Australia Bans Guns, Crime Rate Increases | Gun Control Fail

Guns are not banned, per say. They are still legal, but only for those who are licensed.

You might find this website interesting:

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

You will find that in 1996 - the year of the Port Arther massacre, there were 516 gun deaths nationwide.

In 2012 there were only 231.

What does this tell you? Oh...that gun control works?

Was the buy back government mandatory?

Prime Minister John Howard, then newly elected, immediately took the gun law proposals developed from the report of the 1988 National Committee on Violence[16] and forced the states to adopt them under a National Firearms Agreement. This was necessary because the Australian Constitution does not give the Commonwealth power to enact gun laws. The proposals included a ban on all semi-automatic rifles and all semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns, and a tightly restrictive system of licensing and ownership controls.

Gun politics in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would assume so. You can read more at the link, anyway.
So it was a ban with confiscation?
Was the buy back government mandatory?

Prime Minister John Howard, then newly elected, immediately took the gun law proposals developed from the report of the 1988 National Committee on Violence[16] and forced the states to adopt them under a National Firearms Agreement. This was necessary because the Australian Constitution does not give the Commonwealth power to enact gun laws. The proposals included a ban on all semi-automatic rifles and all semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns, and a tightly restrictive system of licensing and ownership controls.

Gun politics in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would assume so. You can read more at the link, anyway.
So it was a ban with confiscation?

We didn't have government officials knocking on doors, taking guns away, if that is what you are asking.
Think Australia is a great place to live because of their gun ban? Better think twice

Australia Bans Guns, Crime Rate Increases | Gun Control Fail - YouTube

Okay, let's start by debunking this nonsense. For the first couple of years after the ban, which was a partial ban, was passed, crime rates did increase. However, after that and moving forward, crime rates have decreased significantly, and murders by guns are about half what they used to be. : Gun Control in Australia

Sometimes, you should do your research before using bad propaganda to make your case. Now, if we want to compare Australia to the US, then we actually can discuss why a gun ban there might be more or less effective than in the US. For starters, based on the number of guns turned in, which was just over 640,000, and based on their population of 22 million, that equates to on gun for every 34 people. Now, let's look at similar statistics in the US. It is estimated that there are around 300 million guns in the US, and we have a population just over that number, so we have one gun for every person, not one gun for every 34 people. Try confiscating 300 million guns versus confiscating 640,000.

You see, it's important to make arguments that are not only true, but also make some sense.

From your source

Simply saying "Australian law reform reduced gun fatalities," if all you know is that deaths dropped after 1996, would be post hoc ergo propter hoc, too.

In summary, this author’s claims are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence.

It would be nice instead of claiming someone is wrong that you would actually read your source fully through before you make that claim. It will make you look less stupid.

OMG you are stupid. What you just quoted was this person saying the E-mail that claims the crime rate increased are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence.

Well, are murders up or down since Australia banned guns...?

'We saw this clearly in Australia when Aussies were disarmed by de jure measures in 1997.
To accomplish this, the Australian government sponsored a $500 million buyback on all privately owned firearms that led to a ban. Australian politicians who supported the move "promised a lower crime rate once the ban was in place."
Did lower crime result? No. Instead armed robberies rose significantly and home invasions rose as well.
Moreover, assaults involving guns rose more than a 25% and murders with a gun rose nearly 20%.

The Aussie Lesson: Less Guns, More Crime

An increase in the crime rate that was a blip on the map does not change the fact that in the long term, the murder rate and crime rate fell substantially after the gun law was passed. As always, you are the number one dupe in this forum.
Okay, let's start by debunking this nonsense. For the first couple of years after the ban, which was a partial ban, was passed, crime rates did increase. However, after that and moving forward, crime rates have decreased significantly, and murders by guns are about half what they used to be. : Gun Control in Australia

Sometimes, you should do your research before using bad propaganda to make your case. Now, if we want to compare Australia to the US, then we actually can discuss why a gun ban there might be more or less effective than in the US. For starters, based on the number of guns turned in, which was just over 640,000, and based on their population of 22 million, that equates to on gun for every 34 people. Now, let's look at similar statistics in the US. It is estimated that there are around 300 million guns in the US, and we have a population just over that number, so we have one gun for every person, not one gun for every 34 people. Try confiscating 300 million guns versus confiscating 640,000.

You see, it's important to make arguments that are not only true, but also make some sense.

From your source

Simply saying "Australian law reform reduced gun fatalities," if all you know is that deaths dropped after 1996, would be post hoc ergo propter hoc, too.

In summary, this author’s claims are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence.

It would be nice instead of claiming someone is wrong that you would actually read your source fully through before you make that claim. It will make you look less stupid.

OMG you are stupid. What you just quoted was this person saying the E-mail that claims the crime rate increased are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence.


You seem to have a problem with understanding.

"Australian law reform reduced gun fatalities,"
"In summary, this author’s claims are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence"
Then again you might want to address naomis post where she says that she doesn't care about the crime rate going up just as long as their are not anymore mass shootings.
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Not really concerned about Australia and their solution. They are not anywhere near the size in population as the U.S. and not near the density.

Crime is driven by many factors, the fact Australia's has grown tells me they have their own problems and I doubt their solution would work in the U.S. they mean well but they are ignorant as to how this country operates or how it views it's freedoms.
Not really concerned about Australia and their solution. They are not anywhere near the size in population as the U.S. and not near the density.

