Attention, gun control supporters:

Big reb is advocating the Clinton bans did not go far enough

He is correct.....too many guns still out there

Come and get'em bitch, lead the charge be a man and be in front.
But sadly you'll pussy out and get some brown shirts to do your dirty work.

Now if the drama queen will shut the fuck up.A gun ban did not work then and it will not work now.

No problem with that

Once your guns are illegal, try to shoot them, try to sell them .....try not to get caught with them

You will be treated like a drug dealer
Progressives will insist you're a victim of society and demand your early release?
Not a single mass killing in the whole goddam list.

Don't you get it??

Twenty six and seven years olds mowed down in their classrooms and six of the faulty along with them.

People who embrace the idiotic NRA make my rectum crave buttermilk.

I want everyone to see how moronic cammmpbell is.

Remember...leftists don't give a shit about murdered kids unless they can use them for political purposes.

And Cammie believes that children murdered with rifles are MORE DEAD than children murdered with pistols.
Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


And there is absolutely NO WAY Bloomberg's stooges edited the video or manipulated circumstances to arrive at the conclusion he ordered...?
Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


And there is absolutely NO WAY Bloomberg's stooges edited the video or manipulated circumstances to arrive at the conclusion he ordered...?

Trying to squirm away huh? There is no signs of any edits, so it appears legit. There is a loophole some of these sellers at gun shows take advantage of. It seems to me every law abiding citizen should want the law either changed or tightened up. It seems like common sense. What about you?
Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


Here mr. gunshow dealer, I will give you 100.00 to say a few things.
Has anyone been charged for breaking the law? Convictions?
Damn dude You and I have already discussed this video.
Just like a liberal keep pushing failure hoping for a better outcome

Just like the rest of the NRA imbeciles you continue to push your lethal agenda because you have no other. This country has more guns, and more gun deaths than any other industrialized nation on the face of the earth. Fuck the second amendment and fuck you.....while we're at it, fuck the Republican party.

Spoken like a true liberal fascist scumbag. You and liberal scum like you who would put into pracitce the filth you spew is the very reason why I will fight to the death any and all atttempts to disarm the American people. To think corrupt, evil scum like you may someday rule in the nation my kids and grandkids will grow up in shows me the importance of living up to the motto of the fine state of Virginia, sic semper tyrannis
Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


And there is absolutely NO WAY Bloomberg's stooges edited the video or manipulated circumstances to arrive at the conclusion he ordered...?

Trying to squirm away huh? There is no signs of any edits, so it appears legit. There is a loophole some of these sellers at gun shows take advantage of. It seems to me every law abiding citizen should want the law either changed or tightened up. It seems like common sense. What about you?
Sure, there was no way Bloomberg's stooges approached the dealers they taped beforehand and made arrangements. Utterly impossible.


Bloomberg has an agenda.
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?


4. We're okay with the criminals having superior firepower, larger capacity magazines, etc than law abiding citizens.

It's true, they want to give the bad guys an edge. Fucking amazing, isn't it?
Are you, or just unable to read, comprehend or start a YouTube video?

Gun Show: Undercover - YouTube


Michael R. Bloomberg
108th Mayor of the City of New York

Gun Show Undercover

Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from "private sellers" who are not required to perform background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers.

Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: "Gun Show Undercover." We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked.

Our investigators told the private sellers that they "probably couldn't pass a background check" -- and at that point, the seller should have sent them away. Because even private sellers are prohibited by federal law from selling to those who they have reason to suspect could not pass a background check.

Instead, 19 out of 30 private sellers made the sale.


Here mr. gunshow dealer, I will give you 100.00 to say a few things.
Has anyone been charged for breaking the law? Convictions?
Damn dude You and I have already discussed this video.
Just like a liberal keep pushing failure hoping for a better outcome

The reason obama is still our president.

The reason Obama is still OUR PRESIDENT is because the GOP nominated a fucking moron. I bet you voted for him.
The reason Obama is still OUR PRESIDENT is because the GOP nominated a fucking moron. I bet you voted for him.

On what planet would anyone rational consider Romney a moron? The man is brilliant. He has proved it time and time again.

You can disagree with his politics. And you can make allegations about his character, but the man knows a whole heck of a lot and has had the wisdom to use his knowledge to help people.
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?


4. We're okay with the criminals having superior firepower, larger capacity magazines, etc than law abiding citizens.

It's true, they want to give the bad guys an edge. Fucking amazing, isn't it?
"You must spread some rep around yadda yadda yadda..."

Yes, it's amazing. They really do believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than do defend yourself with a firearm.

So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?


4. We're okay with the criminals having superior firepower, larger capacity magazines, etc than law abiding citizens.

It's true, they want to give the bad guys an edge. Fucking amazing, isn't it?

gives the term "bleeding heart liberals" a whole new meaning...
Last edited:
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?


