Bad news for Republicans

Less than all your deductions, exemptions, and credits. By a wide margin.

About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!
somebody asking you to pay?? So far no knock on my door Not even after reagan tripled our debt and bush doubled it
You keep repeating the same lies over and over. Bush and Reagan had a lot of help from Democrats but you lie and blame it all on them while ignoring obama, while Republican are trying to put on the brakes, contrary to Dims. Lie and smear, smear and lie. It's all lefties have.
I love the way you put it ice Bush and reagan had help from dems but repubs didn't do shit to help obama get out of your repub cess pool
9 trillion dollars wasn't enough? God, you are beyond ignorant. The repub cesspool? Dumb ass. All you have are lies. Nobody would even listen to you assholes if you didn't offer them lies instead of truth.
Is your truth bush handing over a robust viable economy to obama?? Is that repub truth ??? Is it repub truth that you tried to help obama cure our hills helping america INSTEAD of acting like traitorous AHs ?
How much was the extra Obama debt.....per household?
Less than all your deductions, exemptions, and credits. By a wide margin.

About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......had we segued directly from Clinton to Obama, we'd be looking at Debt Held by the Public near extinction....

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.
"The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007."

Wow...all of one percent gain in 9 years! That is impressive. Can't wait for these policies to continue!

See what I mean Dani?
You want your employer to give you a raise just because?

Listen pal, your company decides what you are with, remember?

What makes you worth more now than 7 years ago?

And if you don't like it get another job.

God I love giving Republicans their own advice

Except your "analogy" doesn't fit your target, he made more on one deal just today than you will in the next two months.

Prove it.
It's so easy to be fake on the internet, isn't it Skankie?

Yeah Toady, like proving you didn't live in Texas BAHAHAHAHAHA. You lie....and I out you, time and time again, eh Ms "I found Sassy's IP!!!" That was classic watching you crash and burn because you were too freaking stupid to realize an IP doesn't have letters in it. LOL DOH!!!
About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!
somebody asking you to pay?? So far no knock on my door Not even after reagan tripled our debt and bush doubled it
You keep repeating the same lies over and over. Bush and Reagan had a lot of help from Democrats but you lie and blame it all on them while ignoring obama, while Republican are trying to put on the brakes, contrary to Dims. Lie and smear, smear and lie. It's all lefties have.
I love the way you put it ice Bush and reagan had help from dems but repubs didn't do shit to help obama get out of your repub cess pool
9 trillion dollars wasn't enough? God, you are beyond ignorant. The repub cesspool? Dumb ass. All you have are lies. Nobody would even listen to you assholes if you didn't offer them lies instead of truth.
Is your truth bush handing over a robust viable economy to obama?? Is that repub truth ??? Is it repub truth that you tried to help obama cure our hills helping america INSTEAD of acting like traitorous AHs ?
You have no use for the truth. Play your dimwitted games with someone else.
Less than all your deductions, exemptions, and credits. By a wide margin.

About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......had we segued directly from Clinton to Obama, we'd be looking at Debt Held by the Public near extinction....

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.
They don't give a shit.
Less than all your deductions, exemptions, and credits. By a wide margin.

About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......had we segued directly from Clinton to Obama, we'd be looking at Debt Held by the Public near extinction....

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....
About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......had we segued directly from Clinton to Obama, we'd be looking at Debt Held by the Public near extinction....

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.
They don't give a shit.

Apparently neither you nor Toddster understand the meaning of "structural deficit".....

But here's something you can do........Compare the growth rates of federal spending, and those of Federal revenues, for Clinton, Scrub and Obama.......

assuming you've got the onions for the job.....
About $70,000 extra debt per household.
Using the nearly 1% boost, how long will it take to pay off that extra debt? LOL!

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......had we segued directly from Clinton to Obama, we'd be looking at Debt Held by the Public near extinction....

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.
Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......had we segued directly from Clinton to Obama, we'd be looking at Debt Held by the Public near extinction....

Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean "Hand the keys to El Carniceiro de Surplus"?

