Attorney General Merrick Garland set to make statement, days after FBI raid on Trump home at Mar-a-Lago

The fact they had to do this must mean that the raid on Mar a Lago did not poll as well as they thought it would lol.
So, the only real take away is the DOJ asked the Judge to unseal the warrant and the inventory of what was taken.

Is there any reason a judge would say no as long as Trump and his lawyers agreed to it?
Oh, I'm sure trump and his lawyers will have no problem with it all being unsealed. He has nothing to hide, right?
Should be going on now. What you'll be watching is the spokesman for the people who are actually running the country right now, none of whom are elected officials.

Live stream. The little rat is running late.

He and Dr. FauxChi are both so ratty looking.
Little rat because....................................? Was he supposed to do nothing about classified material being stolen from the WH by Individual 1?
you have proof of that?

and where are you when it comes to the Hunter laptop evidence. My guess is you couldn't care less about dimrat crimes
Little rat because....................................? Was he supposed to do nothing about classified material being stolen from the WH by Individual 1?
Sir, you dropped your Obama autographed Dildo. Sorry, I didn't pick it up for you, but like your mouth, no one knows where it's really been.
The fact they had to do this must mean that the raid on Mar a Lago did not poll as well as they thought it would lol.
trump and his lawyers will have NO problem with everything being unsealed, right? He has nothing to hide, right?
Does anybody except these stupid Moon Bats really gives a shit what that turd says?

I know I don't.

He will lie and spin like all Leftest assholes do.

He is a terrible destructive AG. I am just glad he never made it to the Supreme Court.
Thank you for describing Trump!!!!!!!!! Bigly!!!!!!!
Democrats are going to regret this. Mark my words. The worst thing you can do in any election year is galvanize the base of the opposing party, especially when the person in power belongs to you and does something as outrageous as this.

The fact Garland couldn't give any specific details is damning, the fact he personally signed off on the raid is extremely terrifying. Such an abuse of power will not go unpunished by the electorate.
He spewed for a short while and left.
The good news is that the Justice Dept. will be able to show all of America the unsealed warrant, etc. I'm sure there will be no objection from the trump camp.
Garland has filed to publicly release the Search Warrant

Lets see if Trump blocks it
Merrick 'Marky Mark' Garland and the DOJ Funky Bunch.

Yo, it's about that time,
To bring down, the hammer on the crime.
I got mine, now Trump get yours.
Wanna see sweat, comin out ya pores!

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