Attention all Catholic haters

That's it, just roll around in your ignorance - make sure you get it all over you.

You guys worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life.

Your priests teach you that the way to eternal life is doing the exact opposite of what God commands in the law and promises results in death.

Who is more ignorant than someone who swallows that garbage?

There....That's me rubbing your nose in your own shit.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Sure I do. Would you like to see my credentials?

Do you deny getting on your knees and worshipping the eucharist, a lifeless matzo made by human hands, that you then eat for spiritual life?

Do you deny professing to believe that such a practice results in eternal life, even though scripture clearly states that such a degrading practice will result in death?

I'm looking for theological arguments, not some lame you don't know what you are talking about routine.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

Yeah, because in all of history, Christians killed almost as many people as your leftists did in an average month...

500 year of Inquisition, less than a thousand murdered: 3 years of purges in the Ukrain, 23 million murdered!

Stalin was a former seminary priest. Or the Christians against Christians in WWI and WWII, much less non-Christian nations.

Check the Crusades, in Europe against dissident Christians as well as those in the Near East.

Consider the Spanish eruption into the Americas and the consequences to Native American mortality; the same with the Portuguese in Brazil; and the British, Spanish, Dutch, French, and Swedish in North America.

Then tack on the warfare of disruption of Native American life in what was becoming the USA, from 1787 to 1890.
Any man can get an annulment, if he contributes enuff money. Women are not granted annulment, no matter what. The annulment bastardizes her children and she has no say.

Some parish priests love gossiping about what women say in confession and never what men say. The sanctity of the confessional isn't very important when it comes to children and women. I have been subjected to long rants about my fellow female parishioners.

The life of a nun is hard, much harder than being a priest. The Church is having more trouble recruiting and retaining women than men, and has for years. Haven't heard about it? Can you guess why?

Women in the Church being treated like second hand citizens would be a definite improvement.

Regards from Rosie

Slander. There is no proof of any of this. What do you know about being either a nun or a priest?

I know for sure you are not a Jesuit. A Jesuit would not be caught dead confusing libel and slander and picking the wrong one.

Catholic School class dismissed.

Regards from Rosie
Hating Catholics would be too much effort. Especially since Christ told us not to hate.
A lot of hard feelings toward Catholics stems from the council of Trent and the religious wars/ persecution or protestants that followed....
the reason that the church is disappearing except in 3rd world countries. Good riddance.

Over the past century, the number of Catholics worldwide has more than tripled.

I'm really impressed. Except that in the same period of time the world population has increased from 1.6 billion to 6 billion, which brings on a second bone that I have against the Catholic church, which is it's insane ban on birth control, on a planet whose resources are being stretched beyond the breaking point.

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Sure I do. Would you like to see my credentials?

Yes, I would

Do you deny getting on your knees and worshipping the eucharist, a lifeless matzo made by human hands, that you then eat for spiritual life?

I don't know where you got your credentials from, but your sacramental theology sucks. Perhaps you missed the part in the Gospels where Jesus said "do this in remembrance of me".

Do you deny professing to believe that such a practice results in eternal life, even though scripture clearly states that such a degrading practice will result in death?

Really? Why don't you tell me where that is?

I'm looking for theological arguments, not some lame you don't know what you are talking about routine.

I can tell by your vast theological knowledge. First things first. Show me the place in the Bible where it where remembering Christ in the eucharist leads to death.
Any man can get an annulment, if he contributes enuff money. Women are not granted annulment, no matter what. The annulment bastardizes her children and she has no say.

Some parish priests love gossiping about what women say in confession and never what men say. The sanctity of the confessional isn't very important when it comes to children and women. I have been subjected to long rants about my fellow female parishioners.

The life of a nun is hard, much harder than being a priest. The Church is having more trouble recruiting and retaining women than men, and has for years. Haven't heard about it? Can you guess why?

Women in the Church being treated like second hand citizens would be a definite improvement.

Regards from Rosie

Slander. There is no proof of any of this. What do you know about being either a nun or a priest?

I know for sure you are not a Jesuit. A Jesuit would not be caught dead confusing libel and slander and picking the wrong one.

Catholic School class dismissed.

Regards from Rosie

I am not a Catholic at all, I am just amused by the ignorance and hate toward the Church. I am doubly amused by women who have no aptitude for service who think they can be a priest.
Really? Then enlighten me. .......

You need to go talk to a priest. Your ignorance runs very deep and is exacerbated by what seems to be a serious mental limitation.

Children can grasp these concepts but you cannot, and your attempt at mockery only highlights your ignorance.
the reason that the church is disappearing except in 3rd world countries. Good riddance.

Over the past century, the number of Catholics worldwide has more than tripled.

I'm really impressed. ]

You should be, but you're going to pretend you're not.

Oh, and there is no global population crisis. In fact, one of the biggest challenges of the next century will be dealing with just the opposite.
I was hoping Marc would have joined us by now, but let's recap what we have so far:

We have people who are still butthurt over the Crusades, the usual assertions that the guy who persecuted the Orthodox church in Russia, Stalin, was a priest, and 9 out of 10 readers of the "Vatican Rag". Still waiting for the claims that Hitler was a Christian.
godwin's lose....


It was bound to happen anyway.
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the reason that the church is disappearing except in 3rd world countries. Good riddance.

Over the past century, the number of Catholics worldwide has more than tripled.

That is not very impressive considering that the overall population has more than tripled. Overall population went up almost 4 times what is was in the beginning of the last century. If Catholic believers only increased 3 times then the CC is shrinking.

Numbers only mean something in context (in this case it would be percent of population not actual people by number).
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

Yeah, because in all of history, Christians killed almost as many people as your leftists did in an average month...

500 year of Inquisition, less than a thousand murdered: 3 years of purges in the Ukrain, 23 million murdered!

Well no.

But if this delusion keeps you from carrying out a Crusade..okay.
I was hoping Marc would have joined us by now, but let's recap what we have so far:

We have people who are still butthurt over the Crusades, the usual assertions that the guy who persecuted the Orthodox church in Russia, Stalin, was a priest, and 9 out of 10 readers of the "Vatican Rag". Still waiting for the claims that Hitler was a Christian.


He was.

As were the Nazis.

True story.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

This is just pure ignorance. Were you there for the "crusades"? Why aren't you bitching about radical Islam?

In terms of body counts?

Islam pales in comparison.

If you blame 9/11 on radical Islam..which I suppose is appropriate, the reaction was apeshit by the Christian President of the US.

No one is going to forget that either.

And you folks cheered it on as a Crusade.

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