Bad News 2020

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. I think it'll be like 2004, Bush, no reason for him to win, he's done everything wrong, he starts a bullshit war, no WMD's found, everyone knows he's a liar, after his idiot stunt jumping out of a plane on an aircraft carrier to announce "Combat operations have ended, we won, look at the neato "Mission Accomplished" sign I had hung". But he wins anyway. So it means it doesn't matter how we vote. It doesn't matter how a president does. If the powers decide he wins, then he wins. PA can vote Dem in a landslide, but we'll be told trumpf won by 2%, if that's how the powers want it.
Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should have had some yellow cake shoved up their asses, but instead we get another 4 years. Same deal with trumpf, he'll lie his way to 4 more. Might as well give another $2 trillion to the rich and get it over with, really get that debt load up, bring the day of financial reckoning to bear.
They did find WMD's liar. But it's like anything else your lying ass is corrected on, you spew the same lie 5 minutes later. And you know what? You filth will still lose.
. I think it'll be like 2004, Bush, no reason for him to win, he's done everything wrong, he starts a bullshit war, no WMD's found, everyone knows he's a liar, after his idiot stunt jumping out of a plane on an aircraft carrier to announce "Combat operations have ended, we won, look at the neato "Mission Accomplished" sign I had hung". But he wins anyway. So it means it doesn't matter how we vote. It doesn't matter how a president does. If the powers decide he wins, then he wins. PA can vote Dem in a landslide, but we'll be told trumpf won by 2%, if that's how the powers want it.
Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should have had some yellow cake shoved up their asses, but instead we get another 4 years. Same deal with trumpf, he'll lie his way to 4 more. Might as well give another $2 trillion to the rich and get it over with, really get that debt load up, bring the day of financial reckoning to bear.
Lol. What "powers" want Trump to win? Other then WE the people who vote for him everyone else hates the first America First President in over 100 years.
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them
. I think it'll be like 2004, Bush, no reason for him to win, he's done everything wrong, he starts a bullshit war, no WMD's found, everyone knows he's a liar, after his idiot stunt jumping out of a plane on an aircraft carrier to announce "Combat operations have ended, we won, look at the neato "Mission Accomplished" sign I had hung". But he wins anyway. So it means it doesn't matter how we vote. It doesn't matter how a president does. If the powers decide he wins, then he wins. PA can vote Dem in a landslide, but we'll be told trumpf won by 2%, if that's how the powers want it.
Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should have had some yellow cake shoved up their asses, but instead we get another 4 years. Same deal with trumpf, he'll lie his way to 4 more. Might as well give another $2 trillion to the rich and get it over with, really get that debt load up, bring the day of financial reckoning to bear.
Worthless leftist traitor troll thread. Please remove.
Lol. What "powers" want Trump to win? Other then WE the people who vote for him everyone else hates the first America First President in over 100 years.
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
Lol. What "powers" want Trump to win? Other then WE the people who vote for him everyone else hates the first America First President in over 100 years.
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
I thought all repubs had white hoods

Another failed attempt at humor. So are all Democrats transgender? You identifying as a woman, Eddie?
LOL No ,,not that there's anything wrong with it
Lol. What "powers" want Trump to win? Other then WE the people who vote for him everyone else hates the first America First President in over 100 years.
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?

Yet my parents are 100% Russian. No mutt blood in me. Judaism is a religion. You are a mutt and wear your “supremacy” here in Boston and see how that goes for you, little man.
Lol Jews are a race. Boston can fall into the ocean along with L.A. just another cesspool I have ZERO interest in visiting the same goes for the shithole state it's in.
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?

Yet my parents are 100% Russian. No mutt blood in me. Judaism is a religion. You are a mutt and wear your “supremacy” here in Boston and see how that goes for you, little man.
Lol Jews are a race. Boston can fall into the ocean along with L.A. just another cesspool I have ZERO interest in visiting the same goes for the shithole state it's in.

Jews are a race? Only in your warped mind. You’re such a dumb pussy. Are Muslims and Christians a race too? You’re the epitome of trailer trash.
Lol. What "powers" want Trump to win? Other then WE the people who vote for him everyone else hates the first America First President in over 100 years.
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

"Some of your kind were good people"

I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings

If you vote Democrat you hate Jews. Cannot make it any more simple than that. Unless you denounce Tlaib and Omar right here and right now.
My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings

If you vote Democrat you hate Jews. Cannot make it any more simple than that. Unless you denounce Tlaib and Omar right here and right now.
Oh I can very easily I have some property near where Amazon was going to build in LIC they caused them to give it up and cost me a couple 100K in property values and they want to raise my taxes?? F em and BTW I am Jewish and don't care much for Israel
We is not you. Prisoners cannot vote. You may thank me at any time for electing him your President.
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

