Baltimore Is A Democrat Mess They're Trying To Blame On The Cops

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.

the facts prove you wrong. Baltimore (and Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, Philly, Newark) have been run by democrats, liberals, minorities, and unions for years. The mess those cities are in is the direct result of failed liberal policies, corrupt unions, and democrap philosophies.

Sorry dude, but that facts are what they are.

Once again, you can keep repeating the same meme over and over and over; without demonstration of why the theory works it's nothing more than an empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent.

Do you assclowns not know what that means?

"Yesterday the bank was robbed at 3:24 pm.
Mr. Smith was seen parking his car outside the bank at 3:22 pm.
Therefore, Mr. Smith robbed the bank."

Doesn't work on this planet. Coincidence does not equal causation. Sorry if that gets in the way of the Eliminationist black-whte dichotomy crusade to polarize and demonize on the basis of hypersimplified hackery you bereft-of-imagination parrots parrot, but that's just the way it is. When you can't prove your point ... you ain't got one.

What an incredibly inane attempt to deflect by subterfuge.

Democrats were in charge for the past 48 years in Baltimore - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

Democrats were responsible for designing and implementing the social and political policies in Baltimore - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

Social and political policies in Baltimore have failed - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

Who else would you propose to blame for the collapse in Baltimore?

I'm pretty sure the Dallas City Council didn't have anything to do with it. I checked with an Albuquerque city councilman - he said it never came up in their meetings.

Oh, another simple fact - $8.1 billion federal dollars to Baltimore over the past 10 years. It is virtually untraceable. Do you consider that money well spent? Do you want to send them even more?

Celebrate Diversity


One is the result of bad parenting and wrong. Can you spot the difference?
What's even more ironic about your non-sequitur picture is that the subjects of your photo are celebrating the accomplishments of a bunch of blacks.

Is that what you call a white riot? A Celebration?

Thats clever
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.
The Condition of Baltimore - (can we safely say that Democrat policies have had a direct influence on this?) - from CNN Money

Recent clashes in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray have shined yet another light on the mounting tensions between black communities and police in America's cities. But it is far from the whole story.
When comparing measures of income, employment, poverty, housing, incarceration and overall health, the city's black residents are living in a very different city than their wealthier white neighbors.

Just over 63% of Baltimore's population is black and here are some of the stunning disparities they face.


Baltimoreis located in the richest state in the country, Maryland, which makes comparing the incomes of blacks in Baltimore to the median income of the state overall particularly stark, with an almost $40,000 a year a difference in earnings.

But even if you compare the incomes of blacks versus whites living within the city of Baltimore, a large chasm still exists. White residents in the city make almost twice as much as black residents.



The gross disparity in income has a lot to do with jobs.

Decades of decline in the manufacturing and shipping industries and a shrinking population have left large sections of the city in economic despair.

Meanwhile, there's been an influx of jobs in fields that are seeking white collar, college-educated workers, such as cyber security, life sciences and information technology, said Anirban Basu, CEO of Sage Policy Group, an economic and policy consulting group in Baltimore.

For young black men between the ages of 20 and 24, the unemployment rate was an astounding 37% in 2013, according to the most recent data available fromthe U.S. Census Bureau. That's compared with 10% for white men of the same age.

Even though hiring has picked up in Baltimore since 2013, Basu says the trend continues. And overall, unemployment is still much higher in Baltimore than it is nationwide.



The housing picture is not any prettier. The median value of owner-occupied housing units in Baltimore is $157,900. That's barely half the $292,700 median for Maryland and still fairly well below the national median of $176,700.

Abandoned buildings have long been a problem. The city has an estimated 16,000 vacant buildings and another 14,000 vacant lots, according to the Housing Authority of Baltimore City. And some neighborhoods are far worse. In the blighted neighborhoods of Sandtown-Winchester and Harlem Park, the area where Gray reportedly lived, almost a quarter of buildings were vacant in 2011, according to the city.


Nearly 24% of Baltimore's population is living below the poverty line, which is $20,090 a year for a family of three.

