Baltimore Is A Democrat Mess They're Trying To Blame On The Cops

Celebrate Diversity


One is the result of bad parenting and wrong. Can you spot the difference?
If the citizens in Baltimore were law abiding and well behaved there would be no problems in Baltimore.

Well duh, that would be the case in any state, city etc

First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


I'm still waiting for that list of conservative cities experiencing the problems of Bmore and Ferguson......

Unfortunately since I'm not a partisan hack I don't delude myself that there are "liberal" and "conservative" cities, and hence have not bothered to look them up in search of a point I already know would be bullshit in the first place.

Nor do I believe in cherrypicking. But you go on wallowing in a failed partisan hack theory that's been squished like a bug.

So you dont think there are liberal and conservative cities?
Than why is it you liberals are always dogging on conservative cities and states?

Link? :dunno:
There is no victory for them until the root cause is corrected.

The root cause of police brutality is what?

The root cause of their failed communities is politics of the Democrats.

Let me repeat the question.

What is the root cause of police brutality?

the root cause? a few bad cops.

Now, what is the root cause of thugism in our inner cities?

If they're bad cops why does this forum have thousands of posts by certain conservatives trying to defend them?

no one is defending bad cops. Why do you left wing fools assume that all cops are bad when its only a very few?
The mayor is black. The council is almost two-thirds black. The school superintendent is black. The police chief is black, and a majority of his officers are black.

Race riots inevitably end in contention over what social woes led to the trigger point, with one overarching element: a white power structure ruling a black populace.

Baltimore left behind that vestige of segregation long ago, yet the city nonetheless has been perched on the edge of chaos for much of this week, as African American protesters took to the streets to express grievances over police abuse and urban neglect.

Black power in Baltimore When African American leaders confront racial unrest - LA Times

Too many have the same mindset. I see people in that city who have no self respect and no sense of community. How can a person have respect for others when they have none for themselves?

Too many years of convincing people that they are entitled to so many things because they are otherwise helpless to do for themselves is at the root of this.

If parents can't or won't teach their children that we are all part of society and that it's best to be an asset rather than a negative, we might as well give up. The left's rhetoric fosters hostility towards society in general and places the blame on those who haven't thrown in the towel and run to nanny government.

The key to changing things isn't blaming the wrong people or throwing money at the problem. It's about talking to all the parents about what they are teaching their children, either with negative talk or by example. They need to understand that their own attitude and behavior will ultimately determine their future.

Some lefties were outraged when a mother was praised for harshly dealing with her rioting young son. That kid stands a chance at becoming something because he has a mom who is not only determined to teach him right and wrong but that there are consequences for choosing what is wrong.

If we don't change the way parents think, we won't change anything. Appeasing or humoring people will keep this going forever.

We could get rid of cops altogether, but it won't stop poverty or criminal activity. Parents should be telling their kids to stay out of trouble to prevent run-ins with cops in the first place. Teens at home doing homework or behaving when they are out and about don't have the problem of needing to run from cops.

I am tired of hearing some on the left say that violence is sometimes the only way to bring about change. It's not. Sad part is that too many don't understand the right way of doing things and will always choose violence. Some parents failed miserably and when we have people like Sharpton echoing what the lousy parents are teaching, those kids are doomed.
Once again, you can keep repeating the same meme over and over and over; without demonstration of why the theory works it's nothing more than an empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent.

Do you assclowns not know what that means?

"Yesterday the bank was robbed at 3:24 pm.
Mr. Smith was seen parking his car outside the bank at 3:22 pm.
Therefore, Mr. Smith robbed the bank."

Doesn't work on this planet. Coincidence does not equal causation. Sorry if that gets in the way of the Eliminationist black-whte dichotomy crusade to polarize and demonize on the basis of hypersimplified hackery you bereft-of-imagination parrots parrot, but that's just the way it is. When you can't prove your point ... you ain't got one.

I responded to your whining about nobody being willing to show how Democrats running cities differ from Republicans running them by giving the example of their different approaches to education...and what did you do, Pogo? You totally ignored that post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So shut the fuck up about the "empty fallacy of Affirming the Consequent"! You rant about nobody being able to answer your queries but when someone does you pretend their post doesn't exist.

Dafuck dood? You posted that in the wee hours of the morning. Sorry I do not stay up all night just because Someone is Wrong on the Internet. Even now I'm not caught up yet on my alerts. The world doesn't revolve around you, dood.

What about these "different approaches to education"? What are they? And how do they produce riots, slums, criminal violence etc? What does a city run by Party A do differently than a city run by Party B?

Did you want to address how the Democratic Party's being owned by the Teacher's Unions has led to our public school systems being an utter cluster fuck? How Democrats vote to prevent funding for Charter Schools and vouchers for private schools because that's what the Teacher's Unions tell them to do? Do you want to address how those same teachers don't give a damn about our kids getting a quality education if it means that they would no longer have a monopoly on education? Or are you going to whine about how you can't get "caught up" some more while you do your best to ignore the point I've made?

It isn't just about the Teacher Union that tells them what to do, it's also about the money that they get from them.

Is education better in states where the teacher's unions are weaker?

in a word, Yes.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.

