Ban all Muslims

How about his stating that we may have to close the mosques?

Now Donald Trump Says: I’ll Close Mosques!

Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

He is not the one asking for Americans to be murdered by terrorists- that is you.

A Trump voter.

he's brought over 10000 unvetted Syrians.

He hasn't brought any unvetted Syrians into the country.

Meanwhile- you are the one calling for terrorists to kill Americans- how very Trump of you

my bad

TOTAL AND COMPLETE were his words

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump called Monday for barring all Muslims from entering the United States.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on," a campaign press release said.
Banning muslims is not the same as halting immigration you stupid fuck.

How about his stating that we may have to close the mosques?

Now Donald Trump Says: I’ll Close Mosques!

Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

Vigil, I have seen your posts for years, and for a while, I had hopes that you would grow up. Those hopes are gone.
Banning muslims is not the same as halting immigration you stupid fuck.

How about his stating that we may have to close the mosques?

Now Donald Trump Says: I’ll Close Mosques!

Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

We have been hearing that since Obama took office. The duty of the government is to protect its citizens, not gamble our lives by importing terrorists.

That's odd. I could have sworn that the president has to swear an oath of office ,"to protect and defend the constitution of the United sates of America,"So help me, God". Yet, Trump is running on a platform that specifically and clearly does NOT protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America. That could easily be interpreted as an impeachable offense.

That oath means 0 to Obama.
Banning muslims is not the same as halting immigration you stupid fuck.

How about his stating that we may have to close the mosques?

Now Donald Trump Says: I’ll Close Mosques!

Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

Vigil, I have seen your posts for years, and for a while, I had hopes that you would grow up. Those hopes are gone.

I think you and many others have the growing up to do. Muslims do not like to assimilate. That has been proven in Europe.
We are a tolerant culture, Islam is intolerant. Those cultures cannot coexist. The intolerant culture will takeover. That is also a historical fact.
It is time for you to realize this is an enemy and it is time to treat Islam that way.
  • Just more muslims doing their muslim thing!

  • ISIS Calls for Random Knife Attacks in Alleys, Forests, Beaches, 'Quiet Neighborhoods'

    PJ Media ^
    Knife-wielding terrorists are advised to target smaller crowds or someone walking home from a night out or working the night shift, "or someone walking alone in a public park or rural forested area, or someone by himself in an alley close to a night club or another place of debauchery, or even someone out for a walk in a quiet neighborhood. One should consider canals, riversides, and beaches." They further advise jihadists to carry an object like a baseball bat to inflict blunt-force trauma on victims before stabbing. In gory detail, jihadists are encouraged to go for major organs, arteries...
Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

He is not the one asking for Americans to be murdered by terrorists- that is you.

A Trump voter.

he's brought over 10000 unvetted Syrians.

He hasn't brought any unvetted Syrians into the country.

Meanwhile- you are the one calling for terrorists to kill Americans- how very Trump of you

View attachment 92417
  1. Obama Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of ...
    Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees Into ... Mr. Obama to take in 100,000 Syrian ... Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees ...
How about his stating that we may have to close the mosques?

Now Donald Trump Says: I’ll Close Mosques!

Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

Vigil, I have seen your posts for years, and for a while, I had hopes that you would grow up. Those hopes are gone.

I think you and many others have the growing up to do. Muslims do not like to assimilate. That has been proven in Europe.
We are a tolerant culture, Islam is intolerant. Those cultures cannot coexist. The intolerant culture will takeover. That is also a historical fact.
It is time for you to realize this is an enemy and it is time to treat Islam that way.

Well, now, if Trump is going to close the mosques, then he would clearly be in violation of the constitution, so, should congress amend the constitution to delete freedom of religion, or should Trump just perjure himself, swearing that he would uphold it, and then immediately violate his oath?

Or, alternatively, should we believe Pence, who said this week that none of what Trump has said about muslims in American is still his position?

Or, should we return from Trump's alternative universe to the real one, where we all know that Trump would not have authority do do anything about muslim mosques, and that is is just more hot air from Trump's fear mongering?
Last edited:
You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

He is not the one asking for Americans to be murdered by terrorists- that is you.

