Axios: Speaker Ryan not running for re-election

what is it up to now? 45 congressmen that are republican that are not running again....?
this tool has the nerve to say he “wants to spend time with family “. Playa please ! 5 minutes ago he wanted to be president .

He’s just one of many Gop asshats not running . Why? Because they finally served their big biz masters with their F -U working man tax cuts .

Mission accomplished ! In 6mos he’ll cash in and be working a phoney job for one of his big biz masters . Bought n paid for .
this tool has the nerve to say he “wants to spend time with family “. Playa please ! 5 minutes ago he wanted to be president .

He’s just one of many Gop asshats not running . Why? Because they finally served their big biz masters with their F -U working man tax cuts .

Mission accomplished ! In 6mos he’ll cash in and be working a phoney job for one of his big biz masters . Bought n paid for .
When did he want to be president? He was a VP CANDIDATE and if he wanted to be president he could have run 2016. I don't like Ryan I think he is a POS who has blocked a chunk of President Trump's agenda from getting passed and I am glad he is GONE! I hope Scalise wins the leadership role.
Always good to see the compromising RINOs go. Hopefully he will be replaced by a real Conservative.

What is a real conservative? Paul is part of the Tea Party, far right gang, is he not? What do you want from a "real conservative?"
Always good to see the compromising RINOs go. Hopefully he will be replaced by a real Conservative.

What is a real conservative? Paul is part of the Tea Party, far right gang, is he not? What do you want from a "real conservative?"
You must be joking....Ryan part of the tea party!? ROFLMAO! He is more like a libertardian cuckservative. He has a weak spine and can't be a REAL MAN and pass an America first agenda!
It would be better if he resigned today

If the GOP/DOPers win the house again in 2018. The new Speaker fight would be fun! That speaker will need the Dems to get the job.
If the GOP/DOPers lose. The new leader winner will be the worst of the Crazy DOPer Class EVER!
As the more Rational old GOP will be voting with the Dems. As they will be the new Old GOP Party vs. the New Douche DOPer DrumpF Party will be the issue between them. More like a 35./60 Split for the old GOP Party.

MAGA: The Great Douche killed the unity of the GOP Party. LOL! Who knew?
Well? I saw this coming. The Old GOP Cashed out for a not Flip SCOTUS seat,
And a TAX SCAM Cut 2017! Where the new incoming party can reverse most damages.
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Once again, the "inside the beltway grapevine" has proven to have been accurate.

On a national level, probably the same things that were done with him as Speaker. On a local level, however, his departure makes the Wisconsin 1st District markedly more competitive. Given the "Democratic Wave" Trump has catalyzed and invigorated, the absence of an incumbent and the fact that Democrats have in special elections been prevailing with better than seven point "paper" deficits (uphill climbs, as it were) facing them, we could plausibly see his seat go to a Democrat, even though the district holds about a 10 point margin advantage of registered Republicans. It's currently, however, too early to say, for we don't even know who the general election candidates will be.

The potentially bigger "elephant in the room" is the quantity of Republican incumbents not running. There are more sitting GOP House members vacating their seats this year than have done since WWII. Over three dozen in fact. That said, it's not clear whether the retirements reflect incumbents' thoughts on their personal prospects at the ballot box or whether they reflect moves to "abandon ship," so to speak. I suppose too, it could be something more subtle: members reticence to oppose Trump, yet knowing that something's got to be done about him, bailing to let Democrats do the dirty work, as it were. That last tactic seems a stretch, but it's not implausible.

A few weeks back, another member asked whether folks thought Ryan's departure would trigger even more departures. I guess we'll soon enough find out. To be sure, Rep. Dennis Ross (FL) also announced his retirement literally minutes after Ryan's announcement. Will there be more?
Always good to see the compromising RINOs go. Hopefully he will be replaced by a real Conservative.

What is a real conservative? Paul is part of the Tea Party, far right gang, is he not? What do you want from a "real conservative?"
You must be joking....Ryan part of the tea party!? ROFLMAO! He is more like a libertardian cuckservative. He has a weak spine and can't be a REAL MAN and pass an America first agenda!

All joking aside. Was he not part of the 2010 Tea Party sweep.

