Attorney General Merrick Garland set to make statement, days after FBI raid on Trump home at Mar-a-Lago


It only took his sorry ass a few days to come up with a statement, that will be just as polluted as the rest of his agency ... :auiqs.jpg:

True. Just more smoke and mirrors bullshit in the witch hunt. After five years and coming up with not so much as a grain of evidence, you would think they'd give it up. Anyone who would vote for a democrat after the 2020 debacle has got to be one of the world's most ignorant people.
Should be going on now. What you'll be watching is the spokesman for the people who are actually running the country right now, none of whom are elected officials.

Live stream. The little rat is running late.

The reason for the delay is the wh is now getting involved
Do you really think Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray wanted to have to chase Trump down to get classified information?

I haven't seen the warrant but if what I've read is accurate, Trump was given an opportunity to turn over missing records that he (probably illegally) took to Mar-a-Lago. He would have signed paperwork to that effect and submitted it through his lawyers to the National Archives. If they retrieved boxes upon boxes of classified materials after the fact - which seems to be the case - then he signed and submitted a false sworn statement to federal authority - a likely felony in and of itself. Having classified materials in his possession after having declared that he turned them over is also likely a felony - ironically because Trump made 'mishandling' classified materials, which used to be a misdemeanor, felony.

They didn't even have to give Trump the courtesy of giving him time to submit those documents. Merely possessing classified information in an unsecured area is basically a crime ipso facto. They gave him chances to not be a criminal.
I dont reckon my point is being considered.
Oh well.
"We don't talk about pending investigations. I did, however, want to address the violent attack by a right wing extremist. These domestic terrorists are the greatest threat to our nation. Well that and Racism and Environmental Justice and Global Warming."

Is that what the shithead said?
Karma would be you being sent to Hell and having to sit in the same cell with Joseph Goebbels for eternity having to burn in Hell with him and listen to each other lie about why you shouldn't be there.
shouldn't laugh about Hell but couldn't help it..

I particularly recall the part in the Bible that mentions how all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire that burns forever..

That's a long time.. but these people are so arrogant, they don't belive God would DARE send them there.

(and they are somewhat correct. But they can and do send themselves, as we see)

(I say "somewhat" because there is a psg about God having the power to toss people into Hell.. whether they choose to go there or not)'
True. Just more smoke and mirrors bullshit in the witch hunt. After five years and coming up with not so much as a grain of evidence, you would think they'd give it up. Anyone who would vote for a democrat after the 2020 debacle has got to be one of the world's most ignorant people.

It doesn't matter if it is smoke and mirrors, and there is no reason to give up,
if the only thing you are trying to win is the hearts and minds of the gullible ... :thup:


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