Australia Bans Guns, Crime Rate Increases | Gun Control Fail

Jesus, he's still trying perpetuate these lies despite being disproven multiple times in this thread? Holy fuck, what a psychopath.

Hey bitch all I've seen you do is whin about my dick, you haven't refuted anything, and no one has proven the sources used are wrong. Now stop whining lying and show the butt hurt feeling and move on.
Back own ignore.
You cited a right wing blogger from the Washington post, a right wing think tank and a website for the military... all of which are impartial I'm sure. So again, are you serious pinkie dick? Or do you want to re-think your line of lying bullshit?
All of which gave facts care to refute them or are you going to bitch about the source?
Shouldn't you use something other than wiki? something like National Center for Policy Analysis?

The e-mail says that "t has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms." Actually, it’s been 13 years since Australian gun law was originally changed. In 1996, the government banned some types of guns, instituted a buyback program and imposed stricter licensing and registration requirements. Gun ownership rates in Australia declined from 7 percent to 5 percent. Another law in 2002 tightened restrictions a bit more, restricting caliber, barrel length and capacity for sport shooting handguns.

Have murders increased since the gun law change, as claimed? Actually, Australian crime statistics show a marked decrease in homicides since the gun law change. According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, a government agency, the number of homicides in Australia did increase slightly in 1997 and peaked in 1999, but has since declined to the lowest number on record in 2007, the most recent year for which official figures are available. : Gun Control in Australia

Wow, that took me all of five seconds to google. There's literally a plethora of websites all with the same statistics that show Australia's gun control laws have significantly reduced gun related homicides. If you're going lie small balls, you should lie about something that's hard to uncover.

And you've had actual Australians tell you you're full of shit in this thread. You're a sick fuck who's brain won't let you process information that goes against your views. That's why you're a psychopath. Also, you're a lying, welching, homophobic, racist loser.
The rate of armed robbery (which had risen sharply over the last decade), is now back below its 1997 level, while the rate of unarmed robbery is back below the 1998 level.

According to the ABS, NSW experienced big decreases in the incidence of armed robbery (down 32%), unarmed robbery (down 18%), break and enter (down 13%) and motor vehicle theft (down 20%).

The only offences that increased nationally, according to the ABS, were murder, manslaughter, assault and sexual assault. However, the increases in murder and manslaughter involved very small numbers of cases (an extra seven murders and an extra ten manslaughters across the whole of Australia). The increases in assault and sexual assault, on the other hand, were fairly small (less than six per cent).

The ABS figures show that NSW experienced a 63 per cent increase in manslaughter and a 21 per cent increase in blackmail/extortion. Once again, however, the numbers are small. Despite the increase, NSW last year recorded only 13 cases of manslaughter and 82 cases of blackmail/extortion. As the Bureau reported earlier this year, there were also some minor increases in assault (up 6.1%) and sexual assault (up 3.4%).
Recorded Crime Victims Australia - Commentary by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research - Bureau of Crime Stats & Research : Lawlink NSW
All of which gave facts care to refute them or are you going to bitch about the source?
Shouldn't you use something other than wiki? something like National Center for Policy Analysis?

The e-mail says that "t has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms." Actually, it’s been 13 years since Australian gun law was originally changed. In 1996, the government banned some types of guns, instituted a buyback program and imposed stricter licensing and registration requirements. Gun ownership rates in Australia declined from 7 percent to 5 percent. Another law in 2002 tightened restrictions a bit more, restricting caliber, barrel length and capacity for sport shooting handguns.

Have murders increased since the gun law change, as claimed? Actually, Australian crime statistics show a marked decrease in homicides since the gun law change. According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, a government agency, the number of homicides in Australia did increase slightly in 1997 and peaked in 1999, but has since declined to the lowest number on record in 2007, the most recent year for which official figures are available. : Gun Control in Australia

Wow, that took me all of five seconds to google. There's literally a plethora of websites all with the same statistics that show Australia's gun control laws have significantly reduced gun related homicides. If you're going lie small balls, you should lie about something that's hard to uncover.

And you've had actual Australians tell you you're full of shit in this thread. You're a sick fuck who's brain won't let you process information that goes against your views. That's why you're a psychopath. Also, you're a lying, welching, homophobic, racist loser.

That is purely anecdotal. I don't care if 10 people who claim to be Australian say violent crime is better. Basing an opinion on a few people posting on a forum online anonymously while ignoring comprehensive studies and statistics acknowledged by the Australian government itself is the true demonstration of a shuttered brain.
Not relevant as it didn't occur in Australia.
I did not realize you were talking about Australia. Either way, the violent crime rate in Australia rose significantly after the gun ban, so it is hard to argue that banning guns will reduce violence.

Link ^ goes to the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), a conservative think tank funded by Bradley, Scaife, Koch, the John M. Olin Foundation, the Earhart Foundation, Castle Rock, and the JM Foundation... not to an impartial source.

Just sayin'.
The statistics were taken directly from Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics, which is clearly stated in the article. : Gun Control in Australia

Wow, that took me all of five seconds to google. There's literally a plethora of websites all with the same statistics that show Australia's gun control laws have significantly reduced gun related homicides. If you're going lie small balls, you should lie about something that's hard to uncover.

