Awful Lot of Official Silence for Something Hillary Says is "Baloney"


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

FBI investigations are typically not disclosed at the time they are ongoing, so it is possible that the government officials involved in approving the Uranium One deal were not aware of the criminal investigation at the time of the approval. CNN spoke with Ronald Hosko, assistant FBI director in charge of criminal cases at the time of the investigation, who said that he wasn’t aware of the ongoing probe, saying it was handled on the counterintelligence side of the bureau. Counterintelligence investigations are some of the most closely held in the FBI. Former Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, who chaired the House Intelligence Committee at the time of the probe, also told The Hill that he was never informed about the FBI probe either.

The informant who played a crucial role in the FBI investigation is now trying to speak out, but his attorney says he is barred by a non-disclosure agreement the FBI made him sign. A law enforcement source familiar with the process said it is common for cooperating witnesses to sign non-disclosure agreements when the investigation involves national security concerns, as it did in this case. However, these agreements are typically narrowly written, and do not typically prevent individuals from speaking to Congress about what they learned in the ordinary course of business while simultaneously working as an informant, the source said. However, the source says the agreement would prevent any disclosure of information that was gleaned while working closely with federal investigators as it pertained to the investigation itself.

The informant’s attorney tells CNN the informant has a lot of information about corruption that has not come out yet. In particular, the attorney maintains that while the FBI investigation was going on, FBI agents told the informant that President Barack Obama was being briefed on the probe, and that’s why the informant was so stunned when the Uranium One deal was approved in 2010. Obama’s representative declined to comment.

Obama-era uranium deal yields new questions, new accusations and new investigation - CNNPolitics
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to sling poo around.

I realize Hillary belongs behind bars but so what? It's not like she will ever be held accountable.

Finding out more facts like this just pisses me off more. What other good will it do?
I am not gonna give any of this stuff too much attention until indictments go out.

And I'm not talking indictments of the main players, ANY indictments.

Until the process gets officially started, there is nothing here, we have been burned too many times before to get all excited about things like this.
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to sling poo around.

I realize Hillary belongs behind bars but so what? It's not like she will ever be held accountable.

Finding out more facts like this just pisses me off more. What other good will it do?
If we had a functioning government there would be justice. But being in phase prior to rigor mortise setting in we get to watch the shadows of a just government.
I am not gonna give any of this stuff too much attention until indictments go out.

And I'm not talking indictments of the main players, ANY indictments.

Until the process gets officially started, there is nothing here, we have been burned too many times before to get all excited about things like this.

Indeed, let's not be like the DIms with the whole Putin thingy.

No talk, just action.
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to sling poo around.

I realize Hillary belongs behind bars but so what? It's not like she will ever be held accountable.

Finding out more facts like this just pisses me off more. What other good will it do?
If we had a functioning government there would be justice. But being in phase prior to rigor mortise setting in we get to watch the shadows of a just government.

Those aware of a shadow government already know. Those that are not are asleep.
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to sling poo around.

I realize Hillary belongs behind bars but so what? It's not like she will ever be held accountable.

Finding out more facts like this just pisses me off more. What other good will it do?

So sad, but well stated and I suspect quite true. I will say though, this is in the hands of the people now, Constant outrage, constant emails and calls to media to demand this story remains top of mind and consequences follow is vital to obtain some level of accountability. I don't expect her to face prison, but I could see some lesser people facing prison and ratting out Clinton, maybe even a massive fine. Ultimately, if all of the suspicions are true and exposed, it would absolutely end their influence in American politics.

Now, what if the next story is one of Russia selling enriched uranium to ISIS or some despot? And the next story is of an attack somewhere in the West of a smart nuke?

This story has to be pushed and stayed on top of. I hope both the CIA and FBI have a clearer view now of what type of national security issue Clinton has produced.
Sop, how is this latest "Clinton is going to jail" conspiracy theory any different from the previous hundred such conspiracy theories that you gullible rubes pushed here, and which all came to nothing?

You Trumpflakes are being played, again. And you're all too goddamned stupid to understand it. All the normal people see it clearly, but you all can't, which is both sad and hilarious.
Most Corrupt Administration in History.
Not only did THE DNC, CLINTON, and Obama Collude with RUSSIA, Fusion GPS and The Ukraine, and hired a foreign agent (Steele) to finance and create the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER about TRUMP and repackage RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA as "OPPOSITION RESEARCH," but they were all taking BRIBES from RUSSIA to approve THE URANIUM ONE DEAL.

