Baltimore Is A Democrat Mess They're Trying To Blame On The Cops

Not accurately methinks. We'd have to have word from the street to make such a conclusion but everything I've heard points to police overreach being the impetus. And IIRC three of the officers charged by the DA are black.
No, the impetus is race. They aren't protesting cops profiling and allegedly abusing whites. So these riots are about blackness while the sports riots are done mostly by people who happen to be white and not in the name of whiteness. Kinda like a Charlie the Tuna misinterpretation.
As for three cops being black, that will be problematic for the demagogues in office who foment and perpetuate the race problem.

Uhhhhmmm..... if the perceived problem is that cops are beating up on blacks, then the actor in that scene is police. The active party. Not the recipient.

Just as if the topic were men beating up women, the impetus would be from men -- the perps. Not the victims.
The accusers are framing the problem in blackness.

Where do you see that?
Considering half the instigating police are themselves black, that doesn't add up. No, the targets are black. The police were long ago integrated.

The "targets" that you refer to are CRIMINALS! If the Baltimore Police were targeting blacks then you'd be inferring that the black Police Chief and those black Police officers were complicit in racism. They didn't target someone because he was black...they targeted him because he was in a high crime area...they knew him to have a long history of drug related crimes...and when they showed up he took off running.

"Targets" means in the active perception. Try reading the context first -- the tangent was about what the impetus for the riots is. To get at that we have to get inside the rioters' collective head. "Targets" is how they see themselves. What the police's perspective is is irrelevant to that.
Not accurately methinks. We'd have to have word from the street to make such a conclusion but everything I've heard points to police overreach being the impetus. And IIRC three of the officers charged by the DA are black.
No, the impetus is race. They aren't protesting cops profiling and allegedly abusing whites. So these riots are about blackness while the sports riots are done mostly by people who happen to be white and not in the name of whiteness. Kinda like a Charlie the Tuna misinterpretation.
As for three cops being black, that will be problematic for the demagogues in office who foment and perpetuate the race problem.

Uhhhhmmm..... if the perceived problem is that cops are beating up on blacks, then the actor in that scene is police. The active party. Not the recipient.

Just as if the topic were men beating up women, the impetus would be from men -- the perps. Not the victims.
The accusers are framing the problem in blackness.

Where do you see that?
Considering half the instigating police are themselves black, that doesn't add up. No, the targets are black. The police were long ago integrated.

The "targets" that you refer to are CRIMINALS! If the Baltimore Police were targeting blacks then you'd be inferring that the black Police Chief and those black Police officers were complicit in racism. They didn't target someone because he was black...they targeted him because he was in a high crime area...they knew him to have a long history of drug related crimes...and when they showed up he took off running.

actually the states case is crumbling pretty rapidly

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin
First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?

Uh...... what?

No idea what that's supposed to mean, but neither my environment nor my living conditions have bupkis to do with what political party (if any) my local government has. Frankly I don't even know what their affiliation is, I'd have to look them up. See, the word simply does not function on this childish Limblobian level of picking political teams and running up points on a scoreborad. All that accomplishes is selling Viagra to you gullibles. Has squat to do with reality.

So you continue to claim that there is no difference in the outcome of a cities success or failure that has anything to do with the political persuasion of it's politicians?

Its politicians (not it is politicians), of course. How a city or community fares is a direct result of actions and leadership. Within any political party there are capables and there are incompetents. Has nothing to do with which party they use as a money machine to get votes -- which is the only thing a political party does at that level.

That is, if they use a party at all. If city and local governments were all there were to elections, political parties wouldn't even exist.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

blame bush


The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.
There is nothing to answer. Your assertion is absurd. End of discussion

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.
There is nothing to answer. Your assertion is absurd. End of discussion

Exactly why I posed the question, because it has no answer and is therefore a bullshit premise.

And another one bites the dust. :coffee:

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.
There is nothing to answer. Your assertion is absurd. End of discussion

Exactly why I posed the question, because it has no answer and is therefore a bullshit premise.

And another one bites the dust. :coffee:
You are lost in space
Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?

Uh...... what?

No idea what that's supposed to mean, but neither my environment nor my living conditions have bupkis to do with what political party (if any) my local government has. Frankly I don't even know what their affiliation is, I'd have to look them up. See, the word simply does not function on this childish Limblobian level of picking political teams and running up points on a scoreborad. All that accomplishes is selling Viagra to you gullibles. Has squat to do with reality.

So you continue to claim that there is no difference in the outcome of a cities success or failure that has anything to do with the political persuasion of it's politicians?