And you've had actual Australians tell you you're full of shit in this thread. You're a sick fuck who's brain won't let you process information that goes against your views. That's why you're a psychopath. Also, you're a lying, welching, homophobic, racist loser.
That is purely anecdotal. I don't care if 10 people who claim to be Australian say violent crime is better. Basing an opinion on a few people posting on a forum online anonymously while ignoring comprehensive studies and statistics acknowledged by the Australian government itself is the true demonstration of a shuttered brain.

All those who claim to Australian say they aren't concerned with the rise in murders it's the mass killings that bother them. Naomi was one that made that claim.
But the shit stain you quoted has been butt hurt since I put him in his place.
Federal Court Strikes down Illinois' total ban on carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home or business

Fairfax, Va. – The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled today that Illinois' total ban on carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home or business is unconstitutional. The case involves lead plaintiff Mary Shepard, an Illinois resident and a trained gun owner, who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun in both Utah and Florida. The National Rifle Association is funding this case. The Illinois State Rifle Association is a co-plaintiff in this case.

“Today’s ruling is a victory for all law abiding citizens in Illinois and gun owners throughout the country,” said Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of NRA. “The court recognized that the text and history of the Second Amendment guarantee individuals the right to carry firearms outside the home for self-defense and other lawful purposes. In light of this ruling, Mary Shepard and the people of Illinois will finally be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights.”

On September 28, 2009, while working as the treasurer of her church, Ms. Shepard and an 83-year-old co-worker were viciously attacked and beaten by a six-foot-three-inch, 245 pound man with a violent past and a criminal record. Ms. Shepard and her co-worker were lucky to survive, as each of them suffered major injuries to the head, neck and upper body. Ms. Shepard's injuries required extensive surgeries and she continues physical therapy to this day attempting to recover from her injuries.

In today’s decision, Judge Richard Posner ruled that Illinois’ ban on carriage is unconstitutional. The Judge went on to say, “One doesn’t have to be a historian to realize that a right to keep and bear arms for personal self-defense in the eighteenth century could not rationally have been limited to the home. . . . Twenty-first century Illinois has no hostile Indians. But a Chicagoan is a good deal more likely to be attacked on a sidewalk than in his apartment on the 35th floor.”

"Today's ruling is a major victory for law-abiding Illinoisans—and for everyone who understands that the Second Amendment protects the right both to keep arms, and to bear arms," added Chris W. Cox, executive director of NRA's Institute for Legislative Action. "This ruling makes clear that Illinois cannot deny law-abiding residents the right to carry a firearm for self-defense outside the home. This is a step in the right direction for all gun owners. We know it probably won’t be the end of this case, and we’re ready to keep fighting until the courts fully protect the entire Second Amendment."
Australian women are now raped over three times as often as American women.

According to my research, one in 6 American women have been raped. Are you claiming that one in three Aussie women have been raped?

Excuse me while I LOL.

No but Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research did.
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Oz banned semi-autos- gun murders went down 59% and massacres ENDED. Google it, shyttehead.

Not according to Australia's Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. As for mass shootings no one cares, dead is dead if it just one person, after that the numbers just don't matter.
Not according to the video gun bans and gun control in Australia does not work.
Now if you watched the video it explains why

I watched the video.
It's a bunch of people with an opinion. No hard facts. I mean, I saw some 'facts' scroll across the screen, but there was no indication where the figures came from, how they were achieved etc. Until that happens, I'll give it the lip service it deserves.

What you fail to realise is that gun control is hardly an issue down here. I have lived here for five years and the only things I watch on free to air TV are sports and news. I cannot recall in the past five years one single news item mentioning gun control or the subject coming up...shrug. Our society has moved on from such barbaric things....:D

A bunch of people? A couple of those people were police officers.

It's a bunch of people with an opinion. No hard facts. I mean, I saw some 'facts' scroll across the screen, but there was no indication where the figures came from, how they were achieved etc. Until that happens, I'll give it the lip service it deserves.

With that would you also discredit Harvard University's gun control study as just a bunch of people?
I watched the video.
It's a bunch of people with an opinion. No hard facts. I mean, I saw some 'facts' scroll across the screen, but there was no indication where the figures came from, how they were achieved etc. Until that happens, I'll give it the lip service it deserves.

What you fail to realise is that gun control is hardly an issue down here. I have lived here for five years and the only things I watch on free to air TV are sports and news. I cannot recall in the past five years one single news item mentioning gun control or the subject coming up...shrug. Our society has moved on from such barbaric things....:D

A bunch of people? A couple of those people were police officers.

It's a bunch of people with an opinion. No hard facts. I mean, I saw some 'facts' scroll across the screen, but there was no indication where the figures came from, how they were achieved etc. Until that happens, I'll give it the lip service it deserves.

With that would you also discredit Harvard University's gun control study as just a bunch of people?
I'd use the FBI stats Harvard doesn't know jack shit about guns.
How are the people who collect the data wrong?
Maybe you're just lying?

One in three Australian women are NOT raped. Yes, women here are raped, but not one in three. If that was the case, at least 30 of the women I work with would have been raped.

How in the fuck do you know that? Do you collect data for the whole Continent of Australia

It would mean that we have a rape epidemic on our hands, and also that more women are raped in Australia than are in the US.

Its bullshit, and if you believe you, you are just as dumb as the idiots who compiled the so called 'research'.

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