Baltimore Is A Democrat Mess They're Trying To Blame On The Cops

It's rather clear that education IS better when Charter Schools and private school vouchers are allowed and yet at the behest of the teacher's unions, Democratic politicians vote against those things. Why?

Because the teachers unions have formed a crime family with Democratic politicians, the politicians raise taxes, give the money to the teachers unions, they kick back part of the money to the politicians. A scheme that would make a mob boss green with envy.

As private sector unions shrank the Dem's were desperate for money so they unionized public employees, now if they need more money they just raise taxes. That's why the working poor and middle class in states like NJ live on slave wages while the teachers union hammers them with insanely high taxes. The politicians who are supposed to be representing the tax payers in negotiations with the unions instead are collaborating with them on how to squeeze more and more out of the taxpayers.

Certainly there is corruption in entrenched political machines. That's why political parties are dangerous, and why I don't partake of them.

But that's got nothing to do with philosophical ideologies of what day the garbage gets picked up or whether an intersection should have a stop sign.

It has everything to do with the polices they set for their city police departments.
See what the new racism looks like?

He did not resist arrest in any manner that justified the use of force sufficient to kill him.

That is not racism. Cops do that to everyone no matter what color they are when the resist arrest.
That will be clarified at the trial.
What is evidence of cops wrong doing, is they ignored his request for medical help 2 times.

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

That is why I am waiting for the autopsy.
Bzzt. Time's up. If you're in the States you live in New York, when three million people move out. There's no other way to make a "city of five million". Now tell me about who runs New York.


By city alone, only New York City has over 5,000,000.
By metropolitan area, 12 US cities have over 5 million, they include (not in any particular order) New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco, Detroit, Boston, Washington DC, Atlanta, and Miami.

Those are MSAs. The poster cited Asheville as "under 100,000". You can't take a city-limits population here and compare to an MSA there. Again that's more dishonesty. Asheville's MSA is 442,316.

Still a piss ant city.


And how come you lied about your city's population?

Houston has five million including the surrounding areas yet we never have riots.
Care to explain that? Hell,we even have a liberal lesbian mayor yet we have no riots.
Maybe it's more of a culture thing but blacks in the south sure seem more civilized.

Houston Has Its Own History of Race Riots

Granted the last listed event was 1978. Which was also the last time Houston had a Republican mayor. Ever since then --- all Democrats. And in that time, as you tell us, "no such problems".

Your theory's going down in flames here.

Live by the political fake football score fallacy ---- die by it.
See what the new racism looks like?

He did not resist arrest in any manner that justified the use of force sufficient to kill him.

That is not racism. Cops do that to everyone no matter what color they are when the resist arrest.
That will be clarified at the trial.
What is evidence of cops wrong doing, is they ignored his request for medical help 2 times.

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

First, why do you keep saying he resisted arrest when its not true?
See what the new racism looks like?

He did not resist arrest in any manner that justified the use of force sufficient to kill him.

That is not racism. Cops do that to everyone no matter what color they are when the resist arrest.
That will be clarified at the trial.
What is evidence of cops wrong doing, is they ignored his request for medical help 2 times.

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.
By city alone, only New York City has over 5,000,000.
By metropolitan area, 12 US cities have over 5 million, they include (not in any particular order) New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco, Detroit, Boston, Washington DC, Atlanta, and Miami.

Those are MSAs. The poster cited Asheville as "under 100,000". You can't take a city-limits population here and compare to an MSA there. Again that's more dishonesty. Asheville's MSA is 442,316.

Still a piss ant city.


And how come you lied about your city's population?

Houston has five million including the surrounding areas yet we never have riots.
Care to explain that? Hell,we even have a liberal lesbian mayor yet we have no riots.
Maybe it's more of a culture thing but blacks in the south sure seem more civilized.

Houston Has Its Own History of Race Riots

Granted the last listed event was 1978. Which was also the last time Houston had a Republican mayor. Ever since then --- all Democrats. And in that time, as you tell us, "no such problems".

Your theory's going down in flames here.

