Avenatti issues stern warning to Trump, Kavanaugh, Republicans

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Another fact has become clear: Kavanaugh himself has a casual relationship with the truth ― and in that, he fits right in with the way President Donald Trump and his party behave. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court.

At the White House event announcing Kavanaugh’s nomination, the appellate judge offered a remark that seemed odd. Praising Trump, he said, “No president has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination.”

I personally found this hard to believe. How would Kavanaugh know that? Why would he be so sure and definitive about it? I did what we all do these days with the overwhelming list of lies coming out of this White House — I figured that Republicans were all “in on it,” that this comment would stand as just another obviously false spin in the process of getting another illegitimate seat on the Supreme Court for a conservative judge. But it turns out this was only a glimpse into the nominee’s disturbing willingness to avoid the truth.

We Know Brett Kavanaugh Has Lied Already



LMAO You go Marty. Val ain't worth the time or effort my friend.

She's a left leaning hack without an ounce of common sense or brain power.

She doesn't need proof. Just the belief that she's right.

What a tool she is.

She's a one trick pony at best, and reminds me of another poster, so she's probably a sock of someone like Farkey.

Or Farkey is her sock.

You can't tell who's the sock.

I just use "Jake" for the male avi socks and "Bodecca" for the females
Never mess with Mr Avenatti - He may be about to blow this baby wide open!
Avenatti issues warning to Trump, Kavanaugh - CNN Video

Here's what we know and don't know so far. If history is any judge, we should all be taking this guy VERY seriously!
What does Michael Avenatti have on Brett Kavanaugh? What we know so far.


Who is Avenatti to be warning anybody about anything? He is as much as obnoxious narcissist as Trump.

Perhaps, but a SMARTER obnoxious narcissist :)


Very doubtful.

Yo Claudette - Weren't you the CLOWN who said she'd rather have Rudy G as an attorney than Avenatti?

Color me CURIOUS ORANGE :lol:
Never mess with Mr Avenatti - He may be about to blow this baby wide open!
Avenatti issues warning to Trump, Kavanaugh - CNN Video

Here's what we know and don't know so far. If history is any judge, we should all be taking this guy VERY seriously!
What does Michael Avenatti have on Brett Kavanaugh? What we know so far.


Who is Avenatti to be warning anybody about anything? He is as much as obnoxious narcissist as Trump.

Perhaps, but a SMARTER obnoxious narcissist :)


Very doubtful.

Yo Claudette - Weren't you the CLOWN who said she'd rather have Rudy G as an attorney than Avenatti?

Color me CURIOUS ORANGE :lol:

Avenatti needs to debate Shapiro. I'd pay $100 to see that.
We Know Brett Kavanaugh Has Lied Already | HuffPost

In fact, there’s clear evidence showing that Kavanaugh lied under oath during the 2006 confirmation hearing for his spot on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. I should know: I was one of the senators on the Judiciary Committee who questioned him.

I asked Kavanaugh about his involvement as White House staff secretary in the highly controversial 2001 nomination of Charles Pickering Sr. to the 5th Circuit. Many of us were concerned about a 1994 hate crimes case in which Pickering decided that a 25-year-old, who had participated with two others in a cross burning, was deserving of a reduced sentence.

During the Senate’s consideration of Pickering’s nomination, we had also learned that the federal trial judge solicited and collected letters of support from lawyers who had appeared in his courtroom, some of whom had cases still pending before him. This was a clear breach of judicial ethics, so I asked Kavanaugh about it:

Sen. Russ Feingold: My first question is this. Did you know that Judge Pickering planned to solicit letters of support in this manner before he did so? And if not, when did you become aware that Judge Pickering had solicited these letters of support?

Brett Kavanaugh: The answer to the first question, Senator, is no. This was not one of the judicial nominees that I was primarily handling.

But newly released emails show that Kavanaugh appeared to be the primary person handling Pickering’s nomination, at least by 2003, and was heavily involved in pushing for his confirmation as early as March 2002. There are emails showing that Kavanaugh coordinated meetings with and about Pickering; that he drafted remarks, letters to people on the Hill and at least one op-ed for then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales about Pickering; that he advised Gonzales on Pickering strategy; and much more.

One Department of Justice official even asked for Kavanaugh’s “blessings and instructions” before calling the nominee.

Others may have been involved, but Kavanaugh played a decisive leadership role in managing Pickering’s nomination and then lied to me about it.

