Bad news for Republicans

Big talk considering the left got bitch slapped and lost control of congress to the GOP, with the first black president sitting in the White House. Rubbing salt in that wound just never gets old :laugh:
Someday some year you all might win a Presidential election ain't happening for you though is it ...

Rubio, Trump and Cruz are going to hand Hillary the OO on a silver platter. Girls in high school bathrooms have more mature discourse than those three.

Big talk considering the left got bitch slapped and lost control of congress to the GOP, with the first black president sitting in the White House. Rubbing salt in that wound just never gets old :laugh:
Someday some year you all might win a Presidential election ain't happening for you though is it ...
It is terrifying to think Drumpf might carry Ohio PA FL and Wisconsin.

Here I thought it was Trump running a campaign of fear. At least that is what one of your liberal buddies seem to think. And it was you folks all along, imagine that.

Don't be scared, Trump can't be as bad as the last 8 years and he will piss of the DNC and the RNC, a win win. That is if America has the guts to go against their parties. I know they do and think they will. And i don't particularly like Trump but it would be the best thing to show both parties, we don't like what is going on.
For a long time, the America haters have glowed over the median household income being lower than it was in 2007.

They have now lost that talking point, and are having a hard time adjusting.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Nearly 1%. And all it took was an additional $8.4 trillion added to the far.
I read your post of lies and labeled it as such. I can't even recall the last honest post by a liberal that wasn't based on a lie, its pathetic. I should temporarily join the left to give your side a fighting chance.
are you telling me if Jesus comes with his message of love and compassion for the poor that this is not going to run headlong into the insane quasi Psychotic hatred of the poor manifested by the GOP ?
Money trumps god
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief
During bush wages were stagnant and people were making less when you factored in inflation.

Then consider all those people making good money in manufacturing that took a step back when their jobs went overseas and they had to work for Walmart or MCD.

We're just happy we're finally out of Bush's great recession

You settle for too less, our household enjoyed a much better raise than 1%. Of course we create wealth, you're satisfied with what the man will hand you, loser
The GOP could nominate Jesus and the left would claim Jesus was racist and hated women and old people.
Jesus comes around talking about feeding the poor, hanging out with Tax collectors and women of poor repute and then starts to whipping on money changers he will be crucified again ..
Donald said that he had no idea who David Duke was and then added "and if you believe that, I've got a wall I'm going to build that Mexico is going to pay for."

I read your post of lies and labeled it as such. I can't even recall the last honest post by a liberal that wasn't based on a lie, its pathetic. I should temporarily join the left to give your side a fighting chance.

You don't have to do that. You can just donate to the Cruz campaign.
I read your post of lies and labeled it as such. I can't even recall the last honest post by a liberal that wasn't based on a lie, its pathetic. I should temporarily join the left to give your side a fighting chance.
are you telling me if Jesus comes with his message of love and compassion for the poor that this is not going to run headlong into the insane quasi Psychotic hatred of the poor manifested by the GOP ?

Hate is the liberals game, and envy, lying, and dishonesty. Stop projecting.
A whole 1%?

If your boss told you were going to Get a 1% pay raise, over the next 7 years; would you be very impressed with that?

I would laugh in his fucking
Yeah wild bill but you laugh in the faces of those wanting to raise min wages hypocrites are republicans
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?
You want your employer to give you a raise just because?

Listen pal, your company decides what you are worth, remember?

What makes you worth more now than 7 years ago?

And if you don't like it get another job.

God I love giving Republicans their own advice
I don't need to work, Mona. Haven't worked since 1987. Good pension...good planning...frugal wife...good investment advice from my granddaughter Sassy...I'm livin the dream. Sucks to be you.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief
During bush wages were stagnant and people were making less when you factored in inflation.

Then consider all those people making good money in manufacturing that took a step back when their jobs went overseas and they had to work for Walmart or MCD.

We're just happy we're finally out of Bush's great recession

You settle for too less, our household enjoyed a much better raise than 1%. Of course we create wealth, you're satisfied with what the man will hand you, loser

So the feds raised your fraudulent SSDI?
I read your post of lies and labeled it as such. I can't even recall the last honest post by a liberal that wasn't based on a lie, its pathetic. I should temporarily join the left to give your side a fighting chance.
are you telling me if Jesus comes with his message of love and compassion for the poor that this is not going to run headlong into the insane quasi Psychotic hatred of the poor manifested by the GOP ?

Hate is the liberals game, and envy, lying, and dishonesty. Stop projecting.
yes blues the way your traitors your supposed patriots bash our duly elected leader isn't hate at all It's just ah's using free speech?
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Nearly 1%. And all it took was an additional $8.4 trillion added to the far.
Well, at least they didn't spend trillions and trillions of dollars and LOSE median income, like Bush.
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?
You want your employer to give you a raise just because?

Listen pal, your company decides what you are worth, remember?

What makes you worth more now than 7 years ago?

And if you don't like it get another job.

God I love giving Republicans their own advice
I don't need to work, Mona. Haven't worked since 1987. Good pension...good planning...frugal wife...good investment advice from my granddaughter Sassy...I'm livin the dream. Sucks to be you.

Wow, so the Obama years have been berry, berry good to you.....
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?
You want your employer to give you a raise just because?

Listen pal, your company decides what you are with, remember?

What makes you worth more now than 7 years ago?

And if you don't like it get another job.

God I love giving Republicans their own advice

Except your "analogy" doesn't fit your target, he made more on one deal just today than you will in the next two months.

Prove it.
It's so easy to be fake on the internet, isn't it Skankie?
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Nearly 1%. And all it took was an additional $8.4 trillion added to the far.
Well, at least they didn't spend trillions and trillions of dollars and LOSE median income, like Bush.

How much was the extra Obama debt.....per household?
Big talk considering the left got bitch slapped and lost control of congress to the GOP, with the first black president sitting in the White House. Rubbing salt in that wound just never gets old :laugh:
Someday some year you all might win a Presidential election ain't happening for you though is it ...
It is terrifying to think Drumpf might carry Ohio PA FL and Wisconsin.

Here I thought it was Trump running a campaign of fear. At least that is what one of your liberal buddies seem to think. And it was you folks all along, imagine that.

Don't be scared, Trump can't be as bad as the last 8 years and he will piss of the DNC and the RNC, a win win. That is if America has the guts to go against their parties. I know they do and think they will. And i don't particularly like Trump but it would be the best thing to show both parties, we don't like what is going on.
I won't be voting dem in Nov, but I may not be voting in the presidential contest.
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?
You want your employer to give you a raise just because?

Listen pal, your company decides what you are with, remember?

What makes you worth more now than 7 years ago?

And if you don't like it get another job.

God I love giving Republicans their own advice

Except your "analogy" doesn't fit your target, he made more on one deal just today than you will in the next two months.

Prove it.
It's so easy to be fake on the internet, isn't it Skankie?
Not what sassy is referring to Gladys...but did you buy SIRI @3.31 on the latest dip?
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Nearly 1%. And all it took was an additional $8.4 trillion added to the far.
Well, at least they didn't spend trillions and trillions of dollars and LOSE median income, like Bush.

How much was the extra Obama debt.....per household?
Less than all your deductions, exemptions, and credits. By a wide margin.

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