Baltimore Is A Democrat Mess They're Trying To Blame On The Cops

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

Your argument holds no water - if it were true, then we would have riots in every city.

And we do. Last week it happened to be Baltimore. Could have been Charleston or St Louis or Atlanta. Predict the next one, win a prize. Race riots have been happening in this country for almost two hundred years, regardless whether the city was run by Democrats, Republicans, or more often, no party at all. It ain't the political party of Cherrypick City. It's systemic in the culture.

I note that you whine - but you offer no counter-truth. Oh, I know - it's not your job. You just lob grenades and claim no responsibility.

I do not "lob grenades"; I react to grenades already launched and point out that they're duds.

But, let's talk about the policies in Baltimore. Do you believe that the relationship between the Democratic leadership and the teacher's unions has had an appropriately positive impact on the quality of education?

What about the Hilton?

"The city-owned Hilton Baltimore convention center hotel lost $5.6 million last year — a worse performance than 2013 despite its close location to Camden Yards and the Orioles' playoff run.

It was the seventh consecutive year that the hotel has underperformed financially, according to an audit of financial statements presented Wednesday to the city's Board of Estimates. Under the deal's initial projections, the hotel was supposed to be making $7 million in profit by now — pumping that money into the city's budget."

"Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, in the wake of rioters destroying a local drug store,lamented "how hard we fought to get a CVS to invest into this neighborhood." While the mayor's grief and frustration in a very difficult situation is more than understandable, the underlying policy is not. City halls shouldn’t be fighting to get individual stores built; they should be creating the conditions in which many stores get built, andmany people want to live, rather than flee. "

Every dollar, every ounce of managerial effort wasted on these boondoggles is an energy unit not expended covering the basics—public safety, protecting citizens’ rights, a clear and hopefully low-hassle regulatory and tax climate that allows individuals and businesses to create their own success, and so on.

Are you going to pretend that local Democratic leadership had nothing to do with this?

"The Baltimore school system ranked second among the nation's 100 largest school districts in how much it spent per pupil in fiscal year 2011, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The city's $15,483 per-pupil expenditure was second to New York City's $19,770. Rounding out the top five were Montgomery County, which spent $15,421; Milwaukee public schools at $14,244; and Prince George's County public schools, which spent $13,775." - Baltimore Sun, May 21, 2013.

But, yet, when we look at the the city's own education report in 2010, we see that the students of Baltimore are performing 12% worse than the Maryland average in reading, and 25% worse in math. Keep in mind these are the Baltimore's numbers - they have been largely discredited as being slanted. The problem was so bad that they couldn't even lie it away.

Are you going to pretend that local Democratic leadership had nothing to do with this?

The local Democratic leadership told the police to stand down, and to not arrest rioters for destruction of property or 'minor' crimes like theft.

Are you going to pretend that this qualifies as responsible leadership?

IF there is a problem with the police force - and that is still unproven - are you going to pretend that the Democratic leadership doesn't influence this?


Reading isn't your forte. Any of this may be related to the city leadership. It just has nothing to do with them being Democrats or Republicans. THAT was the assertion. If your memory fails you, look up at the title of this thread. Which, if it were a legitimate sentiment, would have no need of all these whiny pleading please-believe-me threads to try to sell this bullshit.
It's rather clear that education IS better when Charter Schools and private school vouchers are allowed and yet at the behest of the teacher's unions, Democratic politicians vote against those things. Why?

Appeal to Common Sense fallacy. "It seems right to me, therefore it is".


So now you're claiming that Charter schools aren't superior to the average Public School? You live in a little liberal fantasy world...don't you, Pogo? If somethings "inconvenient" to what you simply declare that it's a "fallacy" or a "straw man" and refuse to address it.

Again...would you like to explain why liberal Democrats vote against Charter Schools and school vouchers?

Dood. I didn't say squat about any kind of "schools". You did. I just pointed out that you have no basis.

You DEMANDED to know how Republicans ran cities differently than Democrats and I pointed at Charter Schools and school vouchers as a perfect example of the differences between liberal and conservatives. Liberal Democratic politicians have taken big money from the teacher's unions and therefore are beholden to them on issues LIKE Charter Schools and school vouchers. Conservatives don't get big money from the teacher's unions so they make policy based on what is good for the kid's educations rather than what is good for the teacher's livelihoods.
And black "leaders" like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson accept large donations from those same teachers unions to blame RACISM on the problems of the inner city rather than point a finger at public school systems that are systematically failing to educate minority students. If they really WERE leaders of the black community they would be DEMANDING Charter schools and school vouchers so that black parents could send their kids to schools where they actually would learn something.
Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

Your argument holds no water - if it were true, then we would have riots in every city.