A Trump voter.

he's brought over 10000 unvetted Syrians.

He hasn't brought any unvetted Syrians into the country.

Meanwhile- you are the one calling for terrorists to kill Americans- how very Trump of you

View attachment 92417
  1. Obama Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of ...
    Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees Into ... Mr. Obama to take in 100,000 Syrian ... Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees ...
You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

He is not the one asking for Americans to be murdered by terrorists- that is you.

A Trump voter.

he's brought over 10000 unvetted Syrians.

He hasn't brought any unvetted Syrians into the country.

Meanwhile- you are the one calling for terrorists to kill Americans- how very Trump of you

View attachment 92417
  1. Obama Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of ...
    Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees Into ... Mr. Obama to take in 100,000 Syrian ... Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees ...
Someone saying it doesn't make it so.

The refugees are all vetted- unlike tourists from Muslim countries.
How about his stating that we may have to close the mosques?

Now Donald Trump Says: I’ll Close Mosques!

Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

Vigil, I have seen your posts for years, and for a while, I had hopes that you would grow up. Those hopes are gone.

I think you and many others have the growing up to do. Muslims do not like to assimilate. .

Unlike you- I know actual Muslims- I live in a city of immigrants and Muslims are just more immigrants here.

First generation, second generation, third generation.

And are pretty much like every immigrant story- by second generation half can't speak their parents language, by third generation few speak their homelands tongues and they are too busy living the American dream to deal with your crap.
it was a suggestion ... remember that?

try this one for entertainment..

Donald Trump said Wednesday that derogatory statements he has made toward women were all for the sake of “entertainment” and did not reflect his true feelings.

"A lot of that was done for the purpose of entertainment; there's nobody that has more respect for women than I do," the real estate mogul told Las Vegas’ KSNV-TV in an interview taped Wednesday ahead of a rally in Henderson, Nevada

the miserable sob can't walk back his mouth fast enough can he? ...something new everyday to lie about.

very entertaining.
Ha ha...very entertaining.
We are a tolerant culture, Islam is intolerant. Those cultures cannot coexist. The intolerant culture will takeover. That is also a historical fact.
It is time for you to realize this is an enemy and it is time to treat Islam that way.

Why do you want us to treat 3 million Americans like the enemy?

Why do you believe that Shaquille O'Neal and Dr. Oz are our enemies?
it was a suggestion ... remember that?

try this one for entertainment..

Donald Trump said Wednesday that derogatory statements he has made toward women were all for the sake of “entertainment” and did not reflect his true feelings.

"A lot of that was done for the purpose of entertainment; there's nobody that has more respect for women than I do," the real estate mogul told Las Vegas’ KSNV-TV in an interview taped Wednesday ahead of a rally in Henderson, Nevada

the miserable sob can't walk back his mouth fast enough can he? ...something new everyday to lie about.

very entertaining.

Kids parties, state fairs, circuses, reality TV shows, comedy shows, the bar on a wed Wednesday night, that's where entertainers belong, not in the Oval Office.
Arguing with terrorist Muslims, and their sympathizers, is a exercise in futility....point in fact several of the above!

Pointing out Trump supporters who love the idea of the murder of women and children is always worth doing.

Excuse me, Trump supporters are trying to stop that. You are accusing people of something they have not done but the terrorists have done repeatably.

Do you think before you post?

Trump supporter Vigilante has specifically claimed that the murder of all Muslims- which of course includes women and children- would be a good thing.

No- Trump supporters are not trying to stop that.

He never said that. People like you have to make up lies to deflect from the topic. Vigilante is not the topic. And your argument is nonsense.

Why are you an apologist for Vigilante calling for my family to be murdered?


Do you believe like Vigilante does that its okay to murder Americans- as long as they are 'leftists'- or my family?
Arguing with terrorist Muslims, and their sympathizers, is a exercise in futility....point in fact several of the above!

Pointing out Trump supporters who love the idea of the murder of women and children is always worth doing.

Excuse me, Trump supporters are trying to stop that. You are accusing people of something they have not done but the terrorists have done repeatably.

Do you think before you post?