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”


Makes you wanna cry, don't it?
I read your post of lies and labeled it as such. I can't even recall the last honest post by a liberal that wasn't based on a lie, its pathetic. I should temporarily join the left to give your side a fighting chance.
are you telling me if Jesus comes with his message of love and compassion for the poor that this is not going to run headlong into the insane quasi Psychotic hatred of the poor manifested by the GOP ?

Hate is the liberals game, and envy, lying, and dishonesty. Stop projecting.
yes blues the way your traitors your supposed patriots bash our duly elected leader isn't hate at all It's just ah's using free speech?

Are you referring to Obama the man who labeled us his enemy early on?
can you quote what McConnell said about obama ? and enemy obama said? you mean the back of the bus ,,, Maybe he meant for pubs to stop acting like they won the election??

No Obama referred to us as his enemy and being the stupid no leadership experience amateur that he is spoiled the well from the get go. McConnell has a right to be partisan in congress, just as Reid and Pelosi were. A president does not have that luxury his job is to represent all of the people.
are you telling me if Jesus comes with his message of love and compassion for the poor that this is not going to run headlong into the insane quasi Psychotic hatred of the poor manifested by the GOP ?

Hate is the liberals game, and envy, lying, and dishonesty. Stop projecting.
yes blues the way your traitors your supposed patriots bash our duly elected leader isn't hate at all It's just ah's using free speech?

Are you referring to Obama the man who labeled us his enemy early on?
can you quote what McConnell said about obama ? and enemy obama said? you mean the back of the bus ,,, Maybe he meant for pubs to stop acting like they won the election??

No Obama referred to us as his enemy and being the stupid no leadership experience amateur that he is spoiled the well from the get go. McConnell has a right to be partisan in congress, just as Reid and Pelosi were. A president does not have that luxury his job is to represent all of the people.
imho he's tried but was met with a picket fence by republicans who wanted him out and would go to any lengths to get him out lie misrepresent not vote on judges etc etc
Much of that debt is the legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era.......

I agree, but at least he was half black.

Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean "Hand the keys to El Carniceiro de Surplus"?

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”


Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.
Hate is the liberals game, and envy, lying, and dishonesty. Stop projecting.
yes blues the way your traitors your supposed patriots bash our duly elected leader isn't hate at all It's just ah's using free speech?

Are you referring to Obama the man who labeled us his enemy early on?
can you quote what McConnell said about obama ? and enemy obama said? you mean the back of the bus ,,, Maybe he meant for pubs to stop acting like they won the election??

No Obama referred to us as his enemy and being the stupid no leadership experience amateur that he is spoiled the well from the get go. McConnell has a right to be partisan in congress, just as Reid and Pelosi were. A president does not have that luxury his job is to represent all of the people.
imho he's tried but was met with a picket fence by republicans who wanted him out and would go to any lengths to get him out lie misrepresent not vote on judges etc etc

imho he's tried

Like when he said I won, during the stimulus debate? LOL!
That sure came back to bite him in the ass, didn't it? Fucking amateur.
Though math is apparently not your jam, take a look at this

run the numbers for Scrub and Obama, and tell me what you discover....

Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean "Hand the keys to El Carniceiro de Surplus"?

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”


Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.
and ray gun tripling our debt?? Remember him ???
Run the numbers? Bush added $4.9 trillion. Obama, about $8.7 trillion, so far.

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean "Hand the keys to El Carniceiro de Surplus"?

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”


Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.
and ray gun tripling our debt?? Remember him ???

Yeah, that was awful, adding $1.6 trillion to the debt, while beating the Soviets......just awful!

Who has Obama beaten for his nearly $10 trillion in new debt?
I mean besides Dems in the House and Senate? LOL!
yes blues the way your traitors your supposed patriots bash our duly elected leader isn't hate at all It's just ah's using free speech?

Are you referring to Obama the man who labeled us his enemy early on?
can you quote what McConnell said about obama ? and enemy obama said? you mean the back of the bus ,,, Maybe he meant for pubs to stop acting like they won the election??