4. We're okay with the criminals having superior firepower, larger capacity magazines, etc than law abiding citizens.

It's true, they want to give the bad guys an edge. Fucking amazing, isn't it?
"You must spread some rep around yadda yadda yadda..."

Yes, it's amazing. They really do believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than do defend yourself with a firearm.


They're OK with dead victims. Live heroes, not so much.

4. We're okay with the criminals having superior firepower, larger capacity magazines, etc than law abiding citizens.

It's true, they want to give the bad guys an edge. Fucking amazing, isn't it?
"You must spread some rep around yadda yadda yadda..."

Yes, it's amazing. They really do believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than do defend yourself with a firearm.


They're OK with dead victims. Live heroes, not so much.
"Poor is the nation that has no heroes. Beggared is the nation that has and forgets them."

Progressives see themselves as the highest power in the universe. They can't conceive that others might be willing to sacrifice themselves for something even higher. This explains their loathing of the military, and their insistence that regular citizens not be allowed to defend themselves and their families.
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?

You left out that the right wing mind cannot process reasonable or moderate. Any attempt to discuss either, will illicit the polarized chicken little sky is falling, this is the end of existence, the world is going to end.

It is the manifestation of deep insecurity and fear, the driving force of conservatism.
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?

You left out that the right wing mind cannot process reasonable or moderate. Any attempt to discuss either, will illicit the polarized chicken little sky is falling, this is the end of existence, the world is going to end.

It is the manifestation of deep insecurity and fear, the driving force of conservatism.
If you'd PROPOSE something reasonable and moderate we might get somewhere, but laws that have no effect except on the law-abiding are neither reasonable or moderate.
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?

You left out that the right wing mind cannot process reasonable or moderate. Any attempt to discuss either, will illicit the polarized chicken little sky is falling, this is the end of existence, the world is going to end.

It is the manifestation of deep insecurity and fear, the driving force of conservatism.

Then by all means, put forward a proposal. Please keep in mind that it would not be reasonable to propose laws that would allow the crazies and criminals that don't care about your regulations to be better armed than law abiding citizens.

The floor is yours...
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?

You left out that the right wing mind cannot process reasonable or moderate. Any attempt to discuss either, will illicit the polarized chicken little sky is falling, this is the end of existence, the world is going to end.

It is the manifestation of deep insecurity and fear, the driving force of conservatism.

this is the typical song and dance of the 'reasonable' 'moderate'....compromise....:eusa_boohoo:

liberals cannot and will not recognize set the Constitution for example...
So, to summarize this thead:

1. Criminals don't obey the law.

2. We need more laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

3. We know it won't work, but fuck your Second Amendment rights. Us feeling good about ourselves for doing something about it is more important than your rights.

That about cover it?

You left out that the right wing mind cannot process reasonable or moderate. Any attempt to discuss either, will illicit the polarized chicken little sky is falling, this is the end of existence, the world is going to end.

It is the manifestation of deep insecurity and fear, the driving force of conservatism.
If you'd PROPOSE something reasonable and moderate we might get somewhere, but laws that have no effect except on the law-abiding are neither reasonable or moderate.

I have some really bad news for and daveman and the rest of the slippery slope, chicken littles are being NRA members and the American people.

It exposes you for what you are.

GOP pollster: "I don't think the NRA is listening"

(CBS News) According to Republican pollster and CBS News political analyst Frank Luntz, despite the impending so-called "fiscal cliff," American families have spent more "time talking about their fear of gun violence than over the 'fiscal cliff'."

Luntz said that based on his polling and conversations with lawmakers in Washington, "the public is asking, if not insisting that something be done so that this does not happen again."

"The public wants guns out of the schools, not in the schools," Luntz said, speaking to the NRA's response to the Newtown shooting, in which the organization advocated for armed guards in schools across the U.S.

"I don't think the the NRA is listening. I don't think they understand," Luntz said. "Most Americans would protect Second Amendment rights and yet agree with the idea that not every human being should own a gun, not every gun should be available at any time, anywhere, for anyone - that at gun shows you should not be able to buy something right there and then without any check whatsoever."

Luntz added that what Americans are looking for from gun control legislation is "a common sense approach that says that those who are law-abiding should continue to have the right to own a weapon, but don't believe the right should be extended to everyone at every time for every time of weapon."

Luntz conducted a survey of gun owners both affiliated and unaffiliated with the NRA earlier this year, which found broad support for certain provisions that would restrict the sale of guns.

Among NRA members, 74 percent said they support background checks as a requirement for concealed carry permits. Recent polls of the broader American populace have showed higher levels of support for that and other gun control measures which the NRA has historically opposed.

“You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks”
William F. Buckley Jr.
The reason Obama is still OUR PRESIDENT is because the GOP nominated a fucking moron.

Why not? It worked for the Dems.

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