Street to their advantage while casting the rest of us adrift.

I hope it is ignorance because blind partisanship is too dangerous to consider. That means reason has left the building and the complicity in those crimes now shifts from the class to the political arena.

And that way lies real danger for the Republic. A willingness to forgive crime to satisfy political aspirations is too Nixonian to struggle through twice in a lifetime.
Please describe the crimes of which you speak, and if possible, the Code that prohibits those actions.

You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?
True I was using sarcasm. But it wasn't out of envy. It is out of contempt. Envy is the easy deflection. Contempt requires some deeper consideration. Considerations many ill informed Conservatives have failed to make.

Is this failure because of blind partisanship or ignorance of the crimes committed? Personally, I hope it's due to ignorance. Fox News and Glenn Beck's website aren't the most through and reliable news outlets. As shills, they won't be honest about the malfeasance of the 1% to take the cream off the top of the bottle and keep it for themselves. As shills, the Conservative punditry will keep convincing those unwilling to fully understand the lengths and depths the rich went to to manipulate the casino that is Wall Street to their advantage while casting the rest of us adrift.

I hope it is ignorance because blind partisanship is too dangerous to consider. That means reason has left the building and the complicity in those crimes now shifts from the class to the political arena.

And that way lies real danger for the Republic. A willingness to forgive crime to satisfy political aspirations is too Nixonian to struggle through twice in a lifetime.
Please describe the crimes of which you speak, and if possible, the Code that prohibits those actions.

You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?

Squawk, squawk, Fox news. Squawk, Squawk, Glenn Beck. Squawk, Squawk, George Bush. Squawk, squawk, Sarah Palin. Squawk, squawk, Tea Party. Etc, etc.

Liberalism is a mental disease.
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Please describe the crimes of which you speak, and if possible, the Code that prohibits those actions.

You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?

Squawk, squawk, Fox news. Squawk, Squawk, Glenn Beck. Squawk, Squawk, George Bush. Squawk, squawk, Sarah Palin. Squawk, squawk, Tea Party. Etc, etc.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Whoops, you left out Limbaugh...............shame on you!! :lol:
Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since he’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesn’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesn’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney can’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

Referring to the press as "you people" is not at all out of the ordinary.

Only a desparate partisan hack would find something wrong with it.

SO I juist did my research and found that Anne Romeny NEVER said you people.....she said "people"..

LMAO...but Obama DID use the phrase "you people"....

How desparate.

BTW...I have no issue that Obama used the phrase.

My guess is BDBoop and others on the left see nothing wrong with it as well.
True I was using sarcasm. But it wasn't out of envy. It is out of contempt. Envy is the easy deflection. Contempt requires some deeper consideration. Considerations many ill informed Conservatives have failed to make.

Is this failure because of blind partisanship or ignorance of the crimes committed? Personally, I hope it's due to ignorance. Fox News and Glenn Beck's website aren't the most through and reliable news outlets. As shills, they won't be honest about the malfeasance of the 1% to take the cream off the top of the bottle and keep it for themselves. As shills, the Conservative punditry will keep convincing those unwilling to fully understand the lengths and depths the rich went to to manipulate the casino that is Wall Street to their advantage while casting the rest of us adrift.

I hope it is ignorance because blind partisanship is too dangerous to consider. That means reason has left the building and the complicity in those crimes now shifts from the class to the political arena.

And that way lies real danger for the Republic. A willingness to forgive crime to satisfy political aspirations is too Nixonian to struggle through twice in a lifetime.
Please describe the crimes of which you speak, and if possible, the Code that prohibits those actions.

You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?
To the bolded: Not joking. By definition, if it's a crime - your word, a crime - then there has to be a law prohibiting it.

If there is no law prohibiting it, then there is no crime.

I can't believe I just had to explain that. :confused:

SO I juist did my research and found that Anne Romeny NEVER said you people.....she said "people"..

LMAO...but Obama DID use the phrase "you people"....

How desparate.

BTW...I have no issue that Obama used the phrase.

My guess is BDBoop and others on the left see nothing wrong with it as well.

why let getting the facts first get in the way of a good troll thread
For the record, she did say "you people," however, it's no big deal...she was referring to the press.

Check out a few tweets regarding her gaffe though...

#YouPeople are so humorous, you think we actually care about your petty concerns. --Ann Romney

#YouPeople don't appreciate just how hard it is to properly deduct $77,000 for a blacktie dressage prom horse from your tax returns. #p2

She right, #YouPeople will just have to wait until the rest of the documentary about Bane capital comes out this weekend. Right Rush?


Please describe the crimes of which you speak, and if possible, the Code that prohibits those actions.

You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?

Squawk, squawk, Fox news. Squawk, Squawk, Glenn Beck. Squawk, Squawk, George Bush. Squawk, squawk, Sarah Palin. Squawk, squawk, Tea Party. Etc, etc.

Liberalism is a mental disease.
This is your idea of being a "Liberal Head Thumper"? Showing your ass, and your inability to counter anyone's arguments? :lol:

You have failed miserably.
You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?

Squawk, squawk, Fox news. Squawk, Squawk, Glenn Beck. Squawk, Squawk, George Bush. Squawk, squawk, Sarah Palin. Squawk, squawk, Tea Party. Etc, etc.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Whoops, you left out Limbaugh...............shame on you!! :lol:
We are well acquainted with your special brand of retardation.
You have got to be joking. Does everything now boil down to whether Congress has passed a law prohibiting something or not?

Amazing how so-called 'conservatives', who used to tout a higher moral standard, now judge morality by whether something is legal or not. Of course, that legality is determined by Congress, who they constantly denigrate as immoral and corrupt.

Square that circle for us, would you?

Squawk, squawk, Fox news. Squawk, Squawk, Glenn Beck. Squawk, Squawk, George Bush. Squawk, squawk, Sarah Palin. Squawk, squawk, Tea Party. Etc, etc.

Liberalism is a mental disease.
This is your idea of being a "Liberal Head Thumper"? Showing your ass, and your inability to counter anyone's arguments? :lol:

You have failed miserably.

Squawk, squawk...blah, blah, blah..."you have failed miserably"...squawk squawk.

Last edited by a moderator:
Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since he’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesn’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesn’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney can’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

Referring to the press as "you people" is not at all out of the ordinary.

Only a desparate partisan hack would find something wrong with it.

Wingnut believes it's only the press that wants to see Bishop Romney's tax returns. :lol:

What is Mitt hiding? Is he a felon?

SO I juist did my research and found that Anne Romeny NEVER said you people.....she said "people"..

LMAO...but Obama DID use the phrase "you people"....

How desparate.

BTW...I have no issue that Obama used the phrase.

My guess is BDBoop and others on the left see nothing wrong with it as well.
Research entails more than going to

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