Its politicians (not it is politicians), of course. How a city or community fares is a direct result of actions and leadership. Within any political party there are capables and there are incompetents. Has nothing to do with which party they use as a money machine to get votes -- which is the only thing a political party does at that level.

That is, if they use a party at all. If city and local governments were all there were to elections, political parties wouldn't even exist.

Care to explain why businesses are leaving high tax cities and states and the effect on the economy of those states and cities?
I curious, why do you keep saying "resisted arrest" when the cops say the opposite?

Are you just making up excuses?

And the OP classically is confusing one argument with another. Blame the cops? Yeah, for killing that guy, harrassing blacks, propping up the city budget on the backs of the poor, illegal arrests etc.

No one is blaming the cops for the lack of jobs and shit. Thats stupid
Where's the link that supports your Bullshit argument that cops are saying otherwise?

The account is provided in charging documents filed in District Court, where officer Garrett Miller wrote that Gray was stopped because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence." When Gray, 25, was stopped, they found a knife clipped to the inside of his front pants pocket and placed him under arrest.

"The defendant was arrested without force or incident," Miller wrote. "During transport to Western District via wagon transport the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."

Freddie Gray repeatedly asked for medical care police said at Monday conference - Baltimore Sun

now who do you believe and why?

Explain to me why they had to drag his ass to the van.

First, why do you keep saying he resisted arrest when its not true?

Dude, when you run from the Police it's the epitome of "resisting arrest".

Take it up with the should let them know they were wrong
First it was "what political party runs a city"..... that fell into the swamp.

then it was, "well, how BIG is the city...." and "what are the demographics". Those fell into the swamp.

Then it was "my city has no riots" -- and turns out to be Democrat-run. That burned over and then fell into the swamp.

Now it's "yabbut they live downtown and there's homos there"....


Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?

Uh...... what?

No idea what that's supposed to mean, but neither my environment nor my living conditions have bupkis to do with what political party (if any) my local government has. Frankly I don't even know what their affiliation is, I'd have to look them up. See, the word simply does not function on this childish Limblobian level of picking political teams and running up points on a scoreborad. All that accomplishes is selling Viagra to you gullibles. Has squat to do with reality.

So you continue to claim that there is no difference in the outcome of a cities success or failure that has anything to do with the political persuasion of it's politicians?

You are obviously dealing with a frothing at the mouth liberal idiot, I fear the cause is hopeless.
Is it?

Sez who?
I'm explaining the logic of the discussion.

Not accurately methinks. We'd have to have word from the street to make such a conclusion but everything I've heard points to police overreach being the impetus. And IIRC three of the officers charged by the DA are black.
No, the impetus is race. They aren't protesting cops profiling and allegedly abusing whites. So these riots are about blackness while the sports riots are done mostly by people who happen to be white and not in the name of whiteness. Kinda like a Charlie the Tuna misinterpretation.
As for three cops being black, that will be problematic for the demagogues in office who foment and perpetuate the race problem.

Uhhhhmmm..... if the perceived problem is that cops are beating up on blacks, then the actor in that scene is police. The active party. Not the recipient.

Just as if the topic were men beating up women, the impetus would be from men -- the perps. Not the victims.
The accusers are framing the problem in blackness.

Try harder man. Roshawn is pretending that a riot is ok as long as its not about race.

Roshawn: "Hey, why are you burning that car? Is it yours?"

Rioter: "Bro, my team lost and no this isnt my car"

Roshawn: "Whew, I thought this was about black people. No problem, carry on"
Are you actually so naively stupid that you don't believe that the city policies contributed to the conditions in the city today? Do you actually not believe that the political penchants of the city manager or mayor, or police chief, or the school boards, have no impact on the city? Where the hell do the problems come from, then?

How can you possibly say that with a straight face?

Argument from incredulity now? :rofl:

Baltimore's no different from any city in the rest of the country. Whatever dyamics spin into problems like last week, they're universal. They have jack shit to do with what the political affiliation of the city gummint is, there or anywhere else.

But the assertion of its existence (and therefore burden of proof) is not mine; I invited one and all whose assertion it was, to demonstrate how that would work. No one could, either in this thread or past ones. I'm afraid stunned looks don't count.

Sorry but parroting memes from Lush Rimjob ain't gonna fly. They're going to get what they never get on Limblob's airwaves --- challenged.

So your environment has nothing to do with the outcome of your living condition?

Uh...... what?

No idea what that's supposed to mean, but neither my environment nor my living conditions have bupkis to do with what political party (if any) my local government has. Frankly I don't even know what their affiliation is, I'd have to look them up. See, the word simply does not function on this childish Limblobian level of picking political teams and running up points on a scoreborad. All that accomplishes is selling Viagra to you gullibles. Has squat to do with reality.