To wit;

Congressman Paul Ryan – Strong Tea Party Choice for Vice-President | Tea Party Express
this tool has the nerve to say he “wants to spend time with family “. Playa please ! 5 minutes ago he wanted to be president .

He’s just one of many Gop asshats not running . Why? Because they finally served their big biz masters with their F -U working man tax cuts .

Mission accomplished ! In 6mos he’ll cash in and be working a phoney job for one of his big biz masters . Bought n paid for .

That poor dog, though. :(

Always good to see the compromising RINOs go. Hopefully he will be replaced by a real Conservative.

What is a real conservative? Paul is part of the Tea Party, far right gang, is he not? What do you want from a "real conservative?"
You must be joking....Ryan part of the tea party!? ROFLMAO! He is more like a libertardian cuckservative. He has a weak spine and can't be a REAL MAN and pass an America first agenda!

All joking aside. Was he not part of the 2010 Tea Party sweep.

To wit;

Congressman Paul Ryan – Strong Tea Party Choice for Vice-President | Tea Party Express

Most Conservatives have considered him to be a compromising RINO. Good Riddance!
Paul Ryan: If I am here one more term, my kids will only know me as a weekend dad.
Off-Topic, sort of:
I can relate to that.

My siblings and I went to boarding school, and during the school years, we saw our parents less than every weekend. My kids went to boarding school too, and for as often as I popped in to see them whenever I could -- usually to see them compete at sporting events and on occasional weekends -- and called or emailed to maintain a patriarchal presence in their lives, I suspect even that wasn't as fulfilling for me or them as would have been were they to have gone to school locally and I to have worked locally.

Similarly, though somewhat differently to, plenty of my personal and professional associates have had their marriages fall apart because their "remaining at home" spouses grew dissatisfied with a weekend husband or wife. Whereas adults, spouses, realize that "this is his/her career that I can't really deny him/her" and can choose to exit the marriage, kids don't have that option, and one cannot divorce one's kids, and (presumably) one wouldn't want to.

The non-or-barely-existent parent/spouse is something adults can come to grips with and find a solution for. Kids, in contrast, don't have any solution options for resolving it, yet such a thing can conceivably scar a child for the rest of his or her life. I did the best I could to make sure my kids never thought I was "getting rid" of them or trying to avoid them or keep them out of my life. By the same token, their mother died before any of them finished school, and I still had to look after them. They bargained neither for their mother's dying nor for their lifestyle to change. I couldn't give them both those things, but I could give them most of one of them, even if at a price. That price was my not being able to be around them all the time.

My career was one that called for constant travel -- sometimes planned and sometimes not -- to client sites, firm meetings, and professional events all around the planet, so boarding school and making the best of the reduced time together was the only real option. It ticked all the boxes -- safe setting, first rate education, boundless opportunities for self expression and personal development, it provided them with close friendships among kids and adults of varying ages and backgrounds, I didn't have to worry that my kids were being cared for and guided in ways I found unfitting, and my earning ability wasn't compromised, thus allowing me to ensure that at least their mother's passing didn't change the mundanities of their lifestyle.

Despite all that, I'd have preferred to have seen my kids more than I did. Accordingly, I don't at all chide or challenge Ryan for citing his kids as among the reasons he's giving up his political career.​
Joshua Green’s 2017 book, “A Devil’s Bargain,” recounts then-White House chief strategist Steve Bannon characterizing Ryan as a “limp-d***** motherf***** who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.” Translation: He’s weak; someone who can be bullied into submission.

Turns out Bannon was spot-on.

More: Steve Bannon Was Right About Paul Ryan

I agree with Bannon. Ryan is a spineless little coward who has spent his entire career trying to fuck over poor and old people. Ryan leaves an ugly legacy.
Paul Ryan loves Ayn Rand. His time in Congress has proven that fact. He has worked hard to screw the poor and old.
Paul Ryan loves Ayn Rand. His time in Congress has proven that fact. He has worked hard to screw the poor and old.

Glad to see him leave. He is a bum and entirely controlled by the ruling class.

He will now take a job as a top lobbyist and make millions for himself and his bosses, the ruling class.

Isn't America great?

If we could only get rid of dumb partisans ^^^^^^^ on both sides and come together, to take down this criminal central government.

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