Attorney General Merrick Garland set to make statement, days after FBI raid on Trump home at Mar-a-Lago

I predict that the announcement will be a nothingburger that only contains a valid excuse for why the bulk of it must remain secret.

But still, Garland will understand that he has to offer a few crumbs to the extreme rightists in order to maintain peace in the land.

There's a huge possibility of one gun crazed extremist setting a match to the gas tank, and that would then spiral out of control with group action by the ex-military extremist 'proud boys' and like crazies.

They are bound to come out with their AR's and other impressive pseudo-military force.

Do you think it is appropriate for DOJ to waive their rule for not commenting on an ongoing investigation?
Trump has gotten away with far too much, for far too long, and I say that as someone who doesn't have a pathological hatred of Trump. I just can't believe so many of his fanboys can't figure out that they're getting conned.

Answer me this: if he felt his patriots who ransacked the Capitol were truly patriots and defending the Constitution, why didn't he at least try to pardon every last one of them in advance? He could have. He didn't. Hundreds of people are looking at bankruptcy, prison time, and a criminal record because of his lies and their bizarro willingness to sacrifice themselves for a big lie about the election.

Answer me this, too. Why won't he show us the warrant from the Mar-a-Lago raid? He could. He hasn't.

Why did he plead the fifth 440 times in a recorded deposition? He could have just answered questions. He didn't.

That's quite the conspiracy theory.
"why didn't he at least try to pardon every last one of them in advance?"
Because you can't pardon someone for a crime that hasn't been committed.
Should be going on now.

Live stream. The little rat is running late.

He shouldn't be masturbating on TV like that.
Karma would be Mitch McConnell blocking Merrick Garland from the Supreme Court in 2016 only for him to become the AG in 2021 whom brings down Donald J. Trump in 2022...not that Mitch minds
Karma would be you being sent to Hell and having to sit in the same cell with Joseph Goebbels for eternity having to burn in Hell with him and listen to each other lie about why you shouldn't be there.
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Do you think it is appropriate for DOJ to waive their rule for not commenting on an ongoing investigation?
I think that your country has long ago dispensed with any rules on fair play. FBI/CIA action against the enemies of the state will warrant no less than murder of those extremists who could become dangerous threats to peace and the rule of law.

The situation is about to blossom into full bloom attempts to install a fascist regime and it's not concluded that the military will stand with government!
It will be another clown show pack of lies, same as Russian Collusion, same as them lying about having Hunter's laptop and calling it Russian Disinformation, same as The FBI lying about Clinton and allowing her to destroy all the evidence on her secret server before they even looked at it, and were still forced to admit she violated the law.

Where was the pre-dawn raid at The Clinton Residence?

"Even ex-presidents have to obey laws re: classified documents. That is all. Have a nice day."

All that needs to be said on the matter.
Right. Dept. policy is not to speak about continuing investigations. If Comey had stuck to the rules we would not have had to experience the ongoing disaster of Trumpery.
I get he is a POS. But that has nothing to do with the "is he above the law" rhetoric.

Do you really think Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray wanted to have to chase Trump down to get classified information?

I haven't seen the warrant but if what I've read is accurate, Trump was given an opportunity to turn over missing records that he (probably illegally) took to Mar-a-Lago. He would have signed paperwork to that effect and submitted it through his lawyers to the National Archives. If they retrieved boxes upon boxes of classified materials after the fact - which seems to be the case - then he signed and submitted a false sworn statement to federal authority - a likely felony in and of itself. Having classified materials in his possession after having declared that he turned them over is also likely a felony - ironically because Trump made 'mishandling' classified materials, which used to be a misdemeanor, felony.

They didn't even have to give Trump the courtesy of giving him time to submit those documents. Merely possessing classified information in an unsecured area is basically a crime ipso facto. They gave him chances to not be a criminal.
"All that needs to be said on the matter."
This is only your 2nd day so all that needs to be said is I hope your comments show a little more thought in the future.

I wish Biden would just shut down the internet for a few days but that's probably going too far. People would probably spontaneously combust.

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