Bain Capital closing Illinois Plant

Oh... See... You are under the assumption that the company isn't basically controlled by Bain. Why?

No, I do not make that assumption. But let's assume that Bain acquires a company and controls it. Why do you care?
Because they are making money from a failed company by investing money that is not their own. They risk nothing of themselves, and get paid. Or more to the point they risk other peoples money, and they get paid either way.

This is the same thing as a woman marrying a rich man... Indirectly killing him with food or alcohol, and taking his money. Hell... Maybe she just marries and divorces them and takes half... And then doing it again. And again... And Again... Well it wasn't MY money... So why should I care? Is it legal? Sure it is. Is it right? Fuck no. Not unless everyone knows what they are getting into about her.

No. The company does the bankrupts. Not Bain. Bain still got paid as if it was a separate company. And it inflated it's services to the child company to make damn sure it got it's money.

And there is the loophole that allows the Rich to get Richer even if they are fuck nuggets.

If Bain performs services for the company, they are entitled to seek compensation, which is purely a contractual matter with the company that took their capital and/or sought their services. Again, I don't see why anyone who didn't own stock in the company would care.
This is the same thing as a woman marrying a rich man... Indirectly killing him with food or alcohol, and taking his money. Hell... Maybe she just marries and divorces them and takes half... And then doing it again. And again... And Again... Well it wasn't MY money... So why should I care? Is it legal? Sure it is. Is it right? Fuck no. Not unless everyone knows what they are getting into about her.

Make no mistake... I'm one of those people who won't beat around the bush. "Go way you stupid fuck'n gold digger, I know what you're up to" rather than whispers in back rooms. I want to say it... And I want anyone and everyone to call me an asshole, or a saint for doing it... Just as long as they look. Make up your own damn mind... But LOOK for the truth.

But Bain does do 401k's...And they do invest them.

What do you mean by this?
I mean Bain invests 401k for the government employees that aren't connected with any Bain company at all. Might for a lot of other companies too... I don't know. Although I will be honest and say that I got that information from an news article that I can't remember where I got it from. It may very well be suspect. I'll look for it again tomorrow.

Tired now. Shelzin sleep.[/QUOTE]

What I think you miss is the voluntary aspect of the parties involved. Nobody is forcing a company to accept Bain's capital or their terms for investing. If you don't like the company's decision, don't buy their stock or their products. PLENTY of companies thrived after partnering with Bain, others didn't work out.

Your gold digging wife analogy is not applicable because one party deceived the other. That is not the case with Bain. Both parties entered into their contract freely and no company is claiming Bain "indirectly killed" them.

Still don't know why borrowing money has anything to do with it.
Not one company ever, was forced to bring in Bain, it was of their own choosing and the contracts were signed.
Umm... Yeah.


That's ... Incorrect. Ummm... You must be willfully ignorant to say that, and... um... Yeah. o.0

Shel, you're mistaken here. Explain how a capital firm like Bain can FORCE a company to accept their investment. It doesn't happen that way.
Eflatminor... Please help. You are a kind soul and I don't think most people replying to me are worthy of my responses that I'm thinking to give. It's almost like they don't know that there are Public companies and Private ones.

Shelzin... If this happened, surely you can link to proof that Bain forced it's way into companies... or at least one company, right?
No. I can't. Do you know why?

Because you lied.
The plant to close previous to AK Steel, was GST, the Bain Co.. It was one of the last holdouts.
Steel's dying ember - Kansas City Business Journal
The reason for all the companies to close? Chinese cheap steel, as well as increasing energy prices. But guess what? In 2010
Chinese started closing down many of their steel mills due to the decrease in prices.

Why is it that Steel Dynamics and its success under Bain is never mentioned?

You're not allowed to use reality and factual information when debating with liberals... it upsets them.
Not one company ever, was forced to bring in Bain, it was of their own choosing and the contracts were signed.
Umm... Yeah.


