Attention, gun control supporters:

Hey Dave........lmao.........heres a vid to keep the limpwristed left up all night shitting their pants with worry!!!

These are the type of vids that totally freak out people on the left...........lmao, the kids says, "I took his brain out with two..........."......the k00k left are like, "That father is sooooooooooo irresponsible!!!"

WARNING TO PEOPLE ON LEFT >>> Turn down your might shit your pants.

[ame=]Ian shoots new SA-20 in preparation for Turkey Season - YouTube[/ame]

The limpwristers need to just go away........
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Guns cause suicide. They sit and whisper to their owners "do it. do it." Didn't you ever hear that?
And Joe is full of shit. It isn't that he doesn't know anything. It's that whatever he knows is wrong.

The Japanese religion believes you'll come back in a better form if you die.

The American/CHristian religion believes you'll go to hell and burn forever and ever if you kill youself. Bullcrap, seems you know as much about the American Christian religion as you do about most subjects you bloviate on. Try reading the story of Samson in Judges 16, he killed himself, then fast forward to God's hall of fame/faith in Hebrews chapter 11, where we see Samson most certainly did not go to hell. As usual bloviating in things you're ignorant on.

The fact that we have as many sucides in a society that considers it a sin as one that considers it honorable... just shows we have too many guns. Man you're an idiot. The top ten list of nations with the highest per capita suicide rate list china and your belioved Japan, and we've heard you whining endlessly about the firearms restrictions in Japan, and we KNOW about private ownership of firearms in China is 100% against the law, yet both make the top ten list. America isn't on the list. Do you just pull this crap out of your ass bud?

The Holly Bibble LMAO!!
This thread has proven the liberal gun grab is nothing more than a HOAX in order to disarm the American citizen. It's what our Founders were most concerned about when crafting the 2nd amendment. I've not read ONE SINGLE argument or fact in how creating new laws and taking weapons from legal and responsible Americans will STOP a lunatic from shooting up restaurants, schools, etc. NOT ONE ARGUMENT.

This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.

Are you really this ignorant?

Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

[ame=]Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube[/ame]


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.

This thread is proof that the right wing mind is at the level of a child. NO ONE is proposing taking everyone's gun. There is no 'slippery slope'...NONE. Not even the most liberal Senator, Congressman or Mayor.

BUT, NON law abiding citizens should NOT be afforded the same right as law abiding citizens. No criminal or mentally ill person should be able to walk into a gun show and buy any weapon he wants without a background check.

Are you really this ignorant?

Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

[ame=]Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube[/ame]


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


Here mr. gunshow dealer, I will give you 100.00 to say a few things.
Has anyone been charged for breaking the law? Convictions?
Damn dude You and I have already discussed this video.
Just like a liberal keep pushing failure hoping for a better outcome
Are you really this ignorant?

Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

[ame=]Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube[/ame]


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


Here mr. gunshow dealer, I will give you 100.00 to say a few things.
Has anyone been charged for breaking the law? Convictions?
Damn dude You and I have already discussed this video.
Just like a liberal keep pushing failure hoping for a better outcome

The reason obama is still our president.
Are you really this ignorant?

Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

[ame=]Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube[/ame]


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


Here mr. gunshow dealer, I will give you 100.00 to say a few things.
Has anyone been charged for breaking the law? Convictions?
Damn dude You and I have already discussed this video.
Just like a liberal keep pushing failure hoping for a better outcome

Just like the rest of the NRA imbeciles you continue to push your lethal agenda because you have no other. This country has more guns, and more gun deaths than any other industrialized nation on the face of the earth. Fuck the second amendment and fuck you.....while we're at it, fuck the Republican party.
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Are you really this ignorant?

Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

[ame=]Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube[/ame]


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


Here mr. gunshow dealer, I will give you 100.00 to say a few things.
Has anyone been charged for breaking the law? Convictions?
Damn dude You and I have already discussed this video.
Just like a liberal keep pushing failure hoping for a better outcome

Are you jtpr312, or do you two just swap bodily fluids?
Where is your reference? I'm guessing the NRA

As far as the fucking...I wouldn't screw a Republican if she looked like Marilyn Monroe

School shooting during Clintons gun ban more than half are mass shootings.

