Bannon audio surfaces: trump "is just going to say he's a winner."

Antifa and BLM did what at Biden's command??

Just simply saying BLM and Antifa 3 times in the mirror won't create a both sides do it situation to the bullshit Trumpers are ACTUALLY DOING AND WANTING TO DO...

So I will ask you feel a Vice President Kamala Harris as the same power to do what you wanted Mike Pence to do? Yes or no....if you can't answer yes or no, that is proof you are full of shit...

I didn't want Mike Pence to do anything. I thought it was tenuous right from the start. I think what has happened instead is God's poetic justice. You won, all right. You all cheated and you won...BIDEN. You won BIDEN. and it has and will do you in.

God is great. All the time. :)
You folks have always been you understand that?
Conservatives have been angry for over 150 years.....

This isn't the first time Conservatives were so-called "fed up" and tried to stage an insurrection to maintain power...I can trace that back to 1898...and the Wilmington insurrection....don't know what that is? Oh..that is when Conservatives like yourself, was "fed up" and staged a coup..and was successful...

"Conservatives in North Carolina don’t often bring up the Wilmington Massacre. Even many of those North Carolinians who are now aware of it are still reluctant to talk about it. Those who do sometimes stumble over words like insurrection and riot.

"The Democrats and most white citizens of the State feared a return to the corrupt and financially devastating rule of Republicans as had been experienced during reconstruction in the late 1860s."

But wait, before you make the mistake of getting caught up on Democrats vs Republicans instead of CONSERVATIVES vs LIBERALS....there is more...

"That passage was written by Bernhard Thuersam, who is a former chair both of the Cape Fear Museum board, and of the state chapter of the League of the South; and it clearly identifies 19th-century Republicans as liberals or “radicals,” and in his writing often identifies 19th-century Democrats simply as “Conservatives.”

In other words, Conservatives were pissed that they lost this election and then claimed "voter fraud" in places where there were primarily black voters -- just like Conservatives do today -- just know that Conservatives made the same claims back then too...don't believe me, well how about this other "insurrection" -- when Conservatives were "fed up"

"A pitched battle took place in the streets of New Orleans on September 14, 1874. In it, the Democratic-Conservative White League attacked the Republican Metropolitan Police for control of the city and to put an end to Reconstruction in Louisiana. Although the White League inflicted a stunning defeat on the Metropolitans and forcibly deposed Governor William Pitt Kellogg, its victory proved short-lived. President Ulysses S. Grant ordered the army to reinstate Kellogg three days later."

So much like the other insurrection, this one also happened under the guise of "election fraud" and being pissed that too many black people voted against them -- and so they used violence to try to overturn election results because, they were "angry and fed up" --- you see the reason I often cite ACTUAL US HISTORY so much is because it often repeats itself...especially to folks like you who are dedicated to either suppressing that history or flat out lying about while you folks pretend shit is unprecedented, I know it isn't -- there is always a common thread with Conservatives and their so-called "anger" and it always ends up with them rejecting Democracy in favor of mob rule fascism when things don't go their way...

No honey those were Democrats
I didn't want Mike Pence to do anything. I thought it was tenuous right from the start. I think what has happened instead is God's poetic justice. You won, all right. You all cheated and you won...BIDEN. You won BIDEN. and it has and will do you in.

God is great. All the time. :)
I asked for a yes or no question and instead I got a hissy fit....

No, the VP doesn't have the power to overturn the election....

Gore wouldn't have had the power to overturn the 2000 election and declare himself the winner by talking about the hanging chads in Florida and calling that voter fraud...

Dan Quayle in 1992 didn't have the power to just declare himself the winner and claim voter fraud when their campaign lost....

And if Kamala loses her campaign in 2024, she also doesn't have the right to do it....nor will she have a mob of "Antifa and BLM" rioters storming the Capitol to help keep them in power...

The reason you had a hissy fit instead of answering a simple yes or no question is because you know you are full of shit....
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You realize that the FBI is Biden's personal goon squad right?

Do you even have any idea what's going on with the CDC and FDA?

You presume these entities are worth saving. Why?
Some libs know that and others dont

But either way they simply dont care

Because they all hate trump more than they love America
Antifa and BLM did what at Biden's command??
Just simply saying BLM and Antifa 3 times in the mirror won't create a both sides do it situation to the bullshit Trumpers are ACTUALLY DOING AND WANTING TO DO...
So I will ask you feel a Vice President Kamala Harris as the same power to do what you wanted Mike Pence to do? Yes or no....if you can't answer yes or no, that is proof you are full of shit...
They desperately want to change the subject and put us on the defensive.

Either they can't admit that they've been conned, or they're just fine with being conned if it means bringing the whole thing down.