That's ... Incorrect. Ummm... You must be willfully ignorant to say that, and... um... Yeah. o.0

Shel, you're mistaken here. Explain how a capital firm like Bain can FORCE a company to accept their investment. It doesn't happen that way.

He already admitted he cannot prove it.

Not every company... But yes... That is exactly what I'm saying. Darlin... You don't know what you are talking about here. I'll be honest with you that I'm sure there are people who know more about this than I do... But holy shit... Please... Stop talking until you google... or ... Something.

I know what I'm talking about and I don't know what you're talking about. The only way Bain could take over a company that didn't choose to sell would be to buy the fulcrum debt security in bankruptcy. What other way could they do it?
Eflatminor... Please help. You are a kind soul and I don't think most people replying to me are worthy of my responses that I'm thinking to give. It's almost like they don't know that there are Public companies and Private ones.

Sorry Shelzin but I think you're mistaking Bain for LBO (leveraged buy out) firm but they're not. Venture Capital and similar firms don't force their way into companies, they spend their time reviewing requests from many companies looking for capital and they choose very few to invest in. It matters not if they're public or private, the firm is considered lucky to find the capital investment they're looking for.
It is not Romney's Bain Capital anymore. He has not been with the company for several years now. In fact, the leaders of Bain Capital are Democrats. Democrats closing plants and sending jobs overseas, is that possible? You betcha it is!
I know what I'm talking about and I don't know what you're talking about. The only way Bain could take over a company that didn't choose to sell would be to buy the fulcrum debt security in bankruptcy. What other way could they do it?
Eflatminor... Please help. You are a kind soul and I don't think most people replying to me are worthy of my responses that I'm thinking to give. It's almost like they don't know that there are Public companies and Private ones.

Sorry Shelzin but I think you're mistaking Bain for LBO (leveraged buy out) firm but they're not. Venture Capital and similar firms don't force their way into companies, they spend their time reviewing requests from many companies looking for capital and they choose very few to invest in. It matters not if they're public or private, the firm is considered lucky to find the capital investment they're looking for.
Perhaps I am mistaken then.

I know what I'm talking about and I don't know what you're talking about. The only way Bain could take over a company that didn't choose to sell would be to buy the fulcrum debt security in bankruptcy. What other way could they do it?
Eflatminor... Please help. You are a kind soul and I don't think most people replying to me are worthy of my responses that I'm thinking to give. It's almost like they don't know that there are Public companies and Private ones.

Sorry Shelzin but I think you're mistaking Bain for LBO (leveraged buy out) firm but they're not. Venture Capital and similar firms don't force their way into companies, they spend their time reviewing requests from many companies looking for capital and they choose very few to invest in. It matters not if they're public or private, the firm is considered lucky to find the capital investment they're looking for.

You said it so much better than I could. Thanks!!
Or the fact that taxes have increased in Illinois?

Illinois Increases Tax Rates for 2011 through 2025

Taxes increased because revenue went down because Bush let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

Bush was President of Illinois?
Aren't states responsible for their own fiscal health?

Nope..Bush was and according to the libs who cannot stand on their record, still IS responsible.
Bush is responsible in perpetuity.
Not one company ever, was forced to bring in Bain, it was of their own choosing and the contracts were signed.

Joe Ampad had the opportunity to read the fine print as did his lawyers. This shows the lack of understanding about business and contracts from the left, this is why most of them are broke and living on the government dole. As long as they hate business, they will never move beyond a certain point. Barack Obama is one of those guys, he doesn't get it either so Joey, Shelzin and Chris are not alone. :)

Dumbass, I deal with contracts EVERY FUCKING DAY. I'm a buyer.

And, yeah, there's a lot of legalize, but there is also an expectation that they aren't going to try to screw you over in the process.

This was certainly not the case with Bain, which did a lot of leverage buyouts.

If there is a lot of hate for business right now, it's because of the way business is acting and continuing to act.