The percentage goes up from there when looking at just children, with 35% living below the poverty line and 61% living in low-income households that have incomes that are less than two times the poverty level.



Baltimore is home to Johns Hopkins University, one of the nation's top medical schools and hospitals, but it is not the healthiest city.

Life expectancy rates in the neighborhoods of Upton and Druid Heights -- where median income is well below the poverty line at $13,388 a year -- isonly 63 years old. That's 20 years lower than the 83-year life expectancy for Roland Park, less than five miles away. In that neighborhood, the median income is $90,492.



One reason the economy in Baltimore is so depressed is because so many of its residents are in prison.

One-third of Maryland residents in the state's prisons are from the city of Baltimore. And it comes at a huge cost to the state: An estimated $220 million is spent incarcerating people from just 25 communities in Baltimore each year.
the facts prove you wrong. Baltimore (and Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, Philly, Newark) have been run by democrats, liberals, minorities, and unions for years. The mess those cities are in is the direct result of failed liberal policies, corrupt unions, and democrap philosophies.

Sorry dude, but that facts are what they are.

Once again, you can keep repeating the same meme over and over and over; without demonstration of why the theory works it's nothing more than an empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent.

Do you assclowns not know what that means?

"Yesterday the bank was robbed at 3:24 pm.
Mr. Smith was seen parking his car outside the bank at 3:22 pm.
Therefore, Mr. Smith robbed the bank."

Doesn't work on this planet. Coincidence does not equal causation. Sorry if that gets in the way of the Eliminationist black-whte dichotomy crusade to polarize and demonize on the basis of hypersimplified hackery you bereft-of-imagination parrots parrot, but that's just the way it is. When you can't prove your point ... you ain't got one.

I responded to your whining about nobody being willing to show how Democrats running cities differ from Republicans running them by giving the example of their different approaches to education...and what did you do, Pogo? You totally ignored that post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So shut the fuck up about the "empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent"! You rant about nobody being able to answer your queries but when someone does you pretend their post doesn't exist.

Dafuck dood? You posted that in the wee hours of the morning. Sorry I do not stay up all night just because Someone is Wrong on the Internet. Even now I'm not caught up yet on my alerts. The world doesn't revolve around you, dood.

What about these "different approaches to education"? What are they? And how do they produce riots, slums, criminal violence etc? What does a city run by Party A do differently than a city run by Party B?

Did you want to address how the Democratic Party's being owned by the Teacher's Unions has led to our public school systems being an utter cluster fuck? How Democrats vote to prevent funding for Charter Schools and vouchers for private schools because that's what the Teacher's Unions tell them to do?

No, because it ain't my job to feed your strawman. I actually know some teachers, intimately, and this doesn't strike a true tone at all. If not for wackos on boards like this I would have never heard of the idea. What does that tell you...

Do you want to address how those same teachers don't give a damn about our kids getting a quality education if it means that they would no longer have a monopoly on education? Or are you going to whine about how you can't get "caught up" some more while you do your best to ignore the point I've made?

Again, see above. Your posting wacko generalization fallacies on the internet doesn't suddenly breathe life into them. Even Dr. Frankenstein needed a spark.

Race isn't the issue in Baltimore. It's a Democratic mayor for the last 50 years, it's an all Democratic city council, it's a Democratic prosecutor, it's a Democrat police chief.

It's a Democratic issue as it has been in Detroit.

Again, another restatement of the same meme without demonstration. Yawn.

And again another failure to answer.

Why can't you asswipes just man up and admit that your entire premise is a house of cards?

Why don't YOU answer my post?

Just did. Again.

Tells me you have lived a very sheltered life - hidden from the reality that exists 'out there'. Come out into the sunshine.

Celebrate Diversity


One is the result of bad parenting and wrong. Can you spot the difference?
What's even more ironic about your non-sequitur picture is that the subjects of your photo are celebrating the accomplishments of a bunch of blacks.

Is that what you call a white riot? A Celebration?