And we do. Last week it happened to be Baltimore. Could have been Charleston or St Louis or Atlanta. Predict the next one, win a prize. Race riots have been happening in this country for almost two hundred years, regardless whether the city was run by Democrats, Republicans, or more often, no party at all. It ain't the political party of Cherrypick City. It's systemic in the culture.

I note that you whine - but you offer no counter-truth. Oh, I know - it's not your job. You just lob grenades and claim no responsibility.

I do not "lob grenades"; I react to grenades already launched and point out that they're duds.

But, let's talk about the policies in Baltimore. Do you believe that the relationship between the Democratic leadership and the teacher's unions has had an appropriately positive impact on the quality of education?

What about the Hilton?

"The city-owned Hilton Baltimore convention center hotel lost $5.6 million last year — a worse performance than 2013 despite its close location to Camden Yards and the Orioles' playoff run.

It was the seventh consecutive year that the hotel has underperformed financially, according to an audit of financial statements presented Wednesday to the city's Board of Estimates. Under the deal's initial projections, the hotel was supposed to be making $7 million in profit by now — pumping that money into the city's budget."

"Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, in the wake of rioters destroying a local drug store,lamented "how hard we fought to get a CVS to invest into this neighborhood." While the mayor's grief and frustration in a very difficult situation is more than understandable, the underlying policy is not. City halls shouldn’t be fighting to get individual stores built; they should be creating the conditions in which many stores get built, andmany people want to live, rather than flee. "

Every dollar, every ounce of managerial effort wasted on these boondoggles is an energy unit not expended covering the basics—public safety, protecting citizens’ rights, a clear and hopefully low-hassle regulatory and tax climate that allows individuals and businesses to create their own success, and so on.

Are you going to pretend that local Democratic leadership had nothing to do with this?

"The Baltimore school system ranked second among the nation's 100 largest school districts in how much it spent per pupil in fiscal year 2011, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The city's $15,483 per-pupil expenditure was second to New York City's $19,770. Rounding out the top five were Montgomery County, which spent $15,421; Milwaukee public schools at $14,244; and Prince George's County public schools, which spent $13,775." - Baltimore Sun, May 21, 2013.

But, yet, when we look at the the city's own education report in 2010, we see that the students of Baltimore are performing 12% worse than the Maryland average in reading, and 25% worse in math. Keep in mind these are the Baltimore's numbers - they have been largely discredited as being slanted. The problem was so bad that they couldn't even lie it away.

Are you going to pretend that local Democratic leadership had nothing to do with this?

The local Democratic leadership told the police to stand down, and to not arrest rioters for destruction of property or 'minor' crimes like theft.

Are you going to pretend that this qualifies as responsible leadership?

IF there is a problem with the police force - and that is still unproven - are you going to pretend that the Democratic leadership doesn't influence this?


Reading isn't your forte. Any of this may be related to the city leadership. It just has nothing to do with them being Democrats or Republicans. THAT was the assertion. If your memory fails you, look up at the title of this thread. Which, if it were a legitimate sentiment, would have no need of all these whiny pleading please-believe-me threads to try to sell this bullshit.

It's your position that the management of Baltimore is really fucked up, but it isn't because they are Democrats, but rather that they are just incompetent. And, it's been that way for the last 40 years - just a simple coincidence that each one was a Democrat.

Got it!
Whatever. Look up Affirming the Consequent. I asked how a Republican city gummint would handle its crucial task of setting which day is garbage day differently. I got crickets. Which was the right answer.
Whatever. Look up Affirming the Consequent. I asked how a Republican city gummint would handle its crucial task of setting which day is garbage day differently. I got crickets. Which was the right answer.

You probably want to quit about now - you're just digging a deeper hole.
If Baltimore was run by republicans (like that would ever happen) we'd still see riots there.The problem is the citizens of Baltimore are uneducated, immoral people. The culture needs to change. We can't expect government to come in and make people better themselves, it's not happening. Change has to start in the homes, with parents first and foremost.
Whatever. Look up Affirming the Consequent. I asked how a Republican city gummint would handle its crucial task of setting which day is garbage day differently. I got crickets. Which was the right answer.

You probably want to quit about now - you're just digging a deeper hole.

And no answer continues.

My thought exactly .... quit digging. You've reached the point where you're embarrassing yourself.
If you are staying within the race impetus that is the context of the Baltimore riots then rioting in the name of whiteness is necessary for the discussion.

Is it?

Sez who?
I'm explaining the logic of the discussion.

Not accurately methinks. We'd have to have word from the street to make such a conclusion but everything I've heard points to police overreach being the impetus. And IIRC three of the officers charged by the DA are black.
No, the impetus is race. They aren't protesting cops profiling and allegedly abusing whites. So these riots are about blackness while the sports riots are done mostly by people who happen to be white and not in the name of whiteness. Kinda like a Charlie the Tuna misinterpretation.
As for three cops being black, that will be problematic for the demagogues in office who foment and perpetuate the race problem.