January 12, 1995: Seattle Washington A student left school during the day and returned with his grandfather's 9mm. He wounded two students. The incident is portrayed in the documentary Cease Fire.

October 12, 1995: Blackville, South Carolina A suspended student shot two math teachers with a .32 caliber revolver.

November 15, 1995: Lynnville, Tennessee A 17-year-old boy shot and killed a student and teacher with a .22 rifle.[citation needed] February 2, 1996: Moses Lake, Washington Two students and one teacher killed, one other wounded when 14-year-old Barry Loukaitis opened fire on his algebra class.

February 19, 1997: Bethel, Alaska Principal and one student killed, two others wounded by Evan Ramsey, 16.[38] October 1, 1997: Pearl, Mississippi Two students killed and seven wounded by Luke Woodham, 16, who was also accused of killing his mother. He and his friends were said to be outcasts who worshiped Satan.

1997: West Palm Beach, Florida Conniston Middle School 14-year-old John Kamel was fatally shot in the chest at 8:40 a.m. outside school on a sidewalk by 14-year-old Tronneal Mangum after an argument over an Adidas watch that Mangum had taken from Kamel.

December 1, 1997: West Paducah, Kentucky Three students killed, five wounded by Michael Carneal, 14, as they participated in a prayer circle at Heath High School.

December 15, 1997: Stamps, Arkansas Two students wounded. Colt Todd, 14, was hiding in the woods when he shot the students as they stood in the parking lot

March 24, 1998: Jonesboro, Arkansas Four students and one teacher killed, ten others wounded outside as Westside Middle School emptied during a false fire alarm. Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, shot at their classmates and teachers from the woods

April 24, 1998: Edinboro, Pennsylvania One teacher, John Gillette, was killed and two students wounded at a dance at James W. Parker Middle School. Andrew Wurst, 14, was charged.

May 21, 1998: Springfield, Oregon Two students killed, 22 others wounded in the cafeteria at Thurston High School by 15-year-old Kip Kinkel. Kinkel had been arrested and released a day earlier for bringing a gun to school. His parents were later found dead at home, shot to death by their son

June 15, 1998: Richmond, Virginia One teacher and one guidance counselor wounded by a 14-year-old boy in the school hallway[38] December 10, 1998: Detroit, Michigan One professor killed by a graduate student.

April 20, 1999: Littleton, Colorado 14 students (including 2 shooters) and one teacher killed, 27 others wounded at Columbine High School. Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, had plotted for a year to kill at least 500 and blow up their school. At the end of their hour-long rampage, they turned their guns on themselves.

May 20, 1999: Conyers, Georgia Six students injured at Heritage High School by Thomas Solomon, 15, who was reportedly depressed after breaking up with his girlfriend

February 29, 2000: Unidentified 6-year-old offender in Michigan school shooting. 1 student fatality.

May 26, 2000: Lake Worth, Florida Lake Worth Middle School Florida teacher Barry Grunow was fatally shot by his student, 13-year-old Nathaniel Brazill, who had returned to school after being sent home at 1 p.m. by the assistant principal for throwing water balloons. Brazill returned to school on his bike with a 5 inch Raven and four bullets stolen from his grandfather the week before. Brazill was an honor student. Grunow was a popular teacher and Brazill's favorite.

August 28, 2000: University of Arkansas shooting at Fayetteville, Arkansas At approximately 12:14 pm, Dr. John R. Locke, 67, Director of the Comparative Literature Program was shot and killed in his office by James E. Kelly, 36, a Comparative Literature PhD candidate who had recently been dismissed from the program for lack of progress towards his degree. Kelly shot Dr. Locke three times before taking his own life in Dr. Locke's office after it was cordoned off by campus police.