The only thing dem about Houston is the inner city.
You know,where all the homos and blacks live?
And it's a good thing we run conservative business practices or we might be like Bmore.
That is not racism. Cops do that to everyone no matter what color they are when the resist arrest.
That will be clarified at the trial.
What is evidence of cops wrong doing, is they ignored his request for medical help 2 times.

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

First, why do you keep saying he resisted arrest when its not true?

Since when is running not resisting?
That is not racism. Cops do that to everyone no matter what color they are when the resist arrest.
That will be clarified at the trial.
What is evidence of cops wrong doing, is they ignored his request for medical help 2 times.

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc
Those are MSAs. The poster cited Asheville as "under 100,000". You can't take a city-limits population here and compare to an MSA there. Again that's more dishonesty. Asheville's MSA is 442,316.

Still a piss ant city.


And how come you lied about your city's population?

Houston has five million including the surrounding areas yet we never have riots.
Care to explain that? Hell,we even have a liberal lesbian mayor yet we have no riots.
Maybe it's more of a culture thing but blacks in the south sure seem more civilized.

Houston Has Its Own History of Race Riots

Granted the last listed event was 1978. Which was also the last time Houston had a Republican mayor. Ever since then --- all Democrats. And in that time, as you tell us, "no such problems".

Your theory's going down in flames here.

The only thing dem about Houston is the inner city.
You know,where all the homos and blacks live?

If there was any shred of a question left as to the goal being "divide and polarize" --- you just shredded it.

Thanks for that.
I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

First, why do you keep saying he resisted arrest when its not true?

Since when is running not resisting?

So, since when did you start calling the police liars?
Still a piss ant city.


And how come you lied about your city's population?

Houston has five million including the surrounding areas yet we never have riots.
Care to explain that? Hell,we even have a liberal lesbian mayor yet we have no riots.
Maybe it's more of a culture thing but blacks in the south sure seem more civilized.

Houston Has Its Own History of Race Riots

Granted the last listed event was 1978. Which was also the last time Houston had a Republican mayor. Ever since then --- all Democrats. And in that time, as you tell us, "no such problems".

Your theory's going down in flames here.

The only thing dem about Houston is the inner city.
You know,where all the homos and blacks live?

If there was any shred of a question left as to the goal being "divide and polarize" --- you just shredded it.

Thanks for that.

Sounds like the dems in bmore are doing a fine job of that.
We have to give them room to destroy dont cha know.....
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

First, why do you keep saying he resisted arrest when its not true?

Since when is running not resisting?

So, since when did you start calling the police liars?

Is running resisting arrest or not?
I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....

I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

There you go problem solved, the people of Baltimore just stop breaking the law and behave. Hell they would probably have to lay off a bunch of police officers as they would have nothing to do.
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


I'm still waiting for that list of conservative cities experiencing the problems of Bmore and Ferguson......
The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


I'm still waiting for that list of conservative cities experiencing the problems of Bmore and Ferguson......

Unfortunately since I'm not a partisan hack I don't delude myself that there are "liberal" and "conservative" cities, and hence have not bothered to look them up in search of a point I already know would be bullshit in the first place. I said at the outset, before this thread was hatched, that these conditions are sociocultural, not political. Now you want ME to labor under YOUR theory -- one I don't even believe in?

Nor do I believe in cherrypicking. But you go on wallowing in a failed partisan hack theory that's been squished like a bug.

As always, burden of proof is on the asserter. That burden has yet to be met. The original question was pointed to the OP. He wouldn't even touch it.

But I will add this, since it came up in another thread:
Ferguson Missouri is run by Republicans.

Last edited:
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

There you go problem solved, the people of Baltimore just stop breaking the law and behave. Hell they would probably have to lay off a bunch of police officers as they would have nothing to do.

And then butterflies will land on your finger and sing songs to you
Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


I'm still waiting for that list of conservative cities experiencing the problems of Bmore and Ferguson......

Unfortunately since I'm not a partisan hack I don't delude myself that there are "liberal" and "conservative" cities, and hence have not bothered to look them up in search of a point I already know would be bullshit in the first place.

Nor do I believe in cherrypicking. But you go on wallowing in a failed partisan hack theory that's been squished like a bug.

So you dont think there are liberal and conservative cities?
Than why is it you liberals are always dogging on conservative cities and states?

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