"Some of your kind were good people"


isnt' that cute

ed admits he's a parrot
Last edited:
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings

If you vote Democrat you hate Jews. Cannot make it any more simple than that. Unless you denounce Tlaib and Omar right here and right now.
Oh I can very easily I have some property near where Amazon was going to build in LIC they caused them to give it up and cost me a couple 100K in property values and they want to raise my taxes?? F em and BTW I am Jewish and don't care much for Israel

So you’re the worst kind of person. When I was a little boy my dad told me that the worst kinds of antisemites are other Jews. You proved him right. You’re as bad as Odium.
. I think it'll be like 2004, Bush, no reason for him to win, he's done everything wrong, he starts a bullshit war, no WMD's found, everyone knows he's a liar, after his idiot stunt jumping out of a plane on an aircraft carrier to announce "Combat operations have ended, we won, look at the neato "Mission Accomplished" sign I had hung". But he wins anyway. So it means it doesn't matter how we vote. It doesn't matter how a president does. If the powers decide he wins, then he wins. PA can vote Dem in a landslide, but we'll be told trumpf won by 2%, if that's how the powers want it.
Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld should have had some yellow cake shoved up their asses, but instead we get another 4 years. Same deal with trumpf, he'll lie his way to 4 more. Might as well give another $2 trillion to the rich and get it over with, really get that debt load up, bring the day of financial reckoning to bear.
The orange fatty said the elections were rigged.
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings

If you vote Democrat you hate Jews. Cannot make it any more simple than that. Unless you denounce Tlaib and Omar right here and right now.
Oh I can very easily I have some property near where Amazon was going to build in LIC they caused them to give it up and cost me a couple 100K in property values and they want to raise my taxes?? F em and BTW I am Jewish and don't care much for Israel

So you’re the worst kind of person. When I was a little boy my dad told me that the worst kinds of antisemites are other Jews. You proved him right. You’re as bad as Odium.
Have no problems with fellow American Jews Just those in Israel
I'm not a prisoner lol. Never been one. I voted for Trump as did my wife and and the wife in the swing state of North Carolina.

My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

"Some of your kind were good people"


isnt' that cute

ed admits he's a parrot
I've been called worse by worse people than even you
Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings

If you vote Democrat you hate Jews. Cannot make it any more simple than that. Unless you denounce Tlaib and Omar right here and right now.
Oh I can very easily I have some property near where Amazon was going to build in LIC they caused them to give it up and cost me a couple 100K in property values and they want to raise my taxes?? F em and BTW I am Jewish and don't care much for Israel

So you’re the worst kind of person. When I was a little boy my dad told me that the worst kinds of antisemites are other Jews. You proved him right. You’re as bad as Odium.
Have no problems with fellow American Jews Just those in Israel
You know God has a special judgment for those who make themselves enemies of Israel.

See yah on Judgment Day. Ollie Assburn!

Nope. Never said that. I already Proved you wrong. Time to beat a different dead horse, Eddie. You and Odium are equally evil. And equally hate me and I love that!
The truth is for all my bs I don't hate anyone here ,,,maybe 1 mod ,,but really hate the republican congress, McConnell and Trump You and the others I just disagree with , and I've made quite a few bucks since trumps presidency but that doesn't have anything to do with my feelings

If you vote Democrat you hate Jews. Cannot make it any more simple than that. Unless you denounce Tlaib and Omar right here and right now.
Oh I can very easily I have some property near where Amazon was going to build in LIC they caused them to give it up and cost me a couple 100K in property values and they want to raise my taxes?? F em and BTW I am Jewish and don't care much for Israel

So you’re the worst kind of person. When I was a little boy my dad told me that the worst kinds of antisemites are other Jews. You proved him right. You’re as bad as Odium.
Have no problems with fellow American Jews Just those in Israel

And I have a Major problem with you.
My wife and I. And I am sure your trailer park was all for DJT. You’re the reason he is considered a racist by the idiot Leftists. You don’t do him any favors. You and that stupid white hood of yours.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

"Some of your kind were good people"


isnt' that cute

ed admits he's a parrot
I've been called worse by worse people than even you

You’re a traitor. You’re the worst kind of human being. I mean This sincerely.
No hoods needed. I wear my white supremacy as a PROUD badge of honor. YOU are a jew..we all know that...nothing but a vermin race that's been run out of 109 countries and its ALWAYS muh anti semitism eh!?
Some of your kind were good people Easy to see you're not one of them

"Some of your kind were good people"


isnt' that cute

ed admits he's a parrot
I've been called worse by worse people than even you

You’re a traitor. You’re the worst kind of human being. I mean This sincerely.
AZOG you don't strike me as a very sincere or honest individual
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