This shit needs to come to a screeching halt.
  1. Confirm Kavanaugh Today
  2. Prosecute Ford and any other last minute Hail Mary "Victim"
  3. Expel Feinstein from the Senate
  4. Seize all the "Victims" and their attorneys Cellphone and emails for conspiring against the USA
Enough is enough
Who is Avenatti to be warning anybody about anything? He is as much as obnoxious narcissist as Trump.

Perhaps, but a SMARTER obnoxious narcissist :)


Very doubtful.

Yo Claudette - Weren't you the CLOWN who said she'd rather have Rudy G as an attorney than Avenatti?

Color me CURIOUS ORANGE :lol:

Avenatti needs to debate Shapiro. I'd pay $100 to see that.

I think that'd be F-ing awesome!
Can we do it next week? :)

Ben Shapiro (1984–) is a conservative talker, UCLA- and Harvard-educated lawyer, founder of Truth Revolt (2013-2018) and The Daily Wire (ongoing), catcaller[3], and dogwhistler[4][5]. He is also an insufferable asshole, a pseudointellectual hack, and a terrible author. Shapiro identifies as Jewish. He is best known for his outspoken and almost entirely inaccurate criticisms of "left-wing" ideas; in particular, he is famous for the phrase facts don't care about your feelings, which he rarely upholds. Shapiro's shtick is to whine about the persecution of straight, white, conservative men in Hollywood and academia where "coastal elites" are hard at work, indoctrinating the unwitting public into communism.

Well known, for building so many strawmen, even he's starting to wonder if he'll eventually burn Edward Woodward to death in one final massive version - Shapiro earned his spurs as a writer for Townhall and WND but is better known for his close association with Andrew Breitbart, even becoming an editor (and then editor-at-large) for Breitbart.com. He acrimoniously resigned after Breitbart refused to defend one of their own reporters after she accused Corey Lewandowski (then Trump's campaign manager) of forcefully manhandling her. Since then, Shapiro has been a frequent (and pointed) critic of Steve Bannon and the alt-right movement.[6]

Shapiro has also written several (horrible) books, including a cringy "Post-Obama thriller" called True Allegiance and a smug manual titled How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them.
Perhaps, but a SMARTER obnoxious narcissist :)


Very doubtful.

Yo Claudette - Weren't you the CLOWN who said she'd rather have Rudy G as an attorney than Avenatti?

Color me CURIOUS ORANGE :lol:

Avenatti needs to debate Shapiro. I'd pay $100 to see that.

I think that'd be F-ing awesome!
Can we do it next week? :)

Ben Shapiro (1984–) is a conservative talker, UCLA- and Harvard-educated lawyer, founder of Truth Revolt (2013-2018) and The Daily Wire (ongoing), catcaller[3], and dogwhistler[4][5]. He is also an insufferable asshole, a pseudointellectual hack, and a terrible author. Shapiro identifies as Jewish. He is best known for his outspoken and almost entirely inaccurate criticisms of "left-wing" ideas; in particular, he is famous for the phrase facts don't care about your feelings, which he rarely upholds. Shapiro's shtick is to whine about the persecution of straight, white, conservative men in Hollywood and academia where "coastal elites" are hard at work, indoctrinating the unwitting public into communism.

Well known, for building so many strawmen, even he's starting to wonder if he'll eventually burn Edward Woodward to death in one final massive version - Shapiro earned his spurs as a writer for Townhall and WND but is better known for his close association with Andrew Breitbart, even becoming an editor (and then editor-at-large) for Breitbart.com. He acrimoniously resigned after Breitbart refused to defend one of their own reporters after she accused Corey Lewandowski (then Trump's campaign manager) of forcefully manhandling her. Since then, Shapiro has been a frequent (and pointed) critic of Steve Bannon and the alt-right movement.[6]

Shapiro has also written several (horrible) books, including a cringy "Post-Obama thriller" called True Allegiance and a smug manual titled How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them.

Nice ubiased bio...LOL I'd pay $200.

He is nothing like the bio says btw.
team trump operates on lie after lie after lie, just because they can.

it's good to be the king!

remember when vp pence so earnestly exclaimed that "NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH" when he was asked about the campaign's communication with wikileaks?

a guy who does not know the truth, if he is an honest guy, does not claim that "nothing could be further from the truth".

it has since been PROVEN that campaign operatives did IN FACT communicate with wikileaks.

this is how these slimy "team tramp" guys operate... shameless lairs lie, it's what they do...