Mueller, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, Rosenstein, Clinton & Obama knew about BOTH OF THESE ISSUES, and tried engaged in two massive coverups regarding their Collusion with Russia to not only threaten our National Security, but to try to RIG OUR ELECTION.
Sop, how is this latest "Clinton is going to jail" conspiracy theory any different from the previous hundred such conspiracy theories that you gullible rubes pushed here, and which all came to nothing?

You Trumpflakes are being played, again. And you're all too goddamned stupid to understand it. All the normal people see it clearly, but you all can't, which is both sad and hilarious.
Uh, what purpose does it serve the FBI for this witness to sign an NDA?
Who was in power at the time, and who controlled the FBI?
Makes you go Hmmmm!
It's like a kid with a chocolate ring around their mouth adamantly declaring they did NOT the damn cupcake.

All she has to do to prove none of this is true is to return the $145 million the Russians gave her.

...of course since she won't even give back a couple thousand dollars from a Hollywood sex criminal, I think we can all safely bet Hillary will NOT be giving any of Vlad's money back.

awful lot of speculation = horseshit

dreaming up another make believe scandal for another day in lala land.
awful lot of speculation = horseshit
...yeah....except for all that EVIDENCE that has been presented against Mueller, Holder, Obama, and Hillary....otherwise, like the snowflake claims against Trump, it's pure BS.

All she has to do to prove none of this is true is to return the $145 million the Russians gave her.

As no such thing happened, why are you lying?

When I point out that Trumpflakes always repeat whatever lies their cult orders them to repeat, immediately running to prove I'm right probably wasn't your best choice of action.

The Clinton Foundation is totally financially separate from the Clintons, so they can't benefit from donations to the Foundation. If they tried, they'd go to jail. You say that happened, so why don't you show us the evidence, and therefore put the Clintons in jail? The Foundation books are open. If you're not being an open fraud again, sending the Clintons to jail should be no problem for you.
All she has to do to prove none of this is true is to return the $145 million the Russians gave her.

As no such thing happened, why are you lying?

When I point out that Trumpflakes always repeat whatever lies their cult orders them to repeat, immediately running to prove I'm right probably wasn't your best choice of action.

The Clinton Foundation is totally financially separate from the Clintons, so they can't benefit from donations to the Foundation. If they tried, they'd go to jail. You say that happened, so why don't you show us the evidence, and therefore put the Clintons in jail? The Foundation books are open. If you're not being an open fraud again, sending the Clintons to jail should be no problem for you.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown. But the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors."
All she has to do to prove none of this is true is to return the $145 million the Russians gave her.

As no such thing happened, why are you lying?

When I point out that Trumpflakes always repeat whatever lies their cult orders them to repeat, immediately running to prove I'm right probably wasn't your best choice of action.

The Clinton Foundation is totally financially separate from the Clintons, so they can't benefit from donations to the Foundation. If they tried, they'd go to jail. You say that happened, so why don't you show us the evidence, and therefore put the Clintons in jail? The Foundation books are open. If you're not being an open fraud again, sending the Clintons to jail should be no problem for you.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
"Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown. But the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors."
Thank you for reversing the tables and showing either is ignorant or a liar..... or perhaps an American-paid Russian shill ... or Russian. :p
Politifact says you're making crap up, along with the "Clinton Cash" book and the New York Times.

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope
Good little snowflake. Now 'sit'. 'Stay'. :p

The lead Russian in the effort to acquire 20% of the US supply of Uranium was just so moved by Hillary's charity into cutting a check for over $100 million to the Clinton Foundation, and it had nothing to do with her sitting on the board that was responsible for approving the deal or not.....

Bill Clinton just 'happened' to be giving speeches for Vlad's old KGB Buddies and get a HUGE salary for doing so....because Russians were so into Bill Clinton...

Her Campaign Manager just happened to received thousands of shares of Russian stock he simply forgot to report and 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were prominent Russians with direct contacts to the Kremlin and Putin....
-- His brother just happened to be working for the KGB Bank and the Russian spy agency

Mueller and his FBI simply mis-placed all that evidence proving the Russians were engaged in bribery, extortion, and Influence-purchasing - to include giving Hillary $145+ million with her just happening to sit on the committee - until AFTER the Uranium deal went through...

Mueller, Holder, and Obama just forgot to mention any of this to the Committee...until the Uranium 1 deal went through....

All just coincidences...


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