September 26, 2000: Darrel Johnson, 13, offender in Louisiana school shooting with 1 student fatality.

March 5, 2001: Charles Andrew William, age 15, offender in California school shooting, 15 wounded 2 of which died.

March 30, 2001: Donald R. Burt Jr., age 18, offender in Indiana school shooting with 1 student fatality.

September 24, 2003: John Jason McLaughlin, age 15, offender in Minnesota school shooting with 2 student fatalities.]

February 2, 2004: Unidentified offender in Washington, DC school shooting with 1 student fatality.

May 7, 2004: Unidentified 17 year old offender in Maryland school shooting with 1 student fatality.

Not a single mass killing in the whole goddam list.

Don't you get it??

Twenty six and seven years olds mowed down in their classrooms and six of the faulty along with them.

People who embrace the idiotic NRA make my rectum crave buttermilk.

You. Are. Delusional.
How are you going to get criminals to obey the law?

I've never gotten a rational, workable answer to this question in all the years I've asked it on this and other boards.

Those conducting massacres in our country have not been criminals.....just mental patients with free and open access to the gun of their choice

The CN shooter tried to purchase a rifle -- and was turned down.

The he stole his mother's weapons, thus making him a criminal.

My goodness, but you're not very bright.
You are. Are you deliberately being obtuse or are you really this stupid??
Let's examine this.

Your views are:

1. "Obviously criminals do not obey the law..."

2. You want more gun restriction laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Would you please explain the painfully obvious dichotomy here?

If criminals do not obey the law why would you make it easy for them to have access to firearms??? Real tough, Dave.
I've advocated no such thing.

Meanwhile, you have failed to explain the mutually-exclusive ideas you believe.
Let's examine this.

Your views are:

1. "Obviously criminals do not obey the law..."

2. You want more gun restriction laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Would you please explain the painfully obvious dichotomy here?

You really need this explained to you??

Yes, he does. He's very slow.
And yet you have no explanation.

That's only because there can be none.
Those conducting massacres in our country have not been criminals.....just mental patients with free and open access to the gun of their choice

Please tell us how you would solve the problem WITHOUT infringing upon my 2nd Amendment rights.


You will still be allowed to have guns.......just not as many types

sucks don't it?
Let's apply this "logic" to the First Amendment, shall we?

You will still be allowed to express opinions.......just not as many types.

Of course, you, being a progressive, will have no problem with that -- as long as you get to decide which opinions are allowed.
And the problem isn't that anyone is suggesting a complete ban...just the totally unnecessary military style weapons which are only designed for one kill humans.

What constitutes an ‘unnecessary military style weapon’?

Read what I posted. Weapons which have no other purpose than to kill human beings. What the fuck has this nation turned into? A bunch of lilly livered cowards who have to display their testosterone by carrying a deadly weapon when they take their family on a picnic, go shopping or to church. The Republican party has turned into a god damned joke and if they don't catch on they're history.
Oh, look -- another leftist retard who thinks people should not be allowed to protect themselves and their families from criminals.

And leftists wonder why people say they're soft on crime. :cool:
Are you really looking for rational dave? It seems you are looking for a way to use the absurd, the law of the jungle, anarchy and the paranoid slippery slope to avoid the rational.

Rational people in a society try to write laws that limit the damage that can be inflicted on society, without severely limiting the rights and privileges we all covet and enjoy.

The right to bear arms SHOULD be afforded to every law abiding citizen. But we should all be in favor of passing laws to prevent someone who is not a law abiding citizen from gaining access to a firearm.

We have laws that make it illegal for a minor to drive a car. When you are old enough to drive, you have to pass a written test showing you understand the rules of the road. And you have to pass a road test to show you can safely operate a motor vehicle. But even after you meet all those requirements, we still have speed limits. We still have laws that make it a crime to drink and drive.