Uhhhhmmm..... if the perceived problem is that cops are beating up on blacks, then the actor in that scene is police. The active party. Not the recipient.

Just as if the topic were men beating up women, the impetus would be from men -- the perps. Not the victims.
The accusers are framing the problem in blackness.
It's remarkable but not surprising that every time the police kill an innocent black man,

all the RW'ers want to talk about is how bad black people are.
Are you happier if you can believe that police brutality is color blind?

What victory exactly do you win if you win that argument?

There is no victory for them until the root cause is corrected.

The root cause of police brutality is what?

The root cause of their failed communities is politics of the Democrats.

Let me repeat the question.

What is the root cause of police brutality?
The negro is the root cause. When you get rid of the negro, police brutality ends due to the nation returning to civility.

See, now here is the perfect example of the old racism vs. the new racism.

Old racism - McGarrett's post.

New racism - All of McGarrett's RW pals on USMB who wouldn't say such a thing in those words, but who use their silence to tacitly approve of it.
Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?
I notice ads on TV for people and businesses to come back to New York, and Minnesota. They focused on tax breaks, a Republican party platform. They offer reduced taxes for 10 years.

Strange how liberal states have lost so many jobs that they're turning into Republicans for 10 years hoping that they can induce companies to come back.
Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Statewide Business Ad Campaign Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

Those adds always make me chuckle.
What kind of idiot would open a business knowing full well that in ten years you were going to take a massive tax hit?
It defies logic.
It's remarkable but not surprising that every time the police kill an innocent black man,

all the RW'ers want to talk about is how bad black people are.

Would you rather discuss the black man who recently shot a police officer in the face and killed him? Oh wait...that would probably be "racist" of me to bring that up...right?
Is it?

Sez who?
I'm explaining the logic of the discussion.

Not accurately methinks. We'd have to have word from the street to make such a conclusion but everything I've heard points to police overreach being the impetus. And IIRC three of the officers charged by the DA are black.
No, the impetus is race. They aren't protesting cops profiling and allegedly abusing whites. So these riots are about blackness while the sports riots are done mostly by people who happen to be white and not in the name of whiteness. Kinda like a Charlie the Tuna misinterpretation.
As for three cops being black, that will be problematic for the demagogues in office who foment and perpetuate the race problem.

Uhhhhmmm..... if the perceived problem is that cops are beating up on blacks, then the actor in that scene is police. The active party. Not the recipient.

Just as if the topic were men beating up women, the impetus would be from men -- the perps. Not the victims.
The accusers are framing the problem in blackness.

Where do you see that?
Considering half the instigating police are themselves black, that doesn't add up. No, the targets are black. The police were long ago integrated.
I'm explaining the logic of the discussion.

Not accurately methinks. We'd have to have word from the street to make such a conclusion but everything I've heard points to police overreach being the impetus. And IIRC three of the officers charged by the DA are black.
No, the impetus is race. They aren't protesting cops profiling and allegedly abusing whites. So these riots are about blackness while the sports riots are done mostly by people who happen to be white and not in the name of whiteness. Kinda like a Charlie the Tuna misinterpretation.
As for three cops being black, that will be problematic for the demagogues in office who foment and perpetuate the race problem.

Uhhhhmmm..... if the perceived problem is that cops are beating up on blacks, then the actor in that scene is police. The active party. Not the recipient.

Just as if the topic were men beating up women, the impetus would be from men -- the perps. Not the victims.
The accusers are framing the problem in blackness.

Where do you see that?
Considering half the instigating police are themselves black, that doesn't add up. No, the targets are black. The police were long ago integrated.

The "targets" that you refer to are CRIMINALS! If the Baltimore Police were targeting blacks then you'd be inferring that the black Police Chief and those black Police officers were complicit in racism. They didn't target someone because he was black...they targeted him because he was in a high crime area...they knew him to have a long history of drug related crimes...and when they showed up he took off running.
If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?

Uh...... what?

No idea what that's supposed to mean, but neither my environment nor my living conditions have bupkis to do with what political party (if any) my local government has. Frankly I don't even know what their affiliation is, I'd have to look them up. See, the word simply does not function on this childish Limblobian level of picking political teams and running up points on a scoreborad. All that accomplishes is selling Viagra to you gullibles. Has squat to do with reality.
Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?

Uh...... what?

No idea what that's supposed to mean, but neither my environment nor my living conditions have bupkis to do with what political party (if any) my local government has. Frankly I don't even know what their affiliation is, I'd have to look them up. See, the word simply does not function on this childish Limblobian level of picking political teams and running up points on a scoreborad. All that accomplishes is selling Viagra to you gullibles. Has squat to do with reality.

So you continue to claim that there is no difference in the outcome of a cities success or failure that has anything to do with the political persuasion of it's politicians?

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