Trump supporter Vigilante has specifically claimed that the murder of all Muslims- which of course includes women and children- would be a good thing.

No- Trump supporters are not trying to stop that.

He never said that. People like you have to make up lies to deflect from the topic. Vigilante is not the topic. And your argument is nonsense.

Why are you an apologist for Vigilante calling for my family to be murdered?

View attachment 92420

Do you believe like Vigilante does that its okay to murder Americans- as long as they are 'leftists'- or my family?

Just like you celebrated cops being killed?
Did he say ban all muslims? I honestly don't remember that

my bad

TOTAL AND COMPLETE were his words

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump called Monday for barring all Muslims from entering the United States.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on," a campaign press release said.
It sounds like he didn't want to ban all Muslims forever. He just thought we should wait until they can be vetted properly. That seems pretty logical.

he also said " it was a suggestion" ... thats the damn point.

we should ban all white people, they make me nervous
The male ones...particularly can go postal.
Since MOST muslim mass murders have been connected to mosques that seem to have had radical ties, it's only logical!.... Perhaps at all mosques we have POLICE that speak the language PROFILE the attending muslims....just for safety sake!

You just love to hear that shredding of the Constitution, don't you? Kind of like popping the bubbles of bubble wrap insulation.....

Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

Vigil, I have seen your posts for years, and for a while, I had hopes that you would grow up. Those hopes are gone.

I think you and many others have the growing up to do. Muslims do not like to assimilate. .

Unlike you- I know actual Muslims- I live in a city of immigrants and Muslims are just more immigrants here.

First generation, second generation, third generation.

And are pretty much like every immigrant story- by second generation half can't speak their parents language, by third generation few speak their homelands tongues and they are too busy living the American dream to deal with your crap.

You don't get it. Individuals are not the problem. The belief system is, and the fact it is permissible to hide those beliefs to advance Islam. Islam is violent and condones terror. It is sexist and supremacist. Its own literature explains that quite plainly.

You are either totally stupid or totally brainwashed. It doesn't matter, either way you are wrong.
Arguing with terrorist Muslims, and their sympathizers, is a exercise in futility....point in fact several of the above!

Pointing out Trump supporters who love the idea of the murder of women and children is always worth doing.

Excuse me, Trump supporters are trying to stop that. You are accusing people of something they have not done but the terrorists have done repeatably.

Do you think before you post?

Trump supporter Vigilante has specifically claimed that the murder of all Muslims- which of course includes women and children- would be a good thing.

No- Trump supporters are not trying to stop that.

He never said that. People like you have to make up lies to deflect from the topic. Vigilante is not the topic. And your argument is nonsense.

Why are you an apologist for Vigilante calling for my family to be murdered?

View attachment 92420

Do you believe like Vigilante does that its okay to murder Americans- as long as they are 'leftists'- or my family?

I have no control over Vigilante, just like I have no control over you being a whining little pussy. Anything else I can help you with?
Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

He is not the one asking for Americans to be murdered by terrorists- that is you.

A Trump voter.

he's brought over 10000 unvetted Syrians.

He hasn't brought any unvetted Syrians into the country.

Meanwhile- you are the one calling for terrorists to kill Americans- how very Trump of you

View attachment 92417
  1. Obama Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of ...
    Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees Into ... Mr. Obama to take in 100,000 Syrian ... Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees ...
Maybe you be the first to feel the sting of the next terrorist killing...then talk to me about you rights...moron suicidal scum!

He is not the one asking for Americans to be murdered by terrorists- that is you.

A Trump voter.

he's brought over 10000 unvetted Syrians.

He hasn't brought any unvetted Syrians into the country.

Meanwhile- you are the one calling for terrorists to kill Americans- how very Trump of you

View attachment 92417
  1. Obama Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of ...
    Regime Will Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees Into ... Mr. Obama to take in 100,000 Syrian ... Bring Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Refugees ...
Someone saying it doesn't make it so.

The refugees are all vetted- unlike tourists from Muslim countries.
You delusional little muslim terrorist lover.... you are one sick bastard! You refuse to even check out the hundreds of sites that say I'm correct! Pathetic!

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