I anticipate you will argue that driving is a privilege and owning a firearm is a right. But no right is absolute. If the 2nd amendment were absolute, then criminals, and the mentally ill should be eligible...they are NOT, nor should they be eligible.
Of course I'm looking for rational answers. Perhaps you can explain this dichotomy:

1. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands on criminals.

2. We know criminals do not obey the law.

As citizens, we can't stop a criminal from buying an illegal firearm from the trunk of another criminal in some dark alley.

But, that's where the criminal should be forced to buy a gun. In a totally illegal setting, with all the inherant dangers that come with it. BUT, our current laws sanction criminals being able to walk into a gun show, receive expert advice, discounts, what ever weapon(s) they desire without a background check or having to pay black market prices or risk the dangers of buying a weapon from another criminal in a dark alley.
As I've shown, guns purchased from gun shows are involved in around 2% of crime.

You could spend your emotional energy tackling a problem that might actually make a difference.

But you're bitterly clinging to a failed idea...just like the last AWB was a failed idea.
Are you really looking for rational dave? It seems you are looking for a way to use the absurd, the law of the jungle, anarchy and the paranoid slippery slope to avoid the rational.

Rational people in a society try to write laws that limit the damage that can be inflicted on society, without severely limiting the rights and privileges we all covet and enjoy.

The right to bear arms SHOULD be afforded to every law abiding citizen. But we should all be in favor of passing laws to prevent someone who is not a law abiding citizen from gaining access to a firearm.

We have laws that make it illegal for a minor to drive a car. When you are old enough to drive, you have to pass a written test showing you understand the rules of the road. And you have to pass a road test to show you can safely operate a motor vehicle. But even after you meet all those requirements, we still have speed limits. We still have laws that make it a crime to drink and drive.

I anticipate you will argue that driving is a privilege and owning a firearm is a right. But no right is absolute. If the 2nd amendment were absolute, then criminals, and the mentally ill should be eligible...they are NOT, nor should they be eligible.

Like you said, driving is a priviledge NOT a right so your comparrison is worthless and we ALREADY have hundreds of of laws restricing and regulating firearms in this nation we don't need anymore.

We have many laws and regulations about the manufacturing, sales and operation of motor vehicles too. I remember the loud squawking by the Right Wingers when seat belt requirements began. Guess what? Last year motor vehicle deaths in the United States were at record lows dating back to 1949.

The goddamned gun laws and regulation is piss poor and needs something done besides what the gun owners and NRA want. It's major bullshit to continue to allow more people killed on the streets of America than in a war zone....some 30-35 every day.
How's the war on drugs going?
You seriously can't be equating an inanimate metal object with a human being, are you? Let's say they pass a law that outlaws assault rifles and you own one. Will the quality of your life be diminished?

You folks really need to think before you emote.

Let's say you're a criminal and they pass a law that outlaws assault rifles and you own one.

Will you turn it in to the police?

You really need to think before you emote.
You seriously can't be equating an inanimate metal object with a human being, are you? Let's say they pass a law that outlaws assault rifles and you own one. Will the quality of your life be diminished?

You folks really need to think before you emote.

I'll type slowly so you can keep up.

You stated "Don't you have to actually COMMIT and act of violence first? If you want citizens removed from society because they MIGHT commit a crime, then you have even Stalin beat."

And yet you liberals advocate infringing our 2nd Amendment rights on the VERY SAME BASIS.

Seems a bit contradictory to me....
Progressives are very proficient at doublethink.
Raise the stakes. If a criminal (or anyone else) is caught with an assault weapon, make the penalty death.
You want to make possession of an object a capital crime?

The possession of bombs, grenades, mines and propelled rockets is against federal law. Something that can kill 20 kids in less than 10 minutes should be considered just as dangerous and banned accordingly.

But in answer to your first question, here's another question: Why is it that Japan has almost zero ("0") violent crimes and yet they are one of the most densely populated countries in the world, have MORE depression and anxiety than Americans and their kids have all the same ultra-violent video games that our kids have?
Japan has a completely different culture than the United States. What makes you think anything they do would work here?

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