So you continue to claim that there is no difference in the outcome of a cities success or failure that has anything to do with the political persuasion of it's politicians?

You are obviously dealing with a frothing at the mouth liberal idiot, I fear the cause is hopeless.

Yep..she knows damn well it makes a difference but refuses to admit it since her side is on the losing end of the argument.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.

As long as you ignore that local level government does much more than just the trash and stop lights you will keep your head in the sand.

Do you recognize that there are two types of Mayoral roles Pogo?
There is the;
The Ceremonial Mayor where they are found in smaller towns and cities.
This governing style is often found in smaller towns and cities. With this power structure the council, which is essentially a panel of citizens who are responsible for most administrative and operational procedures, wields the most influence

And the;
The Mayor with Legislative Authority
This government functions much like a state or federal government entity in which an elected leader wields considerable legislative power
This is the structure of local government that Baltimore has.

Law Dictionary: Duties And Responsibilities Of A Mayor

Baltimore and Detroit has this type of Legislative Authority as well as all larger cities have.
Mayors who have legislative authority serve as the head for various departments within the city. This may include departments like health and human services and the police and fire departments. The mayor has the power to make hiring and firing decisions. They may also be responsible for creating special departments geared toward addressing specific issues their city may be facing. For instance, a mayor might set up a gang task force or a department designed to combat the proliferation of meth production facilities
Both cities have been run by Democrats for 50 years without any other type of political ideology mixed in.
They all refuse to accept that their war on poverty is not working and needs to be changed.
Be it at the Federal level or at the local level.
They are blaming the cops and racism rather than addressing the root cause of the issue and using the citizens that live there. It's despicable.

The mess in Baltimore is top to bottom a Democrat invention they're trying to pawn off on the police.

Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party s Own Making National Review Online

"Democrats rule urban cesspools and have for decades.

No Republican, and certainly no conservative, has left so much as a thumbprint on the public institutions of Baltimore in a generation. Baltimore’s police department is, like Detroit’s economy and Atlanta’s schools, the product of the progressive wing of the Democratic party enabled in no small part by black identity politics. This is entirely a left-wing project, and a Democratic-party project.”

The Real Freddie Gray

"Freddie Gray had an extensive criminal record, and this was well known to police officers in the community. He was, in short, known to engage in unlawful criminal activity with a frequency that would in any other context be considered evidence of a notable work ethic. He had at least 18 arrests in the ~8 years between 2007 and his death in 2015 -- and it is worth keeping in mind that the only reason his arrest record here begins in only in 2007 is that prior arrests would be sealed as juvenile records.

It is also notable that although Gray’s early arrests were apparently confined to drug offenses, in later years he began to be charged with acts of violence, including several charges on differing dates of second-degree assault, as well as burglary.

In addition, the neighborhood where the arrest occurred is known more generally for being a high-crime area, and so the police would be expected to be particularly attuned for indications of criminal conduct.

In this context the police observe well-known criminal Gray acting in a manner that they perceive as noteworthy. The police begin to approach Gray, a form of police conduct that requires no particular legal justification at least until an actual interaction has begun. Observing the police approach, Gray substantially increases the suspiciousness of his conduct by fleeing the officers."
Articles The Great American Traveling Riot Circus
What we're seeing in Baltimore was an example of urban decay from decades of liberal progressive policies.

Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.

As long as you ignore that local level government does much more than just the trash and stop lights you will keep your head in the sand.

Do you recognize that there are two types of Mayoral roles Pogo?
There is the;
The Ceremonial Mayor where they are found in smaller towns and cities.
This governing style is often found in smaller towns and cities. With this power structure the council, which is essentially a panel of citizens who are responsible for most administrative and operational procedures, wields the most influence

And the;
The Mayor with Legislative Authority
This government functions much like a state or federal government entity in which an elected leader wields considerable legislative power
This is the structure of local government that Baltimore has.

Law Dictionary: Duties And Responsibilities Of A Mayor

Baltimore and Detroit has this type of Legislative Authority as well as all larger cities have.
Mayors who have legislative authority serve as the head for various departments within the city. This may include departments like health and human services and the police and fire departments. The mayor has the power to make hiring and firing decisions. They may also be responsible for creating special departments geared toward addressing specific issues their city may be facing. For instance, a mayor might set up a gang task force or a department designed to combat the proliferation of meth production facilities
Both cities have been run by Democrats for 50 years without any other type of political ideology mixed in.
They all refuse to accept that their war on poverty is not working and needs to be changed.
Be it at the Federal level or at the local level.
They are blaming the cops and racism rather than addressing the root cause of the issue and using the citizens that live there. It's despicable.