I seriously doubt Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be any different than the other thousand 'Task Forces' of the past. So i hate to sound racist, but come on Black Folks, you gotta get it together. Time to try something different. You don't have much to lose at this point.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.


Or run away, like you usually do when challenged.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.

I seriously doubt Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be any different than the other thousand 'Task Forces' of the past. So i hate to sound racist, but come on Black Folks, you gotta get it together. Time to try something different. You don't have much to lose at this point.

the good thing is that many black leaders understand what needs to be done and are speaking out against the race baiters and lying liberal democrats who have created the problems.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.


Or run away, like you usually do when challenged.

Yes i know, you believe Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be the one that works. It'll somehow be way different than the other thousand Democrat 'Task Forces' of the past. This will be the one that fixes things. Well guess what? It won't be. It's just more insanity. 50yrs is enough. It's time for change in Baltimore.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.


Or run away, like you usually do when challenged.

Yes i know, you believe Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be the one that works. It'll somehow be way different than the other thousand Democrat 'Task Forces' of the past. This will be the one that fixes things. Well guess what? It won't be. It's just more insanity. 50yrs is enough. It's time for change in Baltimore.

I didn't say a fucking word about any "task force". I don't even know (or care) about it.

What I'm challenging you to do, and what you're courageously running away from, is to explain this idea that political philosophies somehow run cities.

Don't feel bad, the other water carriers ran away from that question too. I guess it beats having to go on the internet and admit you were spewing bullshit. That would be too much like honesty.
Too many have the same mindset. I see people in that city who have no self respect and no sense of community. How can a person have respect for others when they have none for themselves?

What you claim to see is actually your own biases. I feel like I have to say this: You cannot see someones self respect or sense of community. Those are your assumptions based on preconceived biases
Baltimore = shit hole. It has been 100% Democrat controlled since 1966. Ditto other shit holes like Detroit or Chicago.

The facts are the facts. :(

Compare those cities with any measure (crime stats, poverty rate, high school drop out rates) versus a city with predominate GOP power structure like Salt Lake City.

Sorry...but Game. Set. Match.

Dem policies have destroyed many cities. That cannot be denied.

Did I call it or what?

Pee Wee Herman. Kind of a Post Hoc Ergo Ad Infinitum.
What a maroon.

No sweetie. Dems have controlled Baltimore for 50 years. The results of their policies speak for themselves. They suck. Only idiots like you buy the bullshit anymore. :D

And you just did it yet again -- stated the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Face it. You can't answer the question. That's because it has no answer, and that's because the premise is bullshit in the first place. It always has been.

Just admit you have no point. It's obviously deluding no one.

It most definitely has an answer Pogo.
You are bringing up trash and snowplows which has nothing to do with why Dems are failing at how they run their cities.
They fail at how they run their city budgets.
They don't protect their city businesses from rioters.
They promise city workers too many perks for their jobs without having any plans to pay for them.
Their city roads suck because they move the funds for that, to building downtown or other areas in the city up. They think that will bring more taxes and it usually fails.
This is just a few of many and I mean many reasons why Dems fail at running their cities and why they go down the tubes.

The richest cities in America are run by Democrats.

Actually, that's not even remotely true ... but what is true is the fact that the cities with the highest debt load and highest crime rates are all run by Democrats.
Did I call it or what?

Pee Wee Herman. Kind of a Post Hoc Ergo Ad Infinitum.
What a maroon.

No sweetie. Dems have controlled Baltimore for 50 years. The results of their policies speak for themselves. They suck. Only idiots like you buy the bullshit anymore. :D

And you just did it yet again -- stated the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Face it. You can't answer the question. That's because it has no answer, and that's because the premise is bullshit in the first place. It always has been.

Just admit you have no point. It's obviously deluding no one.

It most definitely has an answer Pogo.
You are bringing up trash and snowplows which has nothing to do with why Dems are failing at how they run their cities.
They fail at how they run their city budgets.
They don't protect their city businesses from rioters.
They promise city workers too many perks for their jobs without having any plans to pay for them.
Their city roads suck because they move the funds for that, to building downtown or other areas in the city up. They think that will bring more taxes and it usually fails.
This is just a few of many and I mean many reasons why Dems fail at running their cities and why they go down the tubes.

The richest cities in America are run by Democrats.

Actually, that's not even remotely true ... but what is true is the fact that the cities with the highest debt load and highest crime rates are all run by Democrats.

Most cities everywhere are run by Democrats.
Know what else they all have in common? Buildings. It must be the buildings doing it. Even in Republican cities (like Ferguson) they have buildings.

This is what I mean by Affirming the Consequent Fallacy. We squashed the same kind of shit-rhetoric with the wags who kept insisting FGM and "honor killing" are "Muslim" practices. Again, cultural aspects dishonestly attributed to a demon target, in that case religious bigotry. Before that it was the old "Hitler was a Liberal" malarkey. Again, Eliminationists attempting to demonize and eradicate that with which they disagree.

But to the point quoted, as to the "richest cities" -- in which according to this list the top ten are:

1. San Francisco
2. San Jose
3. Washington, D.C
4. Seattle
5. San Diego
6. Boston
7. New York
8. Los Angeles
9. Denver
10. Austin

You can go ahead and look up who runs them. I'm not going to bother.

None so blind...
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