Thats clever
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
Once again, you can keep repeating the same meme over and over and over; without demonstration of why the theory works it's nothing more than an empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent.

Do you assclowns not know what that means?

"Yesterday the bank was robbed at 3:24 pm.
Mr. Smith was seen parking his car outside the bank at 3:22 pm.
Therefore, Mr. Smith robbed the bank."

Doesn't work on this planet. Coincidence does not equal causation. Sorry if that gets in the way of the Eliminationist black-whte dichotomy crusade to polarize and demonize on the basis of hypersimplified hackery you bereft-of-imagination parrots parrot, but that's just the way it is. When you can't prove your point ... you ain't got one.

I responded to your whining about nobody being willing to show how Democrats running cities differ from Republicans running them by giving the example of their different approaches to education...and what did you do, Pogo? You totally ignored that post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So shut the fuck up about the "empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent"! You rant about nobody being able to answer your queries but when someone does you pretend their post doesn't exist.

Dafuck dood? You posted that in the wee hours of the morning. Sorry I do not stay up all night just because Someone is Wrong on the Internet. Even now I'm not caught up yet on my alerts. The world doesn't revolve around you, dood.

What about these "different approaches to education"? What are they? And how do they produce riots, slums, criminal violence etc? What does a city run by Party A do differently than a city run by Party B?

Did you want to address how the Democratic Party's being owned by the Teacher's Unions has led to our public school systems being an utter cluster fuck? How Democrats vote to prevent funding for Charter Schools and vouchers for private schools because that's what the Teacher's Unions tell them to do? Do you want to address how those same teachers don't give a damn about our kids getting a quality education if it means that they would no longer have a monopoly on education? Or are you going to whine about how you can't get "caught up" some more while you do your best to ignore the point I've made?

It isn't just about the Teacher Union that tells them what to do, it's also about the money that they get from them.

Is education better in states where the teacher's unions are weaker?

As a matter of fact, it is ... look it up.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.

the facts prove you wrong. Baltimore (and Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, Philly, Newark) have been run by democrats, liberals, minorities, and unions for years. The mess those cities are in is the direct result of failed liberal policies, corrupt unions, and democrap philosophies.

Sorry dude, but that facts are what they are.

Once again, you can keep repeating the same meme over and over and over; without demonstration of why the theory works it's nothing more than an empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent.

Do you assclowns not know what that means?

"Yesterday the bank was robbed at 3:24 pm.
Mr. Smith was seen parking his car outside the bank at 3:22 pm.
Therefore, Mr. Smith robbed the bank."

Doesn't work on this planet. Coincidence does not equal causation. Sorry if that gets in the way of the Eliminationist black-whte dichotomy crusade to polarize and demonize on the basis of hypersimplified hackery you bereft-of-imagination parrots parrot, but that's just the way it is. When you can't prove your point ... you ain't got one.

What an incredibly inane attempt to deflect by subterfuge.

Democrats were in charge for the past 48 years in Baltimore - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

Democrats were responsible for designing and implementing the social and political policies in Baltimore - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

No Sparky, I think we can't. My whole point this entire time is that political philosophies don't have room to flex on a city level. And that sociocultural trends are just that -- not political.

Social and political policies in Baltimore have failed - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

What social and political policies would these be then?
You think Baltimore is unique among US cities? Really, you're going there?

Who else would you propose to blame for the collapse in Baltimore?

It just might be that "finding someone to blame" isn't my objective here.
Ever think of that?
What exactly is the point of this partisan bullshit that's been overwhelmed by realities over and over in here?

I'm pretty sure the Dallas City Council didn't have anything to do with it. I checked with an Albuquerque city councilman - he said it never came up in their meetings.

Oh, another simple fact - $8.1 billion federal dollars to Baltimore over the past 10 years. It is virtually untraceable. Do you consider that money well spent? Do you want to send them even more?

And what does it have to do with the point of political philosophies running cities anyway? And what does it have to do with rioting?
It's rather clear that education IS better when Charter Schools and private school vouchers are allowed and yet at the behest of the teacher's unions, Democratic politicians vote against those things. Why?