Once again, Peach, hiring and firing your managers has nothing to to with political philosophies.

There is no "other" type of political ideology -- becaue there is no FIRST type of ideology. Even the idea of a mayor/city council being affiliated with a political party is fairly recent. It simply has no function. Other than as an organizational machine.

And finally, racism and the cops -- as perceived on the street -- are EXACTLY the root cause of the issue. That's the whole point here -- it's sociocultural, not political.

Sorry, "hiring and firing managers" simply doesn't enter into that. Every operation hires and fires managers.
Political philosophies don't enter into managing a local level government. There's nothing "right" or "left" about whether the trash gets picked up on Tuesday versus Wednesday.

It's stupefying that you partisan hacknoids just keep running the same play thinking it will work this time.

Urban issues are sociocultural -- not political. You clowns continually running this noise generator in this juvenile political football game scoreboard are just prolonging the problems and feeding division.
So desperate to avoid accountability. That is some serious spin

The question remains open. Feel free to attempt it.
Many have tried, none came back alive.
There is nothing to answer. Your assertion is absurd. End of discussion

Exactly why I posed the question, because it has no answer and is therefore a bullshit premise.

And another one bites the dust. :coffee:
You are lost in space

And you are without an answer.

As is this guy:
You are obviously dealing with a frothing at the mouth liberal idiot, I fear the cause is hopeless.

-- and he's right. As long as you hacks can't defend the premise, it IS hopeless. Premise go bye-bye.

The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.


Or run away, like you usually do when challenged.

Yes i know, you believe Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be the one that works. It'll somehow be way different than the other thousand Democrat 'Task Forces' of the past. This will be the one that fixes things. Well guess what? It won't be. It's just more insanity. 50yrs is enough. It's time for change in Baltimore.

I didn't say a fucking word about any "task force". I don't even know (or care) about it.

What I'm challenging you to do, and what you're courageously running away from, is to explain this idea that political philosophies somehow run cities.

Don't feel bad, the other water carriers ran away from that question too. I guess it beats having to go on the internet and admit you were spewing bullshit. That would be too much like honesty.

Baltimore can't afford even one more year of Democrat-rule. It's rapidly heading toward Detroit/Chicago Third World misery. 50yrs is definitely enough.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.


Or run away, like you usually do when challenged.

Yes i know, you believe Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be the one that works. It'll somehow be way different than the other thousand Democrat 'Task Forces' of the past. This will be the one that fixes things. Well guess what? It won't be. It's just more insanity. 50yrs is enough. It's time for change in Baltimore.

I didn't say a fucking word about any "task force". I don't even know (or care) about it.

What I'm challenging you to do, and what you're courageously running away from, is to explain this idea that political philosophies somehow run cities.

Don't feel bad, the other water carriers ran away from that question too. I guess it beats having to go on the internet and admit you were spewing bullshit. That would be too much like honesty.

Baltimore can't afford even one more year of Democrat-rule. It's rapidly heading toward Detroit/Chicago Third World misery. 50yrs is definitely enough.

Feel free (again, asked before, got crickets) to define "Democrat-rule" as it applies to a city level.
Feel free to contrast, for example to "Republican-rule" within the same scope.

Here's a video translation of the above:

Fucking wimp.
The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result. It's been 50yrs of Democrat-rule in Baltimore. And things just continue to get worse.


Or run away, like you usually do when challenged.

Yes i know, you believe Obama's new 'Task Force' is gonna be the one that works. It'll somehow be way different than the other thousand Democrat 'Task Forces' of the past. This will be the one that fixes things. Well guess what? It won't be. It's just more insanity. 50yrs is enough. It's time for change in Baltimore.

I didn't say a fucking word about any "task force". I don't even know (or care) about it.

What I'm challenging you to do, and what you're courageously running away from, is to explain this idea that political philosophies somehow run cities.

Don't feel bad, the other water carriers ran away from that question too. I guess it beats having to go on the internet and admit you were spewing bullshit. That would be too much like honesty.

Baltimore can't afford even one more year of Democrat-rule. It's rapidly heading toward Detroit/Chicago Third World misery. 50yrs is definitely enough.

Feel free (again, asked before, got crickets) to define "Democrat-rule" as it applies to a city level.
Feel free to contrast, for example to "Republican-rule" within the same scope.

Here's a video translation of the above:

Fucking wimp.

So businesses bailing out of liberal states because of out of control taxation is a republican problem?

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