Maybe we'll find out before long.
I asked for a yes or no question and instead I got a hissy fit....

No, the VP doesn't have the power to overturn the election....

Gore wouldn't have had the power to overturn the 2020 election and declare himself the winner by talking about the hanging chads in Florida and calling that voter fraud...

Dan Quayle in 1992 didn't have the power to just declare himself the winner and claim voter fraud when their campaign lost....

And if Kamala loses her campaign in 2024, she also doesn't have the right to do it....nor will she have a mob of "Antifa and BLM" rioters storming the Capitol to help keep them in power...

The reason you had a hissy fit instead of answering a simple yes or no question is because you know you are full of shit....

Enjoy your winner, Joe Biden.
They desperately want to change the subject and put us on the defensive.

Either they can't admit that they've been conned, or they're just fine with being conned if it means bringing the whole thing down.

Maybe we'll find out before long.

Third option Mac--what we have is not worth preserving. Isn't that what your little sticker says? We either leech out the rot in DC or whatever, let it burn.

Does that hurt your feelings? oh well
I know this won't matter, which is just mind-blowing, but here goes. The recording is only about 90 seconds.

To no surprise, it was planned all along that Trump would claim the election was rigged if he lost. And that's exactly what has happened. He even admits here that they knew the Dem vote totals would explode overnight because more of them voted by mail and those votes were counted last.

This is a con, and it was ready to go before the election even took place.

"What Trump is gonna do, is he's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner. He's just gonna say he's a winner. The Democrats -- more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're gonna have a natural disadvantage, and Trump's gonna take advantage of it. That's our strategy.

"I'm the winner. I'm the King".

There it is. Absolute lies and absolute chaos. Ready to go, planned in advance, from a guy who admits he wants to bring down the system. Thoughts? Am I right, does this not matter?

If he is claiming that this “plan” he’s referencing was the Trump plan, then if it’s true it is absolutely of some concern. It would matter. But, is it true or was he spinning some cotton candy fluff?

I ask that because you until recently, you guys wouldn’t have bought a single solitary word he has to say about anything of your lives depended on it. Suddenly, since you kinda like what he was saying, he becomes “Mr. Credibility.”
Evidence of what? That the Trump camp thought the Democrats cheated?
If there is one thing that the Jan 6 hearing has shown it's that THAT statement is bullshit. The only people in the Trump camp who "thought" that were the creatures from the Star Wars Bar Scene like Roody and the Krazy Kraken Lady
Can it be proven? Not to the extent where an election could be voided but it's still there.
It's only there because Trump keeps shoveling that compost...but that's all it is
No honey those were Democrats
Cool....can you tell me what policies those Democrats were upset and fed up about??

Was it the fact that black folks voted in large numbers against them?? Why would that make them fed up, why didn't they just implement policies that black folks supported instead?

Do you know what the policies were that made those "Democrats" so upset?
Well, a big one they hated were the Re-Construction the Freeman's Bureau...what was that? Well it was a federally enforced policy that paid reparations back to formerly enslaved people in forms of land grants, education, securing political power that they were kept out from, ensuring fair treatment under the law, etc....


Conservatives (or as you call them, Democrats) hated that shit....they felt their way of life was being attacked and power being taken away from them..they even demonized black voters who voted Republican as being "slaves on a plantation" -- you know, like what Conservatives do today..sound familiar? no matter how much you stupidly say "But those were Democrats" like you refuted something - you haven't -- you are just showing how full of shit you are....
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Evidence of what? That the Trump camp thought the Democrats cheated? Is that "news" somehow? Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate in US history yet he was an absolutely abysmal candidate. Trump got more votes in his reelection bid than he did when he beat Hillary but still lost?

Trump said that COVID was going to go away in the spring of 2020. It didn't. Trump was constantly saying COVID would go away by itself, and as the election approached, COVID clearly wasn't going away.

People were clearly tired of Trumps poor response to COVID, and motivated to make a change.
The absolute highest character trait of any person is accepting defeat graciously. Desantis time. He has my support.
It hurts Macs feeelsies that some people might have believed a lie some politician told.

Really, Mac? REALLY?

You believed Russian Collusion, right? How about the phone call from hell which was a lie? Or how about the massive, civilization ending covid lies? Mac, did you believe the vaccines were going to stop transmission? I know you did. I remember.

Imma cry and whine about that like a little girl and take up massive amounts of bandwidth saying "I can't believe it. I can't believe people swallow lies."