And of course you have viable non opinion piece links for all this.


the "opinion" pieces are written in the interest of public disclosure by the senators who actually questioned him.

the truth is in the words he said, under oath, in contrast to what his recently released emails reveal.

sadly, deplorable thugs just can't handle the truth ^ so they blame the publication, just like their KGB pals. :itsok:

Yo Claudette - Weren't you the CLOWN who said she'd rather have Rudy G as an attorney than Avenatti?

Color me CURIOUS ORANGE :lol:

Avenatti needs to debate Shapiro. I'd pay $100 to see that.

I think that'd be F-ing awesome!
Can we do it next week? :)

Ben Shapiro (1984–) is a conservative talker, UCLA- and Harvard-educated lawyer, founder of Truth Revolt (2013-2018) and The Daily Wire (ongoing), catcaller[3], and dogwhistler[4][5]. He is also an insufferable asshole, a pseudointellectual hack, and a terrible author. Shapiro identifies as Jewish. He is best known for his outspoken and almost entirely inaccurate criticisms of "left-wing" ideas; in particular, he is famous for the phrase facts don't care about your feelings, which he rarely upholds. Shapiro's shtick is to whine about the persecution of straight, white, conservative men in Hollywood and academia where "coastal elites" are hard at work, indoctrinating the unwitting public into communism.

Well known, for building so many strawmen, even he's starting to wonder if he'll eventually burn Edward Woodward to death in one final massive version - Shapiro earned his spurs as a writer for Townhall and WND but is better known for his close association with Andrew Breitbart, even becoming an editor (and then editor-at-large) for Breitbart.com. He acrimoniously resigned after Breitbart refused to defend one of their own reporters after she accused Corey Lewandowski (then Trump's campaign manager) of forcefully manhandling her. Since then, Shapiro has been a frequent (and pointed) critic of Steve Bannon and the alt-right movement.[6]

Shapiro has also written several (horrible) books, including a cringy "Post-Obama thriller" called True Allegiance and a smug manual titled How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them.

Nice ubiased bio...LOL I'd pay $200.

He is nothing like the bio says btw.

Oh yes, he TOTALLY is - Ben pegged the idiot meter many years ago.
Many more to come?
Very doubtful.

Yo Claudette - Weren't you the CLOWN who said she'd rather have Rudy G as an attorney than Avenatti?

Color me CURIOUS ORANGE :lol:

Avenatti needs to debate Shapiro. I'd pay $100 to see that.

I think that'd be F-ing awesome!
Can we do it next week? :)

Ben Shapiro (1984–) is a conservative talker, UCLA- and Harvard-educated lawyer, founder of Truth Revolt (2013-2018) and The Daily Wire (ongoing), catcaller[3], and dogwhistler[4][5]. He is also an insufferable asshole, a pseudointellectual hack, and a terrible author. Shapiro identifies as Jewish. He is best known for his outspoken and almost entirely inaccurate criticisms of "left-wing" ideas; in particular, he is famous for the phrase facts don't care about your feelings, which he rarely upholds. Shapiro's shtick is to whine about the persecution of straight, white, conservative men in Hollywood and academia where "coastal elites" are hard at work, indoctrinating the unwitting public into communism.

Well known, for building so many strawmen, even he's starting to wonder if he'll eventually burn Edward Woodward to death in one final massive version - Shapiro earned his spurs as a writer for Townhall and WND but is better known for his close association with Andrew Breitbart, even becoming an editor (and then editor-at-large) for Breitbart.com. He acrimoniously resigned after Breitbart refused to defend one of their own reporters after she accused Corey Lewandowski (then Trump's campaign manager) of forcefully manhandling her. Since then, Shapiro has been a frequent (and pointed) critic of Steve Bannon and the alt-right movement.[6]

Shapiro has also written several (horrible) books, including a cringy "Post-Obama thriller" called True Allegiance and a smug manual titled How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them.

Nice ubiased bio...LOL I'd pay $200.

He is nothing like the bio says btw.

Oh yes, he TOTALLY is - Ben pegged the idiot meter many years ago.
Many more to come?

Ben is my boy....I think he is great. When are you in Boston next so we can grab that beer?
Grease up the hiney-holes s0ns.....the big bumpy is coming! Gonna be a run on KY....get yours while you can!

Stop wasting time on st00pid stuff.....barely meets the definition of "allegation" based upon what the public now knows!:113::113:
Earlier thread right in front of you in the listings. Exact SAME subject. Quit starting threads without checking CAREFULLY.. Closed.
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