Austria Elects Europe’s First Far-Right President Since WWII!


Your OP Title is incorrect.

We have 840,000 absentee ballots to count tomorrow.

As it stands from the Interior Ministry:

Hofer 51.9% Van der Bellen 48.1%.

The map, in the below Interior Ministry link shows that Hofer won everywhere, in blue, and that Van der Bellen only won Wien and Vorarlberg which are in yellow.

Österreich - Bundespräsidentenwahl 2016

Hofer has 1,937, 863 votes and Van der Bellen has 1,793,857 votes.

Tomorrow the 840,000 absentee ballots will be counted. Which of course is where they'll steal the election from Herr Hofer.

I should add, we wouldn't care about the Presidential Election normally, as it's mainly a Ceremonial role, but the President does have one crucial power, that he can dismiss the Government and call a new General Election.

This is the only reason we're caring about this, Herr Hofer will call a new General Election, Alexander Van der Bellen won't.

If we go on the votes and the percentage from the First Round, the FPÖ would have formed a new Government now, were it the General Election.

The FPÖ is now unstoppable, everyone knows this....they might steal this for Van der Bellen on the absentee ballots, because in the Presidential Election you need 51% plus 1 to avoid a Round Two of voting.

The General Election you just need the most votes and the bigger in the General Election if you get 36% you win, although you will have to form a Coalition.

The opinion polls for some time have had the FPÖ at 40%, in the General Election this is more than enough to form a Government on it's own, judging from Herr Hofer's votes tonight the FPÖ is now well beyond that 40% and this would be a landslide General Election victory.

It's going to happen, it's now unstoppable.

Edited to add more comment.

This is what I referred to, about them using the absentee ballots to steal this thing now....the 840,000 absentee ballots aren't even being counted until tomorrow....not that that bothers Wahl 16 -

The below is what the above say is going to be the result once the absentee ballots are counted tomorrow, a difference of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

The above also have the thing at 50-50, again's Hofer 51.9% and Van der Bellen at 48.1%

Österreich - Bundespräsidentenwahl 2016

But the below is what ORF are saying is going to happen before any votes are counted.


Okay, as we don't know where these 840,000 absentee ballots are coming from, we have to take Alexander Van der Bellen's best result on the actual night, that would be Wien, Vienna.

For him to win, he MUST win 60% of the 840,000 absentee ballots.

So his best result on the actual night in Wien was:

Alexander Van der Bellen 370,147 which is 61.2%

Norbert Hofer 235,028 which is 38.8%

With the 840,000 absentee ballots Van der Bellen must get the same as the Wien result.

Wien - Bundespräsidentenwahl 2016

Darling, the FPÖ aren't You Know What.

The FPÖ are a Right-of-Centre, Anti-EU and National Patriotic political party.
Ah. I think Hitler would approve its better than nothing and stopping the rape of Europe by parasites is the thing that needs done right now.

And what makes you such a great producer?
I am white. I belong where I am. :) Simple as that. Arabs need to stay in the ME and invade Israel not Europe
Jew puppet "wins" and the genocide by displacement of EUROPEANS in Austria continues. I hope the TRUE winner does everything in their power to thwart anything the jew puppet tries to pass.
myself have no words ........ what can I say .... frown emoticonCongratulations to 50% of the voting Austrians! You have successfully FOR TTIP, a centralized Europe, open borders, unlimited immigration and against theDirect Democracy voted!
Our children will thank you sooner or later! To miss such a great opportunity for this Austria, simply amazing ....

As someone on FB put it. Seems like the election was as it is here. A PRO AMERICAN Trump vs a Jew puppet in Clinton....
What do Jews have to with anything?
The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EU is a jewish plot to control ALL European countries by allowing white genocide aka "immigration" aka "asylum seekers" from non white countries. There was no way they were going to let an ANTI EU politician win the presidency when he could have dissolved the lower house and called new elections where his party would have won damn near half the seats and taken Austria OUT of the EU. The Jews ultimate goal is destruction of the White/European race.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the EU, having laid the groundwork for the plot.

Just like the Jews that he idolized, he was a mongrel himself, being born of a Japanese mother and a mixed European father. His book, Practical Idealism talks of a plan to “turn the European into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by the Jews.”

Kalergi-Coudenhove started the 1922 Pan-European movement to achieve this diabolical plan with the help of the B’nai Brith, a Jewish Supremacist international support group and criminal cult. His book was never very widely circulated and it appears that it was never fully translated into English (the original German version can be downloaded here.)

In the preface to the 1932 edition, Kalergi expanded on his mongrelization plan and included a clear call to genocide the White race in Europe:

Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race … similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples … Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, will against its own will … turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros … through this artificial selection process.
What do Jews have to with anything?
The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EU is a jewish plot to control ALL European countries by allowing white genocide aka "immigration" aka "asylum seekers" from non white countries. There was no way they were going to let an ANTI EU politician win the presidency when he could have dissolved the lower house and called new elections where his party would have won damn near half the seats and taken Austria OUT of the EU. The Jews ultimate goal is destruction of the White/European race.

The Daily Stormer is an American Neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website..... so I guess we know what you are.
What do Jews have to with anything?
The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EU is a jewish plot to control ALL European countries by allowing white genocide aka "immigration" aka "asylum seekers" from non white countries. There was no way they were going to let an ANTI EU politician win the presidency when he could have dissolved the lower house and called new elections where his party would have won damn near half the seats and taken Austria OUT of the EU. The Jews ultimate goal is destruction of the White/European race.

The Daily Stormer is an American Neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website..... so I guess we know what you are.
Yeah I am AWAKE something most people including you obviously are NOT. Don't hurt yourself learning some facts the mainsteam media just happens to NEVER mention.
What do Jews have to with anything?
The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EU is a jewish plot to control ALL European countries by allowing white genocide aka "immigration" aka "asylum seekers" from non white countries. There was no way they were going to let an ANTI EU politician win the presidency when he could have dissolved the lower house and called new elections where his party would have won damn near half the seats and taken Austria OUT of the EU. The Jews ultimate goal is destruction of the White/European race.

The Daily Stormer is an American Neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website..... so I guess we know what you are.
Yeah I am AWAKE something most people including you obviously are NOT. Don't hurt yourself learning some facts the mainsteam media just happens to NEVER mention.

Yeah whatever, bigot.
What do Jews have to with anything?
The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EU is a jewish plot to control ALL European countries by allowing white genocide aka "immigration" aka "asylum seekers" from non white countries. There was no way they were going to let an ANTI EU politician win the presidency when he could have dissolved the lower house and called new elections where his party would have won damn near half the seats and taken Austria OUT of the EU. The Jews ultimate goal is destruction of the White/European race.

The Daily Stormer is an American Neo-Nazi and white supremacist news and commentary website..... so I guess we know what you are.
Yeah I am AWAKE something most people including you obviously are NOT. Don't hurt yourself learning some facts the mainsteam media just happens to NEVER mention.

Yeah whatever, bigot.
Oh now that hurts. Man you are pathetic. Don't harm yourself walking down the street and chewing gum at the same time its obvious anything beyond what the mainstream media feeds you is a conspiracy to you so not going to waste my time.

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