Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

Jul 9, 2013
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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.
I think not. I would prefer our schools graduate students capable of thinking for themselves than locking them into particular doctrines.
How about we ban creationism and evolution both.

Why do we want to teach our children science?

Apart from the obvious, materialistic and mundane reasons, what might we hope to impart to our children, even if they never go into science and science-related careers?

We are all surrounded by people wanting us to believe what they are telling us. From the relatively trivial, such as the astrology pages and the claims of fringe medicine, through the clamour of the advertising industry and the appeals of politicians, right up to the ranting of the fanatic and the outright (one could almost say honest) fraud of the con man - at least the con artist is not interested in leaving us with permanent illusions. All these people, for their own motives, want to persuade us to believe what they have to say, sometimes in the belief that they are doing it for our own benefit. But we require the means of evaluating what they have to say for ourselves.

How then, are we to equip our children with the critical faculties required for this sort of evaluation? Good scholarship is a feature of all subjects when they are taught well, but science is the epitome of subjects in which the appeal to authority, "Take my word for it", has no final say. Neither is the final say granted to the armchair philosopher, the clever rhetorician, the appealer to emotion or the snake-oil salesman. Instead, we demand, "Show me!"

Unfortunately, it's not so simple in practice. No school student can test the entire contents of the science curriculum. We have to ensure that the scientific method, with its peer-review process and its principles of repeatability, falsifiability, parsimony and consilience has been applied to what is being taught. We have to be able to know that our scientists and science teachers are faithful to these methods. Only then are our teachers able to impart the heart of science - the attitude of "Show me!" Only then can our children be equipped to reflexively raise an eyebrow to claims such as, "This crystal energy will heal you", "You can trust me with your vote", and "This is the sure way to Paradise."
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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Evolution was created by our Creator to deceive man from the Truth during this age. Just like He created U.F.O.'s, Jesus, Mohammed, God of Abraham, Science, buildings, cars, planes, businesses, churches, Christians, Jews and everything else in this world to deceive man.
How about we ban creationism and evolution both.

Why do we want to teach our children science?

Apart from the obvious, materialistic and mundane reasons, what might we hope to impart to our children, even if they never go into science and science-related careers?

We are all surrounded by people wanting us to believe what they are telling us. From the relatively trivial, such as the astrology pages and the claims of fringe medicine, through the clamour of the advertising industry and the appeals of politicians, right up to the ranting of the fanatic and the outright (one could almost say honest) fraud of the con man - at least the con artist is not interested in leaving us with permanent illusions. All these people, for their own motives, want us to persuade us to believe what they have to say, sometimes in the belief that they are doing it for our own benefit. But we require the means of evaluating what they have to say for ourselves.

How then, are we to equip our children with the critical faculties required for this sort of evaluation? Good scholarship is a feature of all subjects when they are taught well, but science is the epitome of subjects in which the appeal to authority, "Take my word for it", has no final say. Neither is the final say granted to the armchair philosopher, the clever rhetorician, the appealer to emotion or the snake-oil salesman. Instead, we demand, "Show me!"

Unfortunately, it's not so simple in practice. No school student can test the entire contents of the science curriculum. We have to ensure that the scientific method, with its peer-review process and its principles of repeatability, falsifiability, parsimony and consilience has been applied to what is being taught. We have to be able to know that our scientists and science teachers are faithful to these methods. Only then are our teachers able to impart the heart of science - the attitude of "Show me!" Only then can our children be equipped to reflexively raise an eyebrow to claims such as, "This crystal energy will heal you", "You can trust me with your vote", and "This is the sure way to Paradise."

Which is why I have no problem with creationism. It is an excellent example of a theory which does not work.
How about we ban creationism and evolution both.

Why do we want to teach our children science?

Apart from the obvious, materialistic and mundane reasons, what might we hope to impart to our children, even if they never go into science and science-related careers?

We are all surrounded by people wanting us to believe what they are telling us. From the relatively trivial, such as the astrology pages and the claims of fringe medicine, through the clamour of the advertising industry and the appeals of politicians, right up to the ranting of the fanatic and the outright (one could almost say honest) fraud of the con man - at least the con artist is not interested in leaving us with permanent illusions. All these people, for their own motives, want us to persuade us to believe what they have to say, sometimes in the belief that they are doing it for our own benefit. But we require the means of evaluating what they have to say for ourselves.

How then, are we to equip our children with the critical faculties required for this sort of evaluation? Good scholarship is a feature of all subjects when they are taught well, but science is the epitome of subjects in which the appeal to authority, "Take my word for it", has no final say. Neither is the final say granted to the armchair philosopher, the clever rhetorician, the appealer to emotion or the snake-oil salesman. Instead, we demand, "Show me!"

Unfortunately, it's not so simple in practice. No school student can test the entire contents of the science curriculum. We have to ensure that the scientific method, with its peer-review process and its principles of repeatability, falsifiability, parsimony and consilience has been applied to what is being taught. We have to be able to know that our scientists and science teachers are faithful to these methods. Only then are our teachers able to impart the heart of science - the attitude of "Show me!" Only then can our children be equipped to reflexively raise an eyebrow to claims such as, "This crystal energy will heal you", "You can trust me with your vote", and "This is the sure way to Paradise."

Which is why I have no problem with creationism. It is an excellent example of a theory which does not work.
Yes, it is good to teach pseudo-science as an example of what science is not. But that's not what the petition is concerned with.
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Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Evolution was created by our Creator to deceive man from the Truth during this age. Just like He created U.F.O.'s, Jesus, Mohammed, God of Abraham, Science, buildings, cars, planes, businesses, churches, Christians, Jews and everything else in this world to deceive man.

Can anyone provide a better example of why fundamentalist Christianity (under the burqa of creationism, ID'iosy) is to be kept out of the public schools?
https: //

Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Evolution was created by our Creator to deceive man from the Truth during this age. Just like He created U.F.O.'s, Jesus, Mohammed, God of Abraham, Science, buildings, cars, planes, businesses, churches, Christians, Jews and everything else in this world to deceive man.

Can anyone provide a better example of why fundamentalist Christianity (under the burqa of creationism, ID'iosy) is to be kept out of the public schools?

Because all of Christianity is false and has nothing to do with the Truth. Christianity came from God's plan of deception called the "beast" to spread building techniques throughout the world and build cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. However, the good news about this false religion is that it helped God to teach men how to build microscopes and telescopes with all the latest technology to help explain our infinite invisible Creator and all His invisible creation.
Evolution was created by our Creator to deceive man from the Truth during this age. Just like He created U.F.O.'s, Jesus, Mohammed, God of Abraham, Science, buildings, cars, planes, businesses, churches, Christians, Jews and everything else in this world to deceive man.

Are you a Cathar, by any chance?
Or, both Evolution & Big Bang Theory, and Creationism & Intelligent Design can be elective classes in public school systems?
Or, both Evolution & Big Bang Theory, and Creationism & Intelligent Design can be elective classes in public school systems?
Evolution and cosmology are too important for that. As educators, we have a responsibility to acquaint students with the most significant findings of science. If our students come from the Bible belt, it is important to understand the sub-culture they are immersed in, but IMO, that is not a subject for science lessons, other than the exercise of contrasting scientific methodology with the workings of tribal belief systems.
The whole self-serving thread provoked it.

I'm not the one here pimping for my academic jihad, perfesser....You are.

Here's something you probably didn't run around your supposedly scientific mind; what's in it for anyone here to go sign your silly petition to make this a federal issue?

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