Are you 15 years old or just incalculably naïve?
I see trump as an opportunity lost

Lets hope he isnt our last chance

Trump was the culmination of defiance by the common man against the washington establishment that goes back at least as far as the Tea Party Rebellion in 2009

And maybe even farther to Ross Perot in 1992

Common people who had enough of the double dealing washington establishment and business as usual

We wanted change and trump gave us that

He walked into office on a wave of popular demand and that drove libs completely nuts

Since that time the left along with renegade repubs have done everything they could quash the rebellion that trump represents
If he is claiming that this “plan” he’s referencing was the Trump plan, then if it’s true it is absolutely of some concern. It would matter. But, is it true or was he spinning some cotton candy fluff?

I ask that because you until recently, you guys wouldn’t have bought a single solitary word he has to say about anything of your lives depended on it. Suddenly, since you kinda like what he was saying, he becomes “Mr. Credibility.”
Question...let's say that there is a meeting or some documentation, where Trump himself was like:

"hey guys, we are totally going to just claim we won and that the election was stolen, and our side will totally believe it, so don't worry....we'll even try to send in fake electors and the whole 9 -- we can even give it a catchy name like "Green Bay Sleep, or Sweep" I don't remember, Peter Navarro told me that one...believe me"

Wouldn't you still be finding another way to defend it anyway?
I know this won't matter, which is just mind-blowing, but here goes. The recording is only about 90 seconds.

To no surprise, it was planned all along that Trump would claim the election was rigged if he lost. And that's exactly what has happened. He even admits here that they knew the Dem vote totals would explode overnight because more of them voted by mail and those votes were counted last.

This is a con, and it was ready to go before the election even took place.

"What Trump is gonna do, is he's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner. He's just gonna say he's a winner. The Democrats -- more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're gonna have a natural disadvantage, and Trump's gonna take advantage of it. That's our strategy.

"I'm the winner. I'm the King".

There it is. Absolute lies and absolute chaos. Ready to go, planned in advance, from a guy who admits he wants to bring down the system. Thoughts? Am I right, does this not matter?

Of course it was a con.....and the Republican white-wing fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
You're an asswipe just like all the rest of the TDS crowd.

WHO CARES what Steve Bannon thinks or said?

His opinion matters not an iota

You sound like just another LEFTARD making a mountain out of an anthill.
He said it, immediately after an 11 minute phone call with Trump.
I see trump as an opportunity lost

Lets hope he isnt our last chance

Trump was the culmination of defiance by the common man against the washington establishment that goes back at least as far as the Tea Party Rebellion in 2009

And maybe even farther to Ross Perot in 1992

Common people who had enough of the double dealing washington establishment and business as usual

We wanted change and trump gave us that

He walked into office on a wave of popular demand and that drove libs completely nuts

Since that time the left along with renegade repubs have done everything they could quash the rebellion that trump represents
"the common man"............ :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Enjoy your winner, Joe Biden.
Democracy won, Biden was just the guy on the ticket at the time it happened...

I believe in a peaceful transfer of power -- you clearly don't

And no matter how much you try to wrap yourself in faux patriotism, it won't change it....because I've already pointed out what can be said about you fake patriots when you are trying to defend overthrowing a democracy...
I know this won't matter, which is just mind-blowing, but here goes. The recording is only about 90 seconds.

To no surprise, it was planned all along that Trump would claim the election was rigged if he lost. And that's exactly what has happened. He even admits here that they knew the Dem vote totals would explode overnight because more of them voted by mail and those votes were counted last.

This is a con, and it was ready to go before the election even took place.

"What Trump is gonna do, is he's gonna declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner. He's just gonna say he's a winner. The Democrats -- more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're gonna have a natural disadvantage, and Trump's gonna take advantage of it. That's our strategy.

"I'm the winner. I'm the King".

There it is. Absolute lies and absolute chaos. Ready to go, planned in advance, from a guy who admits he wants to bring down the system. Thoughts? Am I right, does this not matter?

Still doesn't explain the vote totals of both candidates ABSOLUTELY DWARFING previous elections and the sudden, coordinated count stop.

But, whatever.

Ignore the concerns and keep plowing on.

1/2 the country wants war.
If he is claiming that this “plan” he’s referencing was the Trump plan, then if it’s true it is absolutely of some concern. It would matter. But, is it true or was he spinning some cotton candy fluff?

I ask that because you until recently, you guys wouldn’t have bought a single solitary word he has to say about anything of your lives depended on it. Suddenly, since you kinda like what he was saying, he becomes “Mr. Credibility.”
In a court of law, it's called STATEMENTS AGAINST INTEREST

The reliability of declarations against interest stems from the
requirement that the statements are so contrary to the declarant's
interest that a reasonable person in the declarant's position would
not have uttered them unless the person believed them to be
true. 8 Although the assumption that people do not make self-damaging remarks unless they are true provides the
circumstantial guarantee of reliability for these utterances,

Williamson v. United States

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