The Dow is back to where it was pre-Crash. So why aren't they hiring? Because they want to turn the screws on working folks a couple more times. You better elect our boy, Romney, or we are going to make things worse for you.

That's seriously fucked up and shows they have way too much power.

No, the expectation is you do your due diligence. If you miss and important detail and as long as the terms are not unconscionable, it's ON YOU.
There is not "sitting in the corner with tears in your eyes while claiming victim status.
If you cannot dance with the big dogs, get on the porch.
Umm... Yeah.


That's ... Incorrect. Ummm... You must be willfully ignorant to say that, and... um... Yeah. o.0

So you're saying Bain Capital forced it's way in to failing companies, the owners of those companies didn't have a choice?? They didn't have an opportunity to review the contract documents before the ink was dry??

Not every company... But yes... That is exactly what I'm saying. Darlin... You don't know what you are talking about here. I'll be honest with you that I'm sure there are people who know more about this than I do... But holy shit... Please... Stop talking until you google... or ... Something.

If that is your conclusion, there is no help for you. You are now just a bleating conspiracy theorist.
Your paranoid tinfoil hat explanations are ridiculous. Businesses aren't hiring because they are unsure of the economy, unsure of the regulatory environment and remember two brutal cash crunches over the past decade. The Dow near highs is due as much to QE as anything.

"They want to turn the screws on working people." FFS, is that ever stupid.

Businesses aren't hiring because they are screwing the working folks.

Just another chapter in their 30 year quest to break the American Middle Class.
No, the expectation is you do your due diligence. If you miss and important detail and as long as the terms are not unconscionable, it's ON YOU.
There is not "sitting in the corner with tears in your eyes while claiming victim status.
If you cannot dance with the big dogs, get on the porch.

I actually had a vendor try to pull some shit like that on me like that once.

Not only did I get him to back down, I reported his ass to the IL State's attorney general.

Incidently, this was not a contract I negotiated, it was one that someone else did.

I tend not to fuck around... I'll play fair if you do.
Your paranoid tinfoil hat explanations are ridiculous. Businesses aren't hiring because they are unsure of the economy, unsure of the regulatory environment and remember two brutal cash crunches over the past decade. The Dow near highs is due as much to QE as anything.

"They want to turn the screws on working people." FFS, is that ever stupid.

Businesses aren't hiring because they are screwing the working folks.

Just another chapter in their 30 year quest to break the American Middle Class.

That's right. It's a big conspiracy between the business owners, bankers, Mormons and Jews. :thup:
Your paranoid tinfoil hat explanations are ridiculous. Businesses aren't hiring because they are unsure of the economy, unsure of the regulatory environment and remember two brutal cash crunches over the past decade. The Dow near highs is due as much to QE as anything.

"They want to turn the screws on working people." FFS, is that ever stupid.

Businesses aren't hiring because they are screwing the working folks.

Just another chapter in their 30 year quest to break the American Middle Class.

Yes. It is of course the goal of business to ruin their main stream of revenue. So says the big labor hammer and sickle guy.
Gee, I seem to recall Barry's Government Motors sending jobs to China such as their R&D for future electric golf carts disguised as automobiles.

The Obama admin jumped up and down with glee when GM reported their 2011 sales figures.
The Obama admin slinked back into their corner when the report stated that the majority of the increase was due to dramatically increased sales in ......China....Oh, where do most of those cars get built? China..
Who the fuck is kidding who here..
No, the expectation is you do your due diligence. If you miss and important detail and as long as the terms are not unconscionable, it's ON YOU.
There is not "sitting in the corner with tears in your eyes while claiming victim status.
If you cannot dance with the big dogs, get on the porch.

I actually had a vendor try to pull some shit like that on me like that once.

Not only did I get him to back down, I reported his ass to the IL State's attorney general.

Incidently, this was not a contract I negotiated, it was one that someone else did.

I tend not to fuck around... I'll play fair if you do.
What "Shit"?
Depending on you to perform due diligence?

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