No Obama referred to us as his enemy and being the stupid no leadership experience amateur that he is spoiled the well from the get go. McConnell has a right to be partisan in congress, just as Reid and Pelosi were. A president does not have that luxury his job is to represent all of the people.
imho he's tried but was met with a picket fence by republicans who wanted him out and would go to any lengths to get him out lie misrepresent not vote on judges etc etc

imho he's tried

Like when he said I won, during the stimulus debate? LOL!
That sure came back to bite him in the ass, didn't it? Fucking amateur.
amateur that won by 5 million votes??
Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion, promptly vaporized them, added 5, and left a tab for at least another 5 on his way out......that is, conservatively, a net swing of 15 trillion......

I guess you are too afeard to peek at that ranks post WW2 administrations by 6 categories......I ran the numbers for Scrub.....he finished last......we could go through those for Obama, but it won't change that result.....

Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean "Hand the keys to El Carniceiro de Surplus"?

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”


Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.
and ray gun tripling our debt?? Remember him ???

Yeah, that was awful, adding $1.6 trillion to the debt, while beating the Soviets......just awful!

Who has Obama beaten for his nearly $10 trillion in new debt?
I mean besides Dems in the House and Senate? LOL!
Hes beaten the greatest recession in history the recession brought on by stupid republicans thats better than outspending russia
That's good news, not bad news. Do you really think anyone wants people to have bad lives, just because Obama is president? The states is on the other hand mostly governed by Republicans, and they have more influence over the economy than Obama and the senate.
you ask what I think Oleoh ,,,with no disrespect intended I believe most if not all repubs want america to fail just so they can throw more feces at obama and make it easier to elect another repub moron like gwb

We asked what you think.

Not what you smell after farting.
Actually, Toddster, Scrub started with projected cumulative surpluses of more than 5 trillion

It's amazing how much projected revenue a bubble will throw off, if it continues forever.
And then reality sets in.

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean "Hand the keys to El Carniceiro de Surplus"?

“President Bush said today that there was a benefit to the government’s fast-dwindling surplus, declaring that it will create ”a fiscal straitjacket for Congress.” He said that was ”incredibly positive news” because it would halt the growth of the federal government.

In a 45-minute news conference in a community hall next to an RV park here, Mr. Bush avoided specific answers to several questions about how he would find the money for his next big initiatives, from missile defense, to overhauling the military, to reforming Medicaid, without dipping into Social Security surpluses that both parties have declared off limits. And he made it clear he would not re-think his tax cut, saying, ”I can’t tell you how proud I am to be traveling around the country and people say, ‘Thanks for the $600.’ ”


Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

When you say "Reality sets in", do you mean......

Clinton's Internet Bubble wasn't gonna last forever.

Makes you wanna cry, don't it?

Wasteful big government spending makes me wanna cry.
Whether it's Bush spending way too fucking much or Obama coming in and spending even more.
and ray gun tripling our debt?? Remember him ???

Yeah, that was awful, adding $1.6 trillion to the debt, while beating the Soviets......just awful!

Who has Obama beaten for his nearly $10 trillion in new debt?
I mean besides Dems in the House and Senate? LOL!
Hes beaten the greatest recession in history the recession brought on by stupid republicans thats better than outspending russia

Don't make me laugh any harder.

The greatest recession in history ?????

That was the one Reagan faced.
The missing piece from the economic recovery has finally materialized.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is now higher than it was before the recession that began at the end of 2007, according to new data published by Sentier Research. The typical family earned $57,153 in December, which is 4.3% higher than a year earlier and nearly 1% higher than December 2007. And month-to-month gains during the last several months have been the most rapid in the history of the survey, which dates to 2000. If the pace of growth continues in 2016, household incomes will hit a new record high well in advance of the November elections.

Despite widespread worries of another recession, data on jobs and income show that ordinary workers are increasingly better off. Famed billionaire businessman Warren Buffett said in his latest annual letter that “America’s economic magic remains alive and well." The numbers back him up.

Every month, Sentier calculates a household-income index, based on Census Bureau data, that allows it to measure the purchasing power of the typical family month-by-month, after adjusting for inflation. Here’s what the index looks like, with the red line representing household income (left scale) and the dark line representing the unempl

Only a loon thinks 1% in almost nine years is a good thing. Good grief

So, what should it be for the average american household, after 8 years of a successful presidency?

I'm sure they'd like to know.

The problem is that they've had a moron in the WH who is a huge failure.

But they can keep dreaming.

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