Crime is driven by many factors, the fact Australia's has grown tells me they have their own problems and I doubt their solution would work in the U.S. they mean well but they are ignorant as to how this country operates or how it views it's freedoms.

I know but people like to use them as an example.
Just like they do with Japan.
You lying little ass puke. Australia has not banned guns. Why do you lie so much?

Go away liar.

Guns are not banned, per say. They are still legal, but only for those who are licensed.

You might find this website interesting:

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

You will find that in 1996 - the year of the Port Arther massacre, there were 516 gun deaths nationwide.

In 2012 there were only 231.

In 2009, there were only 30 homicides involving a firearm. In 1996 - the year of the Port Arther massacre, there were 104.

What does this tell you? Oh...that gun control works?

I agree that it works in certain environments. The problem we have with gun control in the US is twofold. First of all, gun control laws that are on the books almost always only pertain to certain jurisdictions. So if you are outside of said jurisdiction, you can have as many guns as you want. If you're a criminal, you still can get a gun and take it into a "no gun zone" and have your fun. That is the first problem, but the bigger problem is the fact that we have so many guns here, there just is no way we could ever consfiscate them all or have people willingly turn them in. It is estimated that there are close to 300 million guns in the US. When Australia had their buyback program, it was for 640,000 guns. We have 300 million guns. That is nearly 500 times the amount Australia took back in their buyback program. Now you may say that we have a bigger population, but the fact is that it's only 13 times bigger than Australia, not 500 times bigger.
From your source

It would be nice instead of claiming someone is wrong that you would actually read your source fully through before you make that claim. It will make you look less stupid.

OMG you are stupid. What you just quoted was this person saying the E-mail that claims the crime rate increased are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence.


You seem to have a problem with understanding.

"Australian law reform reduced gun fatalities,"
"In summary, this author’s claims are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence"
Then again you might want to address naomis post where she says that she doesn't care about the crime rate going up just as long as their are not anymore mass shootings.

I posted a link that clearly states that gun related homicides have dropped.
OMG you are stupid. What you just quoted was this person saying the E-mail that claims the crime rate increased are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence.


You seem to have a problem with understanding.

"Australian law reform reduced gun fatalities,"
"In summary, this author’s claims are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence"
Then again you might want to address naomis post where she says that she doesn't care about the crime rate going up just as long as their are not anymore mass shootings.

I posted a link that clearly states that gun related homicides have dropped.
You still have them, Yes?
And it looks like they are on the rise again.

2010: 231
2009: 224
2008: 225
2007: 404
2006: 229
2003: 287
2002: 293
2001: 326
2000: 324

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law
When you have highly restrictive gun laws in a country one death is to many and 231 is unacceptable.
You seem to have a problem with understanding.

"Australian law reform reduced gun fatalities,"
"In summary, this author’s claims are simplistic, fallacious and unsupported by historical or current evidence"
Then again you might want to address naomis post where she says that she doesn't care about the crime rate going up just as long as their are not anymore mass shootings.

I posted a link that clearly states that gun related homicides have dropped.
You still have them, Yes?
And it looks like they are on the rise again.

2010: 231
2009: 224
2008: 225
2007: 404
2006: 229
2003: 287
2002: 293
2001: 326
2000: 324

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law
When you have highly restrictive gun laws in a country one death is to many and 231 is unacceptable.

It rose by seven. Seven. You really want to make a big deal out of that?
I posted a link that clearly states that gun related homicides have dropped.
You still have them, Yes?
And it looks like they are on the rise again.

2010: 231
2009: 224
2008: 225
2007: 404
2006: 229
2003: 287
2002: 293
2001: 326
2000: 324

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law
When you have highly restrictive gun laws in a country one death is to many and 231 is unacceptable.

It rose by seven. Seven. You really want to make a big deal out of that?

But it is on the rise, YES?
You still have them, Yes?
And it looks like they are on the rise again.

2010: 231
2009: 224
2008: 225
2007: 404
2006: 229
2003: 287
2002: 293
2001: 326
2000: 324

Guns in Australia: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law
When you have highly restrictive gun laws in a country one death is to many and 231 is unacceptable.

It rose by seven. Seven. You really want to make a big deal out of that?

But it is on the rise, YES?

In 2008, there were 225 gun related homicides. In 2009, there were 224. One less, which would mean a decline. Now we have an extra seven deaths, and you claim this is a rise. Yes, it is more than the previous year, but you would want to see a significant rise in order to actually claim that gun control hasn't worked.

Otherwise, we'd be saying it worked some years, but failed in others.
It rose by seven. Seven. You really want to make a big deal out of that?

But it is on the rise, YES?

In 2008, there were 225 gun related homicides. In 2009, there were 224. One less, which would mean a decline. Now we have an extra seven deaths, and you claim this is a rise. Yes, it is more than the previous year, but you would want to see a significant rise in order to actually claim that gun control hasn't worked.

Otherwise, we'd be saying it worked some years, but failed in others.

I'm waiting for 2011 stats.
Just so you know this lying welching pig doesn't do facts and will continue to lie and manufacture absurdity in order to justify his paranoid bullshit views. No matter what you say to him, it won't get through and he'll continue on and on with his partisan bullshit. And if you keep embarrassing him with reality and truth, he'll just put you on his ignore list and keep on lying and creating fiction to justify his ignorance and bullshit views. bigrebnc1775 is a racist, homophobic, paranoid useless piece of shit with a small dick and the worst poster on the board.

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