Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

I know this won't matter, which is just mind-blowing, but here goes. The recording is only about 90 seconds.

To no surprise, it was planned all along that Trump would claim the election was rigged if he lost. And that's exactly what has happened. He even admits here that they knew the Dem vote totals would explode overnight because more of them voted by mail and those votes were counted last.

This is a con, and it was ready to go before the election even took place.

"What Trump is gonna do, is he's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner. He's just gonna say he's a winner. The Democrats -- more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're gonna have a natural disadvantage, and Trump's gonna take advantage of it. That's our strategy.

"I'm the winner. I'm the King".

There it is. Absolute lies and absolute chaos. Ready to go, planned in advance, from a guy who admits he wants to bring down the system. Thoughts? Am I right, does this not matter?
You are won't's good to keep putting the information out there tho...but if you are expecting to see a right-winger do a mea culpa...that won't EVER HAPPEN.....

What I predict will happen with regards to this time period is what happened with regards to the Bush-Iraq War era....a whole bunch of people who you know were PRO-BUSH, suddenly pretending they knew Bush was a moron all along and how they never were for the Iraq war and how it was the liberals that started it all...
You are won't's good to keep putting the information out there tho...but if you are expecting to see a right-winger do a mea culpa...that won't EVER HAPPEN.....

What I predict will happen with regards to this time period is what happened with regards to the Bush-Iraq War era....a whole bunch of people who you know were PRO-BUSH, suddenly pretending they knew Bush was a moron all along and how they never were for the Iraq war and how it was the liberals that started it all...
This is just sad. You know they'll just dismiss this. Fake news.

“If Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o’clock at night, it’s going to be even crazier. No, because he’s gonna sit right there and say, ‘They stole it. I’m directing the attorney general to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states,'” Bannon said. “He’s not going out easy. If Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.”
"Here's the thing: After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's done his last election. Oh, he's gonna be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy."

King, indeed.

Is this what you want, Trump voters? Is this what you've been after all along?
You know what Bannon didn't say??

That he believes the election was stolen and Trump actually won....

Do you know why?? Because even the biggest sycophants in Trump's circle know that claim was ALWAYS BULLSHIT....

Which is why Trump can openly say for months and months in advance that the election was going to be rigged...apparently did nothing to stop this so-called rigging...and subsequently did even more of nothing to prove a single case of this election rigging in over 60 courts....then, like a Steve Bannon, raise money off of that lie and not spend a single dime on doing anything you claimed you would do when you were asking for money....

And they did all this knowing that as long as their base are morons who are more worried about being wrong and admitting a "libtard" was right -- would instead gleefully be played like fools by their own leaders just to "own the libs" -- because if it gets too bad, they can just pretend they were never Trump supporters anyway and just mentioning his name means you have TDS.....that is what they did to explain away those years when they were Bush supporters...
"Here's the thing: After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's done his last election. Oh, he's gonna be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy."

King, indeed.

Is this what you want, Trump voters? Is this what you've been after all along?

You're an asswipe just like all the rest of the TDS crowd.

WHO CARES what Steve Bannon thinks or said?

His opinion matters not an iota

You sound like just another LEFTARD making a mountain out of an anthill.
Can't possibly be true. I didn't hear the word "Bombshell" a single time in that video.
You still don't get it.
Dismiss is not the word.
CRUSH is the word.
We're going to crush that idiotic fucking committee. Not that they aren't doing a good enough job of crushing themselves.
Committee??? This isn't about the committee.

I wonder what you really think about this. I wonder if evidence this blatant makes you FINALLY wonder if you've been had. Conned. Fooled.

I'm not asking, since I know you'll lie.

But I do wonder.
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Committee??? This isn't about the committee.

I wonder what you really think about this. I wonder if evidence this blatant makes you FINALLY wonder if you've been had. Conned. Fooled.

I'm not asking, since I know you'll lie.

But I do wonder.
Now you're just being a retarded little troll
All this devotion to the likes of Trump and Biden is totally perplexing to anyone even mildly objective. Such people are indefensible and should naturally be excluded from positions of power. Yet, we see symmetrical allegiance, verbiage and vehemence. The duopoly is strong in these folks!

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