Appeal to Common Sense fallacy. "It seems right to me, therefore it is".


From TakePart -

Sylvia Blain, a mother of two sons, knows the opportunities that come with charter schools.

Blain, who lives in North Little Rock, Arkansas, sent her sons to a local charter school for several years before transitioning them into traditional public schools. Both children, however, had vastly different experiences at the charter school.

“One child was very geared to the math and science focus of the school,” Blain told TakePart. “The other child found that his creative needs were not met. I did feel like the smaller student-to-teacher ratio was a plus for us and the relationships we made with the staff were more personal. The school went out of its way to learn as much as they could about the individual child in order to cater to their academic needs.”

A new study by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools reports that these innovative schools are “providing excellent learning opportunities for students.”

The report’s analysis notes that students who attended charter schools for four years have “stronger achievement growth than traditional public school students and non-CMO charter students in both reading and math.”

The study also looks at charter schools vs. public schools in an array of states, including Florida, Massachusetts, and New Jersey.

In every case, it seems that charter school students outrank their traditional public school peers. For example, the study reports that “on average, students in Washington, D.C. who attended public charter schools scored 15 and 16 percent of a standard deviation better in reading and math respectively.”

In New Jersey, students enrolled in urban charter schools learn significantly more in both math and reading compared to their traditional public school peers.

So are students really getting a better education in charter schools?

“The question, ‘Do students get a better education in charter schools?’ is complicated,” Ross Danis, president and CEO of Newark Trust for Education, told TakePart.

He says that a great school is a great school regardless of its classification.

“There are effective charters and ineffective charters, and there are effective district schools and ineffective district schools, he said. “As a whole, Newark has a higher percentage of high-performing charters that the entire State of New Jersey.”

Celebrate Diversity


One is the result of bad parenting and wrong. Can you spot the difference?
What's even more ironic about your non-sequitur picture is that the subjects of your photo are celebrating the accomplishments of a bunch of blacks.

Is that what you call a white riot? A Celebration?

Thats clever
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

One is the result of bad parenting and wrong. Can you spot the difference?
What's even more ironic about your non-sequitur picture is that the subjects of your photo are celebrating the accomplishments of a bunch of blacks.

Is that what you call a white riot? A Celebration?

Thats clever
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
What's even more ironic about your non-sequitur picture is that the subjects of your photo are celebrating the accomplishments of a bunch of blacks.

Is that what you call a white riot? A Celebration?

Thats clever
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
Where do you see white people rioting in the name of white people 'all the time'?
That is not racism. Cops do that to everyone no matter what color they are when the resist arrest.
That will be clarified at the trial.
What is evidence of cops wrong doing, is they ignored his request for medical help 2 times.

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

First, why do you keep saying he resisted arrest when its not true?

When somebody runs, if they had to tackle him to keep him from evading or the fact he was being drug rather than walked to the police van meant he didn't go willingly.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.

the facts prove you wrong. Baltimore (and Detroit, Cleveland, New Orleans, Philly, Newark) have been run by democrats, liberals, minorities, and unions for years. The mess those cities are in is the direct result of failed liberal policies, corrupt unions, and democrap philosophies.

Sorry dude, but that facts are what they are.

Once again, you can keep repeating the same meme over and over and over; without demonstration of why the theory works it's nothing more than an empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent.

Do you assclowns not know what that means?

"Yesterday the bank was robbed at 3:24 pm.
Mr. Smith was seen parking his car outside the bank at 3:22 pm.
Therefore, Mr. Smith robbed the bank."

Doesn't work on this planet. Coincidence does not equal causation. Sorry if that gets in the way of the Eliminationist black-whte dichotomy crusade to polarize and demonize on the basis of hypersimplified hackery you bereft-of-imagination parrots parrot, but that's just the way it is. When you can't prove your point ... you ain't got one.

What an incredibly inane attempt to deflect by subterfuge.

Democrats were in charge for the past 48 years in Baltimore - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

Democrats were responsible for designing and implementing the social and political policies in Baltimore - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

No Sparky, I think we can't. My whole point this entire time is that political philosophies don't have room to flex on a city level. And that sociocultural trends are just that -- not political.

Social and political policies in Baltimore have failed - I think we can agree on that simple fact.

What social and political policies would these be then?
You think Baltimore is unique among US cities? Really, you're going there?

Who else would you propose to blame for the collapse in Baltimore?

It just might be that "finding someone to blame" isn't my objective here.
Ever think of that?
What exactly is the point of this partisan bullshit that's been overwhelmed by realities over and over in here?

I'm pretty sure the Dallas City Council didn't have anything to do with it. I checked with an Albuquerque city councilman - he said it never came up in their meetings.

Oh, another simple fact - $8.1 billion federal dollars to Baltimore over the past 10 years. It is virtually untraceable. Do you consider that money well spent? Do you want to send them even more?

And what does it have to do with the point of political philosophies running cities anyway? And what does it have to do with rioting?

Who manages the city budgets Pogo?
Why do the voters vote for Republican or Democrat City Mayors or Councilmen?
Baltimore has been given more and more money from the Federal Government and yet the money is not helping the communities.
More government is what Dem's think that is needed and it is not working. It's getting worse.
Republicans think that the programs need to be reformed and done differently.
It is working better for communities that does reform their programs.
We have been doing the Marshall Plan for the inner city, including Baltimore, since 1964. It's called the War on Poverty. Total cost, $22 trillion and it is not working.
The system needs to be changed and the Dem's are fighting it tooth and nail.
Is that what you call a white riot? A Celebration?

Thats clever
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
Where do you see white people rioting in the name of white people 'all the time'?

Somebody else posted this recently:
History of White Riots and Race in America

(note the list is incomplete)
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
Where do you see white people rioting in the name of white people 'all the time'?

Somebody else posted this recently:
History of White Riots and Race in America

(note the list is incomplete)

Isn't there something more recent rather than 100 years ago?
Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
Where do you see white people rioting in the name of white people 'all the time'?

Somebody else posted this recently:
History of White Riots and Race in America

(note the list is incomplete)

Isn't there something more recent rather than 100 years ago?

But of course -- 1921 is simply where that page stopped listing. They could have gone on with Rosewood (1923); Ossian Sweet (1925); the Sojourner Truth Homes riot (1942); the Zoot Suit and Detroit riots (both 1943); Columbia Tennessee and Airport Homes riots (both 1946); Peekskill (1949); Cicero (1951); "Ax Handle Saturday" (1960); Ole Miss (1962).... and like those last two, innumerable riots, massacres, murders and various terrorism visited upon civil rights demonstrators, not to mention even more innumerable such acts by the Klan on smaller scales, not to mention lynchings that went on into that same period complete with body part "souvenirs" and postcards commemorating the event....
It's not a white riot. It's a sports celebration by a bunch of entitled college fucks. The idiots next door to me at the U of MD set the trend.

Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
Where do you see white people rioting in the name of white people 'all the time'?

Somebody else posted this recently:
History of White Riots and Race in America

(note the list is incomplete)
You left the Crusades out of your rationalization.
Thats cute...and part of the problem.

Doesnt that indicate a lack of good parenting? Culture of violence? Or does all those assumptions go out the window when you change the skin color of the rioter?
No, the dynamic is completely different. One is anomalous while the other is the standard.

Thats what I'm saying white people riot all the dam time...sorry I meant...White people celebrate by destroying property and attacking police all the time yet no questions about upbringing? Single moms? Lack of respect? Destroying your own community?
Where do you see white people rioting in the name of white people 'all the time'?

Somebody else posted this recently:
History of White Riots and Race in America

(note the list is incomplete)
You left the Crusades out of your rationalization.

They weren't racial.
They left out labor and political uprisings too, which were peppered all over the 19th century and well into the 20th. But you did ask for "white people rioting in the name of white people", so there you go. Custom results.

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