Attention all Catholic haters

The Catholic church, like the Mormon church, is an organization with all power at the top, and none at the congregational level. Don't like your priest? Tough luck. You can not fire him. In fact, my daughter in law , who did not like her parish priest went to another parish to get married, but the priest there refused to do it unless the girl's parish priest gave him permission. My x-wife's priest told her that her baby who was born dead had never been baptized, and so would spend the eternity in purgatory and could not be buried in consecrated ground. . She never attended a Catholic church again.This attitude permeates the catholic church, and is the reason that the church is disappearing except in 3rd world countries. Good riddance.
How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

That would be just fine. It would be just fine with most people, as only a very small fraction of followers of any religion take "a major lead in the organization." Doesn't interfere with their ability to practice their faith.

Unkotare, I can't believe your stance on this issue. Really?

Is it so preposterous to think that a woman may be enthusiastic about her church organization and maybe want to take a lead role, and perhaps lead things up one day? You don't think the fact that they absolutely may not is a deterrent?

If a given member is unsatisfied they are free to join a different faith community, of course.
How would you like it if your boss said "just work and keep quiet, we don't need to hear your thoughts on how to run this company"?

For most employees in most companies that is, for all practical purposes, the correct stance. Since a religion is not a company, your question is moot in any case.
I don't hate Catholics anymore than I could hate victims of a fraud but if I ever find the bastard that screwed up their minds by teaching them to worship a triune god made man made lifeless matzo made by human hands that can be handed out like and eaten like a cheep snack food for spiritual life I might just plunge a wooden stake into his lifeless corpse.

That's it, just roll around in your ignorance - make sure you get it all over you.

You guys worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life.

Your priests teach you that the way to eternal life is doing the exact opposite of what God commands in the law and promises results in death.

Who is more ignorant than someone who swallows that garbage?

There....That's me rubbing your nose in your own shit.

No, that's you flaunting your ignorance and not knowing enough to realize how you are demeaning yourself.
It's not really hate.

It's more of an understanding that you folks like to send other folks to meet your "maker".

Maybe if you spent less time killing, crusading and conquering..and a little more time helping others that "hatred" would abate.

But I ain't counting on it.

This is just pure ignorance. Were you there for the "crusades"? Why aren't you bitching about radical Islam?
How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

That would be just fine. It would be just fine with most people, as only a very small fraction of followers of any religion take "a major lead in the organization." Doesn't interfere with their ability to practice their faith.

When the prospect of EVER becoming a leader within an organization is removed from you simply because of your sex, I can see it as being (a) degrading and (b) a deterrent from participating in the religion.

Again, any woman who feels that way can and probably should go find another faith community of which to be a part.
Catholicism is no place to be female. Why does the Catholic Church hate women?

Regards from Rosie

Right. I guess you have never heard of Teresa of Avila, Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Angelica (the founder of EWTN) and finally, Mary, the Mother of God?
Catholicism is no place to be female.

Why not?

Come on. For starters, many other forms of Christianity allow women to be "pastors", etc. In Catholicism however, men are absolutely at the top of the bureaucratic food chain; do you know of ANY female Bishops/Cardinals/Popes?

How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

It's their tradition, what's that to you? There are sisters who have changed the world. Their names are household words.
I don't hate Catholics anymore than I could hate victims of a fraud but if I ever find the bastard that screwed up their minds by teaching them to worship a triune god made man made lifeless matzo made by human hands that can be handed out like and eaten like a cheep snack food for spiritual life I might just plunge a wooden stake into his lifeless corpse.

That's it, just roll around in your ignorance - make sure you get it all over you.

You guys worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life.

Your priests teach you that the way to eternal life is doing the exact opposite of what God commands in the law and promises results in death.

Who is more ignorant than someone who swallows that garbage?

There....That's me rubbing your nose in your own shit.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Catholicism is no place to be female.

Why not?

Come on. For starters, many other forms of Christianity allow women to be "pastors", etc. In Catholicism however, men are absolutely at the top of the bureaucratic food chain; do you know of ANY female Bishops/Cardinals/Popes?

How would you like to be part of religion where you absolutely have no chance of becoming a major lead in the organization?

I had to come back to this one. Do you know what Deacons, Priests, Bishops, and Cardinals are???

They are SERVANTS, trained to be servants from childhood.

Is it possible that those who covet the offices of the Church they cannot have do not have the temperment for servanthood?
Any man can get an annulment, if he contributes enuff money. Women are not granted annulment, no matter what. The annulment bastardizes her children and she has no say.

Some parish priests love gossiping about what women say in confession and never what men say. The sanctity of the confessional isn't very important when it comes to children and women. I have been subjected to long rants about my fellow female parishioners.

The life of a nun is hard, much harder than being a priest. The Church is having more trouble recruiting and retaining women than men, and has for years. Haven't heard about it? Can you guess why?

Women in the Church being treated like second hand citizens would be a definite improvement.

Regards from Rosie
Along with their racial bigotry the KKK was notoriously anti-Catholic. Supreme court justice Hugo Black who was appointed by FDR was a former KKK member. Ironically he wrote the majority opinion that created the bigoted modern version of "separation of church and state".
Any man can get an annulment, if he contributes enuff money. Women are not granted annulment, no matter what. The annulment bastardizes her children and she has no say.

Some parish priests love gossiping about what women say in confession and never what men say. The sanctity of the confessional isn't very important when it comes to children and women. I have been subjected to long rants about my fellow female parishioners.

The life of a nun is hard, much harder than being a priest. The Church is having more trouble recruiting and retaining women than men, and has for years. Haven't heard about it? Can you guess why?

Women in the Church being treated like second hand citizens would be a definite improvement.

Regards from Rosie

Slander. There is no proof of any of this. What do you know about being either a nun or a priest?
That's it, just roll around in your ignorance - make sure you get it all over you.

You guys worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life.

Your priests teach you that the way to eternal life is doing the exact opposite of what God commands in the law and promises results in death.

Who is more ignorant than someone who swallows that garbage?

There....That's me rubbing your nose in your own shit.

No, that's you flaunting your ignorance and not knowing enough to realize how you are demeaning yourself.

Really? Then enlighten me.

How is it not a violation of divine law to worship a trinity in the form of the eucharist which is made by human hands, has no life and is not God?

How can a lifeless cracker give spiritual life to those who worship